コード例 #1
 public override void _Ready()
     // Called every time the node is added to the scene.
     // Initialization here
     statManager = (StatManager)GetNode("/root/StatManager");
     sample      = (AudioStreamSample)Stream;
コード例 #2
        public static AudioStreamSample GetSoundClip(int idx)
            AudioStreamSample result =
                _vswapSound.ContainsKey(idx) ? _vswapSound[idx] : null;

            if (result == null)
                byte[] data = VSWAP.GetSoundData((uint)idx);

                if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                            data[i] -= 0x80;

                    result = new AudioStreamSample();

                    result.Format   = AudioStreamSample.FormatEnum.Format8Bits;
                    result.MixRate  = SoundSampleRate;
                    result.LoopMode = AudioStreamSample.LoopModeEnum.Disabled;
                    result.Data     = data;

コード例 #3
 private void OnRecordUp()
     playBt.Disabled = false;
     if (recordEffect.IsRecordingActive())
         rec = recordEffect.GetRecording();
         rec.SaveToWav(System.IO.Path.Combine(OS.GetUserDataDir(), FILENAME));
コード例 #4
    public static AudioStream loadRaw(byte[] buffer, int sample_rate = 11025)
        var sample = new AudioStreamSample();

        sample.Format  = AudioStreamSample.FormatEnum.Format8Bits;
        sample.MixRate = sample_rate;
        sample.Stereo  = false;
        sample.Data    = buffer;
        //sample.LoopMode = loop ? AudioStreamSample.LoopModeEnum.PingPong : AudioStreamSample.LoopModeEnum.Disabled;
コード例 #5
        public void PlaySfx(AudioStreamSample stream, Node owner, string bus = "SfxA")
            AudioStreamPlayer player = new AudioStreamPlayer();


            Logger.Debug("Play Sfx: " + stream.ResourcePath);
コード例 #6
        public void PlayAmbient(string audioPath)
            AudioStreamSample audio = ResourceLoader.Load <AudioStreamSample>(audioPath);

            if (!_ambient.Playing)
                Iterator.Coroutine.Run(FadeOutAndStartNewStream(_ambient, audio));
コード例 #7
    public static AudioStreamSample AudioBufferFromFile(string songPath)
        // Load wav buffer from song file
        File songFile = new File();

        songFile.Open(songPath, File.ModeFlags.Read);
        var buffer = songFile.GetBuffer((int)songFile.GetLen());


        // Load audio stream from wav buffer
        AudioStreamSample stream = new AudioStreamSample();

        stream.Format = AudioStreamSample.FormatEnum.Format16Bits;
        stream.Data   = buffer;
        stream.Stereo = true;
コード例 #8
    private void OnPlayDown()
        recordBt.Disabled = true;
        var audioPlayer = GetTree().Root.GetNode <Main>("Main").Audio;

        if (!audioPlayer.Playing)
            AudioStreamSample savedAudStream = new AudioStreamSample();
            using (var savedAudFile = new File()) {
                if (savedAudFile.FileExists("user://" + FILENAME))
                    savedAudFile.Open("user://" + FILENAME, File.ModeFlags.Read);
                    savedAudStream.Data   = savedAudFile.GetBuffer((int)savedAudFile.GetLen());
                    savedAudStream.Format = AudioStreamSample.FormatEnum.Format16Bits;
                    savedAudStream.Stereo = true;
コード例 #9
    public override void _Ready()
        AudioStreamSample stream = Stream as AudioStreamSample;

        byte[] samplesBytes = stream?.Data;
        sampleRate = stream.MixRate;

        //Convert bytes to signed 16-bit shorts
        var samplesShorts = BytesToShorts(samplesBytes);

        //Convert signed 16-bit shorts to floats
        var samplesFloats = ShortsToFloats(samplesShorts);

        //Convert floats to frames
        samplesFrames = FloatsToFrames(samplesFloats);

