コード例 #1
        void ReadMotion()
            if (Motion.IsSupported)
                MotionReading reading = sensor.CurrentValue;
                Vector3       gravity = reading.Gravity;
                gravityX.Text = "" + gravity.X;
                gravityY.Text = "" + gravity.Y;
                gravityZ.Text = "" + gravity.Z;

                AttitudeReading attitude = reading.Attitude;
                attitudeX.Text = "" + attitude.Pitch;
                attitudeY.Text = "" + attitude.Roll;
                attitudeZ.Text = "" + attitude.Yaw;
コード例 #2
        async void _motion_CurrentValueChanged(object sender, SensorReadingEventArgs <MotionReading> e)
            AttitudeReading attitude           = e.SensorReading.Attitude;
            Vector3         deviceAcceleration = e.SensorReading.DeviceAcceleration;
            Vector3         deviceRotationRate = e.SensorReading.DeviceRotationRate;
            Vector3         gravity            = e.SensorReading.Gravity;

            String showstr = "";

            // 在 UI 上显示相关参数
            showstr  = "yaw: " + MathHelper.ToDegrees(attitude.Yaw).ToString("0.0");
            showstr += Environment.NewLine;
            showstr += "pitch: " + MathHelper.ToDegrees(attitude.Pitch).ToString("0.0");
            showstr += Environment.NewLine;
            showstr += "roll: " + MathHelper.ToDegrees(attitude.Roll).ToString("0.0");
            showstr += Environment.NewLine;
            showstr += "deviceAcceleration: \n" + deviceAcceleration.ToString();
            showstr += Environment.NewLine;
            showstr += "deviceRotationRate: \n" + deviceRotationRate.ToString();
            showstr += Environment.NewLine;
            showstr += "Gravity: \n" + gravity.ToString();
            showstr += Environment.NewLine;
            showstr += e.SensorReading.Timestamp;
            lblMsg.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                lblMsg.Text = "MotionReading:\n" + showstr;

            if (post)
                String poststr = "{'yaw':" + MathHelper.ToDegrees(attitude.Yaw).ToString("0.0") + ",'pitch':" + MathHelper.ToDegrees(attitude.Pitch).ToString("0.0") + ",'roll':" + MathHelper.ToDegrees(attitude.Roll).ToString("0.0") +

                                 ",'dacx':" + deviceAcceleration.X + ",'dacy':" + deviceAcceleration.Y + ",'dacz':" + deviceAcceleration.Z +
                                 ",'drx':" + deviceRotationRate.X + ",'dry':" + deviceRotationRate.Y + ",'drz':" + deviceRotationRate.Z +
                                 ",'gx':" + gravity.X + ",'gy':" + gravity.Y + ",'gz':" + gravity.Z + "}";
                string s = await pb1.sender(poststr);

                //string s = await pb1.sender("{ 'DeviceId':'dev-01', 'Temperature':" + (++index).ToString() + " }");
                PostMotionStatus.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                    PostMotionStatus.Text = "Motion: " + s + "  No." + (++index).ToString() + " message";
コード例 #3
        void sensor_CurrentValueChanged(object sender, SensorReadingEventArgs <MotionReading> e)
            MotionReading reading = e.SensorReading;

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                Vector3 acceleration = reading.DeviceAcceleration;
                // height of control = 400; height of postive bar = 200; max value = 3;
                // set scale at 200/3 = 67
                accelX.Value = acceleration.X;
                accelY.Value = acceleration.Y;
                accelZ.Value = acceleration.Z;

                Vector3 gravity = reading.Gravity;
                // height of control = 400; height of postive bar = 200; max value = 1;
                // set scale at 200/1 = 200
                gravityX.Value = gravity.X;
                gravityY.Value = gravity.Y;
                gravityZ.Value = gravity.Z;

                Vector3 rotation = reading.DeviceRotationRate;
                // height of control = 400; height of postive bar = 200; reasonable max value = 2pi = 6.25 (1.5 rotation per second)
                // set scale at 200/6.25 = 32
                gyroX.Value = rotation.X;
                gyroY.Value = rotation.Y;
                gyroZ.Value = rotation.Z;

                AttitudeReading attitude = reading.Attitude;
                attitudeX.Value          = attitude.Pitch; // 0->pi 200/3.14 = 64
                attitudeY.Value          = attitude.Roll;  // 0->pi/2 200/1.57 = 128
                attitudeZ.Value          = attitude.Yaw;   // 0->2pi 200/6.28 = 32

                Vector3 worldSpacePoint = new Vector3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
                Vector3 bodySpacePoint  = Vector3.Transform(worldSpacePoint, attitude.RotationMatrix);
                point.Text = string.Format("Attitude: Transform of (0.0, 10.0, 0.0) = ({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1})",
                                           bodySpacePoint.X, bodySpacePoint.Y, bodySpacePoint.Z);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Sensors.cs プロジェクト: Lee-Nover/PublicBikes
 private static float GetCameraDirection(AttitudeReading e)
     return GetCameraDirection(e.Roll, e.Yaw, e.Pitch);