コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var trenutneRezervacije = _iznajmljivanje.GetCurrentRezervacije(id)
                                      .Select(a => new AssetRezervacijaModel
                Rezervisano = _iznajmljivanje.GetCurrentRezervacija(a.Id).ToString("d"),
                ImeClana    = _iznajmljivanje.GetCurrentClanName(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel()
                AssetId                = id,
                Naziv                  = asset.Naziv,
                GlavniGlumci           = _assets.GetGlavniGlumci(id),
                TrenutnaLokacija       = _assets.GetCurrentOgranak(id).Naziv,
                DatumIzlaska           = asset.DatumIzlaska,
                ImgUrl                 = asset.ImgUrl,
                Status                 = asset.Status.Naziv,
                Cena                   = asset.Cena.ToString(),
                Producent              = _assets.GetProducent(id),
                IstorijaIznajmljivanja = _iznajmljivanje.GetIstorijaIznajmljivanja(id),
                LatestIznajmljivanje   = _iznajmljivanje.GetLatestIznajmljivanje(id),
                ImeClana               = _iznajmljivanje.GetCurrentClanIznajmljeno(id),
                TrenutneRezervacije    = trenutneRezervacije,
                BrojKopija             = asset.BrojKopija

コード例 #2
        public IActionResult Details(int id)
            var asset = _asset.getByID(id);

            var currentHold = _checkout.getCurrentHold(id)
                              .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                holdPlaced = _checkout.getCurrentHoldPlaced(a.id),
                patronName = _checkout.getCurrentHoldPatronName(a.id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                assetId           = id,
                title             = asset.title,
                year              = asset.year,
                cost              = asset.cost,
                status            = asset.Status.name,
                imageUrl          = asset.imageUrl,
                type              = _asset.getType(id),
                author            = _asset.getAuthor(id),
                currentBranch     = _asset.getCurrentLocation(id).name,
                deweyIndex        = _asset.getDeweyIndex(id),
                isbn              = _asset.getISBN(id),
                checkoutHistories = _checkout.getCheckOutHistory(id),
                latestCheckOut    = _checkout.getLatestCheckout(id),
                patronName        = _checkout.getCurrentCheckOutPatronName(id),
                currentHold       = currentHold,

コード例 #3
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkout.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkout.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id),
                PatronName = _checkout.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId           = id,
                Title             = asset.Title,
                Year              = asset.Year,
                Cost              = asset.Cost,
                Status            = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl          = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector  = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation   = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                DeweyCallNumber   = _assets.GetDewayIndex(id),
                CheckoutHistories = _checkout.GetCheckOutHistory(id),
                ISBN              = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                LatestCheckout    = _checkout.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName        = _checkout.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds      = currentHolds

コード例 #4
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset        = _assets.Get(id);
            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id).Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced  = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(id),
                StudentName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldStudent(a.Id)
            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation  = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                DeweyIndex       = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN             = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                StudentName      = _checkouts.GetCurrentStudent(id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds,
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id)

コード例 #5
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _libraryAssetService.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkoutService.GetCurrentHolds(id).ToList()
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkoutService.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.HoldId).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _checkoutService.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.HoldId)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = Math.Round(asset.Cost, 2).ToString(),
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = _libraryAssetService.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation  = _libraryAssetService.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                DeweyCallNumber  = _libraryAssetService.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN             = _libraryAssetService.GetISBN(id),
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkoutService.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                LatestCheckout   = _checkoutService.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName       = _checkoutService.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds

コード例 #6
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            //retrieve the asset:
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id),

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId = id,
                Title   = asset.Title,
                Type    = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year    = asset.Year,
                Cost    = asset.Cost,
                //status is the navigation property that itself contains properties,
                //we'llbe looking for the sstatus name here:
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageURL         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation  = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                DeweyCallNumber  = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN             = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                LatestChekout    = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName       = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds,

コード例 #7
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assetsService.Get(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkoutsService.GetCurrentHolds(id).Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlace  = _checkoutsService.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id),
                PatronName = _checkoutsService.GetCurrentHoldPatron(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                Id                           = id,
                Title                        = asset.Title,
                Type                         = _assetsService.GetType(id),
                Year                         = asset.Year,
                Cost                         = asset.Cost,
                Status                       = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl                     = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector             = _assetsService.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation              = _assetsService.GetCurrentLocation(id)?.Name,
                DeweyCallNumber              = _assetsService.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                CheckoutHistory              = _checkoutsService.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                CurrentAssociatedLibraryCard = _assetsService.GetLibraryCardByAssetId(id),
                ISBN                         = _assetsService.GetIsbn(id),
                LatestCheckout               = _checkoutsService.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                CurrentHolds                 = currentHolds,
                PatronName                   = _checkoutsService.GetCurrentPatron(id)