        Play(); //Don't autoplay - causes desync

        //this works but it's SLOW
        //((GradientTexture) GetNode<TextureRect>("debugRect").Texture).Gradient = gradient;
コード例 #10
        private void PlaySpeechPart(string txtKey, int partIndex, int totalPartCount)
            AudioStreamSample audio = ResourceLoader.Load <AudioStreamSample>(SpeechManager.TextPartAudioPath(txtKey, partIndex));

            if (!_speech.Playing)
                Iterator.Coroutine.Run(FadeOutAndStartNewStream(_speech, audio));

            if ((bool)Game.UserPrefs.GetUserPref(UserPrefCategory.Audio, "SHOW_SUBTITLES"))
                Game.SubtitleManager.Play(SpeechManager.Text(txtKey, partIndex));

            if (partIndex < (totalPartCount - 1))
                Iterator.Coroutine.Run(WaitUntilSpeechFinishedThenPlayNextSpeechPart(txtKey, partIndex + 1, totalPartCount));
コード例 #11
        public DoorSliding(int x, int y, Level level)
            if (level != null)
                Location = new Point2(x, y);
                Level    = level;

                Type = (DoorType)level.Map.Planes[(int)Level.Planes.Walls][y, x];

                level.Cells[y, x] = Level.Cell.Default();

                // Adjust neighboring walls to show the door excavation.

                if (!IsVertical)
                    if ((x - 1) > -1 &&
                        level.Cells[y, x - 1].East != Level.Cell.NoWall)
                        level.Cells[y, x - 1].East = DoorWestEastWall;

                    if ((x + 1) < level.Map.Width &&
                        level.Cells[y, x + 1].West != Level.Cell.NoWall)
                        level.Cells[y, x + 1].West = DoorWestEastWall;
                    if ((y + 1) < level.Map.Height &&
                        level.Cells[y + 1, x].North != Level.Cell.NoWall)
                        level.Cells[y + 1, x].North = DoorNorthSouthWall;

                    if ((y - 1) > -1 &&
                        level.Cells[y - 1, x].South != Level.Cell.NoWall)
                        level.Cells[y - 1, x].South = DoorNorthSouthWall;

                // Create a static body for the cell so that
                // we can block the player from entering or exiting the cell
                // when the door is closed or moving.

                _cellShape = new CollisionShape();
                BoxShape box = new BoxShape();
                box.Extents = new Vector3(Level.CellSize * 0.5f, Level.CellSize * 0.5f, Level.CellSize * 0.5f);

                _cellShape.Shape = box;
                _cellShape.Name  = "CollisionShape";

                _cellBody = new StaticBody();
                _cellBody.CollisionLayer = (uint)Level.CollisionLayers.Static;
                _cellBody.CollisionMask  = (uint)(Level.CollisionLayers.Characters);


                // Create the actual mesh for the door and set it up for
                // this particular instance.


                _mesh                  = new MeshInstance();
                _mesh.Mesh             = _doorMesh;
                _mesh.MaterialOverride = Assets.GetTexture(_doorTexture[Type]);

                if (IsVertical)
                    _mesh.Transform = Transform.Identity.Rotated(Vector3.Up, Mathf.Pi * 0.5f);
                    _mesh.Transform = Transform.Identity.Rotated(Vector3.Up, Mathf.Pi);

                // Setup a physics body for the door itself for the purposes
                // of detecting collisions with projectiles since projectiles shouldn't
                // be blocked by the cell's static body that is normally only used for
                // ensuring characters can't enter or exit the cell if the door is closed
                // or moving.

                _doorShape  = new CollisionShape();
                box         = new BoxShape();
                box.Extents = new Vector3(Level.CellSize * 0.5f, Level.CellSize * 0.5f, Mathf.Epsilon);

                _doorShape.Shape = box;
                _doorShape.Name  = "CollisionShape";

                _doorBody = new RigidBody();
                _doorBody.CollisionLayer = (uint)Level.CollisionLayers.Doors;
                _doorBody.CollisionMask  = (uint)Level.CollisionLayers.Projectiles;
                _doorBody.Mode = RigidBody.ModeEnum.Static;



                // Add myself to the world and set my position
                // along with some default state variables.


                Transform tform = this.Transform;
                tform.origin   = level.MapToWorld(x, y);
                this.Transform = tform;

                State = DoorState.Closed;

                _openCloseDuration = 0.75f;
                _canClose          = true;

                _openSound  = Assets.GetSoundClip(Assets.DigitalSoundList.DoorOpening);
                _closeSound = Assets.GetSoundClip(Assets.DigitalSoundList.DoorClosing);

                // Add a tween node for controlling the animation of the
                // door opening and closing.

                _tween = new Tween();
                _tween.Connect("tween_all_completed", this, "OnTweenCompleted");


                // Add an audio player so we can emit a sound
                // when the door opens and closes.

