コード例 #1
        private void SaveConfigurationAsSystemSetting(RockConfig rockConfig)
            // Login and setup options for REST calls
            var restClient = new RestClient(rockConfig.RockBaseUrl);

            restClient.LoginToRock(rockConfig.Username, rockConfig.Password);

            // Get the previous record and set up the one to be stored
            var isPost = true;
            var getStatementGeneratorConfig = new RestRequest($"api/Attributes?$filter=Guid eq guid'{Rock.Client.SystemGuid.Attribute.STATEMENT_GENERATOR_CONFIG}'");
            var storedSetting = restClient.Execute <List <Rock.Client.Attribute> >(getStatementGeneratorConfig).Data.FirstOrDefault();
            var systemSetting = new AttributeEntity()
                IsSystem     = false,
                FieldTypeId  = 1,
                EntityTypeId = null,
                EntityTypeQualifierColumn = "SystemSetting",
                EntityTypeQualifierValue  = string.Empty,
                Key             = "core_StatementGeneratorConfig",
                Name            = "core _ Statement Generator Config",
                AbbreviatedName = "core _ Statement Generator Config",
                Description     = "Used to store common configuration settings for the Statement Generator application",
                Order           = 0,
                IsGridColumn    = false,
                IsMultiValue    = false,
                IsRequired      = false,
                Guid            = Rock.Client.SystemGuid.Attribute.STATEMENT_GENERATOR_CONFIG.AsGuid()

            if (null != storedSetting)
                isPost = false;

            // Write the Config JSON
            systemSetting.DefaultValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rockConfig, Formatting.None);

            // Post the data back to Rock
            var saveAttributeRequest = new RestRequest()
                                       .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");

            if (isPost)
                saveAttributeRequest.Resource = "api/Attributes";
                saveAttributeRequest.Method   = Method.POST;
            {   // If not nulled, this doesn't update
                systemSetting.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = null;
                systemSetting.ModifiedDateTime        = null;

                saveAttributeRequest.Resource = $"api/Attributes/{systemSetting.Id}";
                saveAttributeRequest.Method   = Method.PUT;

            var saveAttributeResponse = restClient.Execute(saveAttributeRequest);

            if (saveAttributeResponse.ErrorException != null)
                throw saveAttributeResponse.ErrorException;