public static void SwitchAssociationDiamond(AssociationViewHelper associationViewHelper, Association association, DiagramController controller) { SwitchAssociationDiamondCommand switchAssociationDiamondCommand = (SwitchAssociationDiamondCommand)SwitchAssociationDiamondCommandFactory.Factory().Create(controller); switchAssociationDiamondCommand.Association = association; switchAssociationDiamondCommand.AssociationViewHelper = associationViewHelper; switchAssociationDiamondCommand.Execute(); }
private void ConvertPIMAssociation(Association pimAssociation, AssociationViewHelper associationViewHelper) { PIMAssociation association; if (!TranslatedAlready(pimAssociation, out association)) { association = new PIMAssociation(evoxProject, pimSchema); translatedElements[pimAssociation] = association; } association.Name = pimAssociation.Name; foreach (AssociationEnd pimAssociationEnd in pimAssociation.Ends) { PIMAssociationEnd associationEnd = new PIMAssociationEnd(evoxProject, (EvoX.Model.PIM.PIMClass)ElementRef(pimAssociationEnd.Class), association, pimSchema); associationEnd.Lower = ConvertToUint(pimAssociationEnd.Lower); associationEnd.Upper = ConvertToUnlimitedInt(pimAssociationEnd.Upper); associationEnd.Name = pimAssociationEnd.Name; } }
public override void CommandOperation(object parameter) { ViewHelper = new AssociationViewHelper(Diagram, IncludedAssociation.Element); Diagram.AddModelElement(IncludedAssociation.Element, ViewHelper); }
public void OWLtoPIM() { Dictionary <string, Assoc> Assocs = new Dictionary <string, Assoc>(); Dictionary <string, Attr> Attrs = new Dictionary <string, Attr>(); Dictionary <string, PIMClass> Classes = new Dictionary <string, PIMClass>(); Dictionary <string, Property> Attributes = new Dictionary <string, Property>(); Dictionary <string, Association> Associations = new Dictionary <string, Association>(); List <Generalization> Generalizations = new List <Generalization>(); List <Comment> Comments = new List <Comment>(); OpenFileDialog D = new OpenFileDialog(); D.Filter = "OWL File|*.owl|All files|*.*"; D.Title = "Select OWL file to import"; D.CheckFileExists = true; if (D.ShowDialog() != true) { return; } IOwlParser parser = new OwlXmlParser(); IOwlGraph graph = parser.ParseOwl(D.FileName); ArrayList errors = ((OwlParser)parser).Errors; ArrayList warnings = ((OwlParser)parser).Warnings; ArrayList messages = ((OwlParser)parser).Messages; /*IDictionaryEnumerator nEnumerator = (IDictionaryEnumerator)graph.Nodes.GetEnumerator(); * while (nEnumerator.MoveNext()) * { * OwlNode node = (OwlNode)graph.Nodes[(nEnumerator.Key).ToString()]; * IOwlClass C = node as IOwlClass; * if (C == null || C is IOwlRestriction) continue; * PIMClass pimClass = controller.ModelController.Model.AddClass() as PIMClass; * //TODO: Catch duplicit IDs * Classes.Add(C.ID, pimClass); * pimClass.Name = CutID(C.ID); * pimClass.OntologyEquivalent = C.ID; * }*/ OwlEdgeList TypeEdges = (OwlEdgeList)graph.Edges[""]; foreach (OwlEdge E in TypeEdges) { if (E.ChildNode.ID == "" && !Assocs.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Assocs.Add(E.ParentNode.ID, new Assoc() { id = E.ParentNode.ID }); } else if (E.ChildNode.ID == "" && !Attrs.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Attrs.Add(E.ParentNode.ID, new Attr() { id = E.ParentNode.ID }); } else if (E.ChildNode.ID == "") { if (!Classes.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { PIMClass pimClass = controller.ModelController.Model.AddClass() as PIMClass; Classes.Add(E.ParentNode.ID, pimClass); pimClass.Name = CutID(E.ParentNode.ID); pimClass.OntologyEquivalent = E.ParentNode.ID; if (E.ParentNode.ID.IndexOf('#') != -1) { controller.Project.Schema.XMLNamespace = E.ParentNode.ID.Substring(0, E.ParentNode.ID.IndexOf('#')); } } } } OwlEdgeList DomainEdges = (OwlEdgeList)graph.Edges[""]; foreach (OwlEdge E in DomainEdges) { if (Assocs.