private void RecycleNode(LinkedListNode <WaiterInfo> node) { Assumes.True(Monitor.IsEntered(this.syncObject)); node.Value.Node = null; if (this.nodePool.Count < 10) { LinkedListNode <WaiterInfo?> nullableNode = node !; nullableNode.Value = null; this.nodePool.Push(nullableNode); } }
public void Dispose() { Assumes.True(_context.IsOnMainThread, "Must be on UI thread"); if (_cookie != VSConstants.VSCOOKIE_NIL && _solution != null) { Verify.HResult(_solution.UnadviseSolutionEvents(_cookie)); _cookie = VSConstants.VSCOOKIE_NIL; } }
/** * This should be overridden to extract correct message size in the case of lazy parsing. Until this method is * implemented in a subclass of ChildMessage lazy parsing may have no effect. * * This default implementation is a safe fall back that will ensure it returns a correct value by parsing the message. * * @return */ int getMessageSize() { if (Length != UNKNOWN_LENGTH) { return(Length); } maybeParse(); Assumes.True(Length != UNKNOWN_LENGTH, "Length field has not been set in %s after full parse.", this.GetType().Name); return(Length); }
protected override IJsonRpcMessageFormatter CreateFormatter() { Assumes.True(Formatter == Formatters.MessagePack); MessagePackFormatter formatter = base.CreateFormatter() as MessagePackFormatter ?? new MessagePackFormatter(); MessagePackSerializerOptions options = MessagePackSerializerOptions.Value; formatter.SetMessagePackSerializerOptions(options); return(formatter); }
public GraphNode AddTopLevelGraphNode( IGraphContext graphContext, string projectPath, IDependencyViewModel viewModel) { Assumes.True(IsInitialized); GraphNodeId newNodeId = GetTopLevelGraphNodeId(projectPath, viewModel.OriginalModel.GetTopLevelId()); return(DoAddGraphNode(newNodeId, graphContext, projectPath, parentNode: null, viewModel: viewModel)); }
/// <summary> /// Reserves a read lock from a previously held lock. /// </summary> /// <returns>The releaser for the read lock.</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if no lock is held by the caller.</exception> private ResourceReleaser AcquirePreexistingLockOrThrow() { if (!this.service.IsAnyLockHeld) { Verify.FailOperation(Strings.InvalidWithoutLock); } AsyncReaderWriterResourceLock <TMoniker, TResource> .ResourceAwaiter awaiter = this.service.ReadLockAsync(CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter(); Assumes.True(awaiter.IsCompleted); return(awaiter.GetResult()); }
private void RemoveFromContextIfPresent(string fullPath, IProjectLogger logger) { if (_paths.Contains(fullPath)) { logger.WriteLine("Removing analyzer '{0}'", fullPath); Context.RemoveAnalyzerReference(fullPath); bool removed = _paths.Remove(fullPath); Assumes.True(removed); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> Starts the given hc. </summary> /// /// <param name="hc"> The hc. </param> /// /// <returns> True if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public virtual bool Start(HostControl hc) { _host = hc; Console.WriteLine(_name + string.Intern(" Service Started."), Color.Yellow); Assumes.True(_timer != null, string.Intern("_timer is null")); _timer.AutoReset = true; _timer.Enabled = true; _timer.Start(); return(true); }
public void Dispose() { Assumes.True(_context.IsOnMainThread, "Must be on UI thread"); if (_cookie != VSConstants.VSCOOKIE_NIL && _registerProjectTypes != null) { Verify.HResult(_registerProjectTypes.UnregisterProjectType(_cookie)); } Dispose(disposing: true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an authentication request to verify that a user controls /// some given Identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="userSuppliedIdentifier"> /// The Identifier supplied by the user. This may be a URL, an XRI or i-name. /// </param> /// <param name="realm"> /// The shorest URL that describes this relying party web site's address. /// For example, if your login page is found at, /// your realm would typically be /// </param> /// <returns> /// An authentication request object that describes the HTTP response to /// send to the user agent to initiate the authentication. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// <para>Requires an <see cref="HttpContext.Current">HttpContext.Current</see> context.</para> /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="ProtocolException">Thrown if no OpenID endpoint could be found.</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if <see cref="HttpContext.Current">HttpContext.Current</see> == <c>null</c>.</exception> public IAuthenticationRequest CreateRequest(Identifier userSuppliedIdentifier, Realm realm) { Requires.NotNull(userSuppliedIdentifier, "userSuppliedIdentifier"); Requires.NotNull(realm, "realm"); try { var result = this.CreateRequests(userSuppliedIdentifier, realm).First(); Assumes.True(result != null); return(result); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { throw ErrorUtilities.Wrap(ex, OpenIdStrings.OpenIdEndpointNotFound); } }
