コード例 #1
        public async Task OrderInGetReadReceiptsIteratorIsNotAlteredByPaging()
            var threadId       = "19:[email protected]";
            var uri            = new Uri("https://localHostTest");
            var baseSenderId   = "8:acs:1b5cc06b-f352-4571-b1e6-d9b259b7c776_00000007-0464-274b-b274-5a3a0d00010";
            var baseReadOnDate = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-12-15T00:00:00Z");

            var responseItemsPage1 = new MockResponse(200);


            var responseItemsPage2 = new MockResponse(200);


            var chatClientOptions = new ChatClientOptions
                Transport = new MockTransport(responseItemsPage1, responseItemsPage2)

            var communicationTokenCredential = new CommunicationTokenCredential(ChatRecordedTestSanitizer.SanitizedUnsignedUserTokenValue);
            var chatClient = new ChatClient(uri, communicationTokenCredential, chatClientOptions);
            ChatThreadClient chatThreadClient = chatClient.GetChatThreadClient(threadId);
            AsyncPageable <ChatMessageReadReceipt> allreadReceipts = chatThreadClient.GetReadReceiptsAsync();

            int pages     = 0;
            int idCounter = 0;

            //string? continuationToken = null;
            await foreach (Page <ChatMessageReadReceipt> page in allreadReceipts.AsPages(pageSizeHint: 3))
                foreach (ChatMessageReadReceipt readReceipt in page.Values)
                    Assert.AreEqual($"{idCounter}", readReceipt.ChatMessageId);
                    Assert.AreEqual($"{baseSenderId}{idCounter}", readReceipt.SenderId);
                    Assert.AreEqual(baseReadOnDate.AddSeconds(idCounter), readReceipt.ReadOn);
                //continuationToken = page.ContinuationToken;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, pages);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, idCounter);
コード例 #2
        public async Task CanGetManifestsWithCustomPageSize(bool anonymous)
            // Arrange
            var client           = CreateClient(anonymous);
            var repository       = client.GetRepository(_repositoryName);
            int pageSize         = 2;
            int minExpectedPages = 2;

            // Act
            AsyncPageable <ArtifactManifestProperties> artifacts = repository.GetAllManifestPropertiesAsync();
            var pages = artifacts.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize);

            // Assert
            int pageCount = await pages.CountAsync();

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(pageCount, minExpectedPages);
        // [Test] -- Enable the tests when you're running the samples for the service
        public async Task ListResources()
            #region Snippet:ListResources

            var client = GetClient();
            AsyncPageable <BinaryData> pageable = client.GetResourcesAsync();
            await foreach (var page in pageable.AsPages())
                foreach (var resourceBinaryData in page.Values)
                    using JsonDocument resourceJson = JsonDocument.Parse(resourceBinaryData.ToMemory());

コード例 #4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <TenantCollectionResult> GetChildrenAsync(string tenantId, int limit, string?continuationToken)
            (ITenant _, BlobContainerClient container) = await this.GetContainerAndTenantForChildTenantsOfAsync(tenantId)

            string?blobContinuationToken = DecodeUrlEncodedContinuationToken(continuationToken);

            AsyncPageable <BlobItem>            pageable = container.GetBlobsAsync(prefix: LiveTenantsPrefix);
            IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobItem> > pages    = pageable.AsPages(blobContinuationToken, limit);

            await using IAsyncEnumerator <Page <BlobItem> > page = pages.GetAsyncEnumerator();
            Page <BlobItem>?p = await page.MoveNextAsync()
                ? page.Current
                : null;

            IEnumerable <BlobItem> items = p?.Values ?? Enumerable.Empty <BlobItem>();

            return(new TenantCollectionResult(
                       items.Select(s => s.Name[LiveTenantsPrefix.Length..]).ToList(),
コード例 #5
        // -- or --

        public async IAsyncEnumerable <BlobClient> GetAllBlobsAsync(BlobContainerClient container)
            string token = null;

