public void DecodeTestEng() { string text = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; string expected = "ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA"; ICipher cipher = new Atbash(); string actual = cipher.Decode(text); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void EncodeTestMixed() { string text = "ZYX123cbaщЩщ"; string expected = "ABC123xyzжЖж"; ICipher cipher = new Atbash(); string actual = cipher.Encode(text); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void DecodeTestRus() { string text = "ЯЮЭЬЫЪЩШЧЦХФУТСРПОНМЛКЙИЗЖЕДГВБА"; string expected = "АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ"; ICipher cipher = new Atbash(); string actual = cipher.Decode(text); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Multigraph_AtbashTest() { Atbash atbash = new Atbash(Utility.KeyedEnglishAlphabet("KRYPTOS").ToStringArray()); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { generated = atbash.GenerateRandomLetters(); cipher = atbash.Encrypt(generated); clear = atbash.Decrypt(cipher); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(generated, clear); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Атбаш шифрование"); var atbash = new Atbash(); Console.Write("Введите текст сообщения: "); var message = Console.ReadLine(); var encryptedMessage = atbash.Encrypt(message); Console.WriteLine("Зашифрованное сообщение: {0}", encryptedMessage); var decryptedMessage = atbash.Decrypt(encryptedMessage); Console.WriteLine("Расшифрованное сообщение: {0}", decryptedMessage); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Unigraph_AtbashTest() { Atbash atbash = new Atbash(Utility.KeyedEnglishAlphabet("KRYPTOS")); cipher = ""; clear = ""; generated = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { generated = atbash.GenerateRandomString(); cipher = atbash.Encrypt(generated); clear = atbash.Decrypt(cipher); Assert.AreEqual(generated, clear); } }
public void cipher_test2() { Caesar.set_key(5, 123); Vigenere.set_key("FBI", 123); Atbash.set_key(123); Caesar c2 = new Caesar(); Vigenere v2 = new Vigenere(); Atbash a = new Atbash(); string t = "Hi bob"; Assert.IsTrue(t == c2.decrypt(c2.encrypt(t))); Assert.IsTrue(t == v2.decrypt(v2.encrypt(t))); Assert.IsTrue(t == a.decrypt(a.encrypt(t))); t = "Not yet"; Assert.IsTrue(t == c2.decrypt(c2.encrypt(t))); Assert.IsTrue(t == v2.decrypt(v2.encrypt(t))); t = "The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States"; Assert.IsTrue(t == c2.decrypt(c2.encrypt(t))); Assert.IsTrue(t == v2.decrypt(v2.encrypt(t))); t = "just test it"; Assert.IsTrue(t == c2.decrypt(c2.encrypt(t))); Assert.IsTrue(t == v2.decrypt(v2.encrypt(t))); }
public string Encodes_words_using_atbash_cipher(string words) { return(Atbash.Encode(words)); }
public void Encodes_words_using_atbash_cipher(string words, string expected) { Assert.Equal(expected, Atbash.Encode(words)); }
private ICipher GetCipherObject(bool crack) { ICipher cipher; switch (CipherWindowProperties.Cipher) { case CipherWindowProperties.CipherType.ATBASH: cipher = new Atbash(); break; case CipherWindowProperties.CipherType.ROT13: cipher = new Rot13(); break; case CipherWindowProperties.CipherType.CAESAR: if (crack) { cipher = new Caesar('A'); break; } if (textBoxKey1.Text.Length != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Key 1 is invalid: length must be 1.", "Invalid Key"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } cipher = new Caesar(new string(textBoxKey1.Text[0], 1).ToUpper()[0]); break; case CipherWindowProperties.CipherType.AFFINE: if (crack) { cipher = new Affine(1, 1); break; } int a, b; try { a = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxKey1.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Key 1 is invalid: must be an integer.", "Invalid Key"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } try { b = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxKey2.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Key 2 is invalid: must be an integer.", "Invalid Key"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (Util.ModInverse(a, 26) == -1 || a < 1 || a > 26) { MessageBox.Show("Key 1 is invalid: it must be an odd number that is not 13, and between 0 and 26.", "Invalid Key"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (b < 1 || b > 26) { MessageBox.Show("Key 2 is invalid: it must be between 0 and 26.", "Invalid Key"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } cipher = new Affine(Convert.ToInt32(textBoxKey1.Text), Convert.ToInt32(textBoxKey2.Text)); break; default: return(null); } return(cipher); }
public IActionResult at_encrypt(Atbash at) { at.encrypt(Request.Form["plaintext"]); return(View("Atbash", at)); }
public IActionResult Atbash() { Atbash at = new Atbash(); return(View("Atbash", at)); }