コード例 #1
        private static IfNode IsIfReturnExpr(AstNode node, out AstNode condition, ref AstNode matchExpression)
            // set the condition to null initially
            condition = null;

            // must be an if-node with no false block, and a true block with one statement
            var ifNode = node as IfNode;
            if (ifNode != null
                && ifNode.FalseBlock == null
                && ifNode.TrueBlock != null
                && ifNode.TrueBlock.Count == 1)
                // and that one statement needs to be a return statement
                var returnNode = ifNode.TrueBlock[0] as ReturnNode;
                if (returnNode != null)
                    if (matchExpression == null
                        || matchExpression.IsEquivalentTo(returnNode.Operand))
                        // either we don't care what the return expression is,
                        // or we do care and it's a match.
                        matchExpression = returnNode.Operand;
                        condition = ifNode.Condition;

            // but we will only return the if-node IF the matchedExpression and the
            // condition are both non-null (our TRUE state)
            return condition != null && matchExpression != null ? ifNode : null;