コード例 #1
 public BasicStack()
     var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("testrg");
     var functionApp   = new ArchiveFunctionApp("app", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs
         ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name
コード例 #2
        public CompleteStack()
            const string prefix   = "teamtimezones";
            var          config   = new Config();
            var          location = config.Get("location") ?? "westus";

            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup($"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}", new ResourceGroupArgs()
                Name     = $"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                Location = location

            //Static Website
            var staticWebsiteOutput = new StaticWebsite($"{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}web", new StaticWebsiteArgs()
                StorageAccountName = resourceGroup.Name

            StaticWebsiteConnection = staticWebsiteOutput.StaticWebsiteConnection;

            //Cosmos DB
            var cosmosDatabaseOutput = CosmosDatabase.Run(
                resourceGroup.Name, prefix, resourceGroup.Location);

            //Azure Function
            var archiveFunction = new ArchiveFunctionApp($"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                                         new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs
                ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
                Prefix                  = prefix,
                FunctionAppLocation     = location,
                FunctionAppFileLocation = "../TeamTimeZones/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish/",
                AppSettings             = new InputMap <string>
                    { "db-account-endpoint", cosmosDatabaseOutput["db-account-endpoint"].Apply(x => x.ToString()) },
                    { "db-account-key", cosmosDatabaseOutput["db-account-key"].Apply(x => x.ToString()) }

            FunctionAppEndPoint = archiveFunction.DefaultHostname;
コード例 #3
    public static IDictionary <string, object> Run()
        // Read a list of target locations from the config file:
        // Expecting a comma-separated list, e.g., "westus,eastus,westeurope"
        var locations = new Config().Require("locations").Split(",");

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("cosmosfunctions-rg", new ResourceGroupArgs {
            Location = locations[0]

        var app = new CosmosApp("functions", new CosmosAppArgs
            ResourceGroup = resourceGroup,
            Locations     = locations,
            DatabaseName  = "pricedb",
            ContainerName = "prices",
            Factory       = global => region =>
                var connectionString = global.CosmosAccount.ConnectionStrings.Apply(cs => cs[0]);
                var func             = new ArchiveFunctionApp($"afa-{region.Location}", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Location          = region.Location,
                    Archive           = new FileArchive("./app/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/publish"),
                    AppSettings       =
                        { "CosmosDBConnection", connectionString },

                return(new AzureEndpoint(func.AppId));

        return(new Dictionary <string, object>
            { "functionsEndpoint", Output.Format($"{app.Endpoint}/cosmos") }
コード例 #4
    static async Task <Dictionary <string, object?> > CreateResources()
        var clientConfig = await GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync();

        var tenantId = clientConfig.TenantId;

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup($"{ NamePrefix }-group");

        var kv = new KeyVault($"{ NamePrefix }-vault", new KeyVaultArgs {
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "standard",
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            AccessPolicies    =
                new KeyVaultAccessPolicyArgs {
                    TenantId = tenantId,
                    // TODO: CHANGE ME!
                    // The current principal has to be granted permissions to Key Vault so that it can actually add and then remove
                    // secrets to/from the Key Vault. Otherwise, 'pulumi up' and 'pulumi destroy' operations will fail.-                    //
                    // NOTE: This object ID value is NOT what you see in the Azure AD's App Registration screen.
                    // Run `az ad sp show` from the Azure CLI to list the correct Object ID to use here.
                    ObjectId          = "your-SP-object-ID",
                    SecretPermissions = new InputList <string>{
                        "delete", "get", "list", "set"

        var twilioSecret = new Secret($"{ NamePrefix }-twil", new SecretArgs
            KeyVaultId = kv.Id,
            Value      = TwilioAccountToken,

        var appInsights = new Insights($"{ NamePrefix }-ai", new InsightsArgs
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,

        var durableFunctionApp = new ArchiveFunctionApp($"{ NamePrefix }-funcs", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Archive           = new FileArchive($"./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/GarageDoorMonitor/publish"),
            AppSettings       = new InputMap <string>
                { "runtime", "dotnet" },
                { "FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION", "~3" },
                { "TwilioAccountToken", Output.Format($"@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri ={ twilioSecret.Id })") },
                { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", Output.Format($"{ appInsights.InstrumentationKey }") },
                { "TimerDelayMinutes", GetIntConfigOrDefault("timerDelayMinutes", 2) },
            HttpsOnly = true,
            Identity  = new FunctionAppIdentityArgs {
                Type = "SystemAssigned"

        // Now that the app is created, update the access policies of the keyvault and
        // grant the principalId of the function app access to the vault.
        var principalId = durableFunctionApp.FunctionApp.Identity.Apply(id => id.PrincipalId ?? "0c4825d9-3901-40a8-ab89-ad4e3aeeadd9");

        // Grant App Service access to KV secrets
        var appAccessPolicy = new AccessPolicy($"{ NamePrefix }-app-policy", new AccessPolicyArgs
            KeyVaultId        = kv.Id,
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            ObjectId          = principalId,
            SecretPermissions = new InputList <string> {

        return(new Dictionary <string, object?>
            { "webhookUrl", durableFunctionApp.Endpoint },