public override void OnEnable() { useFormulae = false; arb = target as Arbiter; teamScroll =; base.OnEnable(); name = "Arbiter"; }
public vector.VectorState get() { vector.VectorState ret = null; Arbiter.ExecuteToCompletion(DssEnvironment.TaskQueue, Arbiter.Choice <vector.VectorState, Fault>( opPort.Get(), delegate(vector.VectorState state) { ret = state; }, delegate(Fault failure) { throw new AdapterOperationException(failure); })); return(ret); }
public void ArbiterRemoved(Arbiter arbiter) { arbiter.body1.arbiters.Remove(arbiter); arbiter.body2.arbiters.Remove(arbiter); if (arbiter.body1.island != null) { arbiter.body1.island.arbiter.Remove(arbiter); } else if (arbiter.body2.island != null) { arbiter.body2.island.arbiter.Remove(arbiter); } RemoveConnection(arbiter.body1, arbiter.body2); }
IEnumerator <ITask> ReliableSubscribeHandler(ReliableSubscribe subscribe) { yield return(Arbiter.Choice( SubscribeHelper(_subMgrPort, subscribe.Body, subscribe.ResponsePort), delegate(SuccessResult success) { if (_state != null && _state.DistanceMeasurements != null) { _subMgrPort.Post(new submgr.Submit( subscribe.Body.Subscriber, DsspActions.ReplaceRequest, _state, null)); } }, null )); }
public IEnumerator <ITask> ReliableSubscribeHandler(drive.ReliableSubscribe subscribe) { yield return(Arbiter.Choice( SubscribeHelper(_subMgrPort, subscribe.Body, subscribe.ResponsePort), delegate(SuccessResult success) { _subMgrPort.Post(new submgr.Submit( subscribe.Body.Subscriber, DsspActions.UpdateRequest, _state, null)); }, delegate(Exception ex) { LogError(ex); throw ex; } )); }
/// <summary> /// Start the control window /// </summary> private void SetupWindowControl() { // TODO Arbiter.Interleave? // Start handlers handling the different window events allowing the communication between simulator and window Activate <ITask>( Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator <OnLoad>(true, _windowControlEventsPort, OnWindowControlLoadHandler), Arbiter.Receive <OnClosed>(true, _windowControlEventsPort, OnWindowControlClosedHandler), Arbiter.Receive <WindowControl.OnVirtualJoystickChanged>(true, _windowControlEventsPort, OnWindowControlVirtualJoystickHandler), Arbiter.Receive <WindowControl.OnAction>(true, _windowControlEventsPort, OnWindowControlActionHandler), Arbiter.Receive <WindowControl.OnValueChanged>(true, _windowControlEventsPort, OnWindowControlValueChangedHandler), Arbiter.Receive <WindowControl.OnUpdateDisplay>(true, _windowControlEventsPort, OnWindowControlUpdateDisplayHandler) ); // Start the control window WinFormsServicePort.Post(new RunForm(CreateWindowControl)); }
/// <summary> /// Service Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { InitializeState(); base.Start(); base.MainPortInterleave.CombineWith(new Interleave( new ExclusiveReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive <brick.LegoSensorUpdate>(true, _legoBrickNotificationPort, NotificationHandler) ), new ConcurrentReceiverGroup())); // Set up the reliable port using DSS forwarder to ensure exception and timeout conversion to fault. _reliableMainPort = ServiceForwarder <ColorSensorOperations>(this.ServiceInfo.Service); _reliableMainPort.ConnectToBrick(_state); }
/// <summary> /// Service Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { base.Start(); // setup internal notifications when we receive a OnWiimoteChanged event Activate(Arbiter.Receive(true, _internalStateChangedPort, InternalWiimoteChangedHandler)); // hookup event handlers _wm.WiimoteChanged += new EventHandler <WiimoteChangedEventArgs>(_wm_WiimoteChanged); _wm.WiimoteExtensionChanged += new EventHandler <WiimoteExtensionChangedEventArgs>(_wm_WiimoteExtensionChanged); // connect to wiimote and setup standard params _wm.Connect(); _wm.SetReportType(InputReport.IRAccel, true); _wm.SetLEDs(false, true, false, true); }
