/// <summary> /// コントローラの初期化 /// </summary> private void initGorillaController() { gameManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); playerMoveController = GameObject.Find(PathMaster.DOG_MOVE_CONTROLLER).GetComponent <PlayerMoveController>(); attackController = GameObject.Find(PathMaster.ATTACK_CONTROLLER).GetComponent <AttackController>(); sweetController = GameObject.Find(PathMaster.SWEET_CONTROLLER).GetComponent <SweetController>(); sensorController = GameObject.Find(PathMaster.SENSOR_CONTROLLER).GetComponent <SensorController>(); skillController = GameObject.Find(PathMaster.SKILL_CONTROLLER).GetComponent <SkillController>(); mainCamera = Camera.main; CameraController cameraController = mainCamera.GetComponent <CameraController>(); cameraController.Player = this.gameObject; cameraController.InitCameraController(); cameraAnimator = mainCamera.GetComponent <Animator>(); this.FixedUpdateAsObservable() .Where(_ => isInBattleState()) .Subscribe(x => playerBehavior()); this.FixedUpdateAsObservable() .Where(x => attackController.GetAttackable() && isInBattleState()) .Subscribe(_ => gorillaAttack()); this.FixedUpdateAsObservable() .Where(x => sweetController.GetUsable() && isInBattleState()) .Subscribe(_ => useSweet()); this.FixedUpdateAsObservable() .Where(x => sensorController.GetUsable() && isInBattleState()) .Subscribe(_ => useSensor()); this.FixedUpdateAsObservable() .Where(x => skillController.GetSkillUsable() && isInBattleState()) .Subscribe(_ => useSkill()); }
public void Start() { ic = GetComponent <InputController>(); ac = GetComponent <AttackController>(); pmc = GetComponent <PlatformMovementController>(); rend = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); }
private void Start() { _attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); _activeBars = new List <HorizontalBar>(); SetupEventListeners(); SetupInitialStage(); }
void Start() { ObjectRegistry.AddUnit(gameObject, isEnemy); agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); FindTargetPerTime(); }
public override void Think(Thinker thinker) { DrakeController drake = thinker.Remember <DrakeController>("drake"); MovementController mc = thinker.Remember <MovementController>("movement"); AttackController at = thinker.Remember <AttackController>("attack"); Vector2 moveInput = thinker.Remember <Vector2>("moveInput"); if (!mc.IsGrounded) { return; } if (moveInput.sqrMagnitude <= 0) { moveInput = new Vector2(1, 0); } else if (mc.IsAtWall() || mc.IsAtEdge()) { moveInput.x *= -1; } thinker.Remember("moveInput", moveInput); drake.Walk(moveInput); if (target.Value != null && at.AttackCollider.bounds.Intersects(target.Value.bounds)) { drake.Attack(); } }
public virtual void CastLocalAttack(Vector2 startPosition, Vector2 targetPosition) { AttackController attack = GetAttack(); attack.Initialize(this, AttackController.MoveType.Target); attack.SetMovement(startPosition, targetPosition, attackSpeed); }
public ADController(AttackController attackController, DefenseController defenseController) { this.state = ADStateAlt.None; this.attackController = attackController; this.defenseController = defenseController; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (PlayerNumber < 1 || PlayerNumber > 4) { Debug.LogError("Don't do that again. -- Victor"); } movementController = GetComponent <MovementController>(); jumpThrowController = GetComponent <JumpThrowController>(); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); landingLogic = GetComponent <LandingLogic>(); rigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); floor = GetComponentInChildren <FloorCollider>(); Transform indicatorTransform = transform.Find("Indicator"); if (indicatorTransform == null) { Debug.LogError("Please attach an Indicator to the player (both human and robot)!"); } else { indicator = indicatorTransform.gameObject; } startPosition = transform.position; }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); rend = GetComponent <Renderer>(); pathfinder = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> (); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player") != null) { currentState = State.Chasing; hasTarget = true; target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; targetEntity = target.GetComponent <LivingEntity> (); targetEntity.OnDeath += OnTargetDeath; myCollisionRadius = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider> ().radius; targetCollisionRadius = target.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider> ().radius; StartCoroutine(UpdatePath()); StartCoroutine(Attack()); spawner = FindObjectOfType <Spawner>(); GetComponent <LivingEntity>().OnDeath += spawner.OnEnemyDeath; GetComponent <LivingEntity>().OnDeath += AddPoints; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { rb.velocity = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed, rb.velocity.y, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed); rb.rotation = cameraObject.transform.rotation; if (Input.GetAxis("Fire1") > 0.0f) { chargeTime += Time.deltaTime; if (chargeTime >= chargeMax) { chargeTime = chargeMax; } } if ((Input.GetAxis("Fire1") <= 0.0f) && (swing == null) && (chargeTime > 0.0f)) { swing = Instantiate(attack, rb.position, rb.rotation); // create an attack hitbox, save as swing swingControl = swing.GetComponent <AttackController>(); // get the cotroller script of the attack if (swingControl != null) { swingControl.knockback = (chargeTime / chargeMax) * knockbackMax; swingControl.duration = attackDuration; } chargeTime = 0.0f; // reset charge time } if (swing != null) { swing.transform.position = rb.position; } }
