コード例 #1
        // Returns null if an assembly of an equivalent identity has not been added previously, otherwise returns the reference that added it.
        // - Both assembly names are strong (have keys) and are either equal or FX unified
        // - Both assembly names are weak (no keys) and have the same simple name.
        private MetadataReference TryAddAssembly(AssemblyIdentity identity, MetadataReference boundReference, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CommonLocation location,
                                                 ref Dictionary <string, List <ReferencedAssemblyIdentity> > referencesBySimpleName)
            if (referencesBySimpleName == null)
                referencesBySimpleName = new Dictionary <string, List <ReferencedAssemblyIdentity> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            List <ReferencedAssemblyIdentity> sameSimpleNameIdentities;
            string simpleName = identity.Name;

            if (!referencesBySimpleName.TryGetValue(simpleName, out sameSimpleNameIdentities))
                referencesBySimpleName.Add(simpleName, new List <ReferencedAssemblyIdentity> {
                    new ReferencedAssemblyIdentity(identity, boundReference)

            ReferencedAssemblyIdentity equivalent = default(ReferencedAssemblyIdentity);

            if (identity.IsStrongName)
                foreach (var other in sameSimpleNameIdentities)
                    // only compare strong with strong (weak is never equivalent to strong and vice versa)
                    if (other.Identity.IsStrongName && identity.IsEquivalent(other.Identity))
                        equivalent = other;
                foreach (var other in sameSimpleNameIdentities)
                    // only compare weak with weak
                    if (!other.Identity.IsStrongName && WeakIdentityPropertiesEquivalent(identity, other.Identity))
                        equivalent = other;

            if (equivalent.Identity == null)
                sameSimpleNameIdentities.Add(new ReferencedAssemblyIdentity(identity, boundReference));

            // equivalent found - ignore and/or report an error:

            if (identity.IsStrongName)

                // versions migth have been unified for a Framework assembly:
                if (identity != equivalent.Identity)
                    // Dev11 C# reports an error
                    // Dev11 VB keeps both references in the compilation and reports an ambiguity error when a symbol is used.
                    // BREAKING CHANGE in VB: we report an error for both languages

                    // Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported: '{0}' and '{1}'. Remove one of the duplicate references.
                    MessageProvider.ReportDuplicateMetadataReferenceStrong(diagnostics, location, boundReference, identity, equivalent.MetadataReference, equivalent.Identity);

                // If the versions match exactly we ignore duplicates w/o reporting errors while
                // Dev11 C# reports:
                //   error CS1703: An assembly with the same identity '{0}' has already been imported. Try removing one of the duplicate references.
                // Dev11 VB reports:
                //   Fatal error BC2000 : compiler initialization failed unexpectedly: Project already has a reference to assembly System.
                //   A second reference to 'D:\Temp\System.dll' cannot be added.
                MessageProvider.ReportDuplicateMetadataReferenceWeak(diagnostics, location, boundReference, identity, equivalent.MetadataReference, equivalent.Identity);

            Debug.Assert(equivalent.MetadataReference != null);