private static void WriteGenericTypeName(StringBuilder typeName, Type type, bool isDefinition, Queue <Type> genericTypeArguments, bool formatGenericName) { // // Writes generic type name, e.g. generic name and generic arguments // Assumes.True(type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType, "Expecting type to be a generic type"); int genericArity = GetGenericArity(type); string genericTypeName = FindGenericTypeName(type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Name); typeName.Append(genericTypeName); WriteTypeArgumentsString(typeName, genericArity, isDefinition, genericTypeArguments, formatGenericName); }
protected override ImageId ReadValue(JsonReader reader, JsonSerializer serializer) { Assumes.True(reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject); var guid = ReadProperty <Guid>(reader, serializer); var id = ReadProperty <long>(reader); Assumes.True(reader.Read()); Assumes.True(reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject); return(new ImageId(guid, (int)id)); }
/// <summary> /// Deserializes a nonce from the return_to parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The base64-encoded value of the nonce.</param> /// <returns>The instantiated and initialized nonce.</returns> internal static CustomNonce Deserialize(string value) { Requires.NotNullOrEmpty(value, "value"); byte[] nonce = MessagingUtilities.FromBase64WebSafeString(value); Assumes.True(nonce != null); DateTime creationDateUtc = new DateTime(BitConverter.ToInt64(nonce, 0), DateTimeKind.Utc); byte[] randomPart = new byte[NonceByteLength]; Array.Copy(nonce, sizeof(long), randomPart, 0, NonceByteLength); return(new CustomNonce(creationDateUtc, randomPart)); }
private static async Task <HttpContent> EnsureContentHasLengthAsync(HttpContent content) { if (content != null && !content.Headers.ContentLength.HasValue) { // Copy the content, which sets the content length. content = await CopyContentAsync(content, Stream.Null); Assumes.True(content.Headers.ContentLength.HasValue); } return(content); }
private static ModuleBuilder GetProxyModuleBuilder() { Assumes.True(Monitor.IsEntered(MetadataViewFactories)); if (transparentProxyModuleBuilder == null) { // make a new assemblybuilder and modulebuilder var assemblyBuilder = CreateProxyAssemblyBuilder(typeof(SecurityTransparentAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); transparentProxyModuleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MetadataViewProxiesModule"); } return(transparentProxyModuleBuilder); }
public async ValueTask <IReadOnlyList <ProjectAction> > GetUninstallActionsAsync( string projectId, PackageIdentity packageIdentity, bool removeDependencies, bool forceRemove, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Assumes.NotNullOrEmpty(projectId); Assumes.NotNull(packageIdentity); Assumes.False(packageIdentity.HasVersion); Assumes.NotNull(_state.SourceCacheContext); Assumes.NotNull(_state.ResolvedActions); Assumes.Null(_state.PackageIdentity); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); return(await CatchAndRethrowExceptionAsync(async() => { INuGetProjectContext projectContext = await ServiceLocator.GetInstanceAsync <INuGetProjectContext>(); (bool success, NuGetProject? project) = await TryGetNuGetProjectMatchingProjectIdAsync(projectId); Assumes.True(success); Assumes.NotNull(project); var projectActions = new List <ProjectAction>(); var uninstallationContext = new UninstallationContext(removeDependencies, forceRemove); NuGetPackageManager packageManager = await _sharedState.PackageManager.