コード例 #1
        private AttributeMigrationState GetApplicationMigrationState(IOrganizationService service, AttributeMetadata att, string newSchemaName)
            var entityName     = att.EntityLogicalName;
            var schemaName     = att.SchemaName;
            var tempSchemaName = att.SchemaName + TempPostfix;
            var state          = new AttributeMigrationState();

            var metadata = ((RetrieveEntityResponse)service.Execute(new RetrieveEntityRequest {
                LogicalName = att.EntityLogicalName, EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes

            Trace("Searching for Existing Attribute " + entityName + "." + schemaName);
            state.Old = metadata.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SchemaName == schemaName);
            Trace("Existing Attribute {0}.{1} {2}found", entityName, schemaName, state.Old == null ? "not " : string.Empty);

            Trace("Searching for Temp Attribute " + entityName + "." + tempSchemaName);
            state.Temp = metadata.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SchemaName == tempSchemaName);
            Trace("Temp Attribute {0}.{1} {2}found", entityName, tempSchemaName, state.Temp == null ? "not " : string.Empty);

            Trace("Searching for New Attribute " + entityName + "." + newSchemaName);
            state.New = metadata.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SchemaName == newSchemaName);
            Trace("New Attribute {0}.{1} {2}found", entityName, newSchemaName, state.New == null ? "not " : string.Empty);

コード例 #2
        private void AssertValidStepsForState(string existingSchemaName, string newSchemaName, Steps stepsToPerform, AttributeMigrationState state, Action actions)
            if (actions.HasFlag(Action.ChangeType) && existingSchemaName == newSchemaName && state.Old != null && state.New != null)
                Trace("Only an attribute type change has been requested.  Attempting to differentiate between existing and new.");

                if (state.Temp == null)
                    Trace("No Temporary Attribute was found.  Treating New as not yet created.");
                    state.New = null;
                else if (state.Old.GetType() == state.Temp.GetType())
                    if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveExistingAttribute) || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute) || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToTemp))
                        Trace("A Temporary Attribute was found and a request has been made to either remove the existing attribute, create a new attribute, or migrate to temp.  Treating New as not yet created.");
                        state.New = null;
                        Trace("A Temporary Attribute was found and a request has not been made to either remove the existing attribute, create a new attribute, or migrate to temp.  Treating New as already created.");
                        state.Old = null;
                    Trace("A Temporary Attribute was found and the current Attribute Type is different.  Treating New as not yet created.");
                    state.New = null;

            Trace("Validating Current CRM State Before Preforming Steps:");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp) && state.Temp != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Create Temp!  Temp " + state.Temp.EntityLogicalName + "." + state.Temp.LogicalName + " already exists!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToTemp))
                // Can only Migrate if old already exists
                if (state.Old == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Migrate!  Existing Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Migrate if Tmp already exists, or temp will be created
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Migrate!  Temporary Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveExistingAttribute))
                if (state.Old == null)
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Existing Attribute! Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Remove existing if Tmp already exists, or temp will be created, or if performing rename and there is a Create
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp) || (!string.Equals(existingSchemaName, newSchemaName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute))))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Existing Attribute!  Temporary Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Remove existing if Tmp will be migrated, or has been migrated
                if (!((actions.HasFlag(Action.ChangeCase) && stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToTemp)) || (actions.HasFlag(Action.Rename) && stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToNewAttribute))))
                        AssertCanDelete(Service, state.Old);
                        AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Existing!  Existing Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " has not been migrated to Temporary Attribute!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute))
                // Can only Create Global if Local does not exist or will be removed
                if (!(state.Old == null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveExistingAttribute)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to create new Attribute!  Old Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " still exists!");

                // Can only Create Global if doesn't already exist
                if (state.New != null)
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to create new Attribute!  New Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " already exists!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToNewAttribute))
                // Can only Migrate To New if Temp Exists, or Creating a Temp, or There is a Rename and the Old Already Exists
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp) || (actions.HasFlag(Action.Rename) && state.Old != null)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Migrate!  Temp Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Migrate if New Already exists, or New will be created
                if (!(state.New != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Migrate!  New Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveTemp))
                // Can Only remove Temp if it exists, or will exist
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Temp!  Temp Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

                // Can Only remove Temp if new Attribute Already exists, or if only step is RemoveTemp 
                if (!(state.New != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute) || stepsToPerform == Steps.RemoveTemp))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Migrate!  New Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Remove tmp if global will be migrated, or has been migrated
                if (!stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToNewAttribute))
                        AssertCanDelete(Service, state.Temp);
                        AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Old Attribute!  Old Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " has not been migrated to Temporary Attribute!");
コード例 #3
        private AttributeMigrationState GetApplicationMigrationState(IOrganizationService service, AttributeMetadata att, string newSchemaName, Action actions)
            var entityName = att.EntityLogicalName;
            var schemaName = att.SchemaName;
            var tempSchemaName = att.SchemaName + TempPostfix;
            var state = new AttributeMigrationState();

            var metadata = ((RetrieveEntityResponse) service.Execute(new RetrieveEntityRequest {LogicalName = att.EntityLogicalName, EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes})).EntityMetadata;
            Trace("Searching for Existing Attribute " + entityName + "." + schemaName);
            state.Old = metadata.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SchemaName == schemaName);
            Trace("Existing Attribute {0}.{1} {2}found", entityName, schemaName, state.Old == null ? "not " : string.Empty);

