public static void EnsureFiles(int targetDlcLevel) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Loading file tree"); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, (string fullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption) => { var dlcLevel = GetDLCLevel(fullFileName); if (dlcLevel > targetDlcLevel) { return; } string[] path = fullFileName.Split('\\'); string[] split = path[path.Length - 1].ToLowerInvariant().Split('.'); string name = split[0]; string ext = split[split.Length - 1]; uint hash = Jenkins.Hash(name); var rpfEntry = new RpfFileEntry() { Hash = hash, Name = fullFileName.Replace('/', '\\').ToLowerInvariant().Split('\\').Last(), FullFileName = fullFileName, DlcLevel = dlcLevel, Ext = ext, }; if (DLCFiles.ContainsKey(rpfEntry.Name)) { if (rpfEntry.DlcLevel > DLCFiles[rpfEntry.Name].DlcLevel) { DLCFiles[rpfEntry.Name] = rpfEntry; } } else { DLCFiles[rpfEntry.Name] = rpfEntry; } Files.Add(rpfEntry); Dictionary <uint, RpfFileEntry> dict; if (!(FileHashes.TryGetValue(ext, out dict))) { dict = new Dictionary <uint, RpfFileEntry>(); } dict[hash] = rpfEntry; FileHashes[ext] = dict; }); }
public static void ForFile(string fullFileName, Action <IArchiveFile, RageArchiveEncryption7> cb) { fullFileName = fullFileName.Replace('/', '\\').Replace(Settings.Default.GTAFolder + "\\", ""); string[] split = fullFileName.Split(new string[] { ".rpf" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length - 1; i++) { split[i] = split[i] + ".rpf"; } var baseRpf = Settings.Default.GTAFolder + "\\" + split[0]; try { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(baseRpf); var fileStream = new FileStream(baseRpf, FileMode.Open); var inputArchive = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(fileStream, fileInfo.Name); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(split[0], inputArchive.Root, inputArchive.archive_.Encryption, (string currFullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption) => { currFullFileName = currFullFileName.Replace('/', '\\'); if (currFullFileName == fullFileName) { cb(file, encryption); } }); inputArchive.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { GTA5Constants.LoadFromPath("."); string GTAVDir = args[0]; HashEmbeddedStrings(); SaveMetaNames(); var sbe = new StringBuilder(); var sbs = new StringBuilder(); var sbei = new StringBuilder(); var sbsi = new StringBuilder(); var sbmt = new StringBuilder(); var sbsei = new StringBuilder(); var sbsci = new StringBuilder(); sbe.AppendLine("\t// Enums\n"); sbs.AppendLine("\t// Structures\n"); Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler((s, e) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("Generating structure and enum infos for gathered data"); GenerateStructureData(sbs, sbsi); GenerateEnumData(sbei); GenerateStructureEnumInfos(sbsei); var _data = CompileData(sbmt, sbei, sbsi, sbe, sbs, sbsei, sbsci); File.WriteAllText("MetaTypes.cs", _data); Environment.Exit(0); }); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(GTAVDir, (fullName, file, encryption) => { if (/*file.Name.EndsWith(".ymap") || file.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp") || */ file.Name.EndsWith(".ymt") && Regex.Match(file.Name, @"mp_m_freemode_01.*\.ymt").Success) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); try { var res = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); res.Load(ms); var meta = res.ResourceData; GetEnums(meta, Enums, sbe); GetStructures(meta, Structures); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (/*file.Name.EndsWith(".ymap") || file.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp") || */ file.Name.EndsWith(".ymt")) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); try { var res = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); res.Load(ms); var meta = res.ResourceData; GetEnums(meta, Enums, sbe); GetStructures(meta, Structures); } catch (Exception e) { } } } }); Console.Error.WriteLine("Generating structure and enum infos for gathered data"); GenerateStructureData(sbs, sbsi); GenerateEnumData(sbei); GenerateStructureEnumInfos(sbsei); var data = CompileData(sbmt, sbei, sbsi, sbe, sbs, sbsei, sbsci); File.WriteAllText("MetaTypes.cs", data); }
static void HandleGenPedDefsOptions(string[] args) { CommandLine.Parse <GenPedDefsOptions>(args, (opts, gOpts) => { var ymtRegex = new Regex("mp_(m|f)_freemode_01.*\\.ymt$"); var cYddRegex = new Regex("(head|berd|hair|uppr|lowr|hand|feet|teef|accs|task|decl|jbib)_(\\d\\d\\d)_u.ydd$"); var pYddRegex = new Regex("p_(head|ears|mouth|lhand|rhand|lwrist|rwrist|hip|lfoot|rfoot)_(\\d\\d\\d).ydd$"); var fileDlcLevels = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var overrides = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); if (opts.CreateMode) { if (opts.OutputDirectory == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide input directory with --output"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(opts.OutputDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.OutputDirectory); } Init(args); int maxDLCLevel = (Array.IndexOf(DLCList, opts.DLCLevel) == -1) ? DLCList.Length - 1 : Array.IndexOf(DLCList, opts.DLCLevel); var targets = opts.Targets?.ToList() ?? new List <string>(); var dlcpaths = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var dlcdirs = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var processed = new List <string>(); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, (fullFileName, file, encryption) => { string[] path = fullFileName.Split('\\'); string folder = path[path.Length - 2]; string fileName = path[path.Length - 1]; string name = fileName.Split('.').First(); string outPath; bool isOverride = false; var ymtMatch = ymtRegex.Match(fileName); var cYddMatch = cYddRegex.Match(fileName); var pYddMatch = pYddRegex.Match(fileName); int dlcLevel = GetDLCLevel(fullFileName); if (dlcLevel > maxDLCLevel) { return; } if (targets.Count > 0 && opts.Targets.Where(e => e == name || (e + "_p") == name || e == folder || (e + "_p") == folder).ToArray().Length == 0) { return; } // Found interesting entry if (ymtMatch.Success || cYddMatch.Success || pYddMatch.Success) { string pathPart; // Found definition file (.ymt) if (ymtMatch.Success) { if (!path[path.Length - 1].Contains("_freemode_01")) { return; } outPath = opts.OutputDirectory; pathPart = path[path.Length - 1]; if (!dlcpaths.ContainsKey(pathPart)) { dlcpaths[pathPart] = dlcLevel; isOverride = true; } else if (dlcLevel > dlcpaths[pathPart]) { dlcpaths[pathPart] = dlcLevel; isOverride = true; } } else // Found model file (component or prop) { if (!path[path.Length - 2].Contains("_freemode_01")) { return; } outPath = opts.OutputDirectory + "\\" + path[path.Length - 2]; pathPart = path[path.Length - 2] + "\\" + path[path.Length - 1]; string dir = path[path.Length - 2]; dlcLevel = GetDLCLevel(fullFileName); // Console.WriteLine(pathPart); if (!dlcpaths.ContainsKey(pathPart)) { dlcpaths[pathPart] = dlcLevel; Console.WriteLine(DLCList[dlcLevel] + " [" + dlcLevel + "] => " + pathPart); dlcdirs[dir] = dlcLevel; isOverride = true; } else if (dlcLevel > dlcdirs[dir]) { Console.WriteLine(DLCList[dlcLevel] + " [" + dlcLevel + "] => " + pathPart); dlcpaths[pathPart] = dlcLevel; dlcdirs[dir] = dlcLevel; isOverride = true; } } Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); // If dlc level of this directory is superior to current matching one if (isOverride) { // Write higher level ymt if (ymtMatch.Success) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); var rMeta = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); rMeta.Load(ms); string xml = MetaXml.GetXml(rMeta.ResourceData); File.WriteAllText(outPath + "\\" + fileName + ".xml", xml); } } else if (cYddMatch.Success) { foreach (var entry in ComponentFilePrefix) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath + "\\components\\" + entry.Value); } } else if (pYddMatch.Success) { foreach (var entry in AnchorFilePrefix) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath + "\\props\\" + entry.Value); } } if (cYddMatch.Success || pYddMatch.Success) { dynamic directoryInfos = new JObject(); string dlc = DLCList[dlcLevel]; directoryInfos["dlc"] = dlc; directoryInfos["path"] = Directory.GetParent(fullFileName); var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(directoryInfos, new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented }); File.WriteAllText(outPath + "\\directory.json", jsonString); } } } }); } else { if (opts.InputDirectory == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide input directory with --input"); return; } if (opts.OutputDirectory == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide input directory with --output"); return; } Init(args); int maxDLCLevel = (Array.IndexOf(DLCList, opts.DLCLevel) == -1) ? DLCList.Length - 1 : Array.IndexOf(DLCList, opts.DLCLevel); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(opts.InputDirectory).Where(e => e.EndsWith("ymt.xml")).ToArray(); string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(opts.InputDirectory); var addonDirs = new List <string>(); var ymts = new Dictionary <string, YmtPedDefinitionFile>(); var processedYmts = new Dictionary <string, Tuple < Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >, Dictionary <string, int> > >(); for (int j = 0; j < files.Length; j++) { string targetMetaXml = files[j]; string targetName = targetMetaXml.Split('\\').Last().Replace(".ymt.xml", ""); string parentDirectoryPath = Directory.GetParent(targetMetaXml).FullName; string parentDirectoryName = parentDirectoryPath.Split('\\').Last(); // Parse .ymt.xml string xml = File.ReadAllText(targetMetaXml); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); var meta = XmlMeta.GetMeta(doc); var ymt = new YmtPedDefinitionFile(); ymt.ResourceFile.ResourceData = meta; ymt.Parse(); ymts[targetName] = ymt; } if (opts.FiveMFormat) { Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\stream"); File.Create(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\__resource.lua"); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\x64\\models\\cdimages\\streamedpeds_mp.rpf"); Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\x64\\models\\cdimages\\streamedpedprops.rpf"); string contentXml = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?> <CDataFileMgr__ContentsOfDataFileXml> <disabledFiles /> <includedXmlFiles /> <includedDataFiles /> <dataFiles> <Item> <filename>dlc_gtauclothes:/%PLATFORM%/models/cdimages/streamedpeds_mp.rpf</filename> <fileType>RPF_FILE</fileType> <overlay value=""true"" /> <disabled value=""true"" /> <persistent value=""true"" /> </Item> <Item> <filename>dlc_gtauclothes:/%PLATFORM%/models/cdimages/streamedpedprops.rpf</filename> <fileType>RPF_FILE</fileType> <overlay value=""true"" /> <disabled value=""true"" /> <persistent value=""true"" /> </Item> </dataFiles> <contentChangeSets> <Item> <changeSetName>gtauclothes_AUTOGEN</changeSetName> <filesToDisable /> <filesToEnable> <Item>dlc_gtauclothes:/%PLATFORM%/models/cdimages/streamedpeds_mp.rpf</Item> <Item>dlc_gtauclothes:/%PLATFORM%/models/cdimages/streamedpedprops.rpf</Item> </filesToEnable> <txdToLoad /> <txdToUnload /> <residentResources /> <unregisterResources /> </Item> </contentChangeSets> <patchFiles /> </CDataFileMgr__ContentsOfDataFileXml>"; string setup2Xml = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?