protected virtual void Start() { // look up parent by health script, anything with a gun should have hp player = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<Health>().gameObject; teamId = player.GetComponent<TeamMember> ().teamId; atkController = player.GetComponent<AttackController> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Light2D torch = GameObject.Find("Torch").GetComponent <Light2D>(); if (torch == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Torch is not attached to player!"); } _animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); if (_animator == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Animator is not associated with player!"); } _sanityManager = GetComponent <SanityManager>(); if (_sanityManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Sanity manager is not associated with player!"); } _controller2D = GetComponent <MovementController2D>(); if (_controller2D == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Controller 2D is not associated with player!"); } _attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); if (_attackController == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Attack controller is not associated with player!"); } _instrumentDisabled = SharedInfo.LostInstrument; _torchDisabled = SharedInfo.LostTorch; _torch = torch; DeactivateTorch(); }
public void OnSceneGUI() { c = this.target as AttackController; Handles.color = Color.green; Handles.DrawWireDisc(c.transform.position, Vector3.forward, c.attackRadius); // radius }
void Start() { myTeamId = GetComponent<TeamMember> ().teamId; atkController = GetComponent<AttackController> (); weapon = atkController.currentWeapon; myRenderer = GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer> (); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Attack") { AttackController attack = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <AttackController>(); } }
void checkifhit(Collider c) { if (!entitiesHit.Contains(c.transform.root.gameObject)) { //add them to the list entitiesHit.Add(c.transform.root.gameObject); //check sibling index to see if we hit head, body or legs if (c.transform.GetSiblingIndex() == 0) { // Debug.Log("Hit head"); damage = 3; } else if (c.transform.GetSiblingIndex() <= 2) { // Debug.Log("Hit Body"); damage = 2; } else { // Debug.Log("hit legs"); damage = 1; } ctrl = c.transform.root.GetComponent <AttackController>(); ctrl.enemyRef = this; ctrl.HandleBlocks((attacktype() + damage + damageCalculator()) * 10f); empty = false; return; } empty = true; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); equipmentHandler = GetComponent <EquipmentHandler>(); movementController = GetComponent <MovementController>(); uicontroller = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UIController>() as UIController; health = maxHealth; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); lifeController = GetComponent <LifeController>(); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); navMeshAgent = GetComponentInParent <NavMeshAgent>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { attackController = gameObject.transform.Find(weaponPath).GetChild(0).GetComponent <AttackController>(); //inicializar valores if (attackController == null) { Debug.Log("ERRO: Objeto de ataque nao encontrado!"); //para melhor controle e teste } }
public Submarine(INavigator navigator, IEnemyTracker enemyTracker, IConsole console, AttackController attackController, ChargeController chargeController) { _navigator = navigator; _enemyTracker = enemyTracker; _console = console; _attackController = attackController; _chargeController = chargeController; }
// ------------------------------------------------- // FireAttack // ------------------------------------------------- private void FireAttack() { AttackController fireball = DoAttack("Fireball"); fireball.transform.parent = null; fireball.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); fireball.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = getHitVector(this.launchForce, this.launchAngle, -TargetDirection()); fireballs.Add(fireball); }
public AttackController DoAttack(string name) { AttackController spawnedAttack = Instantiate(this.attack, this.transform).GetComponent <AttackController>(); spawnedAttack.isAerial = false; spawnedAttack.SetAttack(FindAttack(name)); attacking = true; return(spawnedAttack); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Transform parent = transform; while (atkCtrl == null) { parent = parent.parent; atkCtrl = parent.GetComponent<AttackController>(); } game = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<GameController>(); }
