コード例 #1
        public void BuildRegions()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Regions");

            int w = voxelArea.width;
            int d = voxelArea.depth;

            int wd = w * d;

            int spanCount = voxelArea.compactSpanCount;

            ushort[] srcReg = voxelArea.tmpUShortArr;
            if (srcReg.Length < spanCount)
                srcReg = voxelArea.tmpUShortArr = new ushort[spanCount];
            Pathfinding.Util.Memory.MemSet <ushort>(srcReg, 0, sizeof(ushort));
            int expandIterations = 8;

            List <int> stack = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <int> .Claim(1024);

            ushort[] srcReg  = new ushort[spanCount];
            ushort[] srcDist = new ushort[spanCount];
            ushort[] dstReg  = new ushort[spanCount];
            ushort[] dstDist = new ushort[spanCount];

            ushort regionId = 2;
            MarkRectWithRegion(0, borderSize, 0, d, (ushort)(regionId | BorderReg), srcReg);    regionId++;
            MarkRectWithRegion(w - borderSize, w, 0, d, (ushort)(regionId | BorderReg), srcReg);    regionId++;
            MarkRectWithRegion(0, w, 0, borderSize, (ushort)(regionId | BorderReg), srcReg);    regionId++;
            MarkRectWithRegion(0, w, d - borderSize, d, (ushort)(regionId | BorderReg), srcReg);    regionId++;

            uint level = 0;

            List <Int3> basins = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Int3> .Claim(100);

            // Find "basins"
            for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += w, pz++)
                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[z + x];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; i++)
                        CompactVoxelSpan s        = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];
                        bool             anyBelow = false;

                        if (voxelArea.areaTypes[i] == UnwalkableArea || srcReg[i] != 0)

                        for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
                            if (s.GetConnection(dir) != NotConnected)
                                int nx = x + voxelArea.DirectionX[dir];
                                int nz = z + voxelArea.DirectionZ[dir];

                                int ni2 = (int)(voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].index + s.GetConnection(dir));

                                if (voxelArea.dist[i] < voxelArea.dist[ni2])
                                    anyBelow = true;

                                //CompactVoxelSpan ns = voxelArea.compactSpans[ni];
                        if (!anyBelow)
                            basins.Add(new Int3(x, i, z));
                            level = System.Math.Max(level, voxelArea.dist[i]);

            //Start at maximum possible distance. & ~1 is rounding down to an even value
            level = (uint)((level + 1) & ~1);

            List <Int3> st1 = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Int3> .Claim(300);

            List <Int3> st2 = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Int3> .Claim(300);

            // Some debug code
            //bool visited = new bool[voxelArea.compactSpanCount];

            for (;; level -= 2)
                int ocount      = st1.Count;
                int expandCount = 0;

                if (ocount == 0)
                    //int c = 0;
                    for (int q = 0; q < basins.Count; q++)
                        if (srcReg[basins[q].y] == 0 && voxelArea.dist[basins[q].y] >= level)
                            srcReg[basins[q].y] = 1;

                            // Some debug code
                            //visited[basins[i].y] = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < st1.Count; j++)
                    int x = st1[j].x;
                    int i = st1[j].y;
                    int z = st1[j].z;

                    ushort r = srcReg[i];

                    CompactVoxelSpan s = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];
                    int area           = voxelArea.areaTypes[i];

                    bool anyAbove = false;
                    for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
                        if (s.GetConnection(dir) == NotConnected)

                        int nx = x + voxelArea.DirectionX[dir];
                        int nz = z + voxelArea.DirectionZ[dir];

                        int ni = (int)voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].index + s.GetConnection(dir);

                        if (area != voxelArea.areaTypes[ni])

                        if (voxelArea.dist[ni] < level)
                            anyAbove = true;

                        if (srcReg[ni] == 0)
                            bool same = false;
                            for (int v = (int)voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].index, vt = (int)voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].index + (int)voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].count; v < vt; v++)
                                if (srcReg[v] == srcReg[i])
                                    same = true;

                            if (!same)
                                srcReg[ni] = r;
                                //Debug.DrawRay (ConvertPosition(x,z,i),Vector3.up,AstarMath.IntToColor((int)level,0.6f));

                                st1.Add(new Int3(nx, ni, nz));

                    //Still on the edge
                    if (anyAbove)

                    if (j == ocount - 1)
                        ocount = st1.Count;

                        if (expandCount == 8 || j == st1.Count - 1)
                            //int c = 0;
                            for (int q = 0; q < basins.Count; q++)
                                if (srcReg[basins[q].y] == 0 && voxelArea.dist[basins[q].y] >= level)
                                    srcReg[basins[q].y] = 1;

                                    // Debug code
                                    //visited[basins[i].y] = true;

                List <Int3> tmpList = st1;
                st1 = st2;
                st2 = tmpList;

                //System.Console.WriteLine ("Flooding basins");

                for (int i = 0; i < basins.Count; i++)
                    if (srcReg[basins[i].y] == 1)
                        FloodOnes(st2, srcReg, level, regionId); regionId++;

                if (level == 0)

            Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(st1);

            Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(st2);

            Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(basins);

            // Filter out small regions.
            voxelArea.maxRegions = regionId;

            FilterSmallRegions(srcReg, minRegionSize, voxelArea.maxRegions);

            // Write the result out.
            for (int i = 0; i < voxelArea.compactSpanCount; i++)
                voxelArea.compactSpans[i].reg = srcReg[i];
#else       /// ====== Use original recast code ====== //
            //Start at maximum possible distance. & ~1 is rounding down to an even value
            uint level = (uint)((voxelArea.maxDistance + 1) & ~1);

            int count = 0;

            while (level > 0)
                level = level >= 2 ? level - 2 : 0;

                AstarProfiler.StartProfile("--Expand Regions");
                if (ExpandRegions(expandIterations, level, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack) != srcReg)
                    ushort[] tmp = srcReg;
                    srcReg = dstReg;
                    dstReg = tmp;

                    tmp     = srcDist;
                    srcDist = dstDist;
                    dstDist = tmp;

                AstarProfiler.EndProfile("--Expand Regions");

                AstarProfiler.StartProfile("--Mark Regions");

                // Mark new regions with IDs.
                // Find "basins"
                for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += w, pz++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                        CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[z + x];