                AsyncPageable <BlobItem> pageable =
                    container.GetBlobsAsync(BlobTraits.None, BlobStates.None, string.Empty);
                IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobItem> > pages = pageable.AsPages(token, 100);
                await foreach (Page <BlobItem> page in pages)
                    token = page.ContinuationToken;
                    foreach (BlobItem blob in page.Values)
                        yield return(container.GetBlobClient(blob.Name));
            } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token));
コード例 #6
        public static async Task <List <SecretProperties> > FindSecrets(AsyncPageable <SecretProperties> secretsPages, Func <SecretProperties, bool> comparison = null)
            // if no comparison is provided, every item is a match
            if (comparison == null)
                comparison = x => true;

            var secretsList = new List <SecretProperties>();

            await foreach (Page <SecretProperties> page in secretsPages.AsPages())
                foreach (SecretProperties secret in page.Values.Where(x => comparison(x)))

コード例 #7
        public async Task CanGetTagsWithCustomPageSize()
            // Arrange
            var client           = CreateClient();
            int pageSize         = 2;
            int minExpectedPages = 2;

            // Act
            AsyncPageable <TagProperties> tags = client.GetTagsAsync();
            var pages = tags.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize);

            int pageCount = 0;

            await foreach (var page in pages)
                Assert.IsTrue(page.Values.Count <= pageSize);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(pageCount >= minExpectedPages);
コード例 #8
            public static async Task AssertPaginationAsync(AsyncPageable <T> enumerableResource, int expectedPageSize, int expectedTotalResources)
                string?continuationToken = null;
                int    expectedRoundTrips = (expectedTotalResources / expectedPageSize) + 1;
                int    actualPageSize, actualTotalResources = 0, actualRoundTrips = 0;

                await foreach (Page <T> page in enumerableResource.AsPages(continuationToken, expectedPageSize))
                    actualPageSize = 0;
                    foreach (T resource in page.Values)
                    continuationToken = page.ContinuationToken;
                    Assert.GreaterOrEqual(expectedPageSize, actualPageSize);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedTotalResources, actualTotalResources);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedRoundTrips, actualRoundTrips);
コード例 #9
        public async Task AsyncPageableAsPages()
            // create a client
            var client = new SecretClient(new Uri("http://example.com"), new DefaultAzureCredential());

            #region Snippet:AsyncPageableAsPages
            // call a service method, which returns AsyncPageable<T>
            AsyncPageable <SecretProperties> response = client.GetPropertiesOfSecretsAsync();

            await foreach (Page <SecretProperties> page in response.AsPages())
                // enumerate through page items
                foreach (SecretProperties secretProperties in page.Values)

                // get continuation token that can be used in AsPages call to resume enumeration
コード例 #10
        public async Task CachesDifferentResponse(bool isAsync)
            string getClientRequestId;

            if (isAsync)
                Response <KeyVaultSecret> response = await _fixture.Client.GetSecretAsync(_fixture.SecretName);

                getClientRequestId = response.GetRawResponse().ClientRequestId;
                Response <KeyVaultSecret> response = _fixture.Client.GetSecret(_fixture.SecretName);
                getClientRequestId = response.GetRawResponse().ClientRequestId;

            string listClientRequestId = null;

            if (isAsync)
                AsyncPageable <SecretProperties> response = _fixture.Client.GetPropertiesOfSecretsAsync();
                await foreach (Page <SecretProperties> page in response.AsPages())
                    listClientRequestId = page.GetRawResponse().ClientRequestId;
                Pageable <SecretProperties> response = _fixture.Client.GetPropertiesOfSecrets();
                foreach (Page <SecretProperties> page in response.AsPages())
                    listClientRequestId = page.GetRawResponse().ClientRequestId;

            Assert.NotEqual(getClientRequestId, listClientRequestId);
コード例 #11
        public async Task CanGetRepositoriesWithCustomPageSize()
            // Arrange
            var client           = CreateClient();
            int pageSize         = 2;
            int minExpectedPages = 2;

            // Act
            AsyncPageable <string> repositories = client.GetRepositoryNamesAsync();
            var pages = repositories.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize);

            int pageCount = 0;

            await foreach (var page in pages)
                Assert.IsTrue(page.Values.Count <= pageSize);

            // Assert
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(pageCount, minExpectedPages);
コード例 #12
        public async Task ImmediateResumeFromEndOfCurrentHourYieldsEmptyResult()
            // Uncomment when recording.
            //DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            // Update and uncomment after recording.
            DateTimeOffset startTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 8, 11, 21, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);