public void addNormalAttack(bool _useAi) { AiController.SetAi(_useAi); var vo = new ActionVo { ActionType = Actions.ATTACK }; AttackController.AddAttackList(vo); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GameObject p = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); mCtrl = p.GetComponent<MovementController>(); aCtrl = p.GetComponent<AttackController>(); eCtrl = p.GetComponent<EquipmentController>(); game = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<GameController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { moveController = GetComponent<MoveController>(); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); attackController = GetComponent<AttackController>(); crowdControllable = GetComponent<CrowdControllable>(); health = GetComponent<Health>(); player = GetComponent<Player>(); }
void Start() { controller = GetComponent <Controller2D>(); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); if (target == null) { target = Player.Instance.transform; } }
void Start() { attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); if (randomEquipment) { equippedWeapon = weaponList[Random.Range(0, weaponList.Length)]; equippedShield = shieldList[Random.Range(0, shieldList.Length)]; } }
public void TryToEquip(GameObject wielder) { if (!equipped) { transform.Find("PickUpBox").collider.enabled = false; equipped = true; atkCtrl = wielder.GetComponent<AttackController>(); wielder.GetComponent<EquipmentController>().Equip(this.gameObject); } }
void Awake() { faceDirection = Vector2.right; renderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController> (); originalColor = renderer.color; trail = GetComponent <TrailRenderer> (); anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); }
void Start() { _ActivePlayer = GameObject.Find("Low Poly Warrior"); _Hud = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HUD>(); _playerController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); _attackController = _ActivePlayer.GetComponent <AttackController>(); // Button _buttonTemplate = gameObject.transform.Find("HUD/RightClickMenu/ButtonListViewport/ButtonListContent/Button").GetComponent<Button>(); // //_buttonTemplate = Resources.Load("HUD/RightClickMenu/ButtonListViewport/ButtonListContent/ButtonListContent") as GameObject; }
private void Start() { movementController = this.GetComponent <MovementController>(); animationController = this.GetComponent <AnimationController>(); attackController = this.GetComponent <AttackController>(); CalculatePhysics(jumpHeight, timeToJumpApex); if (fallingAnimationThreshold > gravity) { Debug.Log("Falling animation threshhold is too small"); } }
void OnCollisionStay(Collision col) { AttackController attackController = col.gameObject.GetComponent <AttackController>(); if (attackController != null && attackController.isAttacking) { damage = (int)(Math.Pow(attackController.attackLevel, 2)) + 10; DoDamage?.Invoke(gameObject, damage); attackController.isAttacking = false; } }
protected virtual void Start() { controller = GetComponent <Controller2D>(); attackController = GetComponent <AttackController>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); sprite = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); gravity = -(2 * maxJumpHeight) / Mathf.Pow(timeToJumpApex, 2); maxJumpVelocity = Mathf.Abs(gravity) * timeToJumpApex; minJumpVelocity = Mathf.Sqrt(2 * Mathf.Abs(gravity) * minJumpHeight); }
void Start() { playerStats = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <AttackController>(); hearts = new List <Image>(); for (int i = 0; i < playerStats.maxHealth / 2; i++) { GameObject spawnedHeart = Instantiate(hearthObj, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, heartsContainer); hearts.Add(spawnedHeart.transform.Find("Img").GetComponent <Image>()); } }
public virtual void CastLocalAttack() { isAttacking = true; AttackController attack = GetAttack(); attack.Initialize(this); attack.SetMovement(directionX, attackSpeed, transform.position); StartCoroutine(WaitAttacking()); AnimateAttack(); }
void Awake() { mc = GetComponent<MoveController> (); ac = GetComponent<AttackController> (); tm = GetComponent<TeamMember> (); hp = GetComponent<Health> (); xp = GetComponent<Experience> (); an = GetComponent<Animator> (); rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> (); sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> (); bc = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D> (); }
void Awake() { attackController = GetComponent<AttackController>(); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); isMoving = false; movementVector = new Vector2(0, 0); direction = new Vector2(0, 0); facing = new Vector2(0, -1); previousFacing = new Vector2(0, -1); canDash = true; canMove = true; isDashing = false; dashIn = 0; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { grabbed = true; attackController = other.gameObject.GetComponent<AttackController>(); attackController.Ammo += ammoValue; Tweener tween = transform.DOMove(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Camera.main.pixelWidth - 100, Camera.main.pixelHeight - 10)), 1, false) .OnStepComplete(() => { Destroy(gameObject); }); //tween.OnUpdate(() => { // tween.ChangeEndValue(new Vector3(Camera.main.pixelWidth - 100, Camera.main.pixelHeight - 10)); // Debug.Log("test"); //}); } }