                _audioPlayer      = new AudioStreamPlayer3D();
                _audioPlayer.Name = "AudioPlayer";


コード例 #12
        private void ToWav(MemoryStream stream)
            float[] data = null;
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                bool formatFound = false;
                bool dataFound   = false;

                int compressionCode = 0;
                int channel         = 0;
                int sampleRate      = 0;
                int bitForSample    = 0;

                /* Check RIFF */
                byte[] riff = new byte[12];
                reader.Read(riff, 0, 12);
                if (riff[0] != 'R' || riff[1] != 'I' || riff[2] != 'F' || riff[3] != 'F')
                    throw new FileLoadException();

                /* Check WAVE */
                if (riff[8] != 'W' || riff[9] != 'A' || riff[10] != 'V' || riff[11] != 'E')
                    throw new FileLoadException("Not a WAV file (no WAVERIFF header).");

                while (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length)
                    var    oldPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                    byte[] chunkID     = new byte[4];
                    reader.Read(chunkID, 0, 4);
                    var chunkSize = reader.ReadInt32();

                    /* Check format */
                    if (chunkID[0] == 'f' && chunkID[1] == 'm' && chunkID[2] == 't' && chunkID[3] == ' ' && !formatFound)
                        /* Check audio format */
                        compressionCode = reader.ReadInt16();
                        if (compressionCode != 1 && compressionCode != 3)
                            throw new FileLoadException("Format not supported for WAVE file (not PCM). Save WAVE files as uncompressed PCM instead.");

                        /* Check Channel */
                        channel = reader.ReadInt16();
                        if (channel != 1 && channel != 2)
                            throw new FileLoadException("Format not supported for WAVE file (not stereo or mono).");

                        /* Get Sample Rate */
                        sampleRate = reader.ReadInt32();

                        bitForSample = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        if (bitForSample % 8 != 0 || bitForSample == 0)
                            throw new FileLoadException("Invalid amount of bits in the sample (should be one of 8, 16, 24 or 32).");
                        formatFound = true;

                    /* Get Data */
                    if (chunkID[0] == 'd' && chunkID[1] == 'a' && chunkID[2] == 't' && chunkID[3] == 'a' && !dataFound)
                        dataFound = true;

                        if (!formatFound)
                            throw new FileLoadException("'data' chunk before 'format' chunk found.");

                        int frames = chunkSize;
                        if (channel == 0)
                            throw new FileLoadException();
                        frames /= channel;
                        frames /= (bitForSample >> 3);

                        data = new float[frames * channel];

                        if (bitForSample == 8)
                            for (int i = 0; i < frames * channel; i++)
                                // 8 bit samples are UNSIGNED
                                data[i] = (reader.ReadByte() - 128) / 128f;
                        else if (bitForSample == 32 && compressionCode == 3)
                            for (int i = 0; i < frames * channel; i++)
                                //32 bit IEEE Float
                                data[i] = reader.ReadSingle();
                        else if (bitForSample == 16)
                            for (int i = 0; i < frames * channel; i++)
                                //16 bit SIGNED
                                data[i] = reader.ReadInt16() / 32768f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < frames * channel; i++)
                                //16+ bits samples are SIGNED
                                // if sample is > 16 bits, just read extra bytes
                                Int32 s = 0;
                                for (int b = 0; b < (bitForSample >> 3); b++)
                                    s |= reader.ReadByte() << (b * 8);
                                s <<= (32 - bitForSample);

                                data[i] = (s >> 16) / 32768f;

                    if (oldPosition + chunkSize + 8 > reader.BaseStream.Position)
                        reader.ReadBytes((int)(oldPosition + chunkSize + 8 - reader.BaseStream.Position));
                var  sample  = new AudioStreamSample();
                bool is16    = bitForSample != 8;
                var  dstData = new byte[data.Length * (is16 ? 2 : 1)];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    if (is16)
                        var v = Mathf.Clamp(data[i] * 32768, -32768, 32767);
                        var b = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(v));
                        dstData[i * 2]     = b[0];
                        dstData[i * 2 + 1] = b[1];
                        var v = Mathf.Clamp(data[i] * 128, -128, 127);
                        dstData[i] = Convert.ToByte(v);
                sample.Data    = dstData;
                sample.Format  = bitForSample == 8 ? AudioStreamSample.FormatEnum.Format8Bits : AudioStreamSample.FormatEnum.Format16Bits;
                sample.MixRate = sampleRate;
                sample.Stereo  = channel == 2;

                AudioStream = sample;