            BlobServiceClient    service = GetServiceClient_SharedKey();
            BlobChangeFeedClient blobChangeFeedClient = service.GetChangeFeedClient();

            // Collect all events within range
            AsyncPageable <BlobChangeFeedEvent> blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable
                = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(
                      start: startTime);
            ISet <string> AllEventIds = new HashSet <string>();
            IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> > asyncEnumerable = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages(pageSizeHint: 50);
            Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> lastPage = null;

            await foreach (Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> page in asyncEnumerable)
                foreach (BlobChangeFeedEvent e in page.Values)
                lastPage = page;

            string continuation = lastPage.ContinuationToken;

            // Act
            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(continuation);
            IList <BlobChangeFeedEvent> tail = await blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.ToListAsync();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, tail.Count);
            Assert.Greater(AllEventIds.Count, 0);
コード例 #13
        public async Task CanGetArtifactsWithCustomPageSize()
            // Arrange
            var client           = CreateClient();
            int pageSize         = 2;
            int minExpectedPages = 2;

            // Act
            AsyncPageable <RegistryArtifactProperties> artifacts = client.GetRegistryArtifactsAsync();
            var pages = artifacts.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize);

            int pageCount = 0;

            await foreach (var page in pages)
                Assert.GreaterOrEqual(page.Values.Count, pageSize);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(pageCount >= minExpectedPages);
コード例 #14
        public async Task ResumeFromEndInThePastYieldsEmptyResult()
            // This is hardcoded for playback stability. Feel free to modify but make sure recordings match.
            DateTimeOffset startTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 7, 30, 23, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);
            DateTimeOffset endTime   = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 7, 30, 23, 15, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);

            BlobServiceClient    service = GetServiceClient_SharedKey();
            BlobChangeFeedClient blobChangeFeedClient = service.GetChangeFeedClient();

            // Collect all events within range
            AsyncPageable <BlobChangeFeedEvent> blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable
                = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(
                      start: startTime,
                      end: endTime);
            ISet <string> AllEventIds = new HashSet <string>();
            IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> > asyncEnumerable = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages(pageSizeHint: 50);
            Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> lastPage = null;

            await foreach (Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> page in asyncEnumerable)
                foreach (BlobChangeFeedEvent e in page.Values)
                lastPage = page;

            string continuation = lastPage.ContinuationToken;

            // Act
            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(continuation);
            IList <BlobChangeFeedEvent> tail = await blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.ToListAsync();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, tail.Count);
            Assert.Greater(AllEventIds.Count, 0);
コード例 #15
        public async Task CanGetManifestsWithCustomPageSize(bool anonymous)
            // Arrange
            var client           = CreateClient(anonymous);
            var repository       = client.GetRepository(_repositoryName);
            int pageSize         = 2;
            int minExpectedPages = 2;

            // Act
            AsyncPageable <ArtifactManifestProperties> artifacts = repository.GetManifestsAsync();
            var pages = artifacts.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize);

            int pageCount = 0;

            await foreach (var page in pages)
                Assert.GreaterOrEqual(page.Values.Count, pageSize);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(pageCount >= minExpectedPages);
コード例 #16
        public async Task CanGetTagsWithCustomPageSize(bool anonymous)
            // Arrange
            var    client           = CreateClient(anonymous);
            string tagName          = "latest";
            var    artifact         = client.GetArtifact(_repositoryName, tagName);
            int    pageSize         = 2;
            int    minExpectedPages = 2;