コード例 #8
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _ILibraryAsset.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _ICheckout.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(result => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _ICheckout.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(result.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _ICheckout.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(result.Id),

            var model = new AssetDetailModel()
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                AuthorOrDirector = _ILibraryAsset.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                Type             = _ILibraryAsset.GetType(id),
                Year             = asset.Year,
                ISBN             = _ILibraryAsset.GetIsbn(id),
                DeweyCallNumber  = _ILibraryAsset.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                CurrentLocation  = _ILibraryAsset.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageURL,
                CheckoutHistory  = _ICheckout.GetCheckoutHistories(id),
                LatestCheckout   = _ICheckout.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName       = _ICheckout.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds,

コード例 #9
ファイル: CatalogController.cs プロジェクト: mnngocc/Library
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHold(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced  = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString(),
                PatronName  = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatron(a.Id),
                PatronPhone = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronPhone(a.Id)
            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId                      = id,
                Title                        = asset.Title,
                Type                         = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year                         = asset.Year,
                Cost                         = asset.Cost,
                Status                       = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl                     = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector             = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id), //Ham duoc viet cho lop Interface -  Services
                CurrentLocation              = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id)?.Name,
                Dewey                        = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                Isbn                         = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                CheckoutHistory              = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                CurrentAssociatedLibraryCard = _assets.GetLibraryCardByAssetId(id),
                LatestCheckout               = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName                   = _checkouts.GetCurrentPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds                 = currentHolds

コード例 #10
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = this.libraryAssets.GetById(id);

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                Id               = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = this.libraryAssets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation  = asset.LibraryBranch.Name,
                DeweyCallNumber  = this.libraryAssets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN             = this.libraryAssets.GetIsbn(id),
                Type             = this.libraryAssets.GetType(id),
                CheckoutHistory  = this.checkOuts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                LatestCheckout   = this.checkOuts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName       = this.checkOuts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds     = this.checkOuts.GetCurrentHolds(id)

コード例 #11
ファイル: CatalogController.cs プロジェクト: Mkasakka/Library
        public IActionResult Detail(int Id)
            var asset        = _asset.GetById(Id);
            var currentholds = _checkOut.GetCurrentHolds(Id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                DateHoldPlaced = _checkOut.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString("d"),
                UserName       = _checkOut.GetCurrentHolduserName(a.Id)
            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = Id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDircetor = _asset.GetAuthorOrDirector(Id),
                CurrentLocation  = asset.Location.Name,
                DeweyCallNumber  = _asset.GetDewwyIndex(Id),
                ISBN             = _asset.GetIsbn(Id),
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkOut.GetCheckoutHistory(Id),
                LatestCheckOut   = _checkOut.GetLatestCheckout(Id),
                UserName         = _checkOut.GetCurrentCheckOutUserName(Id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentholds

コード例 #12
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetAsset(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkout.GetCurrentHolds(id).Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkout.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _checkout.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Type             = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Isbn             = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation  = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id)?.Name,
                Dewey            = _assets.GetDewyIndex(id),
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkout.GetCheckoutHistories(id),
                //   CurrentAssociatedLibraryCard = _ass,
                //  Isbn = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                latestCheckout = _checkout.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                CurrentHolds   = currentHolds,
                PatronName     = _checkout.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id)

コード例 #13
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _rentals.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(r => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlace  = _rentals.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(id).ToString("d"),
                Subscriber = _rentals.GetCurrentHoldSubscriberName(id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId       = id,
                Brand         = asset.Brand,
                Name          = asset.Name,
                Description   = asset.Description,
                Rating        = asset.Rating,
                Price         = _assets.GetPrice(id),
                Stock         = _assets.GetStock(id),
                Available     = _assets.GetAvailable(id),
                ImageUrl      = asset.ImageUrl,
                AltImageUrl1  = asset.AltImgUrl1,
                AltImageUrl2  = asset.AltImgUrl2,
                AltImageUrl3  = asset.AltImgUrl3,
                AltImageUrl4  = asset.AltImgUrl4,
                AltImageUrl5  = asset.AltImgUrl5,
                RentalHistory = _rentals.GetRentalHistory(id),
                LatestRental  = _rentals.GetRecentRental(id),
                CurrentHolds  = currentHolds

