コード例 #1
        public static void RenderBorderAndArea(ICanvas canvas, IShapef shape, IPathf border,
                                               Area.AreaStyle style, Area.AreaStyle nextStyle, float alpha)
            // We first fill background.
                // We create background fill.
                ITransform mappingTransform;
                IMapper    mapper;
                IFill      fill = BackgroundStyle.Merge(style != null ? style.Background : null,
                                                        nextStyle != null ? nextStyle.Background : null, alpha,
                                                        out mappingTransform, out mapper);

                if (fill != null)
                    if (mappingTransform != null)
                        canvas.TextureTransform = mappingTransform;

                    // We fill shape
                    canvas.FillShape(fill, shape, mapper);

                    // Must reset.
                    if (mappingTransform != null)
                        canvas.TextureTransform = null;

            // Now we add border over it.

                ITransform transform;
                IMapper    mapper;
                Pen        pen = BorderStyle.Merge(style != null ? style.Border : null,
                                                   nextStyle != null ? nextStyle.Border : null, alpha, out transform, out mapper);

                if (pen != null && pen.Fill != null)
                    if (transform != null)
                        canvas.TextureTransform = transform;

                    canvas.DrawShape(pen, border, mapper);

                    if (transform != null)
                        canvas.TextureTransform = null;
コード例 #2
        public void SimpleGUI(IDeviceCanvas canvas, IGuiTheme theme, Input.InputService input)
            canvas.PointsPerPixel = 0.001f;

            using (GuiManager manager = new GuiManager(canvas))
                // We create a simple area.
                Area area = new Area();

                using (area.Enter())
                    // We create a hiearchical style.
                    Style style = Style.Create <Area.AreaStyle>();

                    Area.AreaStyle astyle = new Area.AreaStyle();
                    astyle.Background.Fill = new SolidFill(Colour.LightBlue);
                    astyle.Border.Pen      = new Pen(new SolidFill(Colour.Gray), 0.003f, 0.0f, LineMode.Square);
                    style.AddStyle(CommonStyleStates.Normal, astyle);

                    astyle = new Area.AreaStyle();
                    astyle.Background.Fill = new SolidFill(Colour.LightGreen);
                    astyle.Border.Pen      = new Pen(new SolidFill(Colour.Gray), 0.003f, 0.0f, LineMode.Square);
                    style.AddStyle(CommonStyleStates.PointerOver, astyle);

                    // We apply style.
                    area.Style = style;

                    area.PreferredRect = GuiRect.CreateRectangle(new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.1f, 0.1f)),
                                                                 new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.4f, 0.4f)));

                Button button = new Button(
                        new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.1f, 0.6f)),
                        new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.4f, 0.9f))
                    "Click me!", null);

                Label label = new Label();

                using (label.Enter())
                    label.Text = "SharpMedia rocks!";

                    label.PreferredRect = GuiRect.CreateRectangle(new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.6f, 0.6f)),
                                                                  new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.9f, 0.9f)));
                    label.TextSelectedRange = new Vector2i(1, 5);

                Label label2 = new Label();
                using (label2.Enter())
                    label2.PreferredRect = GuiRect.CreateRectangle(new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.6f, 0.1f)),
                                                                   new GuiVector2(new Vector2f(0.9f, 0.4f)));
                    label2.IsEnabled = false;

                    label.Events.TextSelect += delegate(Label xlabel, Vector2i sel)
                        using (label2.Enter())
                            label2.Text = xlabel.SelectedText;

                    button.Events.ButtonClicked += delegate(Button button2)
                        using (label2.Enter())
                            label2.Text += label2.Text;

                Container sheet = new Container();
                using (sheet.Enter())

                // We apply theme.
                theme.AutomaticApply(sheet, true);

                manager.RootObject    = sheet;
                manager.PreRendering += new Action <GuiManager>(PreRendering);
                manager.Rendered     += new Action <GuiManager>(PostRendering);

                EventPump pump = new EventPump(input.CreateDevice(InputDeviceType.Mouse),
                EventProcessor processor = new EventProcessor(pump);

                // We bind input.
                Standalone.InputRouter router = new Standalone.InputRouter(manager,
                                                                           processor, theme.ObtainStyle(typeof(Standalone.GuiPointer), null),
                                                                           theme.ObtainRenderer(typeof(Standalone.GuiPointer), null), null);

                bool end = false;

                canvas.Device.SwapChain.Window.Closed += delegate(Window w) { end = true; };
                DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
                while (!end)
                    while (processor.Process() != null)

                    // We update iut.
                    DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
                    manager.Update((float)(t - time).TotalSeconds);
                    time = t;

                    // We render it.