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken); IEnumerable <NuGetProjectAction> actions = await packageManager.PreviewUninstallPackageAsync( project, packageIdentity.Id, uninstallationContext, projectContext, cancellationToken); foreach (NuGetProjectAction action in actions) { var resolvedAction = new ResolvedAction(project, action); var projectAction = new ProjectAction( CreateProjectActionId(), projectId, action.PackageIdentity, action.NuGetProjectActionType, implicitActions: null); _state.ResolvedActions[projectAction.Id] = resolvedAction; projectActions.Add(projectAction); } return projectActions; })); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the MicroServiceEcoSystem.BaseMicroService<T> class. /// </summary> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public BaseMicroService() { double interval = 60000; _timer = new Timer(interval); Assumes.True(_timer != null, "_timer is null"); _timer.Elapsed += OnTick; _timer.AutoReset = true; _workerId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _name = nameof(T); }
public virtual void AddSubscriptions(AggregateCrossTargetProjectContext projectContext) { Requires.NotNull(projectContext, nameof(projectContext)); Assumes.True(IsInitialized); foreach (ConfiguredProject configuredProject in projectContext.InnerConfiguredProjects) { Assumes.Present(configuredProject.Services.ProjectSubscription); SubscribeToConfiguredProject(configuredProject, configuredProject.Services.ProjectSubscription); } }
private void CheckForInitialized() { // We should have been initialized by our // owner before they called into us Assumes.True(IsInitialized); // If we failed to create a context, we treat it as a cancellation if (_contextAccessor == null) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } }
public GraphNode AddGraphNode( IGraphContext graphContext, string projectPath, GraphNode parentNode, IDependencyViewModel viewModel) { Assumes.True(IsInitialized); var modelId = viewModel.OriginalModel == null ? viewModel.Caption : viewModel.OriginalModel.Id; var newNodeId = GetGraphNodeId(projectPath, parentNode, modelId); return DoAddGraphNode(newNodeId, graphContext, projectPath, parentNode, viewModel); }
private LinkedListNode <WaiterInfo> GetNode(WaiterInfo info) { Assumes.True(Monitor.IsEntered(this.syncObject)); if (this.nodePool.Count > 0) { LinkedListNode <WaiterInfo?>?node = this.nodePool.Pop(); node.Value = info; return(node !); } return(new LinkedListNode <WaiterInfo>(info)); }
public ImplicitProjectAction?Deserialize(ref MessagePackReader reader, MessagePackSerializerOptions options) { if (reader.TryReadNil()) { return(null); } // stack overflow mitigation - see options.Security.DepthStep(ref reader); try { string? id = null; PackageIdentity? packageIdentity = null; NuGetProjectActionType?projectActionType = null; int propertyCount = reader.ReadMapHeader(); for (var propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < propertyCount; ++propertyIndex) { switch (reader.ReadString()) { case IdPropertyName: id = reader.ReadString(); break; case PackageIdentityPropertyName: packageIdentity = PackageIdentityFormatter.Instance.Deserialize(ref reader, options); break; case ProjectActionTypePropertyName: projectActionType = options.Resolver.GetFormatter <NuGetProjectActionType>().Deserialize(ref reader, options); break; default: reader.Skip(); break; } } Assumes.NotNullOrEmpty(id); Assumes.NotNull(packageIdentity); Assumes.True(projectActionType.HasValue); return(new ImplicitProjectAction(id, packageIdentity, projectActionType !.Value)); } finally { // stack overflow mitigation - see reader.Depth--; } }
/// <summary> /// Builds a set of listeners constructing one listener for each URL in the connection string /// </summary> private void BuildListeners() { var reuseConnectionProperty = this.receiverOptions.GetReuseConnection(); var reuseConnection = reuseConnectionProperty.HasValue && reuseConnectionProperty.Value; this.logger.Trace( $"Building listeners of [{this.Configuration.Label}]:\r\n\t{string.Join("\r\n\t", this.receiverOptions.RabbitConnectionString.Select(url => $"Listener({this.Configuration.Label}): URL\t=>\t{url}"))}"); foreach (var url in this.receiverOptions.RabbitConnectionString) { var source = new CancellationTokenSource(); var connection = this.connectionPool.Get(url, reuseConnection, source.Token); this.logger.Trace($"Using connection [{connection.Id}] at URL=[{url}] to resolve a listener"); var topologyBuilder = new TopologyBuilder(connection.OpenChannel()); var builder = new SubscriptionEndpointBuilder(this.bus.Endpoint, topologyBuilder, this.Configuration); var