public void ArbiterCreated(Arbiter arbiter) { AddConnection(arbiter.body1, arbiter.body2); arbiter.body1.arbiters.Add(arbiter); arbiter.body2.arbiters.Add(arbiter); if (arbiter.body1.island != null) { arbiter.body1.island.arbiter.Add(arbiter); } else if (arbiter.body2.island != null) { arbiter.body2.island.arbiter.Add(arbiter); } }
// Send an update message to ourself at an interval specified by the camera entity. // If the interval is 0, check once per second to see if the interval has changed but // don't do an update. void CheckForUpdate(DateTime time) { if (_entity == null) { return; // the entity went away, do no more updates } if (_entity.UpdateInterval != 0) { PostUpdateFrameIfNeeded(); Activate(Arbiter.Receive(false, TimeoutPort(_entity.UpdateInterval), CheckForUpdate)); } else { Activate(Arbiter.Receive(false, TimeoutPort(1000), CheckForUpdate)); } }
// Runs down the timer then reports the score to // Arbiter if this is not a practice round //////////////////////////////////////////////// void Update() { if (timeRemaining > 0) { RunTimer(); } else { gameOver = true; if (gameState.practiceMode == false && scoreReported == false) { scoreReported = true; Arbiter.ReportScoreForChallenge(gameState.challenge.Id, score.ToString(), OnReportScoreSuccess, OnReportScoreError); } } }
protected override void Start() { Port <bool> successPort = new Port <bool>(); SpawnIterator(successPort, StartIterator); Activate(Arbiter.Receive(false, successPort, delegate(bool success) { if (!success) { LogError("Service failed to start. Shutting down."); Shutdown(); } } )); }
/// <summary> /// Service Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { #region CODECLIP 01-2 // The initial state is optional, so we must be prepared to // create a new state if there is none if (_state == null) { _state = new ServiceTutorial3State(); } #endregion base.Start(); _timerPort.Post(DateTime.Now); Activate(Arbiter.Receive(true, _timerPort, TimerHandler)); }
private void FindTarget() { if (HasBeenInitialized) { var query = new VisualEntity(); query.State.Name = _targetName; Activate( Arbiter.Choice( SimulationEngine.GlobalInstancePort.Query(query), success => Target = success.Entity, CcrServiceBase.EmptyHandler ) ); } }
/// <summary> /// Shutdown or kill process /// </summary> /// <returns>ITask enumerator</returns> private IEnumerator <ITask> ShutdownSuccessfullyOrKillProcess() { var shutdownOrTimedOut = new SuccessFailurePort(); Activate(TimeoutPort(DefaultProcessTimeout).Receive(dateTime => shutdownOrTimedOut.Post(new Exception()))); Activate(shutdownOrTimedOut.Choice( success => { }, /*cleanly shutdown*/ failure => /*timed out*/ System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill())); ControlPanelPort.Post(new DsspDefaultDrop()); Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator <DsspDefaultDrop>(false, this.mainPort, this.DropHandler)); shutdownOrTimedOut.Post(SuccessResult.Instance); yield break; }
public drive.DriveDifferentialTwoWheelState get() { drive.DriveDifferentialTwoWheelState ret = null; Arbiter.ExecuteToCompletion(DssEnvironment.TaskQueue, Arbiter.Choice <drive.DriveDifferentialTwoWheelState, Fault>( drivePort.Get(), delegate(drive.DriveDifferentialTwoWheelState state) { ret = state; }, delegate(Fault failure) { throw new AdapterOperationException(failure); })); return(ret); }
void ActivateHandler() { Activate( Arbiter.Interleave( new TeardownReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive <Shutdown>(false, _port, ShutdownHandler) ), new ExclusiveReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive(true, _timePort, TimeHandler) ), new ConcurrentReceiverGroup() ) ); TimeHandler(DateTime.Now); }
////20101209 //void ThreadHeartBeatProc() //{ // SpawnIterator(SendHeartBeatToClient); //} //20101209 public IEnumerator <ITask> SendHeartBeatToClient() { client.HeartBeat heartBeat = new client.HeartBeat(); heartBeat.Body.HeartBeat = "heart broken..."; //对连接上的客户端进行心跳检测,但是心跳检测的最大队伍数即比赛类型所允许的参赛队伍数 modified 20110218 for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(_listClientUris.Count, MyMission.Instance().ParasRef.TeamCount); i++) { ServiceForwarder <client.ClientBaseOperations>(_listClientUris[i]).Post(heartBeat); yield return(Arbiter.Choice( heartBeat.ResponsePort, delegate(client.HeartBeatResponse rsp) { Console.WriteLine("Successful"); }, delegate(Fault f) { Console.WriteLine("Team{0} failed", i + 1); WinFormsServicePort.FormInvoke(delegate() { _serverControlBoard.ShowDialogInfo(string.Format("Team{0} Connection Failed", i + 1)); }); MyMission myMission = MyMission.Instance(); InitMission(myMission.ParasRef.Name, myMission.ParasRef.TotalSeconds / 60); //// 发送比赛类型改变事件消息,以当前选中比赛类型名称和比赛时间分钟数作为参数 //FromServerUiEvents.Instance().Post(new FromServerUiMsg(FromServerUiMsg.MsgEnum.COMPETITION_ITEM_CHANGED, // new string[] { myMission.ParasRef.Name, (myMission.ParasRef.TotalSeconds / 60).ToString() })); //CompetitionControlButton announceCompetitionControlButton = new CompetitionControlButton(); //announceCompetitionControlButton.Body = new CompetitionControlButtonRequest("ID Changed"); //_mainPort.Post(announceCompetitionControlButton); //将第i只队伍断线的信息发送给其他客户端 RemoveUnresponsiveClient(ref i); })); } if (_listClientUris.Count != 0) { Activate(Arbiter.Receive(false, TimeoutPort(20 * (MyMission.Instance().ParasRef.MsPerCycle)), SendHeartBeat)); } yield break; }
static void ParallelMul() { // создание массива объектов для хранения параметров InputData[] ClArr = new InputData[nc]; for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { ClArr[i] = new InputData(); } //Далее, задаются исходные данные для каждого экземпляра //вычислительного метода: // делим количество строк в матрице на nc частей int step = (Int32)(m / nc); // заполняем массив параметров int c = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { ClArr[i].start = c + 1; ClArr[i].stop = c + step; c = c + step; } //Создаётся диспетчер с пулом из двух потоков: Dispatcher d = new Dispatcher(nc, "Test Pool"); DispatcherQueue dq = new DispatcherQueue("Test Queue", d); //Описывается порт, в который каждый экземпляр метода Mul() //отправляет сообщение после завершения вычислений: Port <int> p = new Port <int>(); //Метод Arbiter.Activate помещает в очередь диспетчера две задачи(два //экземпляра метода Mul): for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { Arbiter.Activate(dq, new Task <InputData, Port <int> >(ClArr[i], p, Mul)); } //Первый параметр метода Arbiter.Activate – очередь диспетчера, //который будет управлять выполнением задачи, второй параметр – //запускаемая задача. //С помощью метода Arbiter.MultipleItemReceive запускается задача //(приёмник), которая обрабатывает получение двух сообщений портом p: Arbiter.Activate(dq, Arbiter.MultipleItemReceive(true, p, nc, delegate(int[] array) { dispResult(); Console.WriteLine("Вычисления завершены"); Console.ReadKey(true); Environment.Exit(0); })); }