            // Act
            AsyncPageable <ArtifactTagProperties> tags = artifact.GetTagsAsync();
            var pages = tags.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize);

            int pageCount = 0;

            await foreach (var page in pages)
                Assert.IsTrue(page.Values.Count <= pageSize);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(pageCount >= minExpectedPages);
コード例 #17
        public async Task QueryEntitiesAsync()
            string storageUri        = StorageUri;
            string accountName       = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey = PrimaryStorageAccountKey;
            string tableName         = "OfficeSupplies4p2" + _random.Next();
            string partitionKey      = "somePartition";
            string rowKey            = "1";
            string rowKey2           = "2";

            var serviceClient = new TableServiceClient(
                new Uri(storageUri),
                new TableSharedKeyCredential(accountName, storageAccountKey));

            await serviceClient.CreateTableAsync(tableName);

            var tableClient = serviceClient.GetTableClient(tableName);

            var entity = new TableEntity(partitionKey, rowKey)
                { "Product", "Markers" },
                { "Price", 5.00 },
            await tableClient.AddEntityAsync(entity);

            var entity2 = new TableEntity(partitionKey, rowKey2)
                { "Product", "Chair" },
                { "Price", 7.00 },
            await tableClient.AddEntityAsync(entity2);

            #region Snippet:TablesSample4QueryEntitiesAsync
            // Use the <see cref="TableClient"> to query the table. Passing in OData filter strings is optional.
            AsyncPageable <TableEntity> queryResults = tableClient.QueryAsync <TableEntity>(filter: $"PartitionKey eq '{partitionKey}'");
            int count = 0;

            // Iterate the list in order to access individual queried entities.
            await foreach (TableEntity qEntity in queryResults)
                Console.WriteLine($"{qEntity.GetString("Product")}: {qEntity.GetDouble("Price")}");

            Console.WriteLine($"The query returned {count} entities.");

            #region Snippet:TablesSample4QueryEntitiesExpressionAsync
            // Use the <see cref="TableClient"> to query the table using a filter expression.
            double priceCutOff = 6.00;
            AsyncPageable <OfficeSupplyEntity> queryResultsLINQ = tableClient.QueryAsync <OfficeSupplyEntity>(ent => ent.Price >= priceCutOff);

            #region Snippet:TablesSample4QueryEntitiesSelectAsync
            AsyncPageable <TableEntity> queryResultsSelect = tableClient.QueryAsync <TableEntity>(select: new List <string>()
                "Product", "Price"

            #region Snippet:TablesSample4QueryEntitiesMaxPerPageAsync
            AsyncPageable <TableEntity> queryResultsMaxPerPage = tableClient.QueryAsync <TableEntity>(maxPerPage: 10);

            // Iterate the <see cref="Pageable"> by page.
            await foreach (Page <TableEntity> page in queryResultsMaxPerPage.AsPages())
                Console.WriteLine("This is a new page!");
                foreach (TableEntity qEntity in page.Values)
                    Console.WriteLine($"# of {qEntity.GetString("Product")} inventoried: {qEntity.GetInt32("Quantity")}");

            await serviceClient.DeleteTableAsync(tableName);
コード例 #18
        public async Task Query_PaginationWorks()
            DigitalTwinsClient client = GetClient();
            int    pageSize           = 5;
            string floorModelId       = await GetUniqueModelIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.FloorModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string roomModelId = await GetUniqueModelIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.RoomModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Create room model
                string roomModel = TestAssetsHelper.GetRoomModelPayload(roomModelId, floorModelId);
                await client.CreateModelsAsync(new List <string> {

                // Create a room twin, with property "IsOccupied": true
                string roomTwin = TestAssetsHelper.GetRoomTwinPayload(roomModelId);

                for (int i = 0; i < pageSize + 1; i++)
                    string roomTwinId = await GetUniqueTwinIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.RoomTwinIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await client.CreateDigitalTwinAsync(roomTwinId, roomTwin).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string queryString = "SELECT * FROM digitaltwins";

                // act
                var options = new QueryOptions();
                options.MaxItemsPerPage = pageSize;
                AsyncPageable <string> asyncPageableResponse = client.QueryAsync(queryString, options);

