コード例 #1
 public float GetPitch()
     if (RandomizePitch == true)
         return(AudioFunctions.St2pitch(Pitch + GetRandomValueOffset(RandomPitch)));
コード例 #2
 public float GetVol()
     if (RandomizeVolume == true)
         return(AudioFunctions.DbToLinear(Volume + GetRandomValueOffset(RandomVolume)));
コード例 #3
 public float getVolume()
コード例 #4
        public HomeViewModel()
            GenreList      = new ObservableRangeCollection <Genre>();
            PredictedLabel = "Genre";
            var entries = new[]
                new ChartEntry(212)
                    Label      = "What will it be?",
                    ValueLabel = "212",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")

            CurrentChart = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            AggChart = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            recorder = new AudioRecorderService
                StopRecordingOnSilence    = false,                   //will stop recording after 2 seconds (default)
                StopRecordingAfterTimeout = true,                    //stop recording after a max timeout (defined below)
                TotalAudioTimeout         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) //audio will stop recording after 15 seconds
            //player = new AudioPlayer();
            playCommand = new Command(() =>
                var files = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames();
                Console.WriteLine($"AUDXAM ALL FILES: {files.Length} {files.ToList()} { files[0]}");
                if (recorder.IsRecording != true && player.IsPlaying == false)
                    var startTimeSpan  = TimeSpan.Zero;
                    var periodTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(60);
                    float[] op2        = new float[10];
                    Array.Clear(op2, 0, op2.Length);
                    timer = new System.Threading.Timer((e) =>
                        if (player.IsPlaying)
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{tag} CURRENT PREDICTION: {op.Score[9]} curPos:{Convert.ToInt32(player.CurrentPosition)} M AT ZERO {featureTimeList[0].Mfcc0} AT FIVE {featureTimeList[5].Mfcc0} FINAL -> {ConsumeModel.Predict(featureTimeList[Convert.ToInt32(player.CurrentPosition)]).Score[5]}");
                            op = featureTimeList[Convert.ToInt32(player.CurrentPosition)];

                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                op2[i] += op[i];

                            float max_sf    = 0;
                            int max_ind     = 0;
                            string[] labels = "Blues, Classical, Country, Disco, HipHop, Jazz, Metal, Pop, Reggae Rock".Split(',');
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                if (op2[i] > max_sf)
                                    max_sf  = op2[i];
                                    max_ind = i;

                            PredictedLabel = $"{labels[max_ind]}!";

                            //Pass to ML.net

                            var entries_agg = new[]
                                new ChartEntry(op2[0])
                                    Label      = "Blues",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[0]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[1])
                                    Label      = "Classical",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[1]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[2])
                                    Label      = "Country",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[2]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[3])
                                    Label      = "Disco",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[3]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#245e50")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[4])
                                    Label      = "Hiphop",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[4]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[5])
                                    Label      = "Jazz",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[5]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#263e50")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[6])
                                    Label      = "Metal",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[6]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#123456")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[7])
                                    Label      = "Pop",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[7]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#654321")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[8])
                                    Label      = "Reggae",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[8]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#526784")
                                new ChartEntry(op2[9])
                                    Label      = "Rock",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op2[9]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#404040")

                            var entries_current = new[]
                                new ChartEntry(op[0])
                                    Label      = "Blues",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[0]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                                new ChartEntry(op[1])
                                    Label      = "Classical",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[1]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                                new ChartEntry(op[2])
                                    Label      = "Country",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[2]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                                new ChartEntry(op[3])
                                    Label      = "Disco",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[3]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#245e50")
                                new ChartEntry(op[4])
                                    Label      = "Hiphop",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[4]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db")
                                new ChartEntry(op[5])
                                    Label      = "Jazz",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[5]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#263e50")
                                new ChartEntry(op[6])
                                    Label      = "Metal",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[6]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#123456")
                                new ChartEntry(op[7])
                                    Label      = "Pop",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[7]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#654321")
                                new ChartEntry(op[8])
                                    Label      = "Reggae",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[8]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#526784")
                                new ChartEntry(op[9])
                                    Label      = "Rock",
                                    ValueLabel = $"{op[9]}",
                                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#404040")