> <SSetupData> <deviceName>dlc_gtauclothes</deviceName> <datFile>content.xml</datFile> <timeStamp>03/30/2018 17:26:39</timeStamp> <nameHash>gtauclothes</nameHash> <contentChangeSetGroups> <Item> <NameHash>GROUP_STARTUP</NameHash> <ContentChangeSets> <Item>gtauclothes_AUTOGEN</Item> </ContentChangeSets> </Item> </contentChangeSetGroups> </SSetupData>"; File.WriteAllText(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\content.xml", contentXml); File.WriteAllText(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\setup2.xml", setup2Xml); } foreach (var ymtEntry in ymts) { var targetName = ymtEntry.Key; var ymt = ymtEntry.Value; // Components var cCount = new Dictionary <Unk_884254308, int>(); var cYddMapping = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >(); // sourceYddPath => prefix, origPos, pos, count, folder, yddFileName var cTextureCount = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // Props var pCount = new Dictionary <Unk_2834549053, int>(); var pYddMapping = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >(); // sourceYddPath => prefix, origPos, pos, count, folder, yddFileName var pTextureCount = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // Set component base count Unk_884254308[] cValues = (Unk_884254308[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Unk_884254308)); foreach (Unk_884254308 component in cValues) { if (component == Unk_884254308.PV_COMP_INVALID || component == Unk_884254308.PV_COMP_MAX) { continue; } cCount[component] = (ymt.Unk_376833625.Components[component] ?? new MUnk_3538495220()).Unk_1756136273.Count; } // Set prop base count Unk_2834549053[] pValues = (Unk_2834549053[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Unk_2834549053)); foreach (Unk_2834549053 anchor in pValues) { if (anchor == Unk_2834549053.NUM_ANCHORS) { continue; } int max = (opts.ReservePropEntries > ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor].Count) ? opts.ReservePropEntries : ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor].Count; pCount[anchor] = (ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor] ?? new List <MUnk_94549140>()).Count; } foreach (var entry in ComponentFilePrefix) { Unk_884254308 component = entry.Key; string prefix = entry.Value; string targetDirectory = opts.InputDirectory + "\\" + targetName + "\\components\\" + prefix; if (Directory.Exists(targetDirectory)) { IEnumerable <string> addonFilesUnordered = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory).Where(e => e.EndsWith(".ydd")); int padLen = 0; if (addonFilesUnordered.Count() > 0) { padLen = addonFilesUnordered.Max(e => e.Length); } string[] addonFiles = addonFilesUnordered.OrderBy(e => e.PadLeft(padLen, '0')).ToArray(); var addons = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < addonFiles.Length; k++) { addons.Add(k); } if (addons.Count > 0) { // Create addon component entries var def = ymt.Unk_376833625.Components[component] ?? new MUnk_3538495220(); for (int k = 0; k < addons.Count; k++) { int addonPos = def.Unk_1756136273.Count(); string textureDirectory = targetDirectory + "\\" + addons[k]; var addonTextures = new List <int>(); var item = new MUnk_1535046754(); IEnumerable <string> texturesUnordered = Directory.GetFiles(textureDirectory).Where(e => e.EndsWith(".ytd")); int padLen1 = 0; if (texturesUnordered.Count() > 0) { padLen1 = texturesUnordered.Max(e => e.Length); } string[] textures = texturesUnordered.OrderBy(e => e.PadLeft(padLen1, '0')).ToArray(); string yddFileName = prefix + "_" + addonPos.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_u.ydd"; cYddMapping[addonFiles[k]] = new Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string>(prefix, addons[k], addonPos, addons.Count, targetDirectory, yddFileName); // Create addon texture entries for (int l = 0; l < textures.Length; l++) { addonTextures.Add(l); } cTextureCount[addonFiles[k]] = addonTextures.Count; for (int l = 0; l < addonTextures.Count; l++) { var texture = new MUnk_1036962405(); item.ATexData.Add(texture); // Create componentinfo var cInfo = new MCComponentInfo(); cInfo.Unk_2114993291 = 0; cInfo.Unk_3509540765 = (byte)component; cInfo.Unk_4196345791 = (byte)l; ymt.Unk_376833625.CompInfos.Add(cInfo); } if (File.Exists(addonFiles[k].Replace(".ydd", ".yld"))) { item.ClothData.Unk_2828247905 = 1; } def.Unk_1756136273.Add(item); cCount[component]++; } ymt.Unk_376833625.Components[component] = def; } } } foreach (var entry in AnchorFilePrefix) { Unk_2834549053 anchor = entry.Key; string prefix = entry.Value; string targetDirectory = opts.InputDirectory + "\\" + targetName + "_p" + "\\props\\" + prefix; if (Directory.Exists(targetDirectory)) { IEnumerable <string> addonFilesUnordered = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory).Where(e => e.EndsWith(".ydd")); int padLen = 0; if (addonFilesUnordered.Count() > 0) { padLen = addonFilesUnordered.Max(e => e.Length); } string[] addonFiles = addonFilesUnordered.OrderBy(e => e.PadLeft(padLen, '0')).ToArray(); var addons = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < addonFiles.Length; k++) { addons.Add(k); } if (addons.Count > 0) { // Create addon prop entries var defs = ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor] ?? new List <MUnk_94549140>(); for (int k = 0; k < addons.Count; k++) { int addonPos = defs.Count(); string textureDirectory = targetDirectory + "\\" + addons[k]; var addonTextures = new List <int>(); var item = new MUnk_94549140(ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo); IEnumerable <string> texturesUnordered = Directory.GetFiles(textureDirectory).Where(e => e.EndsWith(".ytd")); int padLen2 = 0; if (texturesUnordered.Count() > 0) { padLen2 = texturesUnordered.Max(e => e.Length); } string[] textures = texturesUnordered.OrderBy(e => e.PadLeft(padLen2, '0')).ToArray(); string yddFileName = "p_" + prefix + "_" + addonPos.