public static AudioSource Play(string instrumentName, int midiNote, float velocity, GameObject sourceObject = null, float delay = 0, AudioPlayerOld.SyncMode syncMode = AudioPlayerOld.SyncMode.None) { AudioSource audioSource; Instrument instrument = Instruments[instrumentName]; AudioInfoOld audioInfo = AudioPlayerOld.AudioInfos[instrument.referenceClips[midiNote].name]; AudioClip audioClip = null; float initVolume = audioInfo.volume; midiNote = GetAdjustedNote(midiNote, velocity, instrument); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instrument.originalClips[midiNote])) { audioClip = instrument.audioClips[midiNote]; } else { if (instrument.generateMode == Instrument.GenerateModes.None || instrument.generateMode == Instrument.GenerateModes.PreGenerateAll) { audioClip = instrument.audioClips[midiNote]; } else if (instrument.generateMode == Instrument.GenerateModes.GenerateAtRuntime) { if (instrument.audioClips[midiNote] != null) { audioClip = instrument.audioClips[midiNote]; } if (audioClip == null) { audioClip = CreateAudioClip(instrument, midiNote); } if (!audioInfo.loop && instrument.destroyIdle) { Instance.coroutineHolder.RemoveCoroutines(instrumentName + midiNote); Instance.coroutineHolder.AddCoroutine(instrumentName + midiNote, RemoveAfterDelay(audioClip, instrument.idleThreshold, (float)(AudioPlayerOld.GetAdjustedDelay(audioInfo.delay, audioInfo.syncMode) + AudioPlayerOld.GetAdjustedDelay(delay, syncMode)))); } } } if (instrument.velocityAffectsVolume) { audioInfo.volume *= instrument.velocityCurve.Evaluate(velocity / 127); } audioSource = AudioPlayerOld.Play(audioClip, audioInfo, sourceObject, delay, syncMode); if (instrument.sendToPD) { audioSource.gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <AudioGainManager>().Initialize( + "~"); } instrument.activeVoices.Add(audioSource); audioInfo.volume = initVolume; return(audioSource); }
void OnGUI() { // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // GUILayout.Space(5); // AudioPlayer.Buses["Piano"] = GUILayout.VerticalSlider(AudioPlayer.Buses["Piano"], 100, 0); // GUILayout.Space(5); // GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // Plays a sound at position (0, 0, 0); returns the AudioSource if (GUILayout.Button(" Play Simple ")) { sound = AudioPlayerOld.Play("Piano_C1"); } // Plays a sound that follows the specified gameObject if (GUILayout.Button(" Play Spatialized ")) { sound = AudioPlayerOld.Play("Piano_C1", gameObject); } // Plays multiple sounds at once; returns the audioSources as List<AudioSource> if (GUILayout.Button(" Play Multiple ")) { sounds = AudioPlayerOld.Play(new string[3] { "Piano_C3", "Piano_C4", "Piano_C5" }); } // Plays a container defined in the AudioPlayer inspector // Note that the returned List might be modified at any time by the AudioPlayer; make a copy // of it if you need to iterate through. if (GUILayout.Button(" Play Container ")) { sounds = AudioPlayerOld.Containers["Mysterious"].Play(); } // Plays any of the above repeatedly if (GUILayout.Button(" Play Repeatedly ")) { sounds = AudioPlayerOld.PlayRepeating(0.125F, AudioPlayerOld.Containers["Mysterious"], gameObject, 0, AudioPlayerOld.SyncMode.Measure); } // Pauses a sound if (GUILayout.Button(" Pause Last Sound ")) { AudioPlayerOld.Pause(sound); AudioPlayerOld.Pause(sounds); } // Pauses all sounds if (GUILayout.Button(" Pause All ")) { AudioPlayerOld.PauseAll(); } // Resumes a sound if (GUILayout.Button(" Resume Last Sound ")) { AudioPlayerOld.Resume(sound); AudioPlayerOld.Resume(sounds); } // Resumes all sounds if (GUILayout.Button(" Resume All ")) { AudioPlayerOld.ResumeAll(); } // Sets the volume of a sound if (GUILayout.Button(" Set Last Sounds Volume 25% ")) { AudioPlayerOld.SetVolume(sound, 25); AudioPlayerOld.SetVolume(sounds, 25); } // Sets the volume of a sound with fade if (GUILayout.Button(" Set Last Sounds Volume 100% Over 2 Seconds ")) { AudioPlayerOld.SetVolume(sound, 100, 2); AudioPlayerOld.SetVolume(sounds, 100, 2); } // Sets the master volume if (GUILayout.Button(" Set Master Volume 100% ")) { AudioPlayerOld.SetMasterVolume(100); } // Sets the master volume with fade if (GUILayout.Button(" Set Master Volume 25% Over 2 Seconds ")) { AudioPlayerOld.SetMasterVolume(25, 2); } // Stops a sound with fade out if (GUILayout.Button(" Stop Last Sound With Fade Out ")) { AudioPlayerOld.Stop(sound); AudioPlayerOld.Stop(sounds); } // Stops all sounds without fade out if (GUILayout.Button(" Stop All Without Fade Out ")) { AudioPlayerOld.StopAllImmediate(); } // GUILayout.EndVertical(); // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }