コード例 #1
        public void InserindoUmaNotaNoBugIdBugInexistente()
            #region Parameters
            string bugId     = "99999";
            string noteText  = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBugIdBugInexistente";
            string viewState = "public";

            //Resultado Esperado
            string statusCodeExpected = "NotFound";

            var response = AttachATagToIssueSteps.InserindoUmaNotaNoBug(bugId, noteText, viewState, statusCodeExpected);

            string[] arrayRegex = new string[]
                "\"message\":\"Issue (.*?)#" + bugId + "(.*?) not found\"",
                "localized\":\"Issue " + bugId + " not found.\"",

            MatchCollection matches;
            foreach (string regex in arrayRegex)
                matches = new Regex(regex).Matches(response.Content);
                Assert.That(matches.Count > 0, "Esperado: " + regex + " Encontrado:" + response.Content);
コード例 #2
        public void InserindoUmaNotaNoBugIdBugInvalido()
            #region Parameters
            string bugId     = "test";
            string noteText  = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBugIdBugInvalido";
            string viewState = "public";

            //Resultado Esperado
            string statusCodeExpected = "BadRequest";

            var response = AttachATagToIssueSteps.InserindoUmaNotaNoBug(bugId, noteText, viewState, statusCodeExpected);

            string[] arrayRegex = new string[]
                "\"message\":\"(.*?)'issue_id'(.*?) must be numeric\"",
                "localized\":\"Invalid value for (.*?)'issue_id'(.*?)\"",

            MatchCollection matches;
            foreach (string regex in arrayRegex)
                matches = new Regex(regex).Matches(response.Content);
                Assert.That(matches.Count > 0, "Esperado: " + regex + " Encontrado:" + response.Content);
コード例 #3
        public void InserindoUmaNotaNoBugSemInformarOTexto()
            #region Inserindo um novo projeto
            string projectName     = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBugSemInformarOTexto";
            var    projetoCriadoDB = projectsDBSteps.InseriProjetoDB(projectName);

            #region Inserindo um novo bug
            string summary     = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBugSemInformarOTexto";
            var    bugCriadoDB = issuesDBSteps.InseriBugDB(projetoCriadoDB.ProjectId, summary);

            #region Parameters

            //Resultado Esperado
            string statusCodeExpected = "BadRequest";
            string noteText           = "";
            string viewState          = "public";

            var response = AttachATagToIssueSteps.InserindoUmaNotaNoBug(bugCriadoDB.BugId.ToString(), noteText, viewState, statusCodeExpected);

            var consultaNotaBugDB = issuesDBSteps.ConsultaNotaBugDB(bugCriadoDB.BugId, noteText);

            Assert.IsNull(consultaNotaBugDB, "Um registro de nota foi encontrado no banco.");

            string[] arrayRegex = new string[]
                "\"message\":(.*?)\"Issue note not specified.\"",
                "\"localized\":(.*?)\"A necessary field (.*?)\\\"Note(.*?)\\\"(.*?) was empty. Please recheck your inputs.\"",

            MatchCollection matches;
            foreach (string regex in arrayRegex)
                matches = new Regex(regex).Matches(response.Content);
                Assert.That(matches.Count > 0, "Esperado: " + regex + " Encontrado:" + response.Content);

コード例 #4
        public void InserindoUmaNotaNoBug()
            #region Inserindo um novo projeto
            string projectName     = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBug";
            var    projetoCriadoDB = projectsDBSteps.InseriProjetoDB(projectName);

            #region Inserindo um novo bug
            string summary     = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBug";
            var    bugCriadoDB = issuesDBSteps.InseriBugDB(projetoCriadoDB.ProjectId, summary);

            #region Parameters
            string noteText  = "InserindoUmaNotaNoBug";
            string viewState = "public";

            //Resultado Esperado
            string statusCodeExpected        = "Created";
            string viewStateExpected         = "10";
            string statusDescriptionExpected = "Issue Note Created with id " + bugCriadoDB.BugId + "";

            var response = AttachATagToIssueSteps.InserindoUmaNotaNoBug(bugCriadoDB.BugId.ToString(), noteText, viewState, statusCodeExpected);

            var consultaNotaBugDB = issuesDBSteps.ConsultaNotaBugDB(bugCriadoDB.BugId, noteText);

            Assert.Multiple(() =>
                Assert.AreEqual(statusDescriptionExpected, response.StatusDescription.ToString(), "O StatusDescription retornado não é o esperado.");
                Assert.AreEqual(noteText, consultaNotaBugDB[10], "O texto da nota registrado não é o esperado.");
                Assert.AreEqual(viewStateExpected, consultaNotaBugDB[4], "O view state registrado não é o esperado.");

            issuesDBSteps.DeletaTextoNotaBugDB(consultaNotaBugDB[0], noteText);
            issuesDBSteps.DeletaNotaBugDB(bugCriadoDB.BugId, consultaNotaBugDB[0]);