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + ".ydd"; item.AnchorId = (byte)anchor; pYddMapping[addonFiles[k]] = new Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string>(prefix, addons[k], addonPos, addons.Count, targetDirectory, yddFileName); // Create addon texture entries for (int l = 0; l < textures.Length; l++) { addonTextures.Add(l); } pTextureCount[addonFiles[k]] = addonTextures.Count; for (int l = 0; l < addonTextures.Count; l++) { var texture = new MUnk_254518642(); item.TexData.Add(texture); } // Get or create linked anchor var aanchor = ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.AAnchors.Find(e => e.Anchor == anchor); if (aanchor == null) { aanchor = new MCAnchorProps(ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo); aanchor.PropsMap[item] = (byte)item.TexData.Count; ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.AAnchors.Add(aanchor); } else { aanchor.PropsMap[item] = (byte)item.TexData.Count; } defs.Add(item); pCount[anchor]++; } ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor] = defs; } } } // Create reserved component entries foreach (Unk_884254308 component in cValues) { if (component == Unk_884254308.PV_COMP_INVALID || component == Unk_884254308.PV_COMP_MAX) { continue; } int count = cCount[component]; int max = (opts.ReservePropEntries > count) ? opts.ReservePropEntries : count; var def = ymt.Unk_376833625.Components[component] ?? new MUnk_3538495220(); for (int i = count; i < max; i++) { var item = new MUnk_1535046754(); var texture = new MUnk_1036962405(); item.ATexData.Add(texture); // Create componentinfo var cInfo = new MCComponentInfo(); cInfo.Unk_2114993291 = 0; cInfo.Unk_3509540765 = (byte)component; cInfo.Unk_4196345791 = (byte)i; ymt.Unk_376833625.CompInfos.Add(cInfo); def.Unk_1756136273.Add(item); } if (def.Unk_1756136273.Count > 0) { ymt.Unk_376833625.Components[component] = def; } } // Create reserved prop entries foreach (Unk_2834549053 anchor in pValues) { if (anchor == Unk_2834549053.NUM_ANCHORS) { continue; } int count = pCount[anchor]; int max = (opts.ReservePropEntries > count) ? opts.ReservePropEntries : count; var defs = ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor] ?? new List <MUnk_94549140>(); for (int i = count; i < max; i++) { var item = new MUnk_94549140(ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo); item.AnchorId = (byte)anchor; var texture = new MUnk_254518642(); item.TexData.Add(texture); var aanchor = ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.AAnchors.Find(e => e.Anchor == anchor); if (aanchor == null) { aanchor = new MCAnchorProps(ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo); aanchor.Anchor = anchor; aanchor.PropsMap[item] = 1; ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.AAnchors.Add(aanchor); } else { aanchor.PropsMap[item] = 1; } defs.Add(item); } if (defs.Count > 0) { ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor] = defs; } } processedYmts[targetName] = new Tuple < Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >, Dictionary <string, int> >(cYddMapping, cTextureCount, pYddMapping, pTextureCount); if (opts.FiveMFormat) { ymt.Save(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\stream\\" + targetName + ".ymt"); // var xml2 = MetaXml.GetXml(ymt.ResourceFile.ResourceData); // File.WriteAllText(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\stream\\" + targetMetaYmtFileName + ".xml", xml2); } else { ymt.Save(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\x64\\models\\cdimages\\streamedpeds_mp.rpf\\" + targetName + ".ymt"); } dynamic overrideInfos = new JObject(); overrideInfos["components"] = new JObject(); overrideInfos["props"] = new JObject(); foreach (Unk_884254308 component in cValues) { if (component == Unk_884254308.PV_COMP_INVALID || component == Unk_884254308.PV_COMP_MAX) { continue; } int count = ymt.Unk_376833625.Components[component]?.Unk_1756136273.Count ?? 0; int max = (opts.ReserveEntries > count) ? opts.ReserveEntries : count; overrideInfos["components"][ComponentFilePrefix[component]] = new JObject() { ["start"] = cCount[component], ["end"] = max }; } foreach (Unk_2834549053 anchor in pValues) { if (anchor == Unk_2834549053.NUM_ANCHORS) { continue; } int count = ymt.Unk_376833625.PropInfo.Props[anchor]?.Count ?? 0; int max = (opts.ReservePropEntries > count) ? opts.ReservePropEntries : count; overrideInfos["props"][AnchorFilePrefix[anchor]] = new JObject() { ["start"] = pCount[anchor], ["end"] = max }; } var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(overrideInfos, new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented }); File.WriteAllText(opts.OutputDirectory + "\\" + targetName + ".override.json", jsonString); } // Check which directories contains addon component / props for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++) { bool found = false; foreach (var entry in ComponentFilePrefix) { string prefix = entry.Value; if (Directory.Exists(dirs[i] + "\\components\\" + prefix) && Directory.GetFiles(dirs[i] + "\\components\\" + prefix).Where(e => e.EndsWith(".ydd")).Count() > 0) { found = true; break; } if (Directory.Exists(dirs[i] + "\\props\\" + prefix) && Directory.GetFiles(dirs[i] + "\\props\\" + prefix).Where(e => e.EndsWith(".ydd")).Count() > 0) { found = true; break; } if (found) { break; } } if (found) { addonDirs.Add(dirs[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < addonDirs.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(addonDirs[i]); string directory = addonDirs[i]; string[] path = directory.Split('\\'); string name = path[path.Length - 1]; string ymtDirName = name; if (ymtDirName.EndsWith("_p")) { ymtDirName = ymtDirName.Substring(0, ymtDirName.Length - 2); } Tuple < Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, int, int, int, string, string> >, Dictionary <string, int> > processedYmtData = null; // Copy models / textures with resolved names to build directory if (processedYmts.TryGetValue(ymtDirName, out processedYmtData)) { foreach (var entry in processedYmtData.Item1) { if (opts.FiveMFormat) { GenPedDefs_CreateComponentFiles_FiveM(opts, ymtDirName, entry, processedYmtData.Item2[entry.Key]); } else { GenPedDefs_CreateComponentFiles(opts, ymtDirName, entry, processedYmtData.Item2[entry.Key]); } } foreach (var entry in processedYmtData.Item3) { if (opts.FiveMFormat) { GenPedDefs_CreatePropFiles_FiveM(opts, ymtDirName, entry, processedYmtData.Item4[entry.Key]); } else { GenPedDefs_CreatePropFiles(opts, ymtDirName, entry, processedYmtData.Item4[entry.Key]); } } } } } }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { EnsurePath(); EnsureKeys(); EnsureCache(); CommandLine.Parse <GenPropDefsOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.InputFiles != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); var ytyp = new YtypFile(); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; string name = ""; var split = fileInfo.Name.Split('.'); for (int j = 0; j < split.Length; j++) { if (j < split.Length - 1) { if (j > 0) { name += "."; } name += split[j]; } } Console.WriteLine(name); try { switch (fileInfo.Extension) { case ".ydr": { var ydr = new YdrFile(); var arch = new RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CBaseArchetypeDef(); var nameHash = (MetaName)Jenkins.Hash(name); ydr.Load(fileInfo.FullName); arch.Name = nameHash; arch.AssetName = nameHash; arch.TextureDictionary = nameHash; arch.PhysicsDictionary = (MetaName)Jenkins.Hash("prop_" + name); arch.Flags = 32; arch.AssetType = Unk_1991964615.ASSET_TYPE_DRAWABLE; arch.BbMin = (Vector3)(Vector4)ydr.Drawable.BoundingBoxMin; arch.BbMax = (Vector3)(Vector4)ydr.Drawable.BoundingBoxMax; arch.BsCentre = (Vector3)ydr.Drawable.BoundingCenter; arch.BsRadius = ydr.Drawable.BoundingSphereRadius; arch.LodDist = 500f; arch.HdTextureDist = 5; ytyp.CMapTypes.Archetypes.Add(arch); break; } case ".ydd": // TODO { break; } default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR => " + e.Message); } } string path = (opts.Directory == null) ? @".\props.ytyp" : opts.Directory + @"\props.ytyp"; ytyp.Save(path); } }); CommandLine.Parse <ImportMetaOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.InputFiles != null && opts.Directory != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; Console.WriteLine(fileInfo.FullName); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(fileInfo.FullName); var res = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); res.Version = 2; res.ResourceData = XmlMeta.GetMeta(doc);; string fileName = fileInfo.FullName.Replace(".xml", ""); res.Save(fileName); } } }); CommandLine.Parse <ExportMetaOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.InputFiles != null && opts.Directory != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; Console.WriteLine(fileInfo.FullName); var res = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); res.Load(fileInfo.FullName); var xml = MetaXml.GetXml(res.ResourceData); File.WriteAllText(opts.Directory + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".xml", xml); } } }); CommandLine.Parse <InjectEntitiesOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.Ymap == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide source ymap file with --ymap"); return; } if (opts.Ytyp == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide source ytyp file with --ytyp"); return; } if (opts.Room == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide mlo room name with --room"); return; } if (opts.Position == null || opts.Position.Count() != 3) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide a correct position ex: --position 120.5,1370.312,769.2"); return; } if (opts.Rotation == null || opts.Rotation.Count() != 4) { Console.WriteLine("Plase provide a correct rotation ex: --rotation 0,0,0,1"); return; } if (opts.Name == null) { Console.WriteLine("Plase provide new generated ytyp name with --name"); return; } var position = new Vector3(opts.Position.ElementAt(0), opts.Position.ElementAt(1), opts.Position.ElementAt(2)); var rotation = new Quaternion(opts.Rotation.ElementAt(0), opts.Rotation.ElementAt(1), opts.Rotation.ElementAt(2), opts.Rotation.ElementAt(3)); var ymap = new YmapFile(); var ytyp = new YtypFile(); ymap.Load(opts.Ymap); ytyp.Load(opts.Ytyp); RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CMloArchetypeDef mlo = null; for (int i = 0; i < ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes.Count; i++) { mlo = ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes[i]; break; } if (mlo == null) { Console.WriteLine("MLO archetype not found"); return; } RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CMloRoomDef room = null; for (int i = 0; i < mlo.Rooms.Count; i++) { if (mlo.Rooms[i].Name == opts.Room) { room = mlo.Rooms[i]; break; } } if (room == null) { Console.WriteLine("MLO room not found"); return; } var mloEntities = new List <RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CEntityDef>(); var attachedObjects = new List <uint>(); mloEntities.AddRange(mlo.Entities); attachedObjects.AddRange(room.AttachedObjects); for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CMapData.Entities.Count; i++) { var entity = ymap.CMapData.Entities[i]; var mloRot = rotation; var objRot = new Quaternion(entity.Rotation.X, entity.Rotation.Y, entity.Rotation.Z, entity.Rotation.W); var rotationDiff = objRot * mloRot; // Multiply initial entity rotation by mlo rotation entity.Position -= position; // Substract mlo world coords from entity world coords entity.Position = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(mloRot), entity.Position, Vector3.Zero); // Rotate entity around center of mlo instance (mlo entities rotations in space are inverted) entity.Rotation = new Vector4(rotationDiff.X, rotationDiff.Y, rotationDiff.Z, rotationDiff.W); mloEntities.Add(entity); attachedObjects.Add((uint)mloEntities.IndexOf(entity)); } mlo.Entities = mloEntities; room.AttachedObjects = attachedObjects; ytyp.Save(opts.