public void setAttributes(string _name, AttributeBase _base) { if (this.dictionary != null) { if(!this.dictionary.ContainsKey(_name)) this.dictionary.Add(_name, _base); } }
/// <summary> /// Convert a NameValueCollection-Like List to a Dictionary of IAttributes /// </summary> public static Dictionary<string, IAttribute> GetTypedDictionaryForSingleLanguage(IDictionary<string, object> attributes, string titleAttributeName) { var result = new Dictionary<string, IAttribute>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var attribute in attributes) { var attributeType = GetAttributeTypeName(attribute.Value); var baseModel = new AttributeBase(attribute.Key, attributeType, attribute.Key == titleAttributeName, attributeId: 0, sortOrder: 0); var attributeModel = GetAttributeManagementModel(baseModel); var valuesModelList = new List<IValue>(); if (attribute.Value != null) { var valueModel = Value.GetValueModel(baseModel.Type, attribute.Value.ToString()); valuesModelList.Add(valueModel); } attributeModel.Values = valuesModelList; result[attribute.Key] = attributeModel; } return result; }
private void CreateReport(string reportName, IEnumerable <Doc> docs, BizTableReport reportData) { // adding page header var pageHeaderString = reportData.PageHeaders.Aggregate("", (current, pageHeader) => current + pageHeader + "\n"); _report.AddPageHeader(pageHeaderString, Position.Centre); // adding page footer var pageFooterString = reportData.PageFooters.Aggregate("", (current, pageFooter) => current + pageFooter + "\n"); _report.AddPageFooter(pageFooterString, Position.Centre); // adding empty rows for logo _report.AddEmptyRows(6); // report header foreach (string reportHeader in reportData.ReportHeaders) { var headerRow = _report.GetNextRow(); _report.AddCell(reportHeader, 0, headerRow, TextStyle.Header2); } // Report table Row row = _report.GetNextRow(); _report.AddCell(reportName, 0, row, TextStyle.Header1); _report.SetRowHeight(row, 22); if (reportData.ReportDetails != null) { foreach (BizReportDetail repDetail in reportData.ReportDetails) { int rowShift = _report.CurrentRowIndex + 2; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < repDetail.ChildrenCountLevels; rowIndex++) { for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < repDetail.LeafCount; columnIndex++) { _report.AddCell("", columnIndex, rowShift + rowIndex, TextStyle.TableHeaderGreyCenterdBorder); } } WriteReportDetail(repDetail, rowShift - 1, repDetail.ChildrenCountLevels, 0); foreach (Doc doc in docs) { Row tableRow = _report.GetNextRow(); int colIndex = 0; foreach (ReportColumn col in GetColumns(repDetail)) { Guid attrId = col.AttributeId; IEnumerable <AttributeBase> findAttrQuery = from a in doc.Attributes where a.AttrDef.Id == attrId select a; if (findAttrQuery.Any()) { AttributeBase findedAttr = findAttrQuery.First(); if (findedAttr is EnumAttribute) { var enumAttribute = findedAttr as EnumAttribute; if (enumAttribute.Value.HasValue) { string enumValue = _enumRepository.GetEnumValue(enumAttribute.AttrDef.EnumDefType.Id, enumAttribute.Value.Value); _report.AddCell(enumValue, colIndex, tableRow, TextStyle.TableRowNormal); } } else { _report.AddCell(findedAttr.ObjectValue, colIndex, tableRow, TextStyle.TableRowNormal); } } else { _report.AddCell("", colIndex, tableRow, TextStyle.TableRowNormal); } colIndex++; } } Row aggregatesRow = _report.GetNextRow(); int aggrColIndex = 0; foreach (ReportColumn col in GetColumns(repDetail)) { /* atr.AttrDef.Type.Id * 1 Int * 2 Currency * 3 Text * 4 Float * 5 Enum * 6 Doc * 7 DocList * 8 Bool * 9 DateTime */ Guid attrId = col.AttributeId; IEnumerable <AttributeBase> attrQuery = from atr in docs.SelectMany(d => d.Attributes) where atr.AttrDef.Id == attrId select atr; object aggregateValue; switch (col.AggregateOperation) { case AggregateOperation.Count: aggregateValue = attrQuery.Count(); break; case AggregateOperation.Avg: var q1 = attrQuery.Where(atr => (new[] { 1, 2, 4 }).Contains(atr.AttrDef.Type.Id)); aggregateValue = q1.Any() ? q1.Average(a => double.Parse((a.ObjectValue ?? 0).ToString())) : 0; break; case AggregateOperation.Sum: var q2 = attrQuery.Where(atr => (new[] { 1, 2, 4 }).Contains(atr.AttrDef.Type.Id)); aggregateValue = q2.Any() ? q2.Sum(a => double.Parse((a.ObjectValue ?? 0).ToString())) : 0; break; case AggregateOperation.Max: aggregateValue = attrQuery.Where(atr => (new[] { 1, 2, 4, 9 }).Contains(atr.AttrDef.Type.Id)).Max( a => a.ObjectValue); break; case AggregateOperation.Min: aggregateValue = attrQuery.Where(atr => (new[] { 1, 2, 4, 9 }).Contains(atr.AttrDef.Type.Id)).Min( a => a.ObjectValue); break; default: aggregateValue = ""; break; } _report.AddCell(aggrColIndex == 0 ? "Итог" : aggregateValue, aggrColIndex, aggregatesRow, TextStyle.TableTotal); aggrColIndex++; } } } _report.AddEmptyRow(); // report footer foreach (string reportFooter in reportData.ReportFooters) { var headerRow = _report.GetNextRow(); _report.AddCell(reportFooter, 0, headerRow, TextStyle.Header2); } // report logo // adding logo after all other operations, because it can be resized. _report.AddLogo(0, 0); }