コード例 #14
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(asset => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(asset.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(asset.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Type             = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                // Here a LibraryBranch Object is being returned so we only want the name on that object
                CurrentLocation = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                DeweyCallNumber = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN            = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                CheckoutHistory = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                LatestCheckout  = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName      = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds    = currentHolds

コード例 #15
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var assetModels = _assetsService.GetById(id);
            var model       = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId         = id,
                Make            = assetModels.Make,
                Model           = assetModels.Model,
                VIN             = assetModels.VIN,
                ImageUrl        = assetModels.ImageUrl,
                Status          = assetModels.Status.Name,
                Cost            = assetModels.Cost,
                BodyType        = _assetsService.GetBodyType(id),
                Options         = _assetsService.GetOptions(id),
                Passengers      = _assetsService.GetPassengers(id),
                Bags            = _assetsService.GetBags(id),
                CurrentLocation = _assetsService.GetVehicleRentalLocation(id).Name,
                PatronName      = _checkoutService.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                LatestCheckout  = _checkoutService.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                CheckoutHistory = _checkoutService.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                HoldHistory     = _checkoutService.GetCurrentHolds(id)

コード例 #16
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            LibraryAsset asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            IEnumerable <AssetHoldModel> currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(asset.Id)
                                                        .Select(h => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = h.HoldPlaced.ToShortDateString(),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(h.Id)

            AssetDetailModel model = new AssetDetailModel()
                AssetId          = asset.Id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Year             = asset.Year,
                DeweyCallNumber  = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(asset.Id),
                ISBN             = _assets.GetIsbn(asset.Id),
                Type             = _assets.GetType(asset.Id),
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(asset.Id),
                CurrentLocation  = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(asset.Id).Name,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(asset.Id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds,
                LatestCheckout   = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(asset.Id),
                PatronName       = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(asset.Id),

コード例 #17
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var house = _houseAssets.GetHousesById(id);

            if (house == null)

            var listingResult = house.Counter.Indications
                                .Select(indications => new AssetDetailListingModel()
                Id             = indications.Id,
                FullAdress     = $"{house.City}, {house.Street}, {house.Number}",
                Indication     = indications.CurrentIndication.ToString(),
                IndicationDate = indications.FillingTime.ToLongDateString()

            var model = new AssetDetailModel()
                FullAdress           = $"{house.City}, {house.Street}, {house.Number}",
                VerificationTimeOver = house.Counter.VerificationTimeOver,
                FactoryNumder        = house.Counter.FactoryNumber,
                HouseId        = house.Id,
                HouseCity      = house.City,
                HouseNumber    = house.Number,
                HousePlace     = house.Street,
                CurrentDate    = DateTime.Now,
                LastIndication = house.Counter.Indications.Last().CurrentIndication,
                Asset          = listingResult

コード例 #18
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = checkOut.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = checkOut.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id),
                PatronName = checkOut.GetCurrentHoldPatron(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Tittle,
                Type             = assets.GetType(id),
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CheckOutHistory  = checkOut.GetCheckOutHistory(id),
                ISBN             = assets.GetIsbn(id),
                LastChechOut     = checkOut.GetLatestCheckOut(id),
                PatronName       = checkOut.GetCurrentPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds

コード例 #19
        public IActionResult Detail(int assetId)
            var asset = assets.GetById(assetId);

            var currentHolds = checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(assetId)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                DateHoldPlaced = checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName     = checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = assetId,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Type             = assets.GetType(assetId),
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(assetId),
                CurrentLocation  = assets.GetCurrentLocation(assetId).Name,
                Dewey            = assets.GetDeweyIndex(assetId),
                ISBN             = assets.GetISBN(assetId),
                CheckoutHistory  = checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(assetId),
                LatestCheckout   = checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(assetId),
                PatronName       = checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(assetId),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds

コード例 #20
ファイル: CatalogController.cs プロジェクト: shaimaa2/Library
        public IActionResult Detail(int assetid)
            var asset = _asset.GetById(assetid);

            var currentholds = _checkout.GetCurrentHolds(assetid)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkout.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(assetid),
                PatronName = _checkout.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(assetid)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                Id       = assetid,
                Title    = asset.Title,
                Year     = asset.Year,
                Cost     = asset.Cost,
                Status   = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl = asset.ImageUrl,