protected override void Start() { //configure initial state if (_state == null) { LogInfo("TrackRoamerBumper:Start(): _state == null - initializing..."); _state = new pxbumper.ContactSensorArrayState(); _state.Sensors = new List<pxbumper.ContactSensor>(); pxbumper.ContactSensor leftBumper = new pxbumper.ContactSensor(); leftBumper.HardwareIdentifier = 101; leftBumper.Name = "Front Whisker Left"; _state.Sensors.Add(leftBumper); pxbumper.ContactSensor rightBumper = new pxbumper.ContactSensor(); rightBumper.HardwareIdentifier = 201; rightBumper.Name = "Front Whisker Right"; _state.Sensors.Add(rightBumper); SaveState(_state); } else { LogInfo("TrackRoamerBumper:Start(): _state is supplied by file: " + _configFile); } base.Start(); MainPortInterleave.CombineWith( new Interleave( new TeardownReceiverGroup(), new ExclusiveReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive<powerbrick.UpdateWhiskers>(true, notificationPortWhiskers, WhiskersNotificationHandler) ), new ConcurrentReceiverGroup() ) ); // display HTTP service Uri LogInfo("TrackRoamerBumper:Start() Service URI=" + ServiceInfo.HttpUri()); // Subscribe to the Hardware Controller for bumper notifications SubscribeToTrackRoamerBot(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns>Standard ccr iterator</returns> private IEnumerator <ITask> Initialize() { var located = new PortSet <VisualEntity, Fault>(); SpawnIterator(located, this.LocateCameraEntity); yield return(located.Choice()); var entity = (VisualEntity)located; if (entity == null) { LogError("Kinect entity not found"); StartFailed(); yield break; } this.kinectEntity = (KinectEntity)entity; if (this.state == null) { this.state = new kinect.KinectState { DepthImageFormat = DepthImageFormat.Resolution320x240Fps30, FrameRate = MaxFramesPerSec, IsDepthServiceUpdateEnabled = true, IsWebCamServiceUpdateEnabled = true, UseColor = true, UseDepth = true, UseSkeletalTracking = false, ColorImageFormat = ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30 }; SaveState(this.state); } this.panTiltState = InitialPanTiltState(); base.Start(); MainPortInterleave.CombineWith( new Interleave( new ExclusiveReceiverGroup( Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator(true, this.pollPort, this.DrainPendingRequests)), new ConcurrentReceiverGroup())); this.kinectOps.Post(new kinect.SetFrameRate(new kinect.SetFrameRateRequest(this.state.FrameRate))); }
/// <summary> /// Convert xml files to binary /// </summary> /// <param name="logFile">File to be converted</param> /// <param name="newLogFile">New file name</param> /// <param name="resultPort">DSS result port</param> /// <returns>ITask enumerator</returns> private IEnumerator <ITask> ConvertXmlLogToBinary(string logFile, string newLogFile, Port <LogFileResult> resultPort) { var envelopes = new List <Envelope>(DefaultInitialEnvelopeCapacity); using (var fs = new FileStream(logFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None, 1)) { if (fs.Length != 0) { using (var newFs = new FileStream(newLogFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 1)) { using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(newFs)) { var reader = XmlReader.Create(fs); while (ReadToNextEnvelopeNode(reader)) { var deserHeader = new Deserialize(reader); SerializerPort.Post(deserHeader); DeserializeResult headerDeserResult = null; yield return(Arbiter.Choice( deserHeader.ResultPort, w3cHeader => headerDeserResult = w3cHeader, failure => LogError(failure))); if (headerDeserResult != null && ReadToNextBodyNode(reader)) { var deserBody = new Deserialize(reader); SerializerPort.Post(deserBody); DeserializeResult bodyDeserResult = null; yield return(Arbiter.Choice( deserBody.ResultPort, bodyContents => bodyDeserResult = bodyContents, failure => LogError(failure))); if (bodyDeserResult != null) { this.SerializeToBinary(headerDeserResult, bodyDeserResult, bw); } } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Service Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { // Alternate Port Operations