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp") ? opts.Name : opts.Name + ".ytyp"); }); CommandLine.Parse <FindOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.Position == null || opts.Position.Count != 3) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Please specify position with -p --position"); return; } if (Cache == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Please build cache first with buildcache"); return; } var c = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; for (int i = 0; i < Cache["ymap"].Count; i++) { var cYmap = Cache["ymap"][i]; var entitiesExtentsMin = new Vector3((float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["x"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["y"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["z"]); var entitiesExtentsMax = new Vector3((float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["x"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["y"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["z"]); if ( opts.Position[0] >= entitiesExtentsMin.X && opts.Position[0] <= entitiesExtentsMax.X && opts.Position[1] >= entitiesExtentsMin.Y && opts.Position[1] <= entitiesExtentsMax.Y && opts.Position[2] >= entitiesExtentsMin.Z && opts.Position[2] <= entitiesExtentsMax.Z ) { Console.WriteLine("ymap: " + ((string)cYmap["path"]).Split('\\').Last()); for (int j = 0; j < cYmap["mloInstances"].Count; j++) { var cMloInstance = cYmap["mloInstances"][j]; var cMloInstanceHash = (uint)cMloInstance["name"]; var instancePos = new Vector3((float)cMloInstance["position"]["x"], (float)cMloInstance["position"]["y"], (float)cMloInstance["position"]["z"]); var instanceRot = new Quaternion((float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["x"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["y"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["z"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["w"]); for (int k = 0; k < Cache["ytyp"].Count; k++) { var cYtyp = Cache["ytyp"][k]; var cYtypHash = (uint)cYtyp["hash"]; for (int l = 0; l < cYtyp["mloArchetypes"].Count; l++) { var cMloArch = cYtyp["mloArchetypes"][l]; var cMloArchHash = (uint)cMloArch["name"]; if (cMloInstanceHash == cMloArchHash) { Console.WriteLine(" ytyp => " + ((string)cYtyp["path"]).Split('\\').Last()); Console.WriteLine(" mlo => " + Jenkins.GetString(cMloArchHash)); Console.WriteLine(" position => " + instancePos.X.ToString(c) + "," + instancePos.Y.ToString(c) + "," + instancePos.Z.ToString(c)); Console.WriteLine(" rotation => " + instanceRot.X.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.Y.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.Z.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.W.ToString(c)); for (int m = 0; m < cMloArch["rooms"].Count; m++) { var cMloRoom = cMloArch["rooms"][m]; var roomBbMin = new Vector3((float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["x"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["y"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["z"]); var roomBbMax = new Vector3((float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["x"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["y"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["z"]); var roomBbMinWorld = instancePos + roomBbMin; var roomBbMaxWorld = instancePos + roomBbMax; roomBbMinWorld = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(instanceRot), roomBbMinWorld, Vector3.Zero); roomBbMaxWorld = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(instanceRot), roomBbMaxWorld, Vector3.Zero); if ( opts.Position[0] >= roomBbMinWorld.X && opts.Position[0] <= roomBbMaxWorld.X && opts.Position[1] >= roomBbMinWorld.Y && opts.Position[1] <= roomBbMaxWorld.Y && opts.Position[2] >= roomBbMinWorld.Z && opts.Position[2] <= roomBbMaxWorld.Z ) { Console.WriteLine(" room => " + cMloRoom["name"]); } } } } } } Console.WriteLine(""); } } }); CommandLine.Parse <BuildCacheOptions>(args, opts => { dynamic cache = new JObject(); cache["ymap"] = new JArray(); cache["ytyp"] = new JArray(); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, (fullFileName, file, encryption) => { Console.WriteLine(fullFileName); string fileNameWithoutExtension = file.Name.Split('.').First(); Jenkins.Ensure(fileNameWithoutExtension); if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ymap")) { var ymap = new YmapFile(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); ymap.Load(ms); } dynamic entry = new JObject() { ["name"] = fileNameWithoutExtension, ["path"] = fullFileName, ["hash"] = Jenkins.Hash(fileNameWithoutExtension), ["entitiesExtentsMin"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.X, ["y"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.Y, ["z"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.Z, }, ["entitiesExtentsMax"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.X, ["y"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.Y, ["z"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.Z, }, ["mloInstances"] = new JArray(), }; if (ymap.CMapData.MloInstances != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CMapData.MloInstances.Count; i++) { var mloInstance = ymap.CMapData.MloInstances[i]; var mloInstanceEntry = new JObject() { ["name"] = ymap.CMapData.MloInstances[i].ArchetypeName, ["position"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = mloInstance.Position.X, ["y"] = mloInstance.Position.Y, ["z"] = mloInstance.Position.Z, }, ["rotation"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = mloInstance.Rotation.X, ["y"] = mloInstance.Rotation.Y, ["z"] = mloInstance.Rotation.Z, ["w"] = mloInstance.Rotation.W, } }; entry["mloInstances"].Add(mloInstanceEntry); } } cache["ymap"].Add(entry); } else if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp")) { var ytyp = new YtypFile(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); ytyp.Load(ms); } dynamic entry = new JObject() { ["name"] = fileNameWithoutExtension, ["path"] = fullFileName, ["hash"] = Jenkins.Hash(fileNameWithoutExtension), ["mloArchetypes"] = new JArray(), }; if (ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes.Count; i++) { var archetype = ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes[i]; var mloEntry = new JObject { ["name"] = archetype.Name, ["rooms"] = new JArray(), }; if (archetype.Rooms != null) { for (int j = 0; j < archetype.Rooms.Count; j++) { var room = archetype.Rooms[j]; var roomEntry = new JObject { ["name"] = room.Name, ["bbMin"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = room.BbMin.X, ["y"] = room.BbMin.Y, ["z"] = room.BbMin.Z, }, ["bbMax"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = room.BbMax.X, ["y"] = room.BbMax.Y, ["z"] = room.BbMax.Z, } }; ((JArray)mloEntry["rooms"]).Add(roomEntry); } } entry["mloArchetypes"].Add(mloEntry); } } cache["ytyp"].Add(entry); } }); var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cache, new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None }); File.WriteAllText(AssemblyDirectory + "\\cache.json", jsonString); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AssemblyDirectory + "\\strings.txt")) { foreach (var kvp in Jenkins.Index) { writer.Write(kvp.Value + "\n"); } } }); if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "help") { Console.Error.Write(CommandLine.GenHelp()); return; } }