                // Must dispose before it, devices bound so also disposed.
コード例 #3
ファイル: DefaultTheme.cs プロジェクト: zigaosolin/SharpMedia
        public DefaultTheme(Font defaultFont)
            // AREA
            rendererMap.Add(typeof(Area).FullName, new AreaRenderer());

            // Area style: white with no border.
                Area.AreaStyle normalStyle = new Area.AreaStyle();

                normalStyle.Background = new BackgroundStyle(new SolidFill(Colour.White));
                normalStyle.Border     = null;

                Style xstyle = Style.CreateImmutable <Area.AreaStyle>(true,
                                                                      new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Area.AreaStyle>(CommonStyleStates.Normal, normalStyle));

                styleMap.Add(typeof(Area).FullName, xstyle);

            // LABEL
            rendererMap.Add(typeof(Label).FullName, new LabelRenderer());

            // Label style: white with black border, black text, blue selection.
                Label.LabelStyle style = new Label.LabelStyle();

                // For now we do not have font library.
                style.SelectedTextFont = new PartialFontStyle(new SolidFill(Colour.White));
                style.TextFont         = new FontStyle(defaultFont, 24, 1.2f, TextOptions.None,
                                                       new SolidFill(Colour.Black));
                style.Background          = new BackgroundStyle(new SolidFill(Colour.White));
                style.Border              = null;
                style.SelectionBackground = new BackgroundStyle(new SolidFill(Colour.Blue));

                Label.LabelStyle pointerOver = new Label.LabelStyle();
                pointerOver.Parent = style;

                Label.LabelStyle focused = new Label.LabelStyle();
                focused.Parent = pointerOver;

                Style xstyle = Style.CreateImmutable <Label.LabelStyle>(true,
                                                                        new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Label.LabelStyle>(CommonStyleStates.Normal, style),
                                                                        new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Label.LabelStyle>(CommonStyleStates.Focused, focused),
                                                                        new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Label.LabelStyle>(CommonStyleStates.PointerOver, pointerOver));

                styleMap.Add(typeof(Label).FullName, xstyle);

            // BUTTON:
            rendererMap.Add(typeof(Button).FullName, new ButtonRenderer());

                Button.ButtonStyle normalStyle = new Button.ButtonStyle();

                normalStyle.Background = new BackgroundStyle(new SolidFill(Colour.White));
                normalStyle.Border     = new BorderStyle(new Pen(new SolidFill(Colour.Black), 0.0f, 3.0f, LineMode.Dot));

                Button.ButtonStyle pointerOverStyle = new Button.ButtonStyle();
                pointerOverStyle.Parent = normalStyle;

                Button.ButtonStyle clickedStyle = new Button.ButtonStyle();
                clickedStyle.Parent = pointerOverStyle;
                clickedStyle.Border = new BorderStyle(new Pen(new SolidFill(Colour.Red), 0.0f, 3.5f, LineMode.Dot));

                Style xstyle = Style.CreateImmutable <Button.ButtonStyle>(true,
                                                                          new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Button.ButtonStyle>(CommonStyleStates.Normal, normalStyle),
                                                                          new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Button.ButtonStyle>(CommonStyleStates.Clicked, clickedStyle),
                                                                          new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Button.ButtonStyle>(CommonStyleStates.PointerOver, pointerOverStyle));

                styleMap.Add(typeof(Button).FullName, xstyle);

            // POINTER
            rendererMap.Add(typeof(Standalone.GuiPointer).FullName, new PointerRenderer());

            // Pointer style:
                Standalone.GuiPointer.GuiPointerStyle style = new SharpMedia.Graphics.GUI.Standalone.GuiPointer.GuiPointerStyle();
                style.Background = new BackgroundStyle(new SolidFill(Colour.Black));
                style.Border     = null;

                Style xstyle = Style.CreateImmutable <Standalone.GuiPointer.GuiPointerStyle>(true,
                                                                                             new KeyValuePair <StyleState, Standalone.GuiPointer.GuiPointerStyle>(CommonStyleStates.Normal, style));

                styleMap.Add(typeof(Standalone.GuiPointer).FullName, xstyle);