public void ShootProjectile(Transform projectileLauncher, string weaponSlotType, string soundPath, bool isGun) { //if (isGun && (!entityVehicle.HasGun() || !entityVehicle.HasGunAmmo())) if (isGun && !entityVehicle.HasGunAmmo()) { GameManager.ShowTooltip(entityVehicle.player, "No Vehicle Gun Ammo"); return; } //if (!isGun && (!entityVehicle.HasExplosiveLauncher() || !entityVehicle.HasExplosiveLauncherAmmo())) if (!isGun && !entityVehicle.HasExplosiveLauncherAmmo()) { GameManager.ShowTooltip(entityVehicle.player, "No Vehicle Explosive Ammo"); return; } ItemValue ammoItem = entityVehicle.GetWeaponAmmoType(weaponSlotType); ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(ammoItem, 1); Transform projectile = ammoItem.ItemClass.CloneModel(GameManager.Instance.World, ammoItem,, null, false, false); if (projectileLauncher != null) { projectile.parent = projectileLauncher; projectile.localPosition =; projectile.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } else { projectile.parent = null; } ItemValue launcherValue; if (isGun) { launcherValue = entityVehicle.GetGunItemValue(); //DebugMsg("Gun: Quality = " + launcherValue.Quality.ToString() + " | UseTimes = " + launcherValue.UseTimes.ToString() + " | MaxUseTimes = " + launcherValue.MaxUseTimes.ToString() + " | GetHealthPercentage = " + entityVehicle.gunPart.GetHealthPercentage().ToString()); // Change weapons UseTimes (degrade weapon) launcherValue.UseTimes += AttributeBase.GetVal <AttributeDegradationRate>(launcherValue, 1); entityVehicle.gunPart.SetItemValue(launcherValue); } else { launcherValue = entityVehicle.GetExplosiveLauncherItemValue(); //DebugMsg("Explosive Launcher: Quality = " + launcherValue.Quality.ToString() + " | UseTimes = " + launcherValue.UseTimes.ToString() + " | MaxUseTimes = " + launcherValue.MaxUseTimes.ToString() + " | GetHealthPercentage = " + entityVehicle.explosiveLauncherPart.GetHealthPercentage().ToString()); // Change weapons UseTimes (degrade weapon) launcherValue.UseTimes += AttributeBase.GetVal <AttributeDegradationRate>(launcherValue, 1); entityVehicle.explosiveLauncherPart.SetItemValue(launcherValue); } Utils.SetLayerRecursively(projectile.gameObject, (!(projectileLauncher != null)) ? 0 : projectileLauncher.gameObject.layer); BlockProjectileMoveScript blockProjectileMoveScript = projectile.gameObject.AddComponent <BlockProjectileMoveScript>(); blockProjectileMoveScript.itemProjectile = ammoItem.ItemClass; blockProjectileMoveScript.itemValueProjectile = ammoItem; //blockProjectileMoveScript.itemValueLauncher = ItemValue.None.Clone(); blockProjectileMoveScript.itemValueLauncher = launcherValue; blockProjectileMoveScript.itemActionProjectile = (ItemActionProjectile)((!(ammoItem.ItemClass.Actions[0] is ItemActionProjectile)) ? ammoItem.ItemClass.Actions[1] : ammoItem.ItemClass.Actions[0]); //blockProjectileMoveScript.AttackerEntityId = 0; blockProjectileMoveScript.AttackerEntityId = entityVehicle.player.entityId; //Vector3 target = headlightTargetPos - projectileLauncher.position; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); float rayOffset = Vector3.Distance(entityVehicle.player.GetThirdPersonCameraTransform().position, projectileLauncher.position) + 2f; Vector3 rayStart = ray.GetPoint(rayOffset); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(rayStart, ray.direction, out hit)) { //Vector3 crossHairPos = ray.GetPoint(1000);// + (Vector3.up * 20); //Vector3 targetScreenPos = player.playerCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(crossHairPos); //headlightTargetPos blockProjectileMoveScript.Fire(projectileLauncher.position, hit.point - projectileLauncher.position, entityVehicle.player, 0); //blockProjectileMoveScript.Fire(projectileLauncher.position, ray.direction, player, 0); } else { Vector3 rayEnd = ray.GetPoint(200f); blockProjectileMoveScript.Fire(projectileLauncher.position, rayEnd - projectileLauncher.position, entityVehicle.player, 0); } LocalPlayerUI uiforPlayer = LocalPlayerUI.GetUIForPlayer(entityVehicle.player); if (isGun) { ParticleEffect pe = new ParticleEffect("nozzleflash_ak", projectileLauncher.position, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f), 