public static IProgressResult <float> LoadAssetBundle(this ArchiveContainer container, params string[] filenames) { return(EditorExecutors.RunAsync(new Action <IProgressPromise <float> >((promise) => { try { int taskCount = 8; int index = -1; int finishedCount = 0; int count = filenames.Length; CountFinishedEvent countFinishedEvent = new CountFinishedEvent(taskCount); for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) { EditorExecutors.RunAsyncNoReturn(() => { while (true) { int currIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref index); if (currIndex > count - 1) { break; } try { container.LoadAssetBundle(filenames[currIndex]); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0}", e); } finally { Interlocked.Increment(ref finishedCount); } } countFinishedEvent.Set(); }); } while (!countFinishedEvent.Wait(100)) { promise.UpdateProgress((float)finishedCount / count); } promise.SetResult(); } catch (Exception e) { promise.SetException(e); } }))); }
public static IProgressResult <float> Load(this ArchiveContainer container, DirectoryInfo dir, IStreamDecryptor decryptor) { try { List <FileInfo> files = new List <FileInfo>(); foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { if (file.Name.EndsWith(BundleSetting.ManifestFilename)) { files.Add(file); continue; } if (file.Name.EndsWith(dir.Name)) { files.Add(file); continue; } } if (files.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("Please select the root directory of the AssetBundle"); } files.Sort((x, y) => y.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(x.LastWriteTime)); if (files[0].Name.Equals(BundleSetting.ManifestFilename)) { BundleManifest manifest = BundleManifest.Parse(File.ReadAllText(files[0].FullName, Encoding.UTF8)); return(container.LoadAssetBundle(dir.FullName, decryptor, manifest.GetAll())); } else if (files[0].Name.Equals(dir.Name)) { List <string> filenames = new List <string>(); string[] bundleNames = new string[0]; var bundle = AssetBundleArchive.Load(files[0].FullName); foreach (var archive in bundle.AssetArchives) { ObjectArchive oa = archive as ObjectArchive; if (oa == null) { continue; } foreach (var summary in oa.GetAllObjectInfo()) { if (summary.TypeID == TypeID.AssetBundleManifest) { Objects.AssetBundleManifest assetBundleManifest = summary.GetObject <Objects.AssetBundleManifest>(); bundleNames = assetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundles(); } } } foreach (string bundleName in bundleNames) { var fullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir.FullName, bundleName.Replace("/", @"\")); filenames.Add(fullName); } bundle.Dispose(); //UnityEngine.AssetBundle bundle = UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(files[0].FullName); //AssetBundleManifest manifest = bundle.LoadAsset<AssetBundleManifest>("assetbundlemanifest"); //bundle.Unload(false); //files = new List<FileInfo>(); //foreach (string bundleName in manifest.GetAllAssetBundles()) //{ // var fullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir.FullName, bundleName.Replace("/", @"\")); // filenames.Add(fullName); //} return(container.LoadAssetBundle(filenames.ToArray())); } else { List <string> filenames = new List <string>(); foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (file.FullName.EndsWith(BundleSetting.ManifestFilename) || file.FullName.EndsWith(".manifest")) { continue; } filenames.Add(file.FullName); } return(container.LoadAssetBundle(filenames.ToArray())); } } catch (Exception e) { return(new ImmutableProgressResult <float>(e, 0f)); } }
public static IProgressResult <float> LoadAssetBundle(this ArchiveContainer container, string root, IStreamDecryptor decryptor, params BundleInfo[] bundleInfos) { return(EditorExecutors.RunAsync(new Action <IProgressPromise <float> >((promise) => { try { int taskCount = 8; int index = -1; int finishedCount = 0; int count = bundleInfos.Length; CountFinishedEvent countFinishedEvent = new CountFinishedEvent(taskCount); for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) { EditorExecutors.RunAsyncNoReturn(() => { while (true) { int currIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref index); if (currIndex > count - 1) { break; } try { var bundleInfo = bundleInfos[currIndex]; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(root, bundleInfo.Filename.Replace("/", @"\")); if (bundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { container.LoadAssetBundle(path, decryptor); } else { container.LoadAssetBundle(path); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0}", e); } finally { Interlocked.Increment(ref finishedCount); } } countFinishedEvent.Set(); }); } while (!countFinishedEvent.Wait(100)) { promise.UpdateProgress((float)finishedCount / count); } promise.SetResult(); } catch (Exception e) { promise.SetException(e); } }))); }
public static IProgressResult <float> LoadAssetBundle(this ArchiveContainer container, string root, params BundleInfo[] bundleInfos) { return(container.LoadAssetBundle(root, null, bundleInfos)); }