            Trace("Searching for Temp Attribute " + entityName + "." + tempSchemaName);
            state.Temp = metadata.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SchemaName == tempSchemaName);
            Trace("Temp Attribute {0}.{1} {2}found", entityName, tempSchemaName, state.Temp == null ? "not " : string.Empty);

            Trace("Searching for New Attribute " + entityName + "." + newSchemaName);
            state.New = metadata.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SchemaName == newSchemaName);
            Trace("New Attribute {0}.{1} {2}found", entityName, newSchemaName, state.New == null ? "not " : string.Empty);

            return state;
コード例 #4
        private void AssertValidStepsForState(string existingSchemaName, string newSchemaName, Steps stepsToPerform, AttributeMigrationState state, Action actions)
            // TODO CLEAN THIS UP!
            if (actions.HasFlag(Action.ChangeType) && existingSchemaName == newSchemaName && state.Old != null && state.New != null)
                Trace("Only an attribute type change has been requested.  Attempting to differentiate between existing and new.");

                if (state.Temp == null)
                    Trace("No Temporary Attribute was found.  Treating New as not yet created.");
                    state.New = null;
                else if (state.Old.GetType() == state.Temp.GetType())
                    if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveExistingAttribute) || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute) || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToTemp))
                        Trace("A Temporary Attribute was found and a request has been made to either remove the existing attribute, create a new attribute, or migrate to temp.  Treating New as not yet created.");
                        state.New = null;
                        Trace("A Temporary Attribute was found and a request has not been made to either remove the existing attribute, create a new attribute, or migrate to temp.  Treating New as already created.");
                        state.Old = null;
                    Trace("A Temporary Attribute was found and the current Attribute Type is different.  Treating New as not yet created.");
                    state.New = null;

            Trace("Validating Current CRM State Before Performing Steps:");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp) && state.Temp != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Create Temp!  Temp " + state.Temp.EntityLogicalName + "." + state.Temp.LogicalName + " already exists!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToTemp))
                // Can only Migrate if old already exists
                if (state.Old == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Migrate!  Existing Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Migrate if Tmp already exists, or temp will be created
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Migrate!  Temporary Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveExistingAttribute))
                if (state.Old == null)
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Existing Attribute! Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Remove existing if Tmp already exists, or temp will be created, or action is to delete, or if performing rename and there is a Create Or the New Already exists
                if (!(
                        state.Temp != null ||
                        stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp) ||
                        actions.HasFlag(Action.Delete) ||
                        (!string.Equals(existingSchemaName, newSchemaName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                         (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute) || state.New != null))))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Existing Attribute!  Temporary Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Remove existing if Tmp will be migrated, or has been migrated, or action is delete
                if (!(
                        (actions.HasFlag(Action.ChangeCase) && stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToTemp)) ||
                        (actions.HasFlag(Action.Rename) && stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToNewAttribute)) ||
                        AssertCanDelete(Service, state.Old);
                        AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Existing!  Existing Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " has not been migrated to Temporary Attribute!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute))
                if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrationToTempRequired))
                    // Temp is required, Can only Create New, if Old doesn't exist, or will be removed
                    if (!(state.Old == null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveExistingAttribute)))
                        AssertInvalidState("Unable to create new Attribute!  Old Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " still exists!");

                // Can only Create Global if doesn't already exist
                if (state.New != null)
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to create new Attribute!  New Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " already exists!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToNewAttribute))
                // Can only Migrate To New if Temp Exists, or Creating a Temp, or There is a Rename and the Old Already Exists
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp) || (actions.HasFlag(Action.Rename) && state.Old != null)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Migrate!  Temp Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Migrate if New Already exists, or New will be created
                if (!(state.New != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Migrate!  New Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

            if (stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.RemoveTemp))
                // Can Only remove Temp if it exists, or will exist
                if (!(state.Temp != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateTemp)))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Temp!  Temp Attribute " + existingSchemaName + TempPostfix + " does not exist!");

                // Can Only remove Temp if new Attribute Already exists, or if only step is RemoveTemp
                if (!(state.New != null || stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.CreateNewAttribute) || stepsToPerform == Steps.RemoveTemp))
                    AssertInvalidState("Unable to Migrate!  New Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " does not exist!");

                // Can only Remove tmp if global will be migrated, or has been migrated
                if (!stepsToPerform.HasFlag(Steps.MigrateToNewAttribute))
                        AssertCanDelete(Service, state.Temp);
                        AssertInvalidState("Unable to Remove Old Attribute!  Old Attribute " + existingSchemaName + " has not been migrated to Temporary Attribute!");