void Awake() { attackController = GetComponent<AttackController>(); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); isMoving = false; movementVector = new Vector2(0, 0); facing = new Vector2(0, -1); previousFacing = new Vector2(0, -1); canDash = true; canMove = true; isDashing = false; dashIn = 0; IsInMenu = false; knockbackForce = 8; isKnockedBack = false; timeSpentKnockedBack = 0; knockBackTime = 0.12f; GameManager.Notifications.AddListener(this, "PlayerExitMenu"); GameManager.Notifications.AddListener(this, "PlayerInMenu"); }
/* void Awake() { if (player == null) { player = gameObject; }else if(player != gameObject) { Destroy(gameObject); } }*/ void Start() { state = new StandingState(); attackState = new IdleAttackState(); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); skillManager = gameObject.AddComponent<SkillManager>(); AttackCollider.SetActive(false); health = GetComponent<Health>(); controller = GetComponent<MoveController>(); crowdControllable = GetComponent<CrowdControllable>(); mana = GetComponent<Mana>(); attack = GetComponentInChildren<DealDamage>(); defense = GetComponent<Defense>(); attackController = GetComponent<AttackController>(); gravity = -(2 * jumpHeight) / Mathf.Pow(timeToJumpApex, 2); jumpVelocity = Mathf.Abs(gravity) * timeToJumpApex; audiosource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); initialRegenTime = 6; regenTick = 2; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); skill[0] = null; skill[1] = null; skill[2] = null; skill[3] = null; threatLevel = damageDealt = 0; GetComponent<ID>().setTime(false); CCI = GameObject.Find("Main Process").GetComponentInChildren<Character_Class_Info>(); si = GameObject.Find("Main Process").GetComponentInChildren<Skill_info>(); Fully_Update(); }
void Start() { myTeamId = GetComponent<TeamMember> ().teamId; atkController = GetComponent<AttackController> (); weapon = atkController.weapon; }
public override void AddItemToInventory(Collider2D player, int value) { attackController = player.gameObject.GetComponent<AttackController>(); attackController.Bombs += value; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { this.controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); this.attackController = GetComponent<AttackController>(); this.destPosition = transform.position; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { seeker = GetComponent<Seeker>(); characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); attack = GetComponent<AttackController> (); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); hasTarget = false; status = Status.idle; callback = null; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //playerMove = this.GetComponent<MovementController>(); playerAttack = this.GetComponent<AttackController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = FindObjectOfType<Player>(); playerHealth = player.GetComponent<Health>(); playerAttackController = player.GetComponent<AttackController>(); }
void Awake() { god = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("God").GetComponent<UnifiedSuperClass>(); skillsController = god.SkillsController; atkController = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<AttackController>(); // Debug.Log(atkController.SecondSkillLock); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the attack listing. /// </summary> /// <returns>The attack listing.</returns> /// <param name="atd">Atd.</param> protected AttackController.AttackData CreateAttackListing(AttackController.AttackData atd) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); atd.atk.showInEditor = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (atd.atk.showInEditor, atd.atk.attackName); if (GUILayout.Button ("-", GUILayout.Width (20), GUILayout.Height (14))) { ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate (atd.atk); atd = null; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); if (atd != null && atd.atk.showInEditor) { GUIStyle attacksStyle = new GUIStyle (GUI.skin.box); attacksStyle.padding = new RectOffset (12, 1, 5, 5); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical (attacksStyle); // get all of the attack scripts int thisScriptIndex = 0; // get all of the attack scripts GUIContent attackScriptLabel = new GUIContent ("Attack Script", "Attack Script\n" + "The script the attack will be executing when the attack is used."); GUIContent[] attackScriptOptions = new GUIContent[AttackTypeList.Count]; int index = 0; foreach (string key in AttackTypeList) { attackScriptOptions[index] = new GUIContent(key); if (atd.atk.GetType () == GetAttackType (key)) { thisScriptIndex = index; } index++; } // list the attack scripts int tempAttackScriptIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup (attackScriptLabel, thisScriptIndex, attackScriptOptions); if (tempAttackScriptIndex != thisScriptIndex) { Attack tempAtk = Instantiate (atd.atk); Attack newAtk = GetAttack (attackScriptOptions[tempAttackScriptIndex].text); atd.atk = Instantiate (newAtk); atd.atk.CopyComponents (tempAtk); ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate (tempAtk); ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate (newAtk); } // add the attack's components atd.atk.EditorGUISetup (); // add the attack inputs GUIStyle attacksInputStyle = new GUIStyle (GUI.skin.box); attacksInputStyle.padding = new RectOffset (12, 1, 1, 5); EditorGUILayout.Space (); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Activation Parameters"); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical (attacksInputStyle); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUIContent triggerLabel = new GUIContent ("Trigger", "Trigger\n" + "The option for a trigger that needs to happen in order for this attack to start."); AttackController.AttackTrigger tempTrigger = (AttackController.AttackTrigger) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (triggerLabel, atd.atkTrig); if (atd.atkTrig != tempTrigger) { atd.atkTrig = tempTrigger; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUIContent comboLabel = new GUIContent ("Combo Label", "Combo Label\n" + "If this attack is triggered after another attack, add it's ID here. Otherwise leave this section blank."); string tempComboID = EditorGUILayout.TextField (comboLabel, atd.comboStarterID); if (atd.comboStarterID != tempComboID) { atd.comboStarterID = tempComboID; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); // if there are no attack inputs if (atd.input.Count == 0) { AttackController.AttackInput ai = new AttackController.AttackInput (); ai.Pos = AttackController.AttackPositionState.Neutral; atd.input.Add (ai); } GUIContent posDirLabel = new GUIContent ("Position State and Input Directions", "Position State\n" + "The state the character's movement controller has to be in for this attack to activate.\n\n" + "Input Direction\n" + "The directional influence the attacker is using while in the selected position state.\n" + "For a player this would be the joystick position when pressing the attack button."); EditorGUILayout.LabelField (posDirLabel); if (atd.input.Count < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttackController.AttackPositionState)).Length) { if (GUILayout.Button ("+", GUILayout.Width (20), GUILayout.Height (14))) { AttackController.AttackInput ai = new AttackController.AttackInput (); if (atd.InputContains (AttackController.AttackPositionState.Neutral) == -1) { ai.Pos = AttackController.AttackPositionState.Neutral; } else if (atd.InputContains (AttackController.AttackPositionState.Dash) == -1) { ai.Pos = AttackController.AttackPositionState.Dash; } else if (atd.InputContains (AttackController.AttackPositionState.Air) == -1) { ai.Pos = AttackController.AttackPositionState.Air; } atd.input.Add (ai); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); // add the attack inputs for (int posIndex = 0; posIndex < atd.input.Count; posIndex++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUIContent posStateLabel = new GUIContent ("Input", "Input\n" + "An input necessary to perform this attack."); atd.input[posIndex].showData = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (atd.input[posIndex].showData, posStateLabel); AttackController.AttackPositionState tempAttackPosition = (AttackController.AttackPositionState) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (atd.input[posIndex].Pos); if (atd.input[posIndex].Pos != tempAttackPosition && atd.InputContains (tempAttackPosition) == -1) { atd.input[posIndex].Pos = tempAttackPosition; } if (GUILayout.Button ("-", GUILayout.Width (20), GUILayout.Height (14))) { atd.input.RemoveAt (posIndex); break; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); if (atd.input[posIndex].showData) { for (int dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttackController.AttackDirection)).Length; dirIndex++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (atd.input[posIndex].Dir.Contains ((AttackController.AttackDirection)dirIndex)) { bool tempDir = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft (((AttackController.AttackDirection)dirIndex).ToString (), true); if (!tempDir) { int dir = atd.input[posIndex].Dir.IndexOf ((AttackController.AttackDirection)dirIndex); atd.input[posIndex].Dir.RemoveAt (dir); break; } } else { bool tempDir = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft (((AttackController.AttackDirection)dirIndex).ToString (), false); if (tempDir) { atd.input[posIndex].Dir.Add ((AttackController.AttackDirection)dirIndex); break; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); } return atd; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { this.controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); this.attackController = GetComponent<AttackController>(); this.target = transform.position; this.isDead = false; }