static void Glyphinator(string planetID, string achID){ int archID = FindBuildingID("Archaeology Ministry", planets.get(planetID).buildings); if(archID != 0){ Response.Building archMin = planets.get(planetID).buildings.get(archID); if(Integer.parseInt(archMin.level) > 10){ Archaeology arch = new Archaeology("archaeology"); String request = arch.ViewExcavators(sessionID, String.valueOf(archID)); String reply = server.ServerRequest(gameServer, arch.url, request); Response r = gson.fromJson(reply, Response.class);
static void Glyphinator(string planetID, string achID) { int archID = FindBuildingID("Archaeology Ministry", planets.get(planetID).buildings); if (archID != 0) { Response.Building archMin = planets.get(planetID).buildings.get(archID); if (Integer.parseInt(archMin.level) > 10) { Archaeology arch = new Archaeology("archaeology"); String request = arch.ViewExcavators(sessionID, String.valueOf(archID)); String reply = server.ServerRequest(gameServer, arch.url, request); Response r = gson.fromJson(reply, Response.class);
public ArchaeologistSettingsFrame() { try { InitializeComponent(); Translate(); SolvingEveryXMin.Value = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.SolvingEveryXMin; MaxTryByDigsite.Value = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.MaxTryByDigsite; UseKeystones.Checked = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.UseKeystones; CrateRestored.Checked = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.CrateRestored; if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ActivateAlwaysOnTopFeature) { TopMost = true; } DigSitesTable.Columns.Add("Id", "Id"); DigSitesTable.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true; DigSitesTable.Columns[0].Width = 33; DigSitesTable.Columns[0].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; DigSitesTable.Columns.Add("DigSiteName", _digsiteNameColumn); DigSitesTable.Columns[1].ReadOnly = true; DigSitesTable.Columns[1].Width = 559; DigSitesTable.Columns[1].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; DigSitesTable.Columns.Add("DigSitePriority", _priorityDigsiteColumn); DigSitesTable.Columns[2].Width = 40; DigSitesTable.Columns[2].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; var columnActive = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); DigSitesTable.Columns.Add(columnActive); DigSitesTable.Columns[3].Name = "DigSitePriority"; DigSitesTable.Columns[3].HeaderText = _activeDigsiteColumn; DigSitesTable.Columns[3].Width = 40; DigSitesTable.Columns[3].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; foreach (Digsite digsite in Archaeology.GetAllDigsitesZone()) { DigSitesTable.Rows.Add(new object[] {,, digsite.PriorityDigsites, digsite.Active }); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("ArchaeologistSettingsFrame > ArchaeologistSettingsFrame(): " + e); } }
public override void Run() { try { if (MovementManager.InMovement) { return; } // Get if this zone is last zone if (LastZone != { _nbTryFarmInThisZone = 0; // Reset nb try farm if zone is not last zone } LastZone =; // Set lastzone // Solving Every X Min if (timerAutoSolving == null) { timerAutoSolving = new Timer(SolvingEveryXMin * 1000 * 60); } if (timerAutoSolving.IsReady && !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { MovementManager.StopMove(); LongMove.StopLongMove(); if (Archaeology.SolveAllArtifact(UseKeystones) > 0) { if (CrateRestored) { Archaeology.CrateRestoredArtifact(); } } timerAutoSolving = new Timer(SolvingEveryXMin * 1000 * 60); } if (MovementManager.InMovement) { return; } // Loop farm in zone // We must check Me.IsIndoor because no archeology is indoor int nbStuck = 0; // Nb of stuck direct try { if (myState != LocState.LocalMove) { MountTask.DismountMount(); } ObjectManager.WoWGameObject t = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(Archaeology.ArchaeologyItemsFindList)); if (t.IsValid) // If found then loot { nbCastSurveyError = 0; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); _AntiPingPong = false; _greenCount = 0; if (myState == LocState.Looting) { if (timerLooting != null && timerLooting.IsReady) { MovementsAction.Jump(); Thread.Sleep(1500); } else { return; } } bool ValidPath; List <Point> points = PathFinder.FindPath(t.Position, out ValidPath, false); if (!ValidPath) { points.Add(t.Position); } MovementManager.Go(points); if (nbLootAttempt > 2) { MovementManager.StopMove(); LongMove.StopLongMove(); if (Archaeology.SolveAllArtifact(UseKeystones) == 0) { nManagerSetting.AddBlackList(t.Guid); // bugged artifacts not lootable Logging.Write("Black-listing bugged artifact"); } else if (CrateRestored) { Archaeology.CrateRestoredArtifact(); } nbLootAttempt = 0; return; } Logging.Write("Loot " + t.Name); Timer timer = new Timer(1000 * Math.DistanceListPoint(points) / 3); while (MovementManager.InMovement && !timer.IsReady && t.GetDistance > 3.5f) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat || ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { return; } } MovementManager.StopMove(); // avoid a red wow error Thread.Sleep(150); Interact.InteractWith(t.GetBaseAddress); while (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsCast) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { return; } Statistics.Farms++; nbLootAttempt++; myState = LocState.Looting; if (timerLooting == null) { timerLooting = new Timer(1000 * 5); } else { timerLooting.Reset(); } return; } if (_nbTryFarmInThisZone > MaxTryByDigsite) // If try > config try black list { nbLootAttempt = 0; BlackListDigsites.Add(; Logging.Write("Black List Digsite: " +; myState = LocState.LocalMove; nbCastSurveyError = 0; return; } bool moreMovementNeeded = false; if (qPOI != null && !qPOI.ValidPoint && qPOI.Center.DistanceTo2D(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 40.0f) { #pragma warning disable 168 // We call qPOI.MiddlePoint to make the WoWQuestPOIPoint instance compute the middle point, but I don't care were it is Point p = qPOI.MiddlePoint; // we are near enough to compute it #pragma warning restore 168 if (Usefuls.IsFlying) { moreMovementNeeded = true; MovementManager.StopMove(); } } // Go To Zone if (qPOI != null && (moreMovementNeeded || !qPOI.IsInside(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position))) { if (MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Feet || MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Ground) { int LodestoneID = 117389; if (!_travelDisabled && ItemsManager.GetItemCount(LodestoneID) > 0 && Usefuls.RealContinentId == 1116 && qPOI.Center.DistanceTo2D(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 3000f) { ObjectManager.WoWItem item = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWItemById(LodestoneID); if (item != null && item.IsValid && !ItemsManager.IsItemOnCooldown(LodestoneID) && ItemsManager.IsItemUsable(LodestoneID)) { Logging.Write("Using a Draenor Archaeologist's Lodestone"); Products.Products.InManualPause = true; // Prevent triggering "Player teleported" ItemsManager.UseItem(LodestoneID); Thread.Sleep(3000 + Usefuls.Latency); digsitesZone = new Digsite(); // Reset the choice made return; } } Logging.Write("Not inside, then go to Digsite " +; Point me = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position; if (_travelLocation != null && _travelLocation.DistanceTo(me) > 0.1f) { if (Products.Products.TravelRegenerated && Products.Products.TravelFrom.IsValid) { _travelLocation = Products.Products.TravelFrom; Products.Products.TravelRegenerated = false; } } if ((_travelLocation == null || _travelLocation.DistanceTo(me) > 0.1f) && !_travelDisabled && !Usefuls.IsFlying) { MovementManager.StopMove(); Logging.Write("Calling travel system to go to digsite " + + " (" + + ")..."); Products.Products.TravelToContinentId = Usefuls.ContinentId; Products.Products.TravelTo = qPOI.Center; Products.Products.TravelFromContinentId = Usefuls.ContinentId; Products.Products.TravelFrom = me; // Pass the check for valid destination as a lambda Products.Products.TargetValidationFct = qPOI.IsInside; _travelLocation = Products.Products.TravelFrom; return; } if (_travelLocation.DistanceTo(me) <= 0.1f) { _travelDisabled = true; } List <Point> newPath; newPath = PathFinder.FindPath(qPOI.Center); MovementManager.Go(newPath); } else if (qPOI.ValidPoint) { if (moreMovementNeeded || !qPOI.IsInside(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position)) { Point destination = new Point(qPOI.MiddlePoint); destination.Type = "flying"; if (moreMovementNeeded) { Logging.Write("Landing on the digsite"); } else { Logging.Write("Not inside, then go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); } MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite } } else { // here we need to go to center, THEN compute middle point Point destination = qPOI.Center; destination.Z += 40.0f; destination.Type = "flying"; Logging.Write("Go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite } myState = LocState.LocalMove; return; } // Find loot with Survey nbLootAttempt = 0; t = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByDisplayId(Archaeology.SurveyList)); if (t.GetBaseAddress == 0 || myState == LocState.GoingNextPoint || // recast if we moved even if last is still spawned myState == LocState.Looting) // after we looted we need to recast survey spell, even if the previous one is still spawned { if (!Archaeology.DigsiteZoneIsAvailable(digsitesZone)) { return; } if (myState == LocState.LocalMove) { MountTask.DismountMount(); } surveySpell.Launch(); myState = LocState.Survey; if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { return; } Thread.Sleep(1750 + Usefuls.Latency); // let's wait a fair bit nbCastSurveyError++; if (nbCastSurveyError > 3) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(qPOI.MiddlePoint) < 5) { // This means we are in a wrong digsite List <Digsite> listDigsitesZone; if (!_inSecondDigSiteWithSameName) { listDigsitesZone = Archaeology.GetDigsitesZoneAvailable(t.Name); } else // very very rare case I had: back to the first digsite with same name after the 2nd one { listDigsitesZone = Archaeology.GetDigsitesZoneAvailable(); } foreach (Digsite dg in listDigsitesZone) { if ( == t.Name) { digsitesZone = dg; } } WoWResearchSite OneSite; if (!_inSecondDigSiteWithSameName) { OneSite = WoWResearchSite.FromName(, true); } else { OneSite = WoWResearchSite.FromName(, false); } qPOI = WoWQuestPOIPoint.FromSetId(OneSite.Record.QuestIdPoint); _inSecondDigSiteWithSameName = !