1f, Color.white, "Pistol_Fire", projectileLauncher); float lightValue = GameManager.Instance.World.GetLightBrightness(World.worldToBlockPos(projectileLauncher.position)) / 2f; ParticleEffect pe2 = new ParticleEffect("nozzlesmokeuzi", projectileLauncher.position, lightValue, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f), null, projectileLauncher, false); SpawnParticleEffect(pe, -1); SpawnParticleEffect(pe2, -1); //entityVehicle.playerInventory.RemoveItem(itemStack); uiforPlayer.xui.PlayerInventory.RemoveItem(itemStack); return; } //entityVehicle.playerInventory.RemoveItem(itemStack); uiforPlayer.xui.PlayerInventory.RemoveItem(itemStack); //if (Steam.Network.IsServer) { Audio.Manager.BroadcastPlay(projectileLauncher.position, soundPath); } }
private void CreateReport(string reportName, IEnumerable <Doc> docs, Doc docTemplate) { _report.AddEmptyRows(6); Row row = _report.GetNextRow(); _report.AddCell(reportName, 0, row, TextStyle.Header1); _report.SetRowHeight(row, 22); if (docs == null) { return; } var enumerable = docs as Doc[] ?? docs.ToArray(); if (!enumerable.Any()) { return; } Row rowHeader = _report.GetNextRow(); int columnIndex = 0; foreach (AttributeBase attribute in docTemplate.Attributes) { AttributeBase attribute1 = attribute; _report.AddCell(attribute1.AttrDef.Name, columnIndex, rowHeader, TextStyle.TableHeaderGreyCenterdBorder); int colWidth = enumerable.SelectMany(d => d.Attributes) .Where(a => a.AttrDef.Id == attribute1.AttrDef.Id && a.ObjectValue != null) .Select(aa => aa.ObjectValue.ToString().Length).Max(); _report.SetColumnWidth(columnIndex, colWidth); columnIndex++; } foreach (Doc doc in enumerable) { var tableRow = _report.GetNextRow(); var colIndex = 0; foreach (var attr in docTemplate.Attributes) { var attr1 = attr; var findAttrQuery = (from a in doc.Attributes where a.AttrDef.Id == attr1.AttrDef.Id select a).ToList(); if (findAttrQuery.Any()) { var findedAttr = findAttrQuery.First(); if (findedAttr is EnumAttribute) { var enumAttribute = findedAttr as EnumAttribute; if (enumAttribute.Value.HasValue) { string enumValue = _enumRepository.GetEnumValue(enumAttribute.AttrDef.EnumDefType.Id, enumAttribute.Value.Value); _report.AddCell(enumValue, colIndex, tableRow, TextStyle.NormalText); } } else { _report.AddCell(findedAttr.ObjectValue, colIndex, tableRow, TextStyle.NormalText); } } colIndex++; } } _report.AddLogo(0, 0); }
private static AttributeBase[] InitializeAttributes() { AttributeBase[] _tempCharAttribute = new AttributeBase[CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT]; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.Damage] = new AttributeBase(){ Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.Damage], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.Damage, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Weapon}; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.Ammo] = new AttributeBase(){ Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.Ammo], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.Ammo, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Weapon}; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.CriticChance] = new AttributeBase(){ Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.CriticChance], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.CriticChance, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Weapon}; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.CriticMultiplier] = new AttributeBase(){ Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.CriticMultiplier], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.CriticMultiplier, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Weapon}; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.FireRate] = new AttributeBase(){ Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.FireRate], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.FireRate, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Weapon}; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.ReloadSpeed] = new AttributeBase(){ Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.WEAPON_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.ReloadSpeed], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.WeaponAttributeTypeEnum.ReloadSpeed, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Weapon}; return _tempCharAttribute; }
