コード例 #1
        static void ConvertToDds(AssetInfo_Single info, string source, string dest)

            string Params = info.GetDssFormat();

            RunCommand(Path_nvdxt, string.Format(Params_nvdxt + Params, source, dest));
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //LocalizationToXml(); return;

            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "1")
                args_RedoAll = true; Console.WriteLine("Arguments: Rebuilding all. (Will take a while)");
            if (args.Length > 1 && args[1] == "1")
                args_RedoDDS = true; Console.WriteLine("Arguments: Rebuild DDS files. (Will take a while)");
            if (args.Length > 2 && args[2] == "1")
                args_RedoList = true; Console.WriteLine("Arguments: Rebuild texture list for C++.");

            //args_RedoList = true; Console.WriteLine("Arguments: Rebuild texture list for C++.");

            // Compiler shaders
            List <string> ShaderFiles = GetFiles(Path.Combine(ContentPath_Source, "Shaders"), true);

            foreach (var file in ShaderFiles)
                string extension = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower();

                // For WiiU
                if (extension == ".ps")
                    CompileWiiUShader(file, Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".vs"));

                // For PC C++
                if (extension == ".ps" || extension == ".vs")
                    CopyIfNewer(file, ChangeRootDirectory(file, ContentPath_Source, ContentPath_PC_CPlusPlus));

                // For Xbox
                if (extension == ".fx")
                    CopyIfNewer(file, ChangeRootDirectory(file, ContentPath_Source, ContentPath_Xbox));

                // For PS3
                if (extension == ".fx")

                // Delete intermediate files
                var shader_intermediates = GetFiles(Path.Combine(ContentPath_PS3, "Shaders"), true);
                foreach (var _file in shader_intermediates)
                    string ext = Path.GetExtension(_file);
                    if (ext == ".vpo" || ext == ".fpo")

            // Convert language excel file to unicode tsv

            // Get texture asset list
            string proj           = Path.Combine(ContentPath_Source, @"Proj.xlsx");
            bool   UpdateLoadList = args_RedoAll || args_RedoList || Date(LoadListPath_Cpp) < Date(proj);
            string connection     = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0}; Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;", proj);

            var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Files$]", connection);
            var ds      = new DataSet();


            var table = ds.Tables["Table"];
            var data  = table.AsEnumerable();

            foreach (var d in data)
                AssetInfo asset = new AssetInfo();

                asset.FilePath = (string)d.ItemArray[16];
                asset.FilePath = asset.FilePath.Replace('/', '\\');

                asset.Priority = (double)d.ItemArray[15];

                // Get defaults
                AssetInfo_Single Default = new AssetInfo_Single();
                ParseAsset(ref Default, ref Default, d.ItemArray[12], d.ItemArray[13], d.ItemArray[14]);
                asset.VideoMemory = ((string)d.ItemArray[17]) == "Yes";

                // Xbox
                ParseAsset(ref asset.Xbox, ref Default, d.ItemArray[0], d.ItemArray[1], d.ItemArray[2]);
                if (asset.Xbox.Include)

                // PS3
                ParseAsset(ref asset.PS3, ref Default, d.ItemArray[3], d.ItemArray[4], d.ItemArray[5]);
                if (asset.PS3.Include)

                // WiiU
                ParseAsset(ref asset.WiiU, ref Default, d.ItemArray[6], d.ItemArray[7], d.ItemArray[8]);
                if (asset.WiiU.Include)

                // PC
                ParseAsset(ref asset.PC, ref Default, d.ItemArray[9], d.ItemArray[10], d.ItemArray[11]);
                if (asset.PC.Include)

                if (UpdateLoadList)
                    var size = Load(Path.Combine(ContentPath_Source, asset.FilePath + ".png")).Size;
                    asset.Width  = size.Width;
                    asset.Height = size.Height;


            // Make texture list
            if (UpdateLoadList)
                TextureAssets.Sort((A, B) => A.Priority.CompareTo(B.Priority));

                string TextureList_Xbox = "", TextureList_CSharpPC = "";
                int    count_xbox = 0, count_pc = 0;
                foreach (var _file in TextureAssets)
                    if (!_file.FilePath.Contains("Art"))

                    var path      = _file.FilePath;
                    var name      = StripPath(path);
                    var lowerpath = path.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    var lowername = name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    var bigname   = GetFileBigName(path).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    var folder    = FirstFolder(path, "Art\\");

                    if (_file.Xbox.Include)
                        var line = string.Format(
                            "Tools.TextureWad.AddTexture_Fast(null, \"{0}\", {4}, {5}, \"{1}\", \"{2}\", \"{3}\"); // {6}\n",
                            EscapeBackslashes(path), EscapeBackslashes(name), EscapeBackslashes(lowername), EscapeBackslashes(folder),
                            _file.Width, _file.Height, count_xbox);