                // assert
                // Test that page size hint works, and that all returned pages either have the page size hint amount of
                // elements, or have no continuation token (signaling that it is the last page)
                int pageCount = 0;
                await foreach (Page <string> page in asyncPageableResponse.AsPages())
                    if (page.ContinuationToken != null)
                        page.Values.Count.Should().Be(pageSize, "Unexpected page size for a non-terminal page");

                pageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(1, "Expected more than one page of query results");
                // clean up
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomModelId))
                        await client.DeleteModelAsync(roomModelId).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.Fail($"Test clean up failed: {ex.Message}");
コード例 #19
        public async Task Relationships_PaginationWorks()
            DigitalTwinsClient client = GetClient();

            string floorModelId = await GetUniqueModelIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.FloorModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string roomModelId = await GetUniqueModelIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.RoomModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string hvacModelId = await GetUniqueTwinIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.HvacModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string floorTwinId = await GetUniqueTwinIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.FloorTwinIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string roomTwinId = await GetUniqueTwinIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.RoomTwinIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string hvacTwinId = await GetUniqueTwinIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.HvacTwinIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // create floor, room and hvac model
                string floorModel = TestAssetsHelper.GetFloorModelPayload(floorModelId, roomModelId, hvacModelId);
                string roomModel  = TestAssetsHelper.GetRoomModelPayload(roomModelId, floorModelId);
                string hvacModel  = TestAssetsHelper.GetHvacModelPayload(hvacModelId, floorModelId);
                await client.CreateModelsAsync(new List <string> {
                    floorModel, roomModel, hvacModel

                // create floor twin
                BasicDigitalTwin floorTwin = TestAssetsHelper.GetFloorTwinPayload(floorModelId);
                await client.CreateDigitalTwinAsync <BasicDigitalTwin>(floorTwinId, floorTwin).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Create room twin
                BasicDigitalTwin roomTwin = TestAssetsHelper.GetRoomTwinPayload(roomModelId);
                await client.CreateDigitalTwinAsync <BasicDigitalTwin>(roomTwinId, roomTwin).ConfigureAwait(false);

                BasicRelationship floorContainsRoomPayload = TestAssetsHelper.GetRelationshipWithPropertyPayload(roomTwinId, ContainsRelationship, "isAccessRestricted", true);
                BasicRelationship floorTwinContainedInRelationshipPayload = TestAssetsHelper.GetRelationshipPayload(floorTwinId, ContainedInRelationship);

                // For the sake of test simplicity, we'll just add multiple relationships from the same floor to the same room.
                for (int i = 0; i < bulkRelationshipCount; i++)
                    var floorContainsRoomRelationshipId = $"FloorToRoomRelationship-{GetRandom()}";

                    // create Relationship from Floor -> Room
                    await client
                    .CreateRelationshipAsync <BasicRelationship>(

                // For the sake of test simplicity, we'll just add multiple relationships from the same room to the same floor.
                for (int i = 0; i < bulkRelationshipCount; i++)
                    var roomContainedInFloorRelationshipId = $"RoomToFloorRelationship-{GetRandom()}";

                    // create Relationship from Room -> Floor
                    await client
                    .CreateRelationshipAsync <BasicRelationship>(

                // LIST incoming relationships by page
                AsyncPageable <IncomingRelationship> incomingRelationships = client.GetIncomingRelationshipsAsync(floorTwinId);

                int incomingRelationshipPageCount = 0;
                await foreach (Page <IncomingRelationship> incomingRelationshipPage in incomingRelationships.AsPages())
                    if (incomingRelationshipPage.ContinuationToken != null)
                        incomingRelationshipPage.Values.Count.Should().Be(defaultRelationshipPageSize, "Unexpected page size for a non-terminal page");

                incomingRelationshipPageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(1, "Expected more than one page of incoming relationships");

                // LIST outgoing relationships by page
                AsyncPageable <string> outgoingRelationships = client.GetRelationshipsAsync(floorTwinId);

                int outgoingRelationshipPageCount = 0;
                await foreach (Page <string> outgoingRelationshipPage in outgoingRelationships.AsPages())
                    if (outgoingRelationshipPage.ContinuationToken != null)
                        outgoingRelationshipPage.Values.Count.Should().Be(defaultRelationshipPageSize, "Unexpected page size for a non-terminal page");

                outgoingRelationshipPageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(1, "Expected more than one page of outgoing relationships");
                // clean up
                    await Task
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.Fail($"Test clean up failed: {ex.Message}");
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called each polling interval for all containers. The method divides the
        /// budget of allocated number of blobs to query, for each container we query a page of
        /// that size and we keep the continuation token for the next time. AS a curser, we use
        /// the time stamp when the current cycle on the container started. blobs newer than that
        /// time will be considered new and registrations will be notified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="containerScanInfo"> Information that includes the last cycle start
        /// the continuation token and the current cycle start for a container</param>
        /// <param name="clientRequestId"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <BlobBaseClient> > PollNewBlobsAsync(
            BlobContainerClient container, ContainerScanInfo containerScanInfo, string clientRequestId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEnumerable <BlobItem> currentBlobs;
            int             blobPollLimitPerContainer = _scanBlobLimitPerPoll / _scanInfo.Count;
            string          continuationToken         = containerScanInfo.ContinuationToken;
            Page <BlobItem> page;