/// <summary> /// Allows Object Identification by moving the mouse over a node or edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Viewer_ObjectUnderMouseCursorChanged(object sender, ObjectUnderMouseCursorChangedEventArgs e) { //////viewer.ObjectUnderMouseCursor vs viewer.SelectedObject?? if (viewer.SelectedObject != null && viewer.SelectedObject is DrawingNode) { viewer.Focus(); // // toolTip1.SetToolTip(viewer, (viewer.SelectedObject as Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing.Node).Id); // viewer.SetToolTip(toolTip1, getTip(e.NewObject.DrawingObject.UserData)); selectedNode = (viewer.SelectedObject as DrawingNode).Id; // lblSelectedNode.Text = "Selected Node: " + selectedNode; } //else //{ // viewer.SetToolTip(toolTip1, ""); //} selectedObject = e.OldObject != null ? e.OldObject.DrawingObject : null; //Clear Selected Object if (selectedObject != null && Form.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control) { RestoreSelectedObjAttr(); viewer.Invalidate(e.OldObject); selectedObject = null; } if (viewer.ObjectUnderMouseCursor == null) { lblSelectedNode.Text = "Selected Object: "; viewer.SetToolTip(toolTip1, ""); infoTip1.ClearData(); RemoveHighlightedPath(); } else { selectedObject = viewer.ObjectUnderMouseCursor.DrawingObject; if (selectedObject is DrawingEdge && Form.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control) { DrawingEdge edge = selectedObject as DrawingEdge; selectedObjectAttr = edge.Attr.Clone(); //edge.Attr.Color = DrawingColor.Blue; edge.Attr.LineWidth += 3; viewer.Invalidate(e.NewObject); lblSelectedNode.Text = "Selected Edge: " + selectedObject.ToString(); // here we can use e.Attr.Id or e.UserData to get back to the user data // viewer.SetToolTip(toolTip1, String.Format("edge from {0} to {1}", edge.Source, edge.Target)); } if (selectedObject is DrawingNode && Form.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control) { DrawingNode node = selectedObject as DrawingNode; selectedObjectAttr = node.Attr.Clone(); //node.Attr.Color = DrawingColor.Blue; node.Attr.LineWidth += 4; // // here you can use e.Attr.Id to get back to your data infoTip1.SetData(e.NewObject.DrawingObject.UserData); //viewer.SetToolTip(toolTip1, getTip(e.NewObject.DrawingObject.UserData)); selectedNode = (viewer.SelectedObject as DrawingNode).Id; lblSelectedNode.Text = "Selected Node: " + selectedNode; //viewer.SetToolTip(toolTip1, // String.Format("node {0}", // (selectedObject as Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing.Node).Attr.Id)); viewer.Invalidate(e.NewObject); RemoveHighlightedPath(); //Remove last path - Incase traveled by edge to this node. HighlightFullPath(node, true, true); // Recursive foreach (IViewerObject ee in viewer.Entities.Where(ee => ee is IViewerEdge)) { viewer.Invalidate(ee); } } } }
public static void CleanAttributesModifiers(ref AttributeBase[] attributes_) { for(int i = 0; i < attributes_.Length; i++) { attributes_[i].CurrentModifiers = 0; attributes_[i].MaxModifiers = 0; } }
/* * * /// <summary> * /// * /// </summary> * /// <param name="attributeDefId"></param> * /// <param name="docId">Идентификатор документа</param> * /// <remarks> * /// Если передать docId = Guid.Empty выдаст атрибуты без инициализации * /// </remarks> * /// <returns></returns> * [Obsolete("Устаревший, неиспользуемый метод")] * public AttributeBase GetAttributeById(Guid attributeDefId, Guid docId) * { * var en = DataContext.Entities; * var attrDefQuery = * en.Object_Defs.OfType<Attribute_Def>().Include("Document_Defs").Where(a => a.Id == attributeDefId); * if (!attrDefQuery.Any()) * { * return null; * } * * var dbAttrDef = attrDefQuery.First(); * var attrDef = new AttrDef * { * Id = dbAttrDef.Id, * Name = dbAttrDef.Name, * Type = new TypeDef * { * Id = dbAttrDef.Data_Types.Id, * Name = dbAttrDef.Data_Types.Name * } * }; * * switch ((CissaDataType) attrDef.Type.Id) * { * case CissaDataType.Int: * var intAttribute = new IntAttribute(attrDef); * var intQuery = en.Int_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (intQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = intQuery.First(); * intAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return intAttribute; * * * case CissaDataType.Float: * var floatAttribute = new FloatAttribute(attrDef); * var floatQuery = * en.Float_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (floatQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = floatQuery.First(); * floatAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return floatAttribute; * * * case CissaDataType.Currency: * var currencyAttribute = new CurrencyAttribute(attrDef); * var currencyQuery = * en.Currency_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (currencyQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = currencyQuery.First(); * currencyAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return currencyAttribute; * * * case CissaDataType.Text: * var txtAttribute = new