handlers Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator <led.Get>(true, _alternatePort, AlternateGetHandler)); // Alternate Port Operations handlers Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator <led.SetSingle>(true, _alternatePort, AlternateSetSingleHandler)); // Alternate Port Operations handlers Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator <led.SetVector>(true, _alternatePort, AlternateSetVectorHandler)); led.LEDVector ledvec = new led.LEDVector(); List <led.LEDVector> leds = new List <led.LEDVector>(1); //configure default state if (_alternatestate == null) { ledvec.LEDVec = new List <led.LED>(3); ledvec.LEDVec.Add(new led.LED()); ledvec.LEDVec.Add(new led.LED()); ledvec.LEDVec.Add(new led.LED()); _state = new ScribblerLEDArrayState(); _state.LEDs = leds; _state.LEDs.Add(ledvec); //set hardware identifier equat to array index for (int i = 0; i < _state.LEDs.Count; i++) { _state.LEDs[0].LEDVec[i].HardwareIdentifier = i; } } //configure alternate state if (_alternatestate == null) { _alternatestate = new led.LedarrayState(); _alternatestate.LEDs = leds; } // Listen on the main port for requests and call the appropriate handler. ActivateDsspOperationHandlers(); // Publish the service to the local Node Directory DirectoryInsert(); // display HTTP service Uri LogInfo(LogGroups.Console, "Service uri: "); }
public IEnumerator <ITask> SetMotorPowerHandler(motor.SetMotorPower setMotorPower) { // Requests come too fast, so dump ones that come in too fast. if (RequestPending > 0) { setMotorPower.ResponsePort.Post(new DefaultUpdateResponseType()); yield break; } //flip direction if necessary double revPow = setMotorPower.Body.TargetPower; if (_state.ReversePolarity) { revPow *= -1.0; } //update state _state.CurrentPower = revPow; //convert to native units revPow *= 100; revPow += 100; int power = (int)Math.Round(revPow); //send hardware specific motor data brick.SetMotorBody motordata = new brick.SetMotorBody(); motordata.Motor = _state.Name; motordata.Speed = power; RequestPending++; Activate(Arbiter.Choice(_scribblerPort.SetMotor(motordata), delegate(DefaultUpdateResponseType status) { setMotorPower.ResponsePort.Post(DefaultUpdateResponseType.Instance); RequestPending--; }, delegate(soap.Fault failure) { setMotorPower.ResponsePort.Post(failure); RequestPending--; } )); yield break; }
IEnumerator <ITask> OnConnectMotorHandler(OnConnectMotor onConnectMotor) { if (onConnectMotor.DriveControl == _driveControl) { drive.EnableDriveRequest request = new drive.EnableDriveRequest(false); if (_drivePort != null) { yield return(Arbiter.Choice( _drivePort.EnableDrive(request), delegate(DefaultUpdateResponseType response) { }, delegate(Fault f) { LogError(f); } )); if (_motorShutdown != null) { PerformShutdown(ref _motorShutdown); } } _drivePort = ServiceForwarder <drive.DriveOperations>(onConnectMotor.Service); _motorShutdown = new Port <Shutdown>(); drive.ReliableSubscribe subscribe = new drive.ReliableSubscribe( new ReliableSubscribeRequestType(10) ); subscribe.NotificationPort = _driveNotify; subscribe.NotificationShutdownPort = _motorShutdown; _drivePort.Post(subscribe); yield return(Arbiter.Choice( subscribe.ResponsePort, delegate(SubscribeResponseType response) { LogInfo("Subscribed to " + onConnectMotor.Service); }, delegate(Fault fault) { _motorShutdown = null; LogError(fault); } )); } }
