internal UnitTestResult RunUnitTest(UnitTest test, string suiteName, string pathName, string testName, TestContext testContext) { var runnerExe = GetCustomConsoleRunnerCommand(); if (runnerExe != null) { return(RunWithConsoleRunner(runnerExe, test, suiteName, pathName, testName, testContext)); } var console = testContext.ExecutionContext.ConsoleFactory.CreateConsole( OperationConsoleFactory.CreateConsoleOptions.Default.WithTitle(GettextCatalog.GetString("Unit Tests"))); ExternalTestRunner runner = new ExternalTestRunner(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyPath)); runner.ProcessExecutionArchitecture = AssemblyUtilities.GetProcessExecutionArchitectureForAssembly(AssemblyPath); runner.Connect(NUnitVersion, testContext.ExecutionContext.ExecutionHandler, console).Wait(); LocalTestMonitor localMonitor = new LocalTestMonitor(testContext, test, suiteName, testName != null); string[] filter = null; if (test != null) { if (test is UnitTestGroup && NUnitVersion == NUnitVersion.NUnit2) { filter = CollectTests((UnitTestGroup)test); } else if (test.TestId != null) { filter = new string [] { test.TestId }; } } RunData rd = new RunData(); rd.Runner = runner; rd.Test = this; rd.LocalMonitor = localMonitor; var cancelReg = testContext.Monitor.CancellationToken.Register(rd.Cancel); UnitTestResult result; var crashLogFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssemblyPath)) { string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString("Could not get a valid path to the assembly. There may be a conflict in the project configurations."); throw new Exception(msg); } string testRunnerAssembly, testRunnerType; GetCustomTestRunner(out testRunnerAssembly, out testRunnerType); testContext.Monitor.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var supportAssemblies = new List <string> (GetSupportAssembliesAsync().Result); result = runner.Run(localMonitor, filter, AssemblyPath, "", supportAssemblies, testRunnerType, testRunnerAssembly, crashLogFile).Result; if (testName != null) { result = localMonitor.SingleTestResult; } ReportCrash(testContext, crashLogFile); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ReportCrash(testContext, crashLogFile)) { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure(GettextCatalog.GetString("Unhandled exception"), null); } else if (!localMonitor.Canceled) { LoggingService.LogError(ex.ToString()); if (localMonitor.RunningTest != null) { RuntimeErrorCleanup(testContext, localMonitor.RunningTest, ex); } else { testContext.Monitor.ReportRuntimeError(null, ex); throw; } result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure(ex); } else { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure(GettextCatalog.GetString("Canceled"), null); } } finally { // Dispose the runner before the console, to make sure the console is available until the runner is disposed. runner.Disconnect().Wait(); runner.Dispose(); if (console != null) { console.Dispose(); } cancelReg.Dispose(); File.Delete(crashLogFile); } return(result); }
static void RunAsyncLoadTest() { while (true) { LoadData ld; lock (loadQueue) { if (loadQueue.Count == 0) { if (!Monitor.Wait(loadQueue, 5000, true)) { loaderRunning = false; return; } } ld = (LoadData)loadQueue.Dequeue(); } try { // If the information is cached in a file and it is up to date information, // there is no need to parse again the assembly. if (ld.TestInfoCachePath != null && File.Exists(ld.TestInfoCachePath)) { ld.InfoCache = TestInfoCache.Read(ld.TestInfoCachePath); NunitTestInfo info = ld.InfoCache.GetInfo(ld.Path); if (info != null) { ld.Info = info; ld.Callback(ld); continue; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex.ToString()); } ExternalTestRunner runner = null; try { if (File.Exists(ld.Path)) { runner = new ExternalTestRunner(Path.GetDirectoryName(ld.Path)); runner.ProcessExecutionArchitecture = AssemblyUtilities.GetProcessExecutionArchitectureForAssembly(ld.Path); runner.Connect(ld.NUnitVersion).Wait(); var supportAssemblies = new List <string> (ld.SupportAssemblies.Result); ld.Info = runner.GetTestInfo(ld.Path, supportAssemblies).Result; } } catch (AggregateException exception) { var baseException = exception.GetBaseException(); Console.WriteLine(baseException); ld.Error = baseException; } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); ld.Error = exception; } finally { try { if (runner != null) { runner.Dispose(); } } catch {} } try { ld.Callback(ld); } catch { } } }