static void HandleExtractArchiveOptions(string[] args) { CommandLine.Parse <ExtractArchiveOptions>(args, (opts, gOpts) => { EnsurePath(); EnsureKeys(); if (opts.InputFile == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide input archive with -i --input"); return; } if (opts.OutputFolder == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide output folder with -o --output"); return; } var fileInfo = new FileInfo(opts.InputFile); var fileStream = new FileStream(opts.InputFile, FileMode.Open); var inputArchive = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(fileStream, fileInfo.Name); var queue = new List <Tuple <string, RageArchiveWrapper7, bool> >() { new Tuple <string, RageArchiveWrapper7, bool>(fileInfo.FullName, inputArchive, false) }; while (queue.Count > 0) { var fullPath = queue[0].Item1; var rpf = queue[0].Item2; var isTmpStream = queue[0].Item3; queue.RemoveAt(0); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(fullPath.Replace(fileInfo.FullName, ""), rpf.Root, rpf.archive_.Encryption, (string fullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption) => { string path = opts.OutputFolder + fullFileName; string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } Console.WriteLine(fullFileName); if (file.Name.EndsWith(".rpf")) { try { var tmpStream = new FileStream(Path.GetTempFileName(), FileMode.Open); file.Export(tmpStream); RageArchiveWrapper7 archive = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(tmpStream, file.Name); queue.Add(new Tuple <string, RageArchiveWrapper7, bool>(fullFileName, archive, true)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); } } else { if (file.Name.EndsWith(".xml") || file.Name.EndsWith(".meta")) { byte[] data = Utils.GetBinaryFileData((IArchiveBinaryFile)file, encryption); string xml; if (data[0] == 0xEF && data[1] == 0xBB && data[2] == 0xBF) // Detect BOM { xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 3, data.Length - 3); } else { xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); } File.WriteAllText(path, xml, Encoding.UTF8); } else { file.Export(path); } } }); var stream = (FileStream)rpf.archive_.BaseStream; string fileName = stream.Name; rpf.Dispose(); if (isTmpStream) { File.Delete(fileName); } } }); }
static void HandleFixArchiveOptions(string[] args) { CommandLine.Parse <FixArchiveOptions>(args, (opts, gOpts) => { EnsurePath(); EnsureKeys(); if (opts.InputFiles != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; Console.WriteLine(fileInfo.FullName); using (RageArchiveWrapper7 inputArchive = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(fileInfo.FullName)) { var rpfs = new List <Tuple <string, RageArchiveWrapper7> >(); if (opts.Recursive) { ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(fileInfo.FullName.Replace(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, ""), inputArchive.Root, inputArchive.archive_.Encryption, (string fullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption) => { if (fullFileName.EndsWith(".rpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { var binFile = (RageArchiveBinaryFileWrapper7)file; var tmpStream = new FileStream(Path.GetTempFileName(), FileMode.Open); binFile.Export(tmpStream); RageArchiveWrapper7 archive = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(tmpStream, file.Name); var wrapper = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(tmpStream, binFile.Name); rpfs.Add(new Tuple <string, RageArchiveWrapper7>(fullFileName, wrapper)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }); rpfs.Sort((a, b) => { return(b.Item1.Replace('\\', '/').Split('/').Length - a.Item1.Replace('\\', '/').Split('/').Length); }); } bool found = false; if (opts.Recursive) { for (int j = 0; j < rpfs.Count; j++) { var fullName = rpfs[j].Item1; var wrapper = rpfs[j].Item2; if (wrapper.archive_.Encryption != RageArchiveEncryption7.None) { Console.WriteLine("SKIP " + fullName); continue; } found = true; wrapper.archive_.Encryption = RageArchiveEncryption7.NG; wrapper.Flush(); wrapper.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("ENCRYPT " + fullName); } } if (inputArchive.archive_.Encryption != RageArchiveEncryption7.None && !found) { Console.WriteLine("SKIP " + fileInfo.Name); continue; } inputArchive.archive_.Encryption = RageArchiveEncryption7.NG; inputArchive.Flush(); inputArchive.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("ENCRYPT " + fileInfo.Name); rpfs.Reverse(); for (int j = 0; j < rpfs.Count; j++) { rpfs[j].Item2.Dispose(); } } } } }); }
static void HandleBuildCacheOptions(string[] args) { CommandLine.Parse <BuildCacheOptions>(args, (opts, gOpts) => { Init(args); dynamic cache = new JObject(); cache["ymap"] = new JArray(); cache["ytyp"] = new JArray(); Console.WriteLine("Building strings"); var names = FileUtilities.GetAllFileNamesWithoutExtension(Settings.Default.GTAFolder); foreach (var name in names) { Utils.Hash(name.