public virtual IEnumerator <ITask> AlertHandler(Alert alert) { SuccessFailurePort result = new SuccessFailurePort(); AlertForm form = null; RunForm runForm = new RunForm( delegate() { form = new AlertForm(result); form.Message = alert.Body.Message; form.Countdown = _defaultTimeout; return(form); } ); WinFormsServicePort.Post(runForm); yield return(Arbiter.Choice( runForm.pResult, delegate(SuccessResult success){}, delegate(Exception e) { result.Post(e); } )); yield return(Arbiter.Choice( result, delegate(SuccessResult success) { alert.ResponsePort.Post(DefaultSubmitResponseType.Instance); if (form.Timeout) { LogWarning("Alert dialog timed out."); } }, delegate(Exception e) { Fault fault = Fault.FromException(e); LogError(null, "Error in Alert Handler", fault); alert.ResponsePort.Post(fault); } )); }
//Метод, осуществляющий запуск параллельного алгоритма сортировки слиянием. //Результат - время подготовки необходимого для запуска асинхронных //вычислений и разбиения задачи на подзадачи. public long workAsync() { Stopwatch watcher = new Stopwatch(); // вычисление полного времени вычислений watcher.Start(); InputData[] ClArr = new InputData[processCount]; // Создал хранилище начальных данных для подзадач for (int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) { ClArr[i] = new InputData(); } int step = (Int32)(itemCount / processCount); // Размер данных int c = -1; for (int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) // Заполнил хранилище исходными данными { ClArr[i].start = c + 1; ClArr[i].stop = c + step; c += step; } // Создадим диспетчер задач Dispatcher d = new Dispatcher(processCount, "Test Pool"); DispatcherQueue dq = new DispatcherQueue("Test Queue", d); // Определим экземпляр порта Port <int> port = new Port <int>(); // Заполняем диспетчер задачами for (int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) { Arbiter.Activate(dq, new Task <InputData, Port <int> >(ClArr[i], port, sort)); } // Зададим задачу, которая будет выполнена после выполнения всех остальных задач Arbiter.Activate(dq, Arbiter.MultipleItemReceive(true, port, processCount, delegate(int[] array) { // Проведем окончательно слияние 2 отсортированных подмасива MainMerge(raw, 0, (itemCount - 1) / 2 + 1, itemCount - 1); watcher.Stop(); // Выведем сообщение об времени выполнения алгоритма Console.WriteLine("Общее время выполнения: " + watcher.ElapsedMilliseconds); } )); return(watcher.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
//private IEnumerator<ITask> ConfigureSensorHandler(ConfigureSensor command) //{ // if (command.Body == null) // { // command.ResponsePort.Post(new Fault()); // yield break; // } // if (command.Body.Sensor == null || command.Body.Configuration == null) // { // command.ResponsePort.Post(new Fault()); // yield break; // } // switch (command.Body.Sensor.ToUpper()) // { // case "LEFT": // _state.LightLeftConfig = command.Body.Configuration; // break; // case "CENTER": // _state.LightCenterConfig = command.Body.Configuration; // break; // case "RIGHT": // _state.LightRightConfig = command.Body.Configuration; // break; // } // command.ResponsePort.Post(DefaultUpdateResponseType.Instance); // yield break; //} /// <summary> /// Send a command to the Scribbler and wait for a response. /// </summary> /// <param name="ready"></param> /// <param name="legoCommand"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator <ITask> SendScribblerCommandHandler(SendScribblerCommand command) { // Send command to robot and wait for echo and response ScribblerResponse validResponse = _scribblerCom.SendCommand(command.Body); if (validResponse == null) { LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Send Scribbler Command null response"); command.ResponsePort.Post(new Fault()); } //else if (validResponse.GetType() == typeof(LegoResponseException)) //{ // // Pull exception text from response // string errorMessage = "LEGO command: " + command.Body.LegoCommandCode.ToString() + " response generated an error: " + ((LegoResponseException)validResponse).ErrorMessage; // command.ResponsePort.Post(new