                        for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; i++)
                            if (voxelArea.dist[i] < level || srcReg[i] != 0 || voxelArea.areaTypes[i] == UnwalkableArea)

                            if (FloodRegion(x, z, i, level, regionId, srcReg, srcDist, stack))

                AstarProfiler.EndProfile("--Mark Regions");


            if (ExpandRegions(expandIterations * 8, 0, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack) != srcReg)
                ushort[] tmp = srcReg;
                srcReg = dstReg;
                dstReg = tmp;

                tmp     = srcDist;
                srcDist = dstDist;
                dstDist = tmp;

            // Filter out small regions.
            voxelArea.maxRegions = regionId;

            FilterSmallRegions(srcReg, minRegionSize, voxelArea.maxRegions);

            // Write the result out.
            for (int i = 0; i < voxelArea.compactSpanCount; i++)
                voxelArea.compactSpans[i].reg = srcReg[i];

            Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <int> .Release(ref stack);

            // Some debug code not currently used

             * int sCount = voxelArea.GetSpanCount ();
             * Vector3[] debugPointsTop = new Vector3[sCount];
             * Vector3[] debugPointsBottom = new Vector3[sCount];
             * Color[] debugColors = new Color[sCount];
             * int debugPointsCount = 0;
             * //int wd = voxelArea.width*voxelArea.depth;
             * for (int z=0, pz = 0;z < wd;z += voxelArea.width, pz++) {
             *  for (int x=0;x < voxelArea.width;x++) {
             *      Vector3 p = new Vector3(x,0,pz)*cellSize+forcedBounds.min;
             *      //CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[x+z];
             *      CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[x+z];
             *      //if (c.count == 0) {
             *      //	Debug.DrawRay (p,Vector3.up,Color.red);
             *      //}
             *      //for (int i=(int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count);i<ni;i++)
             *      for (int i = (int)c.index; i < c.index+c.count; i++) {
             *          CompactVoxelSpan s = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];
             *          //CompactVoxelSpan s = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];
             *          p.y = ((float)(s.y+0.1F))*cellHeight+forcedBounds.min.y;
             *          debugPointsTop[debugPointsCount] = p;
             *          p.y = ((float)s.y)*cellHeight+forcedBounds.min.y;
             *          debugPointsBottom[debugPointsCount] = p;
             *          debugColors[debugPointsCount] = Pathfinding.AstarMath.IntToColor(s.reg,0.7f);//s.reg == 1 ? Color.green : (s.reg == 2 ? Color.yellow : Color.red);
             *          debugPointsCount++;
             *          //Debug.DrawRay (p,Vector3.up*0.5F,Color.green);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * DebugUtility.DrawCubes (debugPointsTop,debugPointsBottom,debugColors, cellSize);*/
            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Regions");
コード例 #2
    /** Called when a path has completed.
     * Will post process it and return it by calling #tmpPathCallback and #pathCallback */
    public void OnPathComplete(Path p, bool runModifiers, bool sendCallbacks)
        AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Seeker OnPathComplete");

        if (p != null && p != path && sendCallbacks)

        if (this == null || p == null || p != path)

        if (!path.error && runModifiers)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Seeker Modifiers");
            //This will send the path for post processing to modifiers attached to this Seeker
            RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PostProcessOriginal, path);

            //This will send the path for post processing to modifiers attached to this Seeker
            RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PostProcess, path);

        if (sendCallbacks)

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Seeker Callbacks");

            lastCompletedNodePath   = p.path;
            lastCompletedVectorPath = p.vectorPath;

            //This will send the path to the callback (if any) specified when calling StartPath
            if (tmpPathCallback != null)

            //This will send the path to any script which has registered to the callback
            if (pathCallback != null)

            //Recycle the previous path
            if (prevPath != null)

            prevPath = p;

            //If not drawing gizmos, then storing prevPath is quite unecessary
            //So clear it and set prevPath to null
            if (!drawGizmos)


コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a polygon mesh from a contour set.
        /// Warning: Currently locked to 3.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cset">contour set to build a mesh from.</param>
        /// <param name="nvp">Maximum allowed vertices per polygon.</param>
        /// <param name="mesh">Results will be written to this mesh.</param>
        public void BuildPolyMesh(VoxelContourSet cset, int nvp, out VoxelMesh mesh)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Poly Mesh");

            nvp = 3;

            int maxVertices     = 0;
            int maxTris         = 0;
            int maxVertsPerCont = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                // Skip null contours.
                if (cset.conts[i].nverts < 3)

                maxVertices    += cset.conts[i].nverts;
                maxTris        += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
                maxVertsPerCont = System.Math.Max(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);

            Int3[] verts = ArrayPool <Int3> .Claim(maxVertices);

            int[] polys = ArrayPool <int> .Claim(maxTris *nvp);

            int[] areas = ArrayPool <int> .Claim(maxTris);

            Pathfinding.Util.Memory.MemSet <int>(polys, 0xff, sizeof(int));

            int[] indices = ArrayPool <int> .Claim(maxVertsPerCont);

            int[] tris = ArrayPool <int> .Claim(maxVertsPerCont * 3);

            int vertexIndex = 0;
            int polyIndex   = 0;
            int areaIndex   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                VoxelContour cont = cset.conts[i];

                // Skip degenerate contours
                if (cont.nverts < 3)

                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; j++)
                    indices[j] = j;
                    // Convert the z coordinate from the form z*voxelArea.width which is used in other places for performance
                    cont.verts[j * 4 + 2] /= voxelArea.width;

                // Triangulate the contour
                int ntris = Triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, ref indices, ref tris);

                // Assign the correct vertex indices
                int startIndex = vertexIndex;
                for (int j = 0; j < ntris * 3; polyIndex++, j++)
                    //@Error sometimes
                    polys[polyIndex] = tris[j] + startIndex;

                // Mark all triangles generated by this contour
                // as having the area cont.area
                for (int j = 0; j < ntris; areaIndex++, j++)
                    areas[areaIndex] = cont.area;

                // Copy the vertex positions
                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; vertexIndex++, j++)
                    verts[vertexIndex] = new Int3(cont.verts[j * 4], cont.verts[j * 4 + 1], cont.verts[j * 4 + 2]);

            mesh = new VoxelMesh
                verts = Memory.ShrinkArray(verts, vertexIndex),
                tris  = Memory.ShrinkArray(polys, polyIndex),
                areas = Memory.ShrinkArray(areas, areaIndex)

            ArrayPool <Int3> .Release(ref verts);

            ArrayPool <int> .Release(ref polys);

            ArrayPool <int> .Release(ref areas);

            ArrayPool <int> .Release(ref indices);

            ArrayPool <int> .Release(ref tris);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Poly Mesh");
コード例 #4
        public ushort[] ExpandRegions(int maxIterations, uint level, ushort[] srcReg, ushort[] srcDist, ushort[] dstReg, ushort[] dstDist, List <int> stack)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("---Expand 1");
            int w = voxelArea.width;
            int d = voxelArea.depth;

            int wd = w * d;

            List <int> st1 = new List <int>();
            List <int> st2 = new List <int>();

            for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += w, pz++)
                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[z + x];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; i++)
                        if (voxelArea.dist[i] >= level && srcReg[i] == 0 && voxelArea.areaTypes[i] != UnwalkableArea)
                            //Debug.DrawRay (ConvertPosition(x,z,i),Vector3.up*0.5F,Color.cyan);
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
            // Find cells revealed by the raised level.

            for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += w, pz++)
                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[z + x];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; i++)
                        if (voxelArea.dist[i] >= level && srcReg[i] == 0 && voxelArea.areaTypes[i] != UnwalkableArea)
                            //Debug.DrawRay (ConvertPosition(x,z,i),Vector3.up*0.5F,Color.cyan);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("---Expand 1");
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("---Expand 2");

            int iter = 0;

            int stCount = stack.Count;

            if (stCount > 0)
                while (true)
                    int failed = 0;

                    AstarProfiler.StartProfile("---- Copy");

                    // Copy srcReg and srcDist to dstReg and dstDist (but faster than a normal loop)
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(srcReg, 0, dstReg, 0, srcReg.Length * sizeof(ushort));
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(srcDist, 0, dstDist, 0, dstDist.Length * sizeof(ushort));

                    AstarProfiler.EndProfile("---- Copy");

                    for (int j = 0; j < stCount; j += 3)
                        if (j >= stCount)

                        int x = stack[j];
                        int z = stack[j + 1];
                        int i = stack[j + 2];

                        if (i < 0)
                            //Debug.DrawRay (ConvertPosition(x,z,i),Vector3.up*2,Color.blue);

                        ushort r  = srcReg[i];
                        ushort d2 = 0xffff;

                        CompactVoxelSpan s = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];
                        int area           = voxelArea.areaTypes[i];

                        for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
                            if (s.GetConnection(dir) == NotConnected)

                            int nx = x + voxelArea.DirectionX[dir];
                            int nz = z + voxelArea.DirectionZ[dir];

                            int ni = (int)voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].index + s.GetConnection(dir);

                            if (area != voxelArea.areaTypes[ni])

                            if (srcReg[ni] > 0 && (srcReg[ni] & BorderReg) == 0)
                                if ((int)srcDist[ni] + 2 < (int)d2)
                                    r  = srcReg[ni];
                                    d2 = (ushort)(srcDist[ni] + 2);

                        if (r != 0)
                            stack[j + 2] = -1;                           // mark as used
                            dstReg[i]    = r;
                            dstDist[i]   = d2;
                            //Debug.DrawRay (ConvertPosition(x,z,i),Vector3.up*2,Color.red);

                    // Swap source and dest.
                    ushort[] tmp = srcReg;
                    srcReg = dstReg;
                    dstReg = tmp;

                    tmp     = srcDist;
                    srcDist = dstDist;
                    dstDist = tmp;

                    if (failed * 3 >= stCount)
                        //Debug.Log("Failed count broke "+failed);

                    if (level > 0)

                        if (iter >= maxIterations)
                            //Debug.Log("Iterations broke");

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("---Expand 2");

コード例 #5
        /** Builds a polygon mesh from a contour set.
         * \param cset contour set to build a mesh from.
         * \param nvp Maximum allowed vertices per polygon. \warning Currently locked to 3.
         * \param mesh Results will be written to this mesh.
        public void BuildPolyMesh(VoxelContourSet cset, int nvp, out VoxelMesh mesh)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Poly Mesh");

            nvp = 3;

            int maxVertices     = 0;
            int maxTris         = 0;
            int maxVertsPerCont = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                // Skip null contours.
                if (cset.conts[i].nverts < 3)

                maxVertices    += cset.conts[i].nverts;
                maxTris        += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
                maxVertsPerCont = AstarMath.Max(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);

            if (maxVertices >= 65534)
                Debug.LogWarning("To many vertices for unity to render - Unity might screw up rendering, but hopefully the navmesh will work ok");
                //mesh = new VoxelMesh ();
                //yield break;

            /** \todo Could be cached to avoid allocations */
            Int3[] verts = new Int3[maxVertices];
            /** \todo Could be cached to avoid allocations */
            int[] polys = new int[maxTris * nvp];

            Pathfinding.Util.Memory.MemSet <int> (polys, 0xff, sizeof(int));

            int[] indices = new int[maxVertsPerCont];

            int[] tris = new int[maxVertsPerCont * 3];

            int vertexIndex = 0;
            int polyIndex   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                VoxelContour cont = cset.conts[i];

                //Skip null contours
                if (cont.nverts < 3)

                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; j++)
                    indices[j]             = j;
                    cont.verts[j * 4 + 2] /= voxelArea.width;

                int ntris = Triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, ref indices, ref tris);

                int startIndex = vertexIndex;
                for (int j = 0; j < ntris * 3; polyIndex++, j++)
                    //@Error sometimes
                    polys[polyIndex] = tris[j] + startIndex;

                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; vertexIndex++, j++)
                    verts[vertexIndex] = new Int3(cont.verts[j * 4], cont.verts[j * 4 + 1], cont.verts[j * 4 + 2]);

            mesh = new VoxelMesh();
            //yield break;
            Int3[] trimmedVerts = new Int3[vertexIndex];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexIndex; i++)
                trimmedVerts[i] = verts[i];

            int[] trimmedTris = new int[polyIndex];

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(polys, 0, trimmedTris, 0, polyIndex * sizeof(int));

            mesh.verts = trimmedVerts;
            mesh.tris  = trimmedTris;