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("_children", "")); } using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AssemblyDirectory + "\\strings.txt")) { foreach (var kvp in Jenkins.Index) { writer.Write(kvp.Value + "\n"); } } Console.WriteLine("Bulding cache"); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, (fullFileName, file, encryption) => { string fileNameWithoutExtension = FileUtilities.RemoveExtension(file.Name); try { if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ymap")) { Console.WriteLine(fullFileName); var ymap = new YmapFile(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); ymap.Load(ms, new object[] { true }); } dynamic entry = new JObject() { ["name"] = fileNameWithoutExtension, ["path"] = fullFileName, ["hash"] = Jenkins.Hash(fileNameWithoutExtension), ["parent"] = (uint)ymap.CMapData.Parent, ["entitiesExtentsMin"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.X, ["y"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.Y, ["z"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.Z, }, ["entitiesExtentsMax"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.X, ["y"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.Y, ["z"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.Z, }, ["mloInstances"] = new JArray(), }; if (ymap.CMapData.MloInstances != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CMapData.MloInstances.Count; i++) { var mloInstance = ymap.CMapData.MloInstances[i]; var mloInstanceEntry = new JObject() { ["name"] = ymap.CMapData.MloInstances[i].ArchetypeName, ["position"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = mloInstance.Position.X, ["y"] = mloInstance.Position.Y, ["z"] = mloInstance.Position.Z, }, ["rotation"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = mloInstance.Rotation.X, ["y"] = mloInstance.Rotation.Y, ["z"] = mloInstance.Rotation.Z, ["w"] = mloInstance.Rotation.W, } }; entry["mloInstances"].Add(mloInstanceEntry); } } cache["ymap"].Add(entry); } else if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp")) { Console.WriteLine(fullFileName); var ytyp = new YtypFile(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); ytyp.Load(ms); } dynamic entry = new JObject() { ["name"] = fileNameWithoutExtension, ["path"] = fullFileName, ["hash"] = Jenkins.Hash(fileNameWithoutExtension), ["mloArchetypes"] = new JArray(), }; if (ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes.Count; i++) { var archetype = ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes[i]; var mloEntry = new JObject { ["name"] = archetype.Name, ["rooms"] = new JArray(), }; if (archetype.Rooms != null) { for (int j = 0; j < archetype.Rooms.Count; j++) { var room = archetype.Rooms[j]; var roomEntry = new JObject { ["name"] = room.Name, ["bbMin"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = room.BbMin.X, ["y"] = room.BbMin.Y, ["z"] = room.BbMin.Z, }, ["bbMax"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = room.BbMax.X, ["y"] = room.BbMax.Y, ["z"] = room.BbMax.Z, } }; ((JArray)mloEntry["rooms"]).Add(roomEntry); } } entry["mloArchetypes"].Add(mloEntry); } } cache["ytyp"].Add(entry); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }); var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cache, new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None }); File.WriteAllText(AssemblyDirectory + "\\cache.json", jsonString); }); }
public static string[] GetDLCList() { Console.Error.WriteLine("Loading DLC list"); var orderRegex = new Regex("<order value=\"(\\d*)\""); var minOrderRegex = new Regex("<minOrder value=\"(\\d*)\""); var pathRegex = new Regex(@"\\dlcpacks\\([a-z0-9_]*)\\"); var pathRegex2 = new Regex(@"\\dlc_patch\\([a-z0-9_]*)\\"); var dlclist = new List <string>(); var dlcOrders = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, int> >() { { "default", new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0) } }; var fileName = Settings.Default.GTAFolder + "\\update\\update.rpf"; var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); var inputArchive = RageArchiveWrapper7.Open(fileStream, fileInfo.Name); var doc = new XmlDocument(); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(fileName.Replace(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, ""), inputArchive.Root, inputArchive.archive_.Encryption, (string fullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption) => { if (fullFileName.EndsWith("dlclist.xml")) { byte[] data = Utils.GetBinaryFileData((IArchiveBinaryFile)file, encryption); string xml; if (data[0] == 0xEF && data[1] == 0xBB && data[2] == 0xBF) // Detect BOM { xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 3, data.Length - 3); } else { xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); } doc.LoadXml(xml); } }); inputArchive.Dispose(); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, (string fullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption) => { if (fullFileName.EndsWith("setup2.xml") && !fullFileName.StartsWith("\\mods")) { byte[] data = Utils.GetBinaryFileData((IArchiveBinaryFile)file, encryption); string xml; if (data[0] == 0xEF && data[1] == 0xBB && data[2] == 0xBF) // Detect BOM { xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 3, data.Length - 3); } else { xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); } var matchOrder = orderRegex.Match(xml); var matchMinOrder = minOrderRegex.Match(xml); var matchPath = pathRegex.Match(fullFileName); var matchPath2 = pathRegex2.Match(fullFileName); var dlcName = matchPath.Success ? matchPath.Groups[1].Value : matchPath2.Groups[1].Value; dlcOrders[dlcName] = new Tuple <int, int>(matchOrder.Success ? int.Parse(matchOrder.Groups[1].Value) : 0, matchMinOrder.Success ? int.Parse(matchMinOrder.Groups[1].Value) : 0); } }); foreach (XmlNode pathsnode in doc.DocumentElement) { foreach (XmlNode itemnode in pathsnode.ChildNodes) { string p = itemnode.InnerText.ToLowerInvariant(); string[] path = p.Split('/'); if (path.Length - 2 < 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Ignoring " + p); } else { dlclist.Add(path[path.Length - 2]); } } } var kvp = new List <KeyValuePair <string, Tuple <int, int> > >(); // dlc name => order, minOrder var list = new List <string>(); foreach (var entry in dlcOrders) { kvp.Add(entry); } kvp.Sort((a, b) => { int test = a.Value.Item1 - b.Value.Item1; if (test == 0) { return(dlclist.IndexOf(a.Key) - dlclist.IndexOf(b.Key)); } else { return(test); } }); for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Count; i++) { list.Add(kvp[i].Key); } return(list.ToArray()); }