endpointBuilder = this.Configuration.Options.GetEndpointBuilder(); Assumes.True(endpointBuilder != null, "EndpointBuilder is null for [{0}].", this.Configuration.Label); var endpoint = endpointBuilder.Value(builder); var newListener = new Listener( this.bus, connection, endpoint, this.receiverOptions, this.bus.Configuration.ValidatorRegistry); // There is no need to register another listener at the same URL and for the same source; consuming actions can be registered for a single listener var listener = this.listeners.FirstOrDefault( l => l.BrokerUrl == newListener.BrokerUrl && newListener.Endpoint.ListeningSource.Equals(l.Endpoint.ListeningSource)); if (listener == null) { listener = newListener; this.listeners.Add(listener); } else { // Check if an existing listener can be a substitute for a new one and if so just skip the new listeners this.CheckIfCompatible(newListener); listener = newListener; } // This event should be fired always, no matter if a listener already existed; this will ensure the event will be handled outside (in the bus) this.ListenerRegistered(this, new ListenerRegisteredEventArgs(listener)); } }
private void RemoveFromContextIfPresent(string includePath, IProjectLogger logger) { string fullPath = _project.MakeRooted(includePath); if (_paths.Contains(fullPath)) { // Remove from the context first so if Roslyn throws due to a bug // or other reason, that our state of the world remains consistent RemoveFromContext(fullPath, logger); bool removed = _paths.Remove(fullPath); Assumes.True(removed); } }
private async Task ServerOfferAsync() { var channel = await"serverOffer"); var(r, w) = CreateStreamIO(channel); await w.WriteLineAsync("theserver"); w.Close(); string line = await r.ReadLineAsync(); Assumes.True(line == "recv: theserver"); r.Close(); }
private void RemoveFromContextIfPresent(string includePath, IProjectLogger logger) { string fullPath = _project.MakeRooted(includePath); if (_paths.Contains(fullPath)) { logger.WriteLine("Removing dynamic file '{0}'", fullPath); Context.RemoveDynamicFile(fullPath); bool removed = _paths.Remove(fullPath); Assumes.True(removed); } }
public async Task InitializeAsync(IAsyncServiceProvider asyncServiceProvider) { Assumes.Null(_registerProjectTypes); Assumes.True(_context.IsOnMainThread, "Must be on UI thread"); _registerProjectTypes = await asyncServiceProvider.GetServiceAsync <SVsRegisterProjectTypes, IVsRegisterProjectTypes>(); ((IVsProjectFactory)this).SetSite(new ServiceProviderToOleServiceProviderAdapter(ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider)); Guid guid = GetType().GUID; Verify.HResult(_registerProjectTypes.RegisterProjectType(ref guid, this, out _cookie)); }
/// <summary> /// Removes all synchronous tasks we applies to a dependent task, after the relationship is removed. /// </summary> /// <param name="child">The original dependent task</param> private void RemoveDependingSynchronousTaskFromChild(JoinableTask child) { Requires.NotNull(child, nameof(child)); Assumes.True(Monitor.IsEntered(this.owner.Context.SyncContextLock)); DependentSynchronousTask existingTaskTracking = this.dependingSynchronousTaskTracking; while (existingTaskTracking != null) { child.RemoveDependingSynchronousTask(existingTaskTracking.SynchronousTask); existingTaskTracking = existingTaskTracking.Next; } }
private async Task ServerOfferAsync() { MultiplexingStream.Channel?channel = await"serverOffer"); (StreamReader r, StreamWriter w) = CreateStreamIO(channel); await w.WriteLineAsync("theserver"); w.Close(); string?line = await r.ReadLineAsync(); Assumes.True(line == "recv: theserver"); r.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when the remote party acknowledges bytes we previously transmitted as processed, /// thereby allowing us to consider that data removed from the remote party's "window" /// and thus enables us to send more data to them. /// </summary> /// <param name="bytesProcessed">The number of bytes processed by the remote party.</param> internal void OnContentProcessed(long bytesProcessed) { Requires.Range(bytesProcessed >= 0, nameof(bytesProcessed), "A non-negative number is required."); lock (this.SyncObject) { Assumes.True(bytesProcessed <= this.remoteWindowFilled); this.remoteWindowFilled -= bytesProcessed; if (this.remoteWindowFilled < this.remoteWindowSize) { this.remoteWindowHasCapacity.Set(); } } }