                        TextureList_Xbox += line;

                    if (_file.PC.Include)
                        var line = string.Format(
                            "Tools.TextureWad.AddTexture_Fast(null, \"{0}\", {4}, {5}, \"{1}\", \"{2}\", \"{3}\"); // {6}\n",
                            EscapeBackslashes(path), EscapeBackslashes(name), EscapeBackslashes(lowername), EscapeBackslashes(folder),
                            _file.Width, _file.Height, count_pc);

                        TextureList_CSharpPC += line;
                TextureList_Xbox = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_CSharp, TextureList_Xbox);
                File.WriteAllText(LoadListPath_Xbox, TextureList_Xbox);

                TextureList_CSharpPC = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_CSharp, TextureList_CSharpPC);
                File.WriteAllText(LoadListPath_CSharpPC, TextureList_CSharpPC);

                string TextureList_PS3         = "";
                string TextureList_Width_PS3   = "";
                string TextureList_Height_PS3  = "";
                string TextureList_VideoMemory = "";
                foreach (var file in TextureAssets)
                    if (file.PS3.Include)
                        if (!file.FilePath.Contains("Art"))
                        //if (!file.FilePath.Contains("Art") && !file.FilePath.Contains("Font")) continue;

                        TextureList_PS3         += string.Format("L\"{0}\",\n", file.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/"));
                        TextureList_Width_PS3   += string.Format("{0},\n", file.Width);
                        TextureList_Height_PS3  += string.Format("{0},\n", file.Height);
                        TextureList_VideoMemory += string.Format("{0},\n", file.VideoMemory ? "true" : "false");
                TextureList_PS3         = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_SingleBuild_Cpp, TextureList_PS3, TextureList_Width_PS3, TextureList_Height_PS3);
                TextureList_VideoMemory = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_VideoMemory, TextureList_VideoMemory);

                string TextureList_WiiU        = "";
                string TextureList_Width_WiiU  = "";
                string TextureList_Height_WiiU = "";
                foreach (var file in TextureAssets)
                    if (file.WiiU.Include)
                        if (!file.FilePath.Contains("Art") && !file.FilePath.Contains("Font"))

                        TextureList_WiiU        += string.Format("L\"{0}\",\n", file.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/"));
                        TextureList_Width_WiiU  += string.Format("{0},\n", file.Width);
                        TextureList_Height_WiiU += string.Format("{0},\n", file.Height);
                TextureList_WiiU = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_SingleBuild_Cpp, TextureList_WiiU, TextureList_Width_WiiU, TextureList_Height_WiiU);

                string TextureList_PC        = "";
                string TextureList_Width_PC  = "";
                string TextureList_Height_PC = "";
                foreach (var file in TextureAssets)
                    if (file.PC.Include)
                        if (!file.FilePath.Contains("Art") && !file.FilePath.Contains("Font"))

                        TextureList_PC        += string.Format("L\"{0}\",\n", file.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/"));
                        TextureList_Width_PC  += string.Format("{0},\n", file.Width);
                        TextureList_Height_PC += string.Format("{0},\n", file.Height);
                TextureList_PC = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_SingleBuild_Cpp, TextureList_PC, TextureList_Width_PC, TextureList_Height_PC);

                string TextureList = string.Format(LoadListTemplate_Cpp, TextureList_PS3, TextureList_WiiU, TextureList_PC, TextureList_VideoMemory);
                File.WriteAllText(LoadListPath_Cpp, TextureList);