            // Some debugging

            /*for (int i=0;i<mesh.tris.Length/3;i++) {
             *      int p = i*3;
             *      int p1 = mesh.tris[p];
             *      int p2 = mesh.tris[p+1];
             *      int p3 = mesh.tris[p+2];
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p1].x,mesh.verts[p1].y,mesh.verts[p1].z),ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p2].x,mesh.verts[p2].y,mesh.verts[p2].z),Color.yellow);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p1].x,mesh.verts[p1].y,mesh.verts[p1].z),ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p3].x,mesh.verts[p3].y,mesh.verts[p3].z),Color.yellow);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p3].x,mesh.verts[p3].y,mesh.verts[p3].z),ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p2].x,mesh.verts[p2].y,mesh.verts[p2].z),Color.yellow);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p1],0,verts[p1+2]),ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p2],0,verts[p2+2]),Color.blue);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p1],0,verts[p1+2]),ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p3],0,verts[p3+2]),Color.blue);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p2],0,verts[p2+2]),ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p3],0,verts[p3+2]),Color.blue);
             * }*/

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Poly Mesh");
コード例 #6
        public void BuildContours(float maxError, int maxEdgeLength, VoxelContourSet cset, int buildFlags)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Contours");

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("- Init");
            int w = voxelArea.width;
            int d = voxelArea.depth;

            int wd = w * d;

            //cset.bounds = voxelArea.bounds;

            int maxContours = Mathf.Max(8 /*Max Regions*/, 8);

            //cset.conts = new VoxelContour[maxContours];
            List <VoxelContour> contours = new List <VoxelContour>(maxContours);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("- Init");
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("- Mark Boundaries");

            //cset.nconts = 0;

            //NOTE: This array may contain any data, but since we explicitly set all data in it before we use it, it's OK.
            ushort[] flags = voxelArea.tmpUShortArr;
            if (flags.Length < voxelArea.compactSpanCount)
                flags = voxelArea.tmpUShortArr = new ushort[voxelArea.compactSpanCount];

            // Mark boundaries. (@?)
            for (int z = 0; z < wd; z += voxelArea.width)
                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[x + z];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ci = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ci; i++)
                        ushort           res = 0;
                        CompactVoxelSpan s   = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];

                        if (s.reg == 0 || (s.reg & BorderReg) == BorderReg)
                            flags[i] = 0;

                        for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
                            int r = 0;

                            if (s.GetConnection(dir) != NotConnected)
                                int nx = x + voxelArea.DirectionX[dir];
                                int nz = z + voxelArea.DirectionZ[dir];

                                int ni = (int)voxelArea.compactCells[nx + nz].index + s.GetConnection(dir);
                                r = voxelArea.compactSpans[ni].reg;

                            //@TODO - Why isn't this inside the previous IF
                            if (r == s.reg)
                                res |= (ushort)(1 << dir);

                        //Inverse, mark non connected edges.
                        flags[i] = (ushort)(res ^ 0xf);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("- Mark Boundaries");

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("- Simplify Contours");
            List <int> verts = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <int> .Claim(256);         //new List<int> (256);

            List <int> simplified = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <int> .Claim(64);     //new List<int> (64);

            for (int z = 0; z < wd; z += voxelArea.width)
                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = voxelArea.compactCells[x + z];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ci = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ci; i++)
                        //CompactVoxelSpan s = voxelArea.compactSpans[i];

                        if (flags[i] == 0 || flags[i] == 0xf)
                            flags[i] = 0;

                        int reg = voxelArea.compactSpans[i].reg;

                        if (reg == 0 || (reg & BorderReg) == BorderReg)

                        int area = voxelArea.areaTypes[i];


                        WalkContour(x, z, i, flags, verts);

                        SimplifyContour(verts, simplified, maxError, maxEdgeLength, buildFlags);

                        VoxelContour contour = new VoxelContour();
                        contour.verts = Pathfinding.Util.ArrayPool <int> .Claim(simplified.Count);                      //simplified.ToArray ();

                        for (int j = 0; j < simplified.Count; j++)
                            contour.verts[j] = simplified[j];
                        //Not used at the moment, just debug stuff
                        contour.rverts = ClaimIntArr(verts.Count);
                        for (int j = 0; j < verts.Count; j++)
                            contour.rverts[j] = verts[j];
                        contour.nverts = simplified.Count / 4;
                        contour.reg    = reg;
                        contour.area   = area;


                                                #if ASTARDEBUG
                        for (int q = 0, j = (simplified.Count / 4) - 1; q < (simplified.Count / 4); j = q, q++)
                            int i4 = q * 4;
                            int j4 = j * 4;

                            Vector3 p1 = Vector3.Scale(
                                new Vector3(
                                    simplified[i4 + 0],
                                    simplified[i4 + 1],
                                    (simplified[i4 + 2] / (float)voxelArea.width)
                                         + voxelOffset;

                            Vector3 p2 = Vector3.Scale(
                                new Vector3(
                                    simplified[j4 + 0],
                                    simplified[j4 + 1],
                                    (simplified[j4 + 2] / (float)voxelArea.width)
                                , cellScale)
                                         + voxelOffset;

                            if (CalcAreaOfPolygon2D(contour.verts, contour.nverts) > 0)
                                Debug.DrawLine(p1, p2, AstarMath.IntToColor(reg, 0.5F));
                                Debug.DrawLine(p1, p2, Color.red);

            Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <int> .Release(verts);

            Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <int> .Release(simplified);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("- Simplify Contours");

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("- Fix Contours");

            // Check and merge droppings.
            // Sometimes the previous algorithms can fail and create several contours
            // per area. This pass will try to merge the holes into the main region.
            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Count; i++)
                VoxelContour cont = contours[i];
                // Check if the contour is would backwards.
                if (CalcAreaOfPolygon2D(cont.verts, cont.nverts) < 0)
                    // Find another contour which has the same region ID.
                    int mergeIdx = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < contours.Count; j++)
                        if (i == j)
                        if (contours[j].nverts > 0 && contours[j].reg == cont.reg)
                            // Make sure the polygon is correctly oriented.
                            if (CalcAreaOfPolygon2D(contours[j].verts, contours[j].nverts) > 0)
                                mergeIdx = j;
                    if (mergeIdx == -1)
                        Debug.LogError("rcBuildContours: Could not find merge target for bad contour " + i + ".");
                        // Debugging
                        //Debug.LogWarning ("Fixing contour");

