static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { System.Console.WriteLine("not enough args"); System.Console.WriteLine("usage:"); System.Console.WriteLine("TestNI.exe <audiofile>"); return(0); } string file = args[0]; System.Console.WriteLine("file: " + file); // create struct to hold AudioMetaData struct AudioData.AudioMetaData mdata = new AudioData.AudioMetaData(); // read audio Int32 err = 0; Int32 sr = 6000; Int32 P = 9; float[] buf = AudioData.readaudio(file, 6000, sr, ref mdata, ref err); if (buf == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("error reading audio: " + err); return(-1); } // print metadata information for file. System.Console.WriteLine("buffer contains " + buf.Length + " samples"); System.Console.WriteLine("composer: " + AudioData.getString(mdata.composer)); System.Console.WriteLine("title2: " + AudioData.getString(mdata.title2)); System.Console.WriteLine("pe1: " + AudioData.getString(mdata.tpe1)); System.Console.WriteLine("date: " + AudioData.getString(; System.Console.WriteLine("year: " + mdata.year); System.Console.WriteLine("album: " + AudioData.getString(mdata.album)); System.Console.WriteLine("genre: " + AudioData.getString(mdata.genre)); System.Console.WriteLine("duration: " + mdata.duration); System.Console.WriteLine("partofset: " + mdata.partofset); // create AudioHashStInfo struct // This holds information commonly used information that can be used // across hash calculations, to keep from having to realloc and recalc. IntPtr hashst = IntPtr.Zero; // calculate hash for signal buffer byte[][] toggles = null; Int32[] hasharray = PHashAudio.audiohash(buf, sr, P, ref toggles, ref hashst); if (hasharray == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("problem calculating hash."); return(-1); } for (int i = 0; i < hasharray.Length; i += 1000) { System.Console.Write(hasharray[i] + " "); for (int j = 0; j < P; j++) { System.Console.Write(" " + toggles[i][j] + " "); } System.Console.WriteLine(""); } System.Console.WriteLine("buffer hashed to " + hasharray.Length + " frames"); // cleanup members of struct AudioMetaData AudioData.free_mdata(ref mdata); // cleanup members of struct AudioHashStInfo // Invoke when finished hashing a group of files. PHashAudio.ph_hashst_free(hashst); return(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 4) { Console.WriteLine("not enough args"); Console.WriteLine("usage: prog command dirPath serverAddress nbseconds"); Console.WriteLine("command - 1 for query, 2 for submit files"); Console.WriteLine("dirPath - path of directory containing audio files"); Console.WriteLine("server - address of audioscout server, e.g. tcp://"); Console.WriteLine("nbseconds - first number of seconds to sample from each file (0 if for the whole file)"); return; } //parse arguments byte[] cmd = { Byte.Parse(args[0]) }; string dirPath = args[1]; string addr = args[2]; Single nbsecs = Single.Parse(args[3]); int err = 0, sr = 6000; //separation string for metadata parts // composer RS title RS performer RS date RS album RS genre RS year RS duration RS part // RS == record separator character (value 32) const string sepStr = "\u0020\u001e\u0020"; AudioData.AudioMetaData mdatast = new AudioData.AudioMetaData(); PHashAudio.AudioHashStInfo hashst = new PHashAudio.AudioHashStInfo(); // set up zeromq messaging Context context; Socket skt; try { context = new Context(1); skt = context.Socket(SocketType.REQ); skt.Connect(addr); } catch (ZMQ.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect socket: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return; } //enumerate through files in dir var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(dirPath, "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in files) { Console.WriteLine("file: " + file); // read signal and metadata Single[] buf = AudioData.readaudio(file, sr, nbsecs, ref mdatast, ref err); if (buf == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file - error " + err); continue; } Console.WriteLine("signal: " + buf.Length + " samples"); // calc hash for signal Int32[] hasharray = PHashAudio.audiohash(buf, sr, ref hashst); if (hasharray == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate hash array"); } Console.WriteLine("hash: " + hasharray.Length + " frames"); byte[] nb = BitConverter.GetBytes(hasharray.Length); byte[] hashbytes = new byte[sizeof(Int32) * hasharray.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(hasharray, 0, hashbytes, 0, sizeof(Int32) * hasharray.Length); if (cmd[0] == 1) //query { Console.WriteLine("Querying signal ..."); try { // send message skt.SendMore(cmd); skt.SendMore(nb); skt.Send(hashbytes); Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for reply byte[] resp = skt.Recv(1000); string respStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resp); Console.WriteLine("Result: " + respStr); } catch (ZMQ.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ZMQ Error: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("******Hit Enter Key********"); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (cmd[0] == 2) //submit { // construct inline metadata string from metadata structure StringBuilder metadataStr = new StringBuilder(512); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.composer)); //composer metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.title1)); //title metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.title2)); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.title3)); metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.tpe1)); //performer metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.tpe2)); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.tpe3)); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.tpe4)); metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(; //date metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.album)); //album metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(AudioData.getString(mdatast.genre)); //genre metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(mdatast.year); //year metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(mdatast.duration); //duration metadataStr.Append(sepStr); metadataStr.Append(mdatast.partofset); //part string mdataStr = metadataStr.ToString(); // need to send a byte[] with a null char in the last position // Is there a better way to convert the string ???? byte[] mdataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mdataStr); byte[] mdataBytes1 = new byte[mdataBytes.Length + 1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(mdataBytes, 0, mdataBytes1, 0, mdataBytes.Length); mdataBytes1[mdataBytes.Length] = 0x00; Console.WriteLine("submitting: " + mdataStr); Console.WriteLine(); try { // send message skt.SendMore(cmd); skt.SendMore(nb); skt.SendMore(hashbytes); skt.Send(mdataBytes1); Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for reply byte[] resp = skt.Recv(5000); if (resp != null) { int uid = BitConverter.ToInt32(resp, 0); Console.WriteLine("successfully submitted - uid is " + uid); } else { Console.WriteLine("no response from server"); } } catch (ZMQ.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ZMQ error: " + ex.Message); } } else { Console.WriteLine("unknown cmd: " + cmd[0]); } Console.WriteLine(); } AudioData.free_mdata(ref mdatast); PHashAudio.ph_hashst_free(ref hashst); }