コード例 #1
        public AscmDeliveryNotifyMain Get(int id)
            AscmDeliveryNotifyMain ascmDeliveryNotify = null;

                ascmDeliveryNotify = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Get <AscmDeliveryNotifyMain>(id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                YnBaseClass2.Helper.LogHelper.GetLog().Error("查询失败(Get AscmDeliveryNotifyMain)", ex);
                throw ex;
コード例 #2
 public void Update(AscmDeliveryNotifyMain ascmDeliveryNotify)
     using (ITransaction tx = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession().BeginTransaction())
             YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Update <AscmDeliveryNotifyMain>(ascmDeliveryNotify);
         catch (Exception ex)
             YnBaseClass2.Helper.LogHelper.GetLog().Error("修改失败(Update AscmDeliveryNotifyMain)", ex);
             throw ex;
コード例 #3
        public List <AscmDeliveryNotifyMain> GetList(YnPage ynPage, string sortName, string sortOrder, string queryWord, string whereOther)
            List <AscmDeliveryNotifyMain> list = new List <AscmDeliveryNotifyMain>();

                string sort = " order by id ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortName))
                    sort = " order by " + sortName.Trim() + " ";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder))
                        sort += sortOrder.Trim();
                sort = ""; //不能在里面加order ,否则效率非常低
                //string sql = "from AscmDeliveryNotifyMain ";//where id>36614045
                //string detailCount = "select count(*) from AscmDeliveryNotifyDetail where mainId= a.id";
                //string containerBindNumber = "select t1.quantity from AscmContainerDelivery t1, AscmDeliveryOrderMain t2, AscmDeliveryOrderDetail t3, AscmDeliveryNotifyDetail t4  where t3.notifyDetailId = t4.id and t2.id = t3.mainId and t1.deliveryOrderBatchId=t2.batchId and t4.mainId = a.id";
                //string containerBindNumber = "select sum(t1.quantity) from AscmContainerDelivery t1, (select distinct t2.batchId, t4.mainId from AscmDeliveryOrderMain t2, AscmDeliveryOrderDetail t3, AscmDeliveryNotifyDetail t4  where t3.notifyDetailId = t4.id and t2.id = t3.mainId) t where t1.deliveryOrderBatchId=t.batchId and t.mainId = a.id";

                ////string containerBindNumber = "select sum(t1.quantity) from AscmContainerDelivery t1 where t1.deliveryOrderBatchId in "
                //                              + "(select distinct t2.batchId from AscmDeliveryOrderMain t2, AscmDeliveryOrderDetail t3, AscmDeliveryNotifyDetail t4 "
                //                              + "where t3.notifyDetailId = t4.id and t2.id = t3.mainId and t4.mainId = a.id)";
                //string receiveTime = "select t.acceptTime from AscmDeliBatSumMain t, AscmDeliBatSumDetail t1, AscmDeliveryOrderMain t2, AscmDeliveryOrderDetail t3, AscmDeliveryNotifyDetail t4  where t.id = t1.mainId and t1.batchId = t2.batchId and  t2.id = t3.mainId and t3.notifyDetailId = t4.id and t4.mainId = a.id";
                //string totalNumber = "select sum(deliveryQuantity) from AscmDeliveryOrderDetail where mainId= a.id";
                //string sql1 = "select new AscmDeliveryNotifyMain(a,(" + detailCount + "),(" + containerBindNumber + "),(" + receiveTime + ")) from AscmDeliveryNotifyMain a ";
                //string sql1 = "select new AscmDeliveryNotifyMain(a,(" + detailCount + ")) from AscmDeliveryNotifyMain a left j ";
                //string sql = "select count(a.*) from Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Main a left join Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Detail b on a.id = b.mainId left join Ascm_Delivery_Order_Detail c on b.id = c.notifydetailid left join Ascm_Delivery_Order_Main d on c.mainid = d.id left join ascm_deli_bat_order_link e on d.batchid = e.batchid  ";
                //string sql = "select count(1) from (select distinct a.id from Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Main a left join Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Detail b on a.id = b.mainId left join Ascm_Delivery_Order_Detail c on b.id = c.notifydetailid left join Ascm_Delivery_Order_Main d on c.mainid = d.id left join ascm_deli_bat_order_link e on d.batchid = e.batchid  left join ascm_deli_bat_sum_detail f on e.batchid = f.batchid left join ascm_deli_bat_sum_main g on f.mainid = g.id ";