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Assocs[E.ParentNode.ID].from = E.ChildNode.ID; } if (Attrs.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Attrs[E.ParentNode.ID].owner = E.ChildNode.ID; } } OwlEdgeList RangeEdges = (OwlEdgeList)graph.Edges[""]; foreach (OwlEdge E in RangeEdges) { if (Assocs.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Assocs[E.ParentNode.ID].to = E.ChildNode.ID; } if (Attrs.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Attrs[E.ParentNode.ID].type = E.ChildNode.ID; } } Report R = new Report(); foreach (Attr A in Attrs.Values) { if (A.owner == null) { R.lb1.Items.Add("Attribute " + + " doesn't have an owner."); continue; } if (!Classes.ContainsKey(A.owner)) { R.lb1.Items.Add("Attribute " + + ": Owner " + A.owner + " not found."); continue; } Property P = Classes[A.owner].AddAttribute(); P.OntologyEquivalent =; Attributes.Add(, P); P.Name = CutID(; P.Default = CutID(A.type); } foreach (Assoc A in Assocs.Values) { if (A.from == null || == null) { R.lb2.Items.Add("Association " + + ": doesn't have from or to."); continue; } List <PIMClass> L = new List <PIMClass>(); if (Classes.ContainsKey(A.from)) { L.Add(Classes[A.from]); } else { R.lb2.Items.Add("Association " + + ": From: " + A.from + " doesn't exist."); continue; } if (Classes.ContainsKey( { L.Add(Classes[]); } else { R.lb2.Items.Add("Association " + + ": To: " + + " doesn't exist."); continue; } Association Assoc = controller.ModelController.Model.Schema.AssociateClasses(L); Assoc.OntologyEquivalent =; Assoc.Name = CutID(; Associations.Add(, Assoc); } OwlEdgeList SubClassEdges = (OwlEdgeList)graph.Edges[""]; foreach (OwlEdge E in SubClassEdges) { if (Classes.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID) && Classes.ContainsKey(E.ChildNode.ID)) { Generalizations.Add(controller.ModelController.Model.Schema.SetGeneralization(Classes[E.ParentNode.ID], Classes[E.ChildNode.ID])); } else if (!Classes.ContainsKey(E.ChildNode.ID)) { R.lb2.Items.Add(E.ParentNode.ID + " subclassOf " + E.ChildNode.ID + ": Child doesn't exist."); continue; } else if (!Classes.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { R.lb2.Items.Add(E.ParentNode.ID + " subclassOf " + E.ChildNode.ID + ": Parent doesn't exist."); continue; } } OwlEdgeList CommentEdges = (OwlEdgeList)graph.Edges[""]; if (CommentEdges != null) { foreach (OwlEdge E in CommentEdges) { if (Classes.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Comments.Add(Classes[E.ParentNode.ID].AddComment(E.ChildNode.ID)); } else if (Associations.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { Comments.Add(Associations[E.ParentNode.ID].AddComment(E.ChildNode.ID)); } else if (Attributes.ContainsKey(E.ParentNode.ID)) { R.lb2.Items.Add("Comment of " + E.ParentNode.ID + ": XCase doesn't support attribute comments."); } else { R.lb2.Items.Add("Comment of " + E.ParentNode.ID + ": Class/Association doesn't exist."); continue; } } } int i = 0; foreach (PIMClass pimClass in Classes.Values) { ClassViewHelper VH = new ClassViewHelper(controller.Diagram); double rows = Math.Abs(Math.Sqrt(Classes.Count)) + 1; VH.X = (i * 200 + 10) % ((int)rows * 200 + 10); VH.Y = (i / (int)rows) * 200 + 10; controller.Diagram.AddModelElement(pimClass, VH); i++; } foreach (Association A in Associations.Values) { AssociationViewHelper VH = new AssociationViewHelper(controller.Diagram); controller.Diagram.AddModelElement(A, VH); } foreach (Generalization G in Generalizations) { GeneralizationViewHelper VH = new GeneralizationViewHelper(controller.Diagram); controller.Diagram.AddModelElement(G, VH); } foreach (Comment C in Comments) { CommentViewHelper VH = new CommentViewHelper(controller.Diagram); controller.Diagram.AddModelElement(C, VH); } R.Show(); }