            // Get non-texture assets
            List <string> Files = GetFiles(ContentPath_Source, true);

            foreach (var file in Files)
                if (file.Contains("__ContentBuilder"))

                string extension = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower();
                if (FileTypes.Contains(extension))
                    string relative_path = file.Replace(ContentPath_Source, "");

                    string xbox_dest = Path.Combine(ContentPath_Xbox, relative_path);
                    CopyIfNewer(file, xbox_dest);

                    string wiiu_dest = Path.Combine(ContentPath_WiiU, relative_path);
                    CopyIfNewer(file, wiiu_dest);

                    string ps3_dest = Path.Combine(ContentPath_PS3, relative_path);
                    CopyIfNewer(file, ps3_dest);

                    string pc_dest = Path.Combine(ContentPath_PC, relative_path);
                    CopyIfNewer(file, pc_dest);
                    string pc_cplusplus_dest = Path.Combine(ContentPath_PC_CPlusPlus, relative_path);
                    CopyIfNewer(file, pc_cplusplus_dest);

            // Remove files in destination folders that don't exist anymore.
            RemoveFiles(ContentPath_Xbox, XboxFiles);
            RemoveFiles(ContentPath_PS3, PS3Files);
            RemoveFiles(ContentPath_WiiU, WiiUFiles);
            RemoveFiles(ContentPath_PC_CPlusPlus, PCFiles);
            RemoveFiles(ContentPath_PC, PCFiles);

            // Convert and place all texture assets
            foreach (var asset in TextureAssets)
                string   source       = SourcePath(asset.FilePath);
                string   temp_premult = TempPremultPath(asset.FilePath);
                string   temp_dds     = TempDDSPath(asset.FilePath);
                DateTime source_date  = Date(source);

                string path_xbox_dds         = GetPath_Xbox_DDS(asset.FilePath);
                string path_ps3_gtf          = GetPath_PS3_GTF(asset.FilePath);
                string path_wiiu_gtx         = GetPath_WiiU_GTX(asset.FilePath);
                string path_pc_cplusplus_png = GetPath_PC_CPlusPlus_PNG(asset.FilePath);
                string path_pc_dds           = GetPath_PC_DDS(asset.FilePath);

                bool Cascade = false;
                if (args_RedoAll || Date(temp_premult) < Date(source))
                    ConvertToPremultiplied(source, temp_premult);

                    Cascade = true;

                if (asset.Xbox.Include)
                    if (args_RedoAll || args_RedoDDS || Cascade || Date(path_xbox_dds) < source_date)
                        ConvertToDds(asset.Xbox, temp_premult, temp_dds);
                        Copy(temp_dds, path_xbox_dds);

                if (asset.PC.Include)
                    if (args_RedoAll || Cascade || Date(path_pc_cplusplus_png) < source_date)
                        Copy(temp_premult, path_pc_cplusplus_png);

                if (asset.PC.Include)
                    if (args_RedoAll || args_RedoDDS || Cascade || Date(path_pc_dds) < source_date)
                        ConvertToDds(asset.PC, temp_premult, temp_dds);
                        Copy(temp_dds, path_pc_dds);

                if (asset.PS3.Include)
                    if (args_RedoAll || args_RedoDDS || Cascade || Date(path_ps3_gtf) < source_date)
                        string temp_premult_ps3 = temp_premult;

                        // If the PNG is uncompressed RGBA and doesn't have an even width, pad the width
                        bool pad = false;
                        if (asset.PS3.Format == "Raw Rgba" && asset.GetWidth() % 2 == 1)
                            pad = true;

                        if (pad)
                            temp_premult_ps3 = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(temp_premult), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(temp_premult) + " (width padded).png");
                            PadPngWidth(temp_premult, temp_premult_ps3);

                        ConvertToDds(asset.PS3, temp_premult_ps3, temp_dds);
                        ConvertToGtf(temp_dds, path_ps3_gtf);

                        if (pad)
                            ChangeGtfWidth(path_ps3_gtf, asset.Width);

                if (asset.WiiU.Include)
                    if (args_RedoAll || args_RedoDDS || Cascade || Date(path_wiiu_gtx) < source_date)
                        ConvertToDds(asset.WiiU, temp_premult, temp_dds);
                        ConvertToGtx(temp_dds, path_wiiu_gtx);

コード例 #3
 static void ParseAsset(ref AssetInfo_Single dest, ref AssetInfo_Single _default, object cell1, object cell2, object cell3)
     dest.Include = (string)cell1 == " " ? _default.Include : (string)cell1 == "Include";
     dest.Format  = (string)cell2 == " " ? _default.Format  : (string)cell2;
     dest.Mipmap  = (string)cell3 == " " ? _default.Mipmap  : (string)cell3 == "Yes";