            // if starting the cycle, reset the sweep time
            if (continuationToken == null)
                containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified = DateTime.MinValue;

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                AsyncPageable <BlobItem>            blobsAsyncPageable = container.GetBlobsAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobItem> > pages           = blobsAsyncPageable.AsPages(continuationToken: continuationToken, pageSizeHint: blobPollLimitPerContainer);
                IAsyncEnumerator <Page <BlobItem> > pagesEnumerator = pages.GetAsyncEnumerator(cancellationToken);
                if (await pagesEnumerator.MoveNextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    page         = pagesEnumerator.Current;
                    currentBlobs = page.Values;
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <BlobBaseClient>());
            catch (RequestFailedException exception)
                if (exception.IsNotFound())
                    Logger.ContainerDoesNotExist(_logger, container.Name);
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <BlobBaseClient>());

            List <BlobBaseClient> newBlobs = new List <BlobBaseClient>();

            // Type cast to IStorageBlob is safe due to useFlatBlobListing: true above.
            foreach (BlobItem currentBlob in currentBlobs)

                var      properties            = currentBlob.Properties;
                DateTime lastModifiedTimestamp = properties.LastModified.Value.UtcDateTime;

                if (lastModifiedTimestamp > containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified)
                    containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified = lastModifiedTimestamp;

                // Blob timestamps are rounded to the nearest second, so make sure we continue to check
                // the previous timestamp to catch any blobs that came in slightly after our previous poll.
                if (lastModifiedTimestamp >= containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified)

            Logger.PollBlobContainer(_logger, container.Name, containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified, clientRequestId,
                                     newBlobs.Count, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.ContinuationToken));

            // record continuation token for next chunk retrieval
            containerScanInfo.ContinuationToken = page.ContinuationToken;

            // if ending a cycle then copy currentSweepCycleStartTime to lastSweepCycleStartTime, if changed
            if (page.ContinuationToken == null &&
                containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified > containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified)
                containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified = containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified;

コード例 #21
        public async Task Query_PaginationWorks()
            DigitalTwinsClient client = GetClient();
            int    pageSize           = 5;
            string floorModelId       = await GetUniqueModelIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.FloorModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string roomModelId = await GetUniqueModelIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.RoomModelIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

            TimeSpan QueryWaitTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); // Wait at most one minute for the created twins to become queryable

                // Create room model
                string roomModel = TestAssetsHelper.GetRoomModelPayload(roomModelId, floorModelId);
                await CreateAndListModelsAsync(client, new List <string> {

                // Create a room twin, with property "IsOccupied": true
                BasicDigitalTwin roomTwin = TestAssetsHelper.GetRoomTwinPayload(roomModelId);

                for (int i = 0; i < pageSize * 2; i++)
                    string roomTwinId = await GetUniqueTwinIdAsync(client, TestAssetDefaults.RoomTwinIdPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await client.CreateOrReplaceDigitalTwinAsync <BasicDigitalTwin>(roomTwinId, roomTwin).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string queryString = "SELECT * FROM digitaltwins";

                // act
                CancellationTokenSource queryTimeoutCancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(QueryWaitTimeout);
                bool queryHasExpectedCount = false;
                while (!queryHasExpectedCount)
                    if (queryTimeoutCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new AssertionException($"Timed out waiting for at least {pageSize + 1} twins to be queryable");

                    AsyncPageable <BasicDigitalTwin> asyncPageableResponse = client.QueryAsync <BasicDigitalTwin>(queryString, queryTimeoutCancellationToken.Token);
                    int count = 0;
                    await foreach (Page <BasicDigitalTwin> queriedTwinPage in asyncPageableResponse.AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize))
                        count += queriedTwinPage.Values.Count;