                        VoxelContour mcont = contours[mergeIdx];
                        // Merge by closest points.
                        int ia = 0, ib = 0;
                        GetClosestIndices(mcont.verts, mcont.nverts, cont.verts, cont.nverts, ref ia, ref ib);

                        if (ia == -1 || ib == -1)
                            Debug.LogWarning("rcBuildContours: Failed to find merge points for " + i + " and " + mergeIdx + ".");

                        int p4  = ia * 4;
                        int p42 = ib * 4;

                        Vector3 p12 = Vector3.Scale(
                            new Vector3(
                                mcont.verts[p4 + 0],
                                mcont.verts[p4 + 1],
                                (mcont.verts[p4 + 2] / (float)voxelArea.width)
                                      + voxelOffset;

                        Vector3 p22 = Vector3.Scale(
                            new Vector3(
                                cont.verts[p42 + 0],
                                cont.verts[p42 + 1],
                                (cont.verts[p42 + 2] / (float)voxelArea.width)
                            , cellScale)
                                      + voxelOffset;

                        Debug.DrawLine(p12, p22, Color.green);

                        if (!MergeContours(ref mcont, ref cont, ia, ib))
                            Debug.LogWarning("rcBuildContours: Failed to merge contours " + i + " and " + mergeIdx + ".");

                        contours[mergeIdx] = mcont;
                        contours[i]        = cont;

                                                #if ASTARDEBUG

                        for (int q = 0, j = (mcont.nverts) - 1; q < (mcont.nverts); j = q, q++)
                            int i4 = q * 4;
                            int j4 = j * 4;

                            Vector3 p1 = Vector3.Scale(
                                new Vector3(
                                    mcont.verts[i4 + 0],
                                    mcont.verts[i4 + 1],
                                    (mcont.verts[i4 + 2] / (float)voxelArea.width)
                                         + voxelOffset;

                            Vector3 p2 = Vector3.Scale(
                                new Vector3(
                                    mcont.verts[j4 + 0],
                                    mcont.verts[j4 + 1],
                                    (mcont.verts[j4 + 2] / (float)voxelArea.width)
                                , cellScale)
                                         + voxelOffset;

                            Debug.DrawLine(p1, p2, Color.red);

            cset.conts = contours;

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("- Fix Contours");

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Contours");
コード例 #7
        /** Builds a polygon mesh from a contour set.
         * \param nvp Maximum allowed vertices per polygon. \note Currently locked to 3
        public void BuildPolyMesh(VoxelContourSet cset, int nvp, out VoxelMesh mesh)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Poly Mesh");

            nvp = 3;

            int maxVertices     = 0;
            int maxTris         = 0;
            int maxVertsPerCont = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                // Skip null contours.
                if (cset.conts[i].nverts < 3)

                maxVertices    += cset.conts[i].nverts;
                maxTris        += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
                maxVertsPerCont = AstarMath.Max(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);

            if (maxVertices >= 65534)
                Debug.LogWarning("To many vertices for unity to render - Unity might screw up rendering, but hopefully the navmesh will work ok");
                //mesh = new VoxelMesh ();
                //yield break;

            //int[] vflags = new int[maxVertices];

            /** \todo Could be cached to avoid allocations */
            Int3[] verts = new Int3[maxVertices];
            /** \todo Could be cached to avoid allocations */
            int[] polys = new int[maxTris * nvp];

            //int[] regs = new int[maxTris];

            //int[] areas = new int[maxTris];

            Pathfinding.Util.Memory.MemSet <int> (polys, 0xff, sizeof(int));
            //for (int i=0;i<polys.Length;i++) {
            //	polys[i] = 0xff;

            //int[] nexVert = new int[maxVertices];

            //int[] firstVert = new int[VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT];

            int[] indices = new int[maxVertsPerCont];

            int[] tris = new int[maxVertsPerCont * 3];

            //ushort[] polys

            int vertexIndex = 0;
            int polyIndex   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                VoxelContour cont = cset.conts[i];

                //Skip null contours
                if (cont.nverts < 3)

                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; j++)
                    indices[j]             = j;
                    cont.verts[j * 4 + 2] /= voxelArea.width;

                //yield return (GameObject.FindObjectOfType (typeof(MonoBehaviour)) as MonoBehaviour).StartCoroutine (
                //Triangulate (cont.nverts, cont.verts, indices, tris);
                int ntris = Triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, ref indices, ref tris);

                /*if (ntris > cont.nverts-2) {
                 *      Debug.LogError (ntris + " "+cont.nverts+" "+cont.verts.Length+" "+(cont.nverts-2));
                 * }
                 * if (ntris > maxVertsPerCont) {
                 *      Debug.LogError (ntris*3 + " "+maxVertsPerCont);
                 * }
                 * int tmp = polyIndex;
                 * Debug.Log (maxTris + " "+polyIndex+" "+polys.Length+" "+ntris+" "+(ntris*3) + " " + cont.nverts);*/
                int startIndex = vertexIndex;
                for (int j = 0; j < ntris * 3; polyIndex++, j++)
                    //@Error sometimes
                    polys[polyIndex] = tris[j] + startIndex;

                /*int tmp2 = polyIndex;
                 * if (tmp+ntris*3 != tmp2) {
                 *      Debug.LogWarning (tmp+" "+(tmp+ntris*3)+" "+tmp2+" "+ntris*3);
                 * }*/

                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; vertexIndex++, j++)
                    verts[vertexIndex] = new Int3(cont.verts[j * 4], cont.verts[j * 4 + 1], cont.verts[j * 4 + 2]);

            mesh = new VoxelMesh();
            //yield break;
            Int3[] trimmedVerts = new Int3[vertexIndex];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexIndex; i++)
                trimmedVerts[i] = verts[i];

            int[] trimmedTris = new int[polyIndex];

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(polys, 0, trimmedTris, 0, polyIndex * sizeof(int));
            //for (int i=0;i<polyIndex;i++) {
            //	trimmedTris[i] = polys[i];

            mesh.verts = trimmedVerts;
            mesh.tris  = trimmedTris;