_inSecondDigSiteWithSameName; nbCastSurveyError = 0; return; } if (MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Feet || MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Ground) { Logging.Write("Too many errors, then go to Digsite " +; List <Point> newPath = PathFinder.FindPath(qPOI.Center); MovementManager.Go(newPath); } else { if (qPOI != null) { Point destination = qPOI.MiddlePoint; Logging.Write("Too many errors, then go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite } } nbCastSurveyError = 0; return; } _nbTryFarmInThisZone++; return; } if (myState == LocState.GoingNextPoint) { return; } nbCastSurveyError = 0; // Reset try cast survey if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { return; } Point p0; float angle; { Point p; float distance, distanceMin, distanceMax, decrement, increment; if (t.DisplayId == 10103) // Survey Tool (Red) 100 yard { distance = 90f; distanceMin = 20f; distanceMax = 210f; increment = 8f; decrement = 8f; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); _AntiPingPong = false; _greenCount = 0; } else if (t.DisplayId == 10102) // Survey Tool (Yellow) 50 yard { distance = 46f; distanceMin = 20f; distanceMax = 60f; increment = 7f; decrement = 6.5f; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); _AntiPingPong = false; _greenCount = 0; } else // Survey Tool (Green) 25 yard (t.DisplayId == 10101) { _greenCount++; increment = 4f; if (_greenCount >= 10) { _greenCount = 0; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); Point destination = qPOI.MiddlePoint; _AntiPingPong = false; Logging.Write("Stuck, then go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); MountTask.Mount(true, true); MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite return; } if (_AntiPingPong) { Logging.Write("Ping-pong detected, shortening the distance"); distance = 11f; distanceMin = 6f; distanceMax = 16f; decrement = 4f; } else { distance = 19f; distanceMin = 7f; distanceMax = 41f; decrement = 3f; } } { float d = distance; p0 = new Point(t.Position); angle = t.Orientation; p = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, d); p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); bool valid; PathFinder.FindPath(p, out valid); if (qPOI != null) { bool IamOutOfWater = IsPointOutOfWater(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position); while (!valid || p.Z == 0 || !qPOI.IsInside(p) || !(!IamOutOfWater || IsPointOutOfWater(p))) { if (d + increment > distanceMax) { break; } d += increment; Point newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, d); if (qPOI.IsInside(newone)) { p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } } // Since these direction are approximate, also search in a pi/5 angle if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleplus = Math.FixAngle(angle + ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleplus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles+ for distance " + d); } } if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleminus = Math.FixAngle(angle - ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleminus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles- for distance " + d); } } } if (!valid || p.Z == 0 || !qPOI.IsInside(p) || !(!IamOutOfWater || IsPointOutOfWater(p))) { d = distance; while (!valid || p.Z == 0 || !qPOI.IsInside(p) || !(!IamOutOfWater || IsPointOutOfWater(p))) { if (d - decrement < distanceMin) { break; } d -= decrement; Point newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, d); if (qPOI.IsInside(newone)) { p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that the the GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } } // Since these direction are approximate, also search in a pi/5 angle if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleplus = Math.FixAngle(angle + ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleplus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles+ for distance " + d); } } if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleminus = Math.FixAngle(angle - ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleminus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles- for distance " + d); } } } } } // check pingpong but not a second time if (_AntiPingPong) { _AntiPingPong = false; } else if (t.DisplayId == 10101 && _lastGreenPosition.IsValid && p.DistanceTo2D(_lastGreenPosition) <= 7f) { _AntiPingPong = true; } // then remmember the last Green Position if (t.DisplayId == 10101) { _lastGreenPosition = new Point(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position); } if (_AntiPingPong) { myState = LocState.LocalMove; return; } Logging.Write("Distance " + d + " selected"); } myState = LocState.GoingNextPoint; // Find Path bool resultB; List <Point> points = PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out resultB, false); // If path not found find nearer if (points.Count <= 0) { Point pt = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, 15); pt.Z = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z; points = PathFinder.FindLocalPath(pt, out resultB, false); if (points.Count > 0 && resultB) { p = new Point(pt); } } // Go to next position if ((!resultB && p.