TextAttribute(attrDef); * var txtQuery = * en.Text_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (txtQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = txtQuery.First(); * txtAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return txtAttribute; * * case CissaDataType.Bool: * var boolAttribute = new BoolAttribute(attrDef); * var boolQuery = * en.Boolean_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (boolQuery.Any()) * { * var dbAttr = boolQuery.First(); * boolAttribute.Value = dbAttr.Value; * } * return boolAttribute; * * * case CissaDataType.Doc: * attrDef.DocDefType = new DocDef * { * Id = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Id, * Name = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Name, * Description = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Description, * IsPublic = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Is_Public ?? false * }; * var docAttribute = new DocAttribute(attrDef); * var docQuery = * en.Document_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (docQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = docQuery.First(); * docAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return docAttribute; * * case CissaDataType.DocList: * attrDef.DocDefType = new DocDef * { * Id = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Id, * Name = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Name, * Description = dbAttrDef.Document_Defs.Description * }; * var doclistAttribute = new DocListAttribute(attrDef); * var doclistQuery = * en.DocumentList_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (doclistQuery.Any()) * { * doclistAttribute.ItemsDocId = new List<Guid>(); * foreach (DocumentList_Attribute item in doclistQuery) * { * doclistAttribute.ItemsDocId.Add(item.Value); * } * } * return doclistAttribute; * * case CissaDataType.Enum: * using (var enumRepo = new EnumRepository(DataContext)) * { * attrDef.EnumDefType = new EnumDef * { * Id = dbAttrDef.Enum_Defs.Id, * Name = dbAttrDef.Enum_Defs.Name, * Description = dbAttrDef.Enum_Defs.Description, * EnumItems = * new List<EnumValue>( * enumRepo.GetEnumItems(dbAttrDef.Enum_Defs.Id)) * }; * } * var enumAttribute = new EnumAttribute {AttrDef = attrDef}; * var enumQuery = * en.Enum_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (enumQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = enumQuery.First(); * enumAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return enumAttribute; * * case CissaDataType.DateTime: * var dateAttribute = new DateTimeAttribute(attrDef); * var dateQuery = * en.Date_Time_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (dateQuery.Any()) * { * var dbAttr = dateQuery.First(); * dateAttribute.Value = dbAttr.Value; * } * return dateAttribute; * * case CissaDataType.Organization: * var orgAttribute = new OrganizationAttribute(attrDef); * var orgQuery = en.Org_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (orgQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = orgQuery.First(); * orgAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return orgAttribute; * * case CissaDataType.DocumentState: * var docStateAttribute = new DocumentStateAttribute(attrDef); * var docStateQuery = * en.Doc_State_Attributes.Where(a => a.Document_Id == docId && a.Def_Id == attributeDefId); * if (docStateQuery.Any()) * { * var dbatr = docStateQuery.First(); * docStateAttribute.Value = dbatr.Value; * } * return docStateAttribute; * } * return null; * } */ public static bool SameAttributeValue(AttributeBase attr1, AttributeBase attr2) { if (attr1 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("attr1"); } if (attr2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("attr2"); } var val1 = attr1.ObjectValue; var val2 = attr2.ObjectValue; // if (val1 == null || val2 == null) return false; if (attr1.AttrDef.Type.Id != attr2.AttrDef.Type.Id) { return(false); } if (attr1.AttrDef.Type.Id == (short)CissaDataType.DocList) { var dlAttr1 = (DocListAttribute)attr1; var dlAttr2 = (DocListAttribute)attr2; var list1 = dlAttr1.AddedDocIds != null ? new List <Guid>(dlAttr1.AddedDocIds) : new List <Guid>(); var list2 = dlAttr2.AddedDocIds != null ? new List <Guid>(dlAttr2.AddedDocIds) : new List <Guid>(); foreach (var id in list1) { if (!list2.Contains(id)) { return(false); } list2.Remove(id); } if (list2.Count > 0) { return(false); } var list11 = dlAttr1.AddedDocs != null ? new List <Doc>(dlAttr1.AddedDocs) : new List <Doc>(); var list22 = dlAttr2.AddedDocs != null ? new List <Doc>(dlAttr2.AddedDocs) : new List <Doc>(); foreach (var doc in list11) { var doc1 = doc; var doc2 = list22.