            /*for (int i=0;i<mesh.tris.Length/3;i++) {
             *      int p = i*3;
             *      int p1 = mesh.tris[p];
             *      int p2 = mesh.tris[p+1];
             *      int p3 = mesh.tris[p+2];
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p1].x,mesh.verts[p1].y,mesh.verts[p1].z),ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p2].x,mesh.verts[p2].y,mesh.verts[p2].z),Color.yellow);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p1].x,mesh.verts[p1].y,mesh.verts[p1].z),ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p3].x,mesh.verts[p3].y,mesh.verts[p3].z),Color.yellow);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p3].x,mesh.verts[p3].y,mesh.verts[p3].z),ConvertPosCorrZ (mesh.verts[p2].x,mesh.verts[p2].y,mesh.verts[p2].z),Color.yellow);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p1],0,verts[p1+2]),ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p2],0,verts[p2+2]),Color.blue);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p1],0,verts[p1+2]),ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p3],0,verts[p3+2]),Color.blue);
             *      //Debug.DrawLine (ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p2],0,verts[p2+2]),ConvertPosCorrZ (verts[p3],0,verts[p3+2]),Color.blue);
             * }*/

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Poly Mesh");
コード例 #8
ファイル: VoxelMesh.cs プロジェクト: liushengchao112/Ember
        /** Builds a polygon mesh from a contour set.
         * \param cset contour set to build a mesh from.
         * \param nvp Maximum allowed vertices per polygon. \warning Currently locked to 3.
         * \param mesh Results will be written to this mesh.
        public void BuildPolyMesh(VoxelContourSet cset, int nvp, out VoxelMesh mesh)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Poly Mesh");

            nvp = 3;

            int maxVertices     = 0;
            int maxTris         = 0;
            int maxVertsPerCont = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                // Skip null contours.
                if (cset.conts[i].nverts < 3)

                maxVertices    += cset.conts[i].nverts;
                maxTris        += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
                maxVertsPerCont = System.Math.Max(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);

            if (maxVertices >= 65534)
                Debug.LogWarning("To many vertices for unity to render - Unity might screw up rendering, but hopefully the navmesh will work ok");

            /** \todo Could be cached to avoid allocations */
            Int3[] verts = new Int3[maxVertices];
            /** \todo Could be cached to avoid allocations */
            int[] polys = new int[maxTris * nvp];
            int[] areas = new int[maxTris];

            Pathfinding.Util.Memory.MemSet <int>(polys, 0xff, sizeof(int));

            int[] indices = new int[maxVertsPerCont];
            int[] tris    = new int[maxVertsPerCont * 3];

            int vertexIndex = 0;
            int polyIndex   = 0;
            int areaIndex   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cset.conts.Count; i++)
                VoxelContour cont = cset.conts[i];

                // Skip degenerate contours
                if (cont.nverts < 3)

                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; j++)
                    indices[j]             = j;
                    cont.verts[j * 4 + 2] /= voxelArea.width;

                // Triangulate the contour
                int ntris = Triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, ref indices, ref tris);

                // Assign the correct vertex indices
                int startIndex = vertexIndex;
                for (int j = 0; j < ntris * 3; polyIndex++, j++)
                    //@Error sometimes
                    polys[polyIndex] = tris[j] + startIndex;

                // Mark all triangles generated by this contour
                // as having the area cont.area
                for (int j = 0; j < ntris; areaIndex++, j++)
                    areas[areaIndex] = cont.area;

                // Copy the vertex positions
                for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; vertexIndex++, j++)
                    verts[vertexIndex] = new Int3(cont.verts[j * 4], cont.verts[j * 4 + 1], cont.verts[j * 4 + 2]);

            mesh = new VoxelMesh();

            Int3[] trimmedVerts = new Int3[vertexIndex];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexIndex; i++)
                trimmedVerts[i] = verts[i];

            int[] trimmedTris  = new int[polyIndex];
            int[] trimmedAreas = new int[areaIndex];

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(polys, 0, trimmedTris, 0, polyIndex * sizeof(int));
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(areas, 0, trimmedAreas, 0, areaIndex * sizeof(int));

            mesh.verts = trimmedVerts;
            mesh.tris  = trimmedTris;
            mesh.areas = trimmedAreas;

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Poly Mesh");
コード例 #9
        public void BuildVoxelConnections()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Voxel Connections");

            int wd = voxelArea.width * voxelArea.depth;

            CompactVoxelSpan[] spans = voxelArea.compactSpans;
            CompactVoxelCell[] cells = voxelArea.compactCells;

            // Build voxel connections
            for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += voxelArea.width, pz++)
                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = cells[x + z];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; i++)
                        CompactVoxelSpan s = spans[i];

                        spans[i].con = 0xFFFFFFFF;

                        for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                            int nx = x + voxelArea.DirectionX[d];
                            int nz = z + voxelArea.DirectionZ[d];

                            if (nx < 0 || nz < 0 || nz >= wd || nx >= voxelArea.width)

                            CompactVoxelCell nc = cells[nx + nz];

                            for (int k = (int)nc.index, nk = (int)(nc.index + nc.count); k < nk; k++)
                                CompactVoxelSpan ns = spans[k];

                                int bottom = System.Math.Max(s.y, ns.y);

                                int top = System.Math.Min((int)s.y + (int)s.h, (int)ns.y + (int)ns.h);

                                if ((top - bottom) >= voxelWalkableHeight && System.Math.Abs((int)ns.y - (int)s.y) <= voxelWalkableClimb)
                                    uint connIdx = (uint)k - nc.index;

                                    if (connIdx > MaxLayers)
                                        Debug.LogError("Too many layers");

                                    spans[i].SetConnection(d, connIdx);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Voxel Connections");
コード例 #10
        public void BuildCompactField()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Compact Voxel Field");

            //Build compact representation
            int spanCount = voxelArea.GetSpanCount();

            voxelArea.compactSpanCount = spanCount;
            if (voxelArea.compactSpans == null || voxelArea.compactSpans.Length < spanCount)
                voxelArea.compactSpans = new CompactVoxelSpan[spanCount];
                voxelArea.areaTypes    = new int[spanCount];

            uint idx = 0;

            int w  = voxelArea.width;
            int d  = voxelArea.depth;
            int wd = w * d;

            if (this.voxelWalkableHeight >= 0xFFFF)
                Debug.LogWarning("Too high walkable height to guarantee correctness. Increase voxel height or lower walkable height.");

            LinkedVoxelSpan[] spans = voxelArea.linkedSpans;

