コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Load the complete assembled program
 /// Loads each file section of the program
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ar"></param>
 public CodeLabels(ArmAssembly.ArmAssembler ar)
     foreach (ArmAssembly.ArmFileInfo afi in ar.FileInfoTable)
         _fileSections[afi.FileName] = new CodeFileLabels();
         (_fileSections[afi.FileName] as CodeFileLabels).Load(afi);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a new program into the simulator. This function will compile it, load it and set up the
        /// simulator for a run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileNames">list of filenames to load</param>
        /// <param name="preferences">ARMSim preferences</param>
        /// <returns>true if sucessful</returns>
        public bool Load(IList <string> fileNames)
            this.ValidLoadedProgram = false;

            foreach (string str in fileNames)
                if (str.EndsWith(".o") || str.EndsWith(".O"))
                    OutputConsoleString("Loading object code file {0}\n", str);
                else if (str.EndsWith(".a") || str.EndsWith(".A"))
                    OutputConsoleString("Searching library archive {0}\n", str);
                    OutputConsoleString("Loading assembly language file {0}\n", str);

            mArmAssembler = new ArmAssembly.ArmAssembler(fileNames);

                //perform pass 1 on all the files
                if (ArmAssembly.AssemblerErrors.ErrorReports.Count <= 0)
                    // now determine where everything will go in memory

                    // allocate a block of memory for the assembled
                    // and linked program
                    mAssembledProgram = new ArmAssembly.AssembledProgram(mArmAssembler);

                    // perform pass 2 on all the files
                    //ap.Hexdump();	// display all code
            catch (Exception ex)
                OutputConsoleString("A fatal error occurred while assembling the program, Reason:{0}\n", ex.Message);
                OutputConsoleString("Please keep a copy of the ARM source code and report this ARMSim bug!\n");

            if (ArmAssembly.AssemblerErrors.ErrorReports.Count > 0)
                OutputConsoleString("The following assembler/loader errors occurred ...\n");
                IDictionary <string, IList <ArmAssembly.ErrorReport> > xxx = ArmAssembly.AssemblerErrors.ErrorReports.ErrorLists;

                //display each reported error in the outputview
                foreach (string fileName in xxx.Keys)
                    OutputConsoleString("** File: {0}\n", fileName);
                    IList <ArmAssembly.ErrorReport> ht = ArmAssembly.AssemblerErrors.ErrorReports.GetErrorsList(fileName);
                    foreach (ArmAssembly.ErrorReport ce in ht)
                        string fmt;
                        if (ce.Col == 0)
                            if (ce.Line == 0)
                                fmt = "   Message = {0}\n";
                                fmt = "   Line {1}: Message = {0}\n";
                            fmt = "   Line {1}, col {2}: Message = {0}\n";
                        OutputConsoleString(fmt, ce.ErrorMsg, ce.Line, ce.Col);
                OutputConsoleString("End of assembler errors\n");

                //all done for error case

            //Construct the code labels data structure from the assembled program.
            mCodeLabels = new CodeLabels(mArmAssembler);

            //tell the simulator which directory to try for user files
            this.UserDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileNames[0]);

            // set the program entry point to be the _start label if it exists;
            //   otherwise set it to the address of main if it exists;
            //   otherwise set it to the start of memory
            //save the entry point in case the user does a "Restart" but the preferences may have changed - dale
            if (!mCodeLabels.LabelToAddress("_start", ref mEntryPoint))
                if (!mCodeLabels.LabelToAddress("main", ref mEntryPoint))
                    mEntryPoint = (uint)mAssembledProgram.StartAddress;

            //define the simulation memory
            //save the stack pointer in case the user does a "Restart" but the preferences may have changed - dale
            mStackPointer = this.DefineMemory(this.ARMPreferences.SimulatorPreferences, mAssembledProgram.Memory.Length);

            //create the caches based on the user preferences

            //perform a restart - loads code into memory, zeros cpu registers, sets pc and sp
            //note sets the ValidLoadedProgram flag to true