                            //Update and draw graph
                            AggChart = new DonutChart()
                                Entries = entries_agg, IsAnimated = false, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0)
                            //CurrentChart = new DonutChart() { Entries = entries_current, IsAnimated = false, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0) };
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{tag} Updated chart! C {op.Score[9]} A ->{op2[9]}");

                            //Graph 1 -> Current prediciton

                            //Graph 2 -> Aggregate of predictions so far
                    }, null, startTimeSpan, periodTimeSpan);

            recordCommand = new Command(async() =>
                if (RecordStatus != "record")
                    PredictedLabel = "Processing audio...";
                    await recorder.StopRecording().ConfigureAwait(true);
                    if (_filePath != null)
                        //await extractFeatures();
                        var stream = new FileStream(_filePath, FileMode.Open);
                        AudioFunctions.WriteWavHeader(stream, 1, 48000, 16, (int)stream.Length - 44);
                        duration = Convert.ToInt32(player.Duration);
                        Console.WriteLine($"{tag} DUR: {duration}");
                        // player.Dispose();
                        //await predict
                    RecordStatus = "record";
                    PredictedLabel = "Recording...";
                    IsBusy         = true;
                    RecordStatus   = "stop";
                    var recordTask = await recorder.StartRecording().ConfigureAwait(true);
                    _filePath      = await recordTask.ConfigureAwait(true);
コード例 #5
        public void EvaluateAudioTrigger_BasicShouldReturnTrue()
            var path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).Replace("file:\\", "");

            //System.IO.FileStream WaveFile = System.IO.File.OpenRead(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav");
            //byte[] data = new byte[WaveFile.Length];
            int sampleRate;
            //double[] fileData = Functions.WaveFileDataPrepare(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav", out sampleRate);''

            List <double> fftData = new List <double>();

            int        BUFFERSIZE     = (int)Math.Pow(2, 11);  // must be a multiple of 2
            WaveStream waveStream     = new NAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav");
            int        bytesPerSample = (waveStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8) * waveStream.WaveFormat.Channels;
            int        bytesRead      = 0;

            BufferedWaveProvider bwp = new BufferedWaveProvider(new WaveFormat(44100, 1));

            bwp.BufferLength            = BUFFERSIZE * 2;
            bwp.DiscardOnBufferOverflow = true;

            byte[] waveData = new byte[BUFFERSIZE * 2];
            bytesRead = waveStream.Read(waveData, 0, 128 * bytesPerSample);
            bwp.AddSamples(waveData, 0, bytesRead);

            int frameSize = BUFFERSIZE;

            byte[] frames = new byte[frameSize];
            bwp.Read(frames, 0, frameSize);

            var waveFormEventArgs = AudioFunctions.PrepareAudioData(frames, frameSize);


            while (bytesRead != 0)
                bytesRead = waveStream.Read(waveData, bytesRead, 128 * bytesPerSample);
                bwp.AddSamples(waveData, 0, bytesRead);

                frameSize = BUFFERSIZE;
                frames    = new byte[frameSize];
                bwp.Read(frames, 0, frameSize);

                waveFormEventArgs = AudioFunctions.PrepareAudioData(frames, frameSize);

            //WavFile wavFile = new WavFile();
            //wavFile.ReadWav(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav");

            //WaveFileReader reader = new WaveFileReader(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav");
            //List<byte> testAudio1; // = File.ReadAllBytes(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav").ToList();
            //int BUFFERSIZE = (int)Math.Pow(2, 14); // must be a multiple of 2

            //using (var reader = new AudioFileReader(path + "\\Data\\TestAudio.wav"))
            //	// find the max peak
            //	byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFERSIZE];
            //	int read;
            //	do
            //	{
            //		read = reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            //	} while (read > 0);

            //	testAudio1 = new List<byte>(buffer);

            Logger log = new LoggerConfiguration()

            var audioEvaluator = new AudioEvaluator(log);

            //if (testAudio1.Count() % 2 != 0)
            //	testAudio1.RemoveAt(testAudio1.Count() - 1);

            var trigger = new Trigger();

            trigger.Frequency1 = 645.7;
            trigger.Frequency2 = 716.10;
            trigger.Count      = 2;
            trigger.Time1      = 1;


            //var fftData = Functions.FFT(fileData);
            //var fftData = wavFile._aSamples;
            //var result = audioEvaluator.EvaluateAudioTrigger(trigger, fftData.ToArray());

コード例 #6
 public float GetVol()