            //Parallel.For (0, voxelArea.depth, delegate (int pz) {
            for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += w, pz++)
                for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    int spanIndex = x + z;
                    if (spans[spanIndex].bottom == VoxelArea.InvalidSpanValue)
                        voxelArea.compactCells[x + z] = new CompactVoxelCell(0, 0);

                    uint index = idx;
                    uint count = 0;

                    //Vector3 p = new Vector3(x,0,pz)*cellSize+voxelOffset;

                    while (spanIndex != -1)
                        if (spans[spanIndex].area != UnwalkableArea)
                            int bottom = (int)spans[spanIndex].top;
                            int next   = spans[spanIndex].next;
                            int top    = next != -1 ? (int)spans[next].bottom : VoxelArea.MaxHeightInt;

                            voxelArea.compactSpans[idx] = new CompactVoxelSpan((ushort)(bottom > 0xFFFF ? 0xFFFF : bottom), (uint)(top - bottom > 0xFFFF ? 0xFFFF : top - bottom));
                            voxelArea.areaTypes[idx]    = spans[spanIndex].area;
                        spanIndex = spans[spanIndex].next;

                    voxelArea.compactCells[x + z] = new CompactVoxelCell(index, count);
                    VoxelSpan s = voxelArea.cells[x + z].firstSpan;

                    if (s == null)
                        voxelArea.compactCells[x + z] = new CompactVoxelCell(0, 0);

                    uint index = idx;
                    uint count = 0;

                    //Vector3 p = new Vector3(x,0,pz)*cellSize+voxelOffset;

                    while (s != null)
                        if (s.area != UnwalkableArea)
                            int bottom = (int)s.top;
                            int top    = s.next != null ? (int)s.next.bottom : VoxelArea.MaxHeightInt;

                            voxelArea.compactSpans[idx] = new CompactVoxelSpan((ushort)Mathf.Clamp(bottom, 0, 0xffff), (uint)Mathf.Clamp(top - bottom, 0, 0xffff));
                            voxelArea.areaTypes[idx]    = s.area;
                        s = s.next;

                    voxelArea.compactCells[x + z] = new CompactVoxelCell(index, count);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Compact Voxel Field");
コード例 #11
        public void VoxelizeInput(Pathfinding.Util.GraphTransform graphTransform, Bounds graphSpaceBounds)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Navigation Mesh");

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Voxelizing - Step 1");

            // Transform from voxel space to graph space.
            // then scale from voxel space (one unit equals one voxel)
            // Finally add min
            Matrix4x4 voxelMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(graphSpaceBounds.min, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one) * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(cellSize, cellHeight, cellSize));

            transformVoxel2Graph = new Pathfinding.Util.GraphTransform(voxelMatrix);

            // Transform from voxel space to world space
            // add half a voxel to fix rounding
            transform = graphTransform * voxelMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

            int maximumVoxelYCoord = (int)(graphSpaceBounds.size.y / cellHeight);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Voxelizing - Step 1");

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Voxelizing - Step 2 - Init");

            // Cosine of the slope limit in voxel space (some tweaks are needed because the voxel space might be stretched out along the y axis)
            float slopeLimit = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Tan(maxSlope * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (cellSize / cellHeight)));

            // Temporary arrays used for rasterization
            float[] vTris    = new float[3 * 3];
            float[] vOut     = new float[7 * 3];
            float[] vRow     = new float[7 * 3];
            float[] vCellOut = new float[7 * 3];
            float[] vCell    = new float[7 * 3];

            if (inputMeshes == null)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("inputMeshes not set");

            // Find the largest lengths of vertex arrays and check for meshes which can be skipped
            int maxVerts = 0;

            for (int m = 0; m < inputMeshes.Count; m++)
                maxVerts = System.Math.Max(inputMeshes[m].vertices.Length, maxVerts);

            // Create buffer, here vertices will be stored multiplied with the local-to-voxel-space matrix
            var verts = new Vector3[maxVerts];

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Voxelizing - Step 2 - Init");

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Voxelizing - Step 2");

            // This loop is the hottest place in the whole rasterization process
            // it usually accounts for around 50% of the time
            for (int m = 0; m < inputMeshes.Count; m++)
                RasterizationMesh mesh = inputMeshes[m];
                var meshMatrix         = mesh.matrix;

                // Flip the orientation of all faces if the mesh is scaled in such a way
                // that the face orientations would change
                // This happens for example if a mesh has a negative scale along an odd number of axes
                // e.g it happens for the scale (-1, 1, 1) but not for (-1, -1, 1) or (1,1,1)
                var flipOrientation = VectorMath.ReversesFaceOrientations(meshMatrix);

                Vector3[] vs         = mesh.vertices;
                int[]     tris       = mesh.triangles;
                int       trisLength = tris.Length;

                // Transform vertices first to world space and then to voxel space
                for (int i = 0; i < vs.Length; i++)
                    verts[i] = transform.InverseTransform(meshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vs[i]));

                int mesharea = mesh.area;

                for (int i = 0; i < trisLength; i += 3)
                    Vector3 p1 = verts[tris[i]];
                    Vector3 p2 = verts[tris[i + 1]];
                    Vector3 p3 = verts[tris[i + 2]];

                    if (flipOrientation)
                        var tmp = p1;
                        p1 = p3;
                        p3 = tmp;

                    int minX = (int)(Utility.Min(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x));
                    int minZ = (int)(Utility.Min(p1.z, p2.z, p3.z));

                    int maxX = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(Utility.Max(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x));
                    int maxZ = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(Utility.Max(p1.z, p2.z, p3.z));

                    minX = Mathf.Clamp(minX, 0, voxelArea.width - 1);
                    maxX = Mathf.Clamp(maxX, 0, voxelArea.width - 1);
                    minZ = Mathf.Clamp(minZ, 0, voxelArea.depth - 1);
                    maxZ = Mathf.Clamp(maxZ, 0, voxelArea.depth - 1);

                    // Check if the mesh is completely out of bounds
                    if (minX >= voxelArea.width || minZ >= voxelArea.depth || maxX <= 0 || maxZ <= 0)

                    Vector3 normal;

                    int area;

                    //AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Rasterize...");

                    normal = Vector3.Cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1);

                    float cosSlopeAngle = Vector3.Dot(normal.normalized, Vector3.up);

                    if (cosSlopeAngle < slopeLimit)
                        area = UnwalkableArea;
                        area = 1 + mesharea;