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 10) || nbStuck >= 2) // Use fly mount { p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p); if (p.Z == 0) { p.Z = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z + 35; } else { p.Z = p.Z + 5.0f; } if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { return; } MountTask.Mount(true, true); LongMove.LongMoveByNewThread(p); Timer timer = new Timer(2000 * points[points.Count - 1].DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) / 3); while (LongMove.IsLongMove && !timer.IsReady && ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(p) > 0.5f) { if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { LongMove.StopLongMove(); return; } Thread.Sleep(100); } LongMove.StopLongMove(); while (MovementManager.IsUnStuck) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { return; } Thread.Sleep(100); LongMove.StopLongMove(); } MovementManager.StopMove(); MountTask.DismountMount(); // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment nbStuck = 0; // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment } else // walk to next position { float d1 = Math.DistanceListPoint(points); float d2 = points[0].DistanceTo(points[points.Count - 1]); // here we will try to shortcut the path using a fly mount if (MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Fly && d1 > 80 && d1 > (d2 * 2)) { Point startpoint = new Point(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position); Point endpoint = new Point(points[points.Count - 1]); float z1 = startpoint.Z; float z2 = endpoint.Z; float zref = System.Math.Max(z1, z2) + 6.0f; Point pref1 = new Point(startpoint); pref1.Z = zref; Point pref2 = new Point(endpoint); pref2.Z = zref; bool badres = TraceLine.TraceLineGo(startpoint, pref1) || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(pref1, pref2) || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(pref2, endpoint); if (!badres) { Logging.Write("Flying to shortcut the path"); MountTask.Mount(true, true); if (Usefuls.IsFlying) // Failsafe: in case we are indoor don't try { points = new List <Point>(); pref1.Z += 2f; pref2.Z += 2f; points.Add(pref1); points.Add(pref2); points.Add(endpoint); } } } if (d1 > nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MinimumDistanceToUseMount && !nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount) { MountTask.Mount(); } if (Usefuls.IsFlying) { for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { points[i].Type = "flying"; } } MovementManager.Go(points); float d = Math.DistanceListPoint(points) / 3; if (d > 200) { d = 200; } float tm_t = 1000 * d / 2 + 1500; if (Usefuls.IsSwimming) { tm_t /= 0.6f; } Timer timer = new Timer(tm_t); while (MovementManager.InMovement && !timer.IsReady && ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(p) > 0.5f) { if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { return; } Thread.Sleep(100); } // incremente nbstuck if player is stuck if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(t.Position) < 5 || (MovementManager.InMovement && !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat && timer.IsReady)) { // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment nbStuck++; } // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment else { // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment nbStuck = 0; } // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat) { return; } MovementManager.StopMove(); while (MovementManager.IsUnStuck) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { return; } Thread.Sleep(100); MovementManager.StopMove(); } } } } catch { } } catch { } }
internal static bool Pulse() { try { SurveySpell = new Spell("Survey"); if (!SurveySpell.KnownSpell) { MessageBox.Show(Translate.Get(Translate.Id.Survey_spell_not_found__stopping_tnb)); Logging.Write("Survey spell not found, stopping bot."); return(false); } // Load CC: CombatClass.LoadCombatClass(); // FSM Fsm.States.Clear(); Fsm.AddState(new Pause { Priority = 200 }); Fsm.AddState(new Resurrect { Priority = 130 }); Fsm.AddState(new IsAttacked { Priority = 120 }); Fsm.AddState(new ToTown { Priority = 110 }); Fsm.AddState(new Looting { Priority = 100 }); Fsm.AddState(new Travel { Priority = 90 }); Fsm.AddState(new Regeneration { Priority = 80 }); Fsm.AddState(new SpecializationCheck { Priority = 70 }); Fsm.AddState(new LevelupCheck { Priority = 60 }); Fsm.AddState(new Trainers { Priority = 59 }); Fsm.AddState(new AutoItemCombiner { Priority = 52 }); Fsm.AddState(new MillingState { Priority = 51 }); Fsm.AddState(new ProspectingState { Priority = 50 }); Fsm.AddState(new Farming { Priority = 20 }); Fsm.AddState(new ArchaeologyStates { Priority = 10, SolvingEveryXMin = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.SolvingEveryXMin, MaxTryByDigsite = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.MaxTryByDigsite, UseKeystones = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.UseKeystones, CrateRestored = ArchaeologistSetting.CurrentSetting.CrateRestored }); Fsm.AddState(new Idle { Priority = 0 }); foreach (var statePlugin in Plugins.ListLoadedStatePlugins) { Fsm.AddState(statePlugin); } Fsm.States.Sort(); Fsm.StartEngine(7, "FSM Archaeologist"); Archaeology.Initialize(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { try { Dispose(); } catch { } Logging.WriteError("Archaeologist > Bot > Bot > Pulse(): " + e); return(false); } }