コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Refreshes the <see cref="ComposablePartDefinition"/>s with the latest files in the directory that match
        ///     the searchPattern. If any files have been added they will be added to the catalog and if any files were
        ///     removed they will be removed from the catalog. For files that have been removed keep in mind that the
        ///     assembly cannot be unloaded from the process so <see cref="ComposablePartDefinition"/>s for those files
        ///     will simply be removed from the catalog.
        ///     Possible exceptions that can be thrown are any that <see cref="Directory.GetFiles(string, string)"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="DirectoryNotFoundException">
        ///     The specified path has been removed since object construction.
        /// </exception>
        public void Refresh()

            ComposablePartDefinition[] addedDefinitions;
            ComposablePartDefinition[] removedDefinitions;
            object changeReferenceObject;

            string[] afterFiles;
            string[] beforeFiles;

            while (true)
                afterFiles = GetFiles();

                lock (_thisLock)
                    changeReferenceObject = _loadedFiles;
                    beforeFiles           = _loadedFiles.ToArray();

                var newCatalog = ExecuteScripts(afterFiles);

                // Notify listeners to give them a preview before completing the changes
                addedDefinitions = newCatalog.ToArray();

                removedDefinitions = _catalog.ToArray();

                using (var atomicComposition = new AtomicComposition())
                    var changingArgs = new ComposablePartCatalogChangeEventArgs(addedDefinitions, removedDefinitions, atomicComposition);

                    // if the change went through then write the catalog changes
                    lock (_thisLock)
                        if (changeReferenceObject != _loadedFiles)
                            // Someone updated the list while we were diffing so we need to try the diff again

                        _catalog     = newCatalog;
                        _loadedFiles = afterFiles.ToReadOnlyCollection();

                        // Lastly complete any changes added to the atomicComposition during the change event

                        // Break out of the while(true)
                    } // WriteLock
                }     // AtomicComposition
            }   // while (true)

            var changedArgs = new ComposablePartCatalogChangeEventArgs(addedDefinitions, removedDefinitions, null);