                DeweyCallNamber  = _asset.GetDeweyIndex(assetid),
                AuthorOrDirector = _asset.GetDirectorOrAuthor(assetid),
                CurrentLocation  = _asset.GetCurrentlocation(assetid).Name,
                PatronName       = _checkout.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(assetid),
                LatestCheckout   = _checkout.GetLatestCheckout(assetid),
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkout.GetCheckOutHistory(assetid),
                AssetHold        = currentholds,

                ISBN = _asset.GetIsbn(assetid),
                Type = _asset.GetType(assetid)

コード例 #21
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            //if (ModelState.IsValid)
            //    LibraryAsset asset = assets.GetById(id);

            //    AssetDetailModel model = new AssetDetailModel()
            //    {
            //        AssetId = id,
            //        Title = asset.Title,
            //        AuthorOrDirector = assets.GetAuthorOrDirection(id),
            //        //Type = assets.GetType(id),
            //        Year = asset.Year,
            //        ISBN = assets.GetIsbn(id),
            //        DeweyCallNumber = assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
            //        Status = asset.Status.Name,
            //        Cost = asset.Cost,
            //        CurrentLocation = assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
            //        ImageUrl = asset.ImageUrl
            //        //PatronName = assets.

            //    };

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                LibraryAsset asset = assets.GetById(id);
                IEnumerable <AssetHoldModel> currentHolds = checkout.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                                                            .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                    HoldIsPlaced = checkout.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(id).ToString("d"),
                    PatronName   = checkout.GetCurrentPatronName(id)

                AssetDetailModel model = new AssetDetailModel()
                    AssetId          = id,
                    Title            = asset.Title,
                    Type             = assets.GetType(id),
                    Year             = asset.Year,
                    Cost             = asset.Cost,
                    Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                    ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                    AuthorOrDirector = assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                    CurrentLocation  = assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                    DeweyCallNumber  = assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                    CheckoutHistory  = checkout.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                    ISBN             = assets.GetIsbn(id),
                    LastestCheckOut  = checkout.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                    PatronName       = checkout.GetCurrentPatronName(id),
                    AssetHolds       = currentHolds
            //  return View(model);
            //  }
            //   return View("Error");
コード例 #22
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var tworca  = _assets.GetById(id);
            var galeria = _assets.GetTworcaGallery(tworca);

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                Tworca  = tworca,
                Zdjecia = galeria

コード例 #23
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            //var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            //var model = new AssetDetailModel()
            //    AssetId = id,
            //    Title = asset.Title,
            //    Year = asset.Year,
            //    Cost = asset.Cost,
            //    Status = asset.Status.Name,
            //    ImageUrl = asset.ImageUrl,
            //    AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
            //    CurrentLocation = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
            //    Dewey = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
            //    Isbn = _assets.GetIsbn(id)


            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id)

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId          = id,
                Title            = asset.Title,
                Type             = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year             = asset.Year,
                Cost             = asset.Cost,
                Status           = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl         = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation  = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                Dewey            = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                CheckoutHistory  = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                Isbn             = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                LatestCheckout   = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName       = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds     = currentHolds

コード例 #24
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assetsService.Get(id);

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId  = id,
                Title    = asset.Title,
                Type     = _assetsService.GetType(id),
                Status   = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl = asset.ImageUrl,

コード例 #25
        //Returns the details for a selected asset
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            //Selects the required asset
            LibraryAsset asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id)

            var currentCheckoutHistory = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id)
                                         .Select(a => new AssetCheckoutHistoryModel
                Id            = id,
                PatronName    = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckedOutPatronName(a.Id),
                CheckedOut    = _checkouts.CheckedOut(a.Id),
                CheckedIn     = _checkouts.CheckedIn(a.Id),
                LibraryCardId = a.LibraryCard.Id

            //Creates the ViewModel
            //Populate the AssetDetail model with:
            // LibraryAsset properties OR
            // services from the _assets ILibrary service
            AssetDetailModel model = new AssetDetailModel()
                AssetId                = id,
                Title                  = asset.Title,
                Year                   = asset.Year,
                Status                 = asset.Status.Name,
                Cost                   = asset.Cost,
                ImageUrl               = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector       = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation        = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                Type                   = _assets.GetType(id),
                DeweyCallNumber        = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN                   = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                CheckoutHistory        = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                LatestCheckOut         = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName             = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds           = currentHolds,
                CurrentCheckoutHistory = currentCheckoutHistory