                //List<AscmDeliveryNotifyMain> listAscmDeliveryNotifyMain = AscmDeliveryNotifyMainService.GetInstance().GetList(null, "", "", "", whereOther);
                //if (listAscmDeliveryNotifyMain != null && listAscmDeliveryNotifyMain.Count > 0)
                //    AscmDeliveryNotifyMainService.GetInstance().Update(listAscmDeliveryNotifyMain);

                string sql       = "select count(1) from (select distinct a.id from Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Main a ";
                string sql1      = "select distinct a.id ids,a.*,e.batchid,g.accepttime from Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Main a left join Ascm_Delivery_Notify_Detail b on a.id = b.mainId left join Ascm_Delivery_Order_Detail c on b.id = c.notifydetailid left join Ascm_Delivery_Order_Main d on c.mainid = d.id left join ascm_deli_bat_order_link e on d.batchid = e.batchid  left join ascm_deli_bat_sum_detail f on e.batchid = f.batchid left join ascm_deli_bat_sum_main g on f.mainid = g.id ";
                string sql_other = "select t.*, rownum rn from ({0}) t";
                string where = "", whereQueryWord = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryWord))
                    whereQueryWord = " (name like '%" + queryWord.Trim() + "%' or description like '%" + queryWord.Trim() + "%')";
                where = YnBaseClass2.Helper.StringHelper.SqlWhereAndAdd(where, whereQueryWord);
                where = YnBaseClass2.Helper.StringHelper.SqlWhereAndAdd(where, whereOther);

                if (where.IndexOf("a.totalReceiveQuantity") > -1)
                    where = where.Replace("a.totalReceiveQuantity", "nvl(a.totalReceiveQuantity,0)");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                    sql  += " where " + where + ")";
                    sql1 += " where " + where;
                    sql1  = string.Format(sql_other, sql1);
                if (whereOther == "")
                    sql1 = "select * from (" + sql1 + " where rownum <=" + ynPage.currentPage * ynPage.pageSize + ") where rn >" + (ynPage.currentPage - 1) * ynPage.pageSize;
                    sql1 = "select * from (" + sql1 + " where rownum <=" + ynPage.currentPage * ynPage.pageSize + ") where rn >" + (ynPage.currentPage - 1) * ynPage.pageSize;
                ArrayList arrayList = (ArrayList)YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.ExecuteReader(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++)
                    Object[] o = (Object[])arrayList[i];
                    ynPage.recordCount = int.Parse(o[0].ToString());
                //IList<AscmDeliveryNotifyMain> ilist = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Find<AscmDeliveryNotifyMain>(sql + sort);
                ArrayList arrayList1 = (ArrayList)YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.ExecuteReader(sql1);
                for (int i = 0; i < arrayList1.Count; i++)
                    Object[] o = (Object[])arrayList1[i];
                    AscmDeliveryNotifyMain a = new AscmDeliveryNotifyMain();
                    int j = 1;
                    a.id                   = int.Parse(o[j + 0].ToString());
                    a.organizationId       = int.Parse(o[j + 1].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 1].ToString());
                    a.createUser           = o[j + 2].ToString();
                    a.createTime           = o[j + 3].ToString();
                    a.modifyUser           = o[j + 4].ToString();
                    a.modifyTime           = o[j + 5].ToString();
                    a.docNumber            = o[j + 6].ToString();
                    a.supplierId           = int.Parse(o[j + 7].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 7].ToString());
                    a.warehouseId          = o[j + 8].ToString();
                    a.materialId           = int.Parse(o[j + 9].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 9].ToString());
                    a.releasedQuantity     = int.Parse(o[j + 10].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 10].ToString());
                    a.promisedQuantity     = int.Parse(o[j + 11].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 11].ToString());
                    a.deliveryQuantity     = int.Parse(o[j + 12].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 12].ToString());
                    a.cancelQuantity       = int.Parse(o[j + 13].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 13].ToString());
                    a.status               = o[j + 14].ToString();
                    a.releasedTime         = o[j + 15].ToString();
                    a.needTime             = o[j + 16].ToString();
                    a.promisedTime         = o[j + 17].ToString();
                    a.confirmTime          = o[j + 18].ToString();
                    a.comments             = o[j + 19].ToString();
                    a.purchasingAgentId    = int.Parse(o[j + 20].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 20].ToString());
                    a.wipEntityId          = int.Parse(o[j + 21].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 21].ToString());
                    a.departmentId         = int.Parse(o[j + 22].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 22].ToString());
                    a.locationId           = int.Parse(o[j + 23].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 23].ToString());
                    a.fdSourceType         = o[j + 24].ToString();
                    a.appointmentStartTime = o[j + 25].ToString();
                    a.appointmentEndTime   = o[j + 26].ToString();
                    a.totalReceiveQuantity = int.Parse(o[j + 28].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o[j + 28].ToString());
                    string    sql2       = "select sum(a.quantity) from ascm_container_delivery a where a.DELIVERYORDERBATCHID = '" + o[j + 29].ToString() + "'";
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = (ArrayList)YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.ExecuteReader(sql2);
                    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < arrayList2.Count; i1++)
                        Object[] o1 = (Object[])arrayList2[i1];
                        a.containerBindQuantity = int.Parse(o1[0].ToString() == "" ? "0" : o1[0].ToString());
                    a.receiveTime = o[j + 30].ToString();
                //IList<AscmDeliveryNotifyMain> ilist = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Find<AscmDeliveryNotifyMain>(sql1 + sort, sql, ynPage);
                //if (ilist != null)
                //list = YnBaseClass2.Helper.ConvertHelper.ConvertIListToList<AscmDeliveryNotifyMain>(ilist);
            catch (Exception ex)
                YnBaseClass2.Helper.LogHelper.GetLog().Error("查询失败(Find AscmDeliveryNotifyMain)", ex);
                throw ex;