SoapFaultContext(new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage)).SoapFault); //} else { // Check to see if we need to update state // based on the response received from LEGO. // PortSet<DefaultUpdateResponseType, Fault> responsePort = UpdateCurrentState(validResponse); // if (responsePort != null) // { // yield return Arbiter.Choice(responsePort, // delegate(DefaultUpdateResponseType response) { }, // delegate(Fault fault) // { // LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Failed to update LEGO NXT service state", fault); // }); // } // PostCommandProcessing(validResponse); //reset timer PollTimer.Enabled = false; PollTimer.Enabled = true; //Update our state with the scribbler's response UpdateState(validResponse); command.ResponsePort.Post(validResponse); } // Ready to process another command Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator <SendScribblerCommand>(false, _scribblerComPort, SendScribblerCommandHandler)); yield break; }
protected override void Start() { if (_state == null) { _state = new ColorSegmentState(); } else { for (int set = 0; set < _state.Colors.Count; set++) { ColorSet colorSet = _state.Colors[set]; for (int index = 0; index < colorSet.Colors.Count; index++) { ColorDefinition color = colorSet.Colors[index]; if (!color.Validate()) { colorSet.Colors.RemoveAt(index); index--; } } if (colorSet.Colors.Count == 0) { _state.Colors.RemoveAt(set); set--; } } _state.UpdateColorSetMap(); _state.ImageSource = null; _state.Processing = false; _state.FrameCount = 0; _state.DroppedFrames = 0; _state.FoundColorAreas = null; } _utilitiesPort = DsspHttpUtilitiesService.Create(Environment); _fwdPort = ServiceForwarder <ColorSegmentOperations>(ServiceInfo.Service); base.Start(); Activate <ITask>( Arbiter.Receive <webcam.UpdateFrame>(true, _webcamNotify, OnWebcamUpdateFrame) ); _webcamPort.Subscribe(_webcamNotify, typeof(webcam.UpdateFrame)); }
private void UpdateContacts() { foreach (Arbiter arbiter in arbiterMap.Arbiters) { UpdateArbiterContacts(arbiter); } while (removedArbiterStack.Count > 0) { Arbiter arbiter = removedArbiterStack.Pop(); Arbiter.Pool.GiveBack(arbiter); arbiterMap.Remove(arbiter); removedArbiterQueue.Enqueue(arbiter); events.RaiseBodiesEndCollide(arbiter.body1, arbiter.body2); } }
/// <summary> /// Called the first time the simulation engine tells us about our entity. Activate /// the other handlers and insert ourselves into the service directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="ins"></param> void InsertEntityNotificationHandlerFirstTime(simengine.InsertSimulationEntity ins) { InsertEntityNotificationHandler(ins); base.Start(); MainPortInterleave.CombineWith( new Interleave( new TeardownReceiverGroup(), new ExclusiveReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive <simengine.InsertSimulationEntity>(true, _notificationTarget, InsertEntityNotificationHandler), Arbiter.Receive <simengine.DeleteSimulationEntity>(true, _notificationTarget, DeleteEntityNotificationHandler) ), new ConcurrentReceiverGroup() ) ); }
public Testbench() { _clkgen = new Clock(ClockCycle) { Clk = _clk }; _arbiter = new Arbiter(NumMasters) { Clk = _clk, Request = _request, Grant = _grant }; _masters = new ComponentCollection(CreateBusMasters()); }
public void DoBroadPhaseCollision() { RigidBody rigidBodyA; RigidBody rigidBodyB; for (int i = 0; i < _rigidBodyList.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < _rigidBodyList.Count; j++) { rigidBodyA = _rigidBodyList[i]; rigidBodyB = _rigidBodyList[j]; //possible early exit if((rigidBodyA.CollisionGroup == rigidBodyB.CollisionGroup) && rigidBodyA.CollisionGroup !=0 && rigidBodyB.CollisionGroup !=0