コード例 #1
        // Kentico libraries aren't loaded into the AppDomain directly. For some reason all referenced assemblies
        // are outside the working folder of the azure function. We can load them but we need to find the proper location.
        // This method ensures Kentico assemblies only. Custom assembly can be loaded thru  AssemblyDiscoveryHelper.RegisterAdditionalAssemblies method.
        private static void RegisterCmsAssemblies()
            // In this case we count with fact that assembly file name is identical with assembly name
            var assemblyLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.Load("CMS.Core").Location);
            var cmsAssemblies    = Directory.EnumerateFiles(assemblyLocation, "CMS.*.dll");

            var assemblyNames = cmsAssemblies.Select(path => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
            var assemblies    = assemblyNames.Select(name => Assembly.Load(name)).ToArray();

コード例 #2
        // Custom libraries aren't loaded into the AppDomain directly. For some reason all referenced assemblies
        // are outside the working folder of the azure function. We can load them but we need to find the proper location.
        // This method ensures custom assemblies are also loaded. Custom assembly can be loaded thru  AssemblyDiscoveryHelper.RegisterAdditionalAssemblies method.
        private static void RegisterCustomAssemblies()
            // Can use Wildcards as well
            List <Tuple <string, string> > AssemblyAndFiles = new List <Tuple <string, string> >()
                new Tuple <string, string>("Xperience.CustomClasses", "Xperience.CustomClasses.dll"),
                // Add other libraries here

            foreach (Tuple <string, string> AssemblyAndFile in AssemblyAndFiles)
                // In this case we count with fact that assembly file name is identical with assembly name
                var assemblyLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.Load(AssemblyAndFile.Item1).Location);
                var cmsAssemblies    = Directory.EnumerateFiles(assemblyLocation, AssemblyAndFile.Item2);

                var assemblyNames = cmsAssemblies.Select(path => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
                var assemblies    = assemblyNames.Select(name => Assembly.Load(name)).ToArray();