コード例 #26
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            int libraryCardId;
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(p => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(p.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(p.Id)

            var firstHold = _checkouts.GetLastestHold(id);

            if (firstHold == null)
                libraryCardId = 0;
                libraryCardId = firstHold.LibraryCard.Id;

            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId                = id,
                Title                  = asset.Title,
                Type                   = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year                   = asset.Year,
                Cost                   = asset.Cost,
                Status                 = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl               = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector       = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation        = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                DeweyCallNumber        = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                CheckoutHistory        = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistories(id),
                ISBN                   = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                LatestCheckout         = _checkouts.GetLastestCheckout(id),
                PatronName             = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                FirstHoldLibraryCardId = libraryCardId,
                CurrentHolds           = currentHolds

コード例 #27
ファイル: CatalogController.cs プロジェクト: mnngocc/Library
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            int  libCard = 0;
            bool isLogin = false;

            if (HttpContext.Session.GetString("username") != null)
                libCard = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("LibraryCard");
                isLogin = true;

            var asset        = _assets.GetById(id);
            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHold(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString(),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatron(a.Id)
            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId                      = id,
                Title                        = asset.Title,
                Type                         = _assets.GetType(id),
                Year                         = asset.Year,
                Cost                         = asset.Cost,
                Status                       = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl                     = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector             = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id), //Ham duoc viet cho lop Interface -  Services
                CurrentLocation              = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id)?.Name,
                Dewey                        = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                Isbn                         = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                CheckoutHistory              = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                CurrentAssociatedLibraryCard = _assets.GetLibraryCardByAssetId(id),
                LatestCheckout               = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName                   = _checkouts.GetCurrentPatron(id),
                CheckHoldExist               = _checkouts.CheckHoldExist(id, libCard),
                CurrentHolds                 = currentHolds,
                IsLogin                      = isLogin
            string msg = "";

            msg += _checkouts.CheckHoldExist(id, libCard);
            //msg += libCard;
            //return Content(msg);
コード例 #28
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);
            var model = new AssetDetailModel
                AssetId         = id,
                Title           = asset.Title,
                Year            = asset.Year,
                Status          = asset.Status.Name,
                ImageUrl        = asset.ImageUrl,
                Author          = _assets.GetAuthor(id),
                CurrentLocation = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                ISBN            = _assets.GetBookIndex(id),
                BookIndex       = _assets.GetBookIndex(id)

コード例 #29
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            IEnumerable <AssetHoldModel> currentHolds = _checkout.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                                                        .Select(x => new AssetHoldModel
                PatronName    = _checkout.GetPatronName(x.LibraryCard.Id).ToString(),
                HoldPlaced    = x.HoldPlaced,
                LibraryCardId = x.LibraryCard.Id

            IEnumerable <CheckoutHistoryModel> checkoutHistories = _checkout.CheckoutHistory(asset.Id)
                                                                   .Select(x => new CheckoutHistoryModel
                PatronName  = _checkout.GetPatronName(x.LibraryCard.Id).ToString(),
                CheckIn     = x.CheckIn,
                Checkout    = x.CheckOut,
                LibraryCard = x.LibraryCard

            var displayAsset = new AssetDetailModel
                Id                = asset.Id,
                PatronName        = _checkout.GetPatronName(4).FirstName,
                ImageUrl          = asset.ImgUrl,
                Title             = asset.Title,
                Year              = asset.Year,
                Cost              = asset.Cost,
                Status            = _assets.GetStatus(asset.Id).Name,
                AuthorOrDirector  = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(asset.Id),
                DeweyIndex        = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(asset.Id),
                NumberOfCopies    = asset.NumberOfCopies,
                Type              = _assets.GetType(asset.Id),
                CurrentLocation   = _assets.GetLocation(asset.Id).Name,
                ISBN              = _assets.GetISBN(id),
                CheckoutHistories = checkoutHistories,
                CurrentHolds      = currentHolds

コード例 #30
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            var boardgame = _assets.GetById(id);
            var played    = _assets.isPlayed(id);
            var plays     = _assets.GetAllPlaysWhereIdBoardgame(id);

            var model = new AssetDetailModel()
                Id          = boardgame.Id,
                Name        = boardgame.Name,
                Description = boardgame.Description,
                Image       = boardgame.Image,
                Rating      = boardgame.Rating,
                IsPlayed    = played,
                Played      = plays