                    Utility.CopyVector(vTris, 0, p1);
                    Utility.CopyVector(vTris, 3, p2);
                    Utility.CopyVector(vTris, 6, p3);

                    for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
                        int nrow = clipper.ClipPolygon(vTris, 3, vOut, 1F, -x + 0.5F, 0);

                        if (nrow < 3)

                        nrow = clipper.ClipPolygon(vOut, nrow, vRow, -1F, x + 0.5F, 0);

                        if (nrow < 3)

                        float clampZ1 = vRow[2];
                        float clampZ2 = vRow[2];
                        for (int q = 1; q < nrow; q++)
                            float val = vRow[q * 3 + 2];
                            clampZ1 = System.Math.Min(clampZ1, val);
                            clampZ2 = System.Math.Max(clampZ2, val);

                        int clampZ1I = Mathf.Clamp((int)System.Math.Round(clampZ1), 0, voxelArea.depth - 1);
                        int clampZ2I = Mathf.Clamp((int)System.Math.Round(clampZ2), 0, voxelArea.depth - 1);

                        for (int z = clampZ1I; z <= clampZ2I; z++)
                            int ncell = clipper.ClipPolygon(vRow, nrow, vCellOut, 1F, -z + 0.5F, 2);

                            if (ncell < 3)

                            ncell = clipper.ClipPolygonY(vCellOut, ncell, vCell, -1F, z + 0.5F, 2);

                            if (ncell < 3)

                            float sMin = vCell[1];
                            float sMax = vCell[1];
                            for (int q = 1; q < ncell; q++)
                                float val = vCell[q * 3 + 1];
                                sMin = System.Math.Min(sMin, val);
                                sMax = System.Math.Max(sMax, val);

                            int maxi = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(sMax);

                            // Skip span if below or above the bounding box
                            if (maxi >= 0 && sMin <= maximumVoxelYCoord)
                                // Make sure mini >= 0
                                int mini = System.Math.Max(0, (int)sMin);

                                // Make sure the span is at least 1 voxel high
                                maxi = System.Math.Max(mini + 1, maxi);

                                voxelArea.AddLinkedSpan(z * voxelArea.width + x, (uint)mini, (uint)maxi, area, voxelWalkableClimb);
                //AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("Rasterize...");
            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Voxelizing - Step 2");
コード例 #12
    public override void Apply(Path p, ModifierData source)
        List <Node>    path       = p.path;
        List <Vector3> vectorPath = p.vectorPath;

        if (path == null || path.Count == 0 || vectorPath == null || vectorPath.Count != path.Count)

        //The graph index for the current nodes
        int currentGraphIndex = path[0].graphIndex;

        //First node which is in the graph currentGraphIndex
        int currentGraphStart = 0;

        List <Vector3> funnelPath = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

        List <Vector3> left = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

        List <Vector3> right = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

        AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Construct Funnel");

        for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
            if (path[i].graphIndex != currentGraphIndex)
                IFunnelGraph funnelGraph = AstarData.GetGraph(path[currentGraphStart]) as IFunnelGraph;

                if (funnelGraph == null)
                    //Debug.Log ("Funnel Graph is null");
                    for (int j = currentGraphStart; j <= i; j++)
                    AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Construct Funnel Real");
                    ConstructFunnel(funnelGraph, vectorPath, path, currentGraphStart, i - 1, funnelPath, left, right);

                currentGraphIndex = path[i].graphIndex;
                currentGraphStart = i;

        IFunnelGraph funnelGraph2 = AstarData.GetGraph(path[currentGraphStart]) as IFunnelGraph;

        if (funnelGraph2 == null)
            for (int j = currentGraphStart; j < path.Count - 1; j++)
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Construct Funnel Real");
            ConstructFunnel(funnelGraph2, vectorPath, path, currentGraphStart, path.Count - 1, funnelPath, left, right);


        ListPool <Vector3> .Release(p.vectorPath);

        p.vectorPath = funnelPath;

        ListPool <Vector3> .Release(left);

        ListPool <Vector3> .Release(right);

        for (int i = 0; i < p.vectorPath.Count - 1; i++)
            Debug.DrawLine(p.vectorPath[i] + Vector3.up, p.vectorPath[i + 1] + Vector3.up, Color.magenta);
コード例 #13
        public void BuildVoxelConnections()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Voxel Connections");

            int wd = voxelArea.width * voxelArea.depth;

            CompactVoxelSpan[] spans = voxelArea.compactSpans;
            CompactVoxelCell[] cells = voxelArea.compactCells;

            //Build voxel connections
            for (int z = 0, pz = 0; z < wd; z += voxelArea.width, pz++)
                //System.Threading.ManualResetEvent[] handles = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent[voxelArea.depth];

                //This will run the loop in multiple threads (speedup by ? 40%)
                //Parallel.For (0, voxelArea.depth, delegate (int pz) {
                //System.Threading.WaitCallback del = delegate (System.Object _pz) {
                //int pz = (int)_pz;
                //int z = pz*voxelArea.width;

                for (int x = 0; x < voxelArea.width; x++)
                    CompactVoxelCell c = cells[x + z];

                    for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; i++)
                        CompactVoxelSpan s = spans[i];

                        spans[i].con = 0xFFFFFFFF;

                        for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                            int nx = x + voxelArea.DirectionX[d];
                            int nz = z + voxelArea.DirectionZ[d];

                            if (nx < 0 || nz < 0 || nz >= wd || nx >= voxelArea.width)

                            CompactVoxelCell nc = cells[nx + nz];

                            for (int k = (int)nc.index, nk = (int)(nc.index + nc.count); k < nk; k++)
                                CompactVoxelSpan ns = spans[k];

                                int bottom = System.Math.Max(s.y, ns.y);

                                int top = System.Math.Min((int)s.y + (int)s.h, (int)ns.y + (int)ns.h);

                                if ((top - bottom) >= voxelWalkableHeight && System.Math.Abs((int)ns.y - (int)s.y) <= voxelWalkableClimb)
                                    uint connIdx = (uint)k - nc.index;

                                    if (connIdx > MaxLayers)
                                        Debug.LogError("Too many layers");

                                    spans[i].SetConnection(d, connIdx);

                //handles[pz].Set ();

            /*for (int z=0, pz = 0;z < wd;z += voxelArea.width, pz++) {
             *  handles[pz] = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);
             *  System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (del, pz);
             * }
             * System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAll (handles);*/

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Voxel Connections");