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == doc1.Id); if (doc2 == null) { return(false); } list22.Remove(doc2); } if (list22.Count > 0) { return(false); } return(true); } if (val1 == null && val2 == null) { return(true); } if (attr1.AttrDef.Type.Id == (short)CissaDataType.Text) { var txt1 = val1 != null?val1.ToString() : String.Empty; var txt2 = val2 != null?val2.ToString() : String.Empty; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt1) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt2)) { return(true); } return(String.CompareOrdinal(txt1, txt2) == 0); } if (attr1.AttrDef.Type.Id == (short)CissaDataType.Blob) { var blobAttr1 = attr1 as BlobAttribute; var blobAttr2 = attr2 as BlobAttribute; if (blobAttr1 == null || blobAttr2 == null) { return(false); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(blobAttr1.FileName, blobAttr2.FileName) != 0) { return(false); } if (blobAttr1.HasValue != blobAttr2.HasValue) { return(false); } if (blobAttr1.Value == null && blobAttr2.Value == null) { return(true); } if (blobAttr1.Value != null && blobAttr2.Value != null) { return(blobAttr1.Value.SequenceEqual(blobAttr2.Value)); } return(false); } if (val1 == null || val2 == null) { return(false); } switch (attr1.AttrDef.Type.Id) { case (short)CissaDataType.Int: return(((int)val1) == ((int)val2)); case (short)CissaDataType.Float: return(Math.Abs(((double)val1) - ((double)val2)) < 0.00000000001); case (short)CissaDataType.Currency: return(((decimal)val1) == ((decimal)val2)); case (short)CissaDataType.DateTime: return(((DateTime)val1) == ((DateTime)val2)); case (short)CissaDataType.Doc: case (short)CissaDataType.Enum: case (short)CissaDataType.Organization: case (short)CissaDataType.DocumentState: return(((Guid)val1) == ((Guid)val2)); } return(false); }
Tuple <string, VoidDelegate>[] ChangeColorDialog(AttributeBase attr) { return(new[] { ColorChangeMenuTuple(attr) }); }
public ControllerAttributeValidateFailedEventArgs(string controllerName, AttributeBase faildAttribte) : base(controllerName) { this._FailedAttribute = faildAttribte; }
public ActionAttributeValidateFailedEventArgs( string controllerName, string actionName, AttributeBase faildAttribute) : base(controllerName, actionName) { this._FailedAttribute = faildAttribute; }
public static bool IsIntAttribute(this AttributeBase attributeBase) { ArgumentValidator.EnsureNotNull(nameof(attributeBase), attributeBase); return(attributeBase is IntAttribute); }
public static void ApplyAttributesModifiers(ref AttributeBase[] attributes, ref AttributeModifier[] attributeModifiers_, Effects effects_) { int _attributeTypeIndex; for (int i = 0; i < attributeModifiers_.Length; i++) { if (attributeModifiers_[i] != null) { _attributeTypeIndex = (int)attributeModifiers_[i].AttributeType; switch(attributeModifiers_[i].CalcType) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierCalcTypeEnum.Percent: switch(attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyTo) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyToEnum.Max: switch (attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyAs) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Temporary: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].MaxModifiers += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Constant: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); break; } break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyToEnum.Current: switch (attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyAs) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Temporary: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].CurrentModifiers += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Constant: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); // PERCENTUAL SEMPRE EM CIMA DO MAXIMO break; } break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyToEnum.Both: switch (attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyAs) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Temporary: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].MaxModifiers += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].CurrentModifiers += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Constant: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current += (attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max * attributeModifiers_[i].Value / 100); // PERCENTUAL SEMPRE EM CIMA DO MAXIMO break; } break; } break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierCalcTypeEnum.Value: switch(attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyTo) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyToEnum.Max: switch(attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyAs) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Temporary: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].MaxModifiers += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Constant: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; break; } break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyToEnum.Current: switch(attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyAs) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Temporary: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].CurrentModifiers += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Constant: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; break; } break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyToEnum.Both: switch(attributeModifiers_[i].ApplyAs) { case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Temporary: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].MaxModifiers += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].CurrentModifiers += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; break; case ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeModifierApplyAsEnum.Constant: attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Max += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; attributes[_attributeTypeIndex].Current += attributeModifiers_[i].Value; break; } break; } break; } // Marca o atributo como consumido attributeModifiers_[i].Consumed = true; // Aplica os valores maximos caso o modificador de atributo esteja configurado para nao exceder if (!attributeModifiers_[i].CanSetToCurrentExceedMax && attributes[(int)attributeModifiers_[i].AttributeType].Current > attributes[(int)attributeModifiers_[i].AttributeType].Max) { attributes[(int)attributeModifiers_[i].AttributeType].Current = attributes[(int)attributeModifiers_[i].AttributeType].Max; } // Aplica os efeitos atrelados ao modificador ApplyEffect(effects_, attributeModifiers_[i]); } } }
public static KeyValuePair <string, List <ProductValue> > CreateValues(this AttributeBase attribute, params ProductValue[] productValues) { return(new KeyValuePair <string, List <ProductValue> >(attribute.Code, productValues.ToList())); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo responsavel por inicializar a arvore de atributos /// </summary> private static AttributeBase[] InitializeAttributes() { AttributeBase[] _tempCharAttribute = new AttributeBase[CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT]; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Aggro] = new AttributeBase() { Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Aggro], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Aggro, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Character }; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Armor] = new AttributeBase() { Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Armor], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Armor, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Character }; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.HitPoint] = new AttributeBase() { Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.HitPoint], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.HitPoint, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Character }; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.EnergyPoint] = new AttributeBase() { Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.EnergyPoint], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.EnergyPoint, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Character }; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Speed] = new AttributeBase() { Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Speed], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Speed, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Character }; _tempCharAttribute[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Stamina] = new AttributeBase() { Name = CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTES.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAMES[(int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Stamina], AttributeType = (int)ENUMERATORS.Attribute.CharacterAttributeTypeEnum.Stamina, Max = 0, MaxModifiers = 0, Current = 0, CurrentModifiers = 0, DisplayOrder = 0, AttributeBaseType = ENUMERATORS.Attribute.AttributeBaseTypeEnum.Character }; return _tempCharAttribute; }
public static StringAttribute AsStringAttribute(this AttributeBase attributeBase) { ArgumentValidator.EnsureNotNull(nameof(attributeBase), attributeBase); return((StringAttribute)attributeBase); }