                    // Once at least (page + 1) twins are query-able, then page size control can be tested.
                    queryHasExpectedCount = count >= pageSize + 1;

                // assert
                // Test that page size hint works, and that all returned pages either have the page size hint amount of
                // elements, or have no continuation token (signaling that it is the last page)
                int pageCount = 0;
                await foreach (Page <BasicDigitalTwin> page in client.QueryAsync <BasicDigitalTwin>(queryString).AsPages(pageSizeHint: pageSize))
                    if (page.ContinuationToken != null)
                        page.Values.Count.Should().Be(pageSize, "Unexpected page size for a non-terminal page");

                pageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(1, "Expected more than one page of query results");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail($"Failure in executing a step in the test case: {ex.Message}.");
                // clean up
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomModelId))
                        await client.DeleteModelAsync(roomModelId).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.Fail($"Test clean up failed: {ex.Message}");
コード例 #22
        public async Task QueryTwinsAsync()
            PrintHeader("QUERY DIGITAL TWINS");

                Console.WriteLine("Making a twin query and iterating over the results.");

                #region Snippet:DigitalTwinsSampleQueryTwins

                // This code snippet demonstrates the simplest way to iterate over the digital twin results, where paging
                // happens under the covers.
                AsyncPageable <string> asyncPageableResponse = client.QueryAsync("SELECT * FROM digitaltwins");

                // Iterate over the twin instances in the pageable response.
                // The "await" keyword here is required because new pages will be fetched when necessary,
                // which involves a request to the service.
                await foreach (string response in asyncPageableResponse)
                    BasicDigitalTwin twin = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <BasicDigitalTwin>(response);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Found digital twin: {twin.Id}");

                #endregion Snippet:DigitalTwinsSampleQueryTwins

                Console.WriteLine("Making a twin query, with query-charge header extraction.");

                #region Snippet:DigitalTwinsSampleQueryTwinsWithQueryCharge

                // This code snippet demonstrates how you could extract the query charges incurred when calling
                // the query API. It iterates over the response pages first to access to the query-charge header,
                // and then the digital twin results within each page.

                AsyncPageable <string> asyncPageableResponseWithCharge = client.QueryAsync("SELECT * FROM digitaltwins");
                int pageNum = 0;

                // The "await" keyword here is required as a call is made when fetching a new page.
                await foreach (Page <string> page in asyncPageableResponseWithCharge.AsPages())
                    Console.WriteLine($"Page {++pageNum} results:");

                    // Extract the query-charge header from the page
                    if (QueryChargeHelper.TryGetQueryCharge(page, out float queryCharge))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Query charge was: {queryCharge}");

                    // Iterate over the twin instances.
                    // The "await" keyword is not required here as the paged response is local.
                    foreach (string response in page.Values)
                        BasicDigitalTwin twin = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <BasicDigitalTwin>(response);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Found digital twin: {twin.Id}");

                #endregion Snippet:DigitalTwinsSampleQueryTwinsWithQueryCharge
            catch (Exception ex)
                FatalError($"Could not query digital twins due to {ex}");
コード例 #23
        public async Task TestTailEvents()
            // Uncomment when recording.
            //DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            // Update and uncomment after recording.
            DateTimeOffset startTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 8, 10, 16, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);

            TimeSpan pollInterval = Mode == RecordedTestMode.Playback ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3);

            BlobServiceClient          service = GetServiceClient_SharedKey();
            BlobChangeFeedClient       blobChangeFeedClient = service.GetChangeFeedClient();
            Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> lastPage             = null;
            ISet <string> EventIdsPart1 = new HashSet <string>();
            ISet <string> EventIdsPart2 = new HashSet <string>();
            ISet <string> EventIdsPart3 = new HashSet <string>();

            // Part 1
            AsyncPageable <BlobChangeFeedEvent>            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(start: startTime);
            IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> > asyncEnumerable            = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages();

            await foreach (var page in asyncEnumerable)
                lastPage = page;
                foreach (var evt in page.Values)


            await Task.Delay(pollInterval);

            // Part 2
            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(lastPage.ContinuationToken);
            asyncEnumerable            = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages();
            await foreach (var page in asyncEnumerable)
                lastPage = page;
                foreach (var evt in page.Values)


            await Task.Delay(pollInterval);

            // Part 3
            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(lastPage.ContinuationToken);
            asyncEnumerable            = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages();
            await foreach (var page in asyncEnumerable)
                lastPage = page;
                foreach (var evt in page.Values)


            // Assert events are not duplicated
コード例 #24
        public async Task ResumeFromTheMiddleOfTheChunkWithManyNonEmptyShards()
            // This is hardcoded for playback stability. Feel free to modify but make sure recordings match.
            DateTimeOffset startTime          = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 8, 5, 17, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);
            DateTimeOffset endTime            = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 8, 5, 17, 15, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);
            int            expectedShardCount = 3;

            BlobServiceClient    service = GetServiceClient_SharedKey();
            BlobChangeFeedClient blobChangeFeedClient = service.GetChangeFeedClient();

            // Collect all events within range
            AsyncPageable <BlobChangeFeedEvent> blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable
                = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(
                      start: startTime,
                      end: endTime);
            ISet <string> AllEventIds = new HashSet <string>();

            await foreach (BlobChangeFeedEvent e in blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable)

            // Iterate over first two pages
            ISet <string> EventIdsPart1 = new HashSet <string>();

            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(
                start: startTime,
                end: endTime);
            IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> > asyncEnumerable = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages(pageSizeHint: 50);
            Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> lastPage = null;
            int pages = 0;

            await foreach (Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> page in asyncEnumerable)
                foreach (BlobChangeFeedEvent e in page.Values)
                lastPage = page;
                if (pages > 2)

            string continuation = lastPage.ContinuationToken;

            var currentSegmentCursor = (JsonSerializer.Deserialize(continuation, typeof(ChangeFeedCursor)) as ChangeFeedCursor).CurrentSegmentCursor;

            Assert.AreEqual(currentSegmentCursor.ShardCursors.Count, expectedShardCount);
            Assert.IsNotNull(currentSegmentCursor.ShardCursors.Find(x => x.BlockOffset > 0), "Making sure we actually finish some shard in the middle of chunk, if this fails play with test data to make it pass");

            // Iterate over next two pages
            ISet <string> EventIdsPart2 = new HashSet <string>();

            blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(continuation);
            asyncEnumerable            = blobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.AsPages(pageSizeHint: 50);
            lastPage = null;
            pages    = 0;
            await foreach (Page <BlobChangeFeedEvent> page in asyncEnumerable)
                foreach (BlobChangeFeedEvent e in page.Values)
                lastPage = page;
                if (pages > 2)

            continuation         = lastPage.ContinuationToken;
            currentSegmentCursor = (JsonSerializer.Deserialize(continuation, typeof(ChangeFeedCursor)) as ChangeFeedCursor).CurrentSegmentCursor;
            Assert.AreEqual(currentSegmentCursor.ShardCursors.Count, expectedShardCount);
            Assert.IsNotNull(currentSegmentCursor.ShardCursors.Find(x => x.BlockOffset > 0), "Making sure we actually finish some shard in the middle of chunk, if this fails play with test data to make it pass");

            // Iterate over remaining
            ISet <string> EventIdsTail = new HashSet <string>();
            AsyncPageable <BlobChangeFeedEvent> cursorBlobChangeFeedAsyncPagable
                = blobChangeFeedClient.GetChangesAsync(continuation);

            IList <BlobChangeFeedEvent> list = await cursorBlobChangeFeedAsyncPagable.ToListAsync();

            foreach (BlobChangeFeedEvent e in list)

            ISet <string> AllEventIdsFromResumingIteration = new HashSet <string>();


            Assert.Greater(AllEventIds.Count, 0);
            Assert.Greater(EventIdsPart1.Count, 0);
            Assert.Greater(EventIdsPart2.Count, 0);
            Assert.Greater(EventIdsTail.Count, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(AllEventIds.Count, EventIdsPart1.Count + EventIdsPart2.Count + EventIdsTail.Count);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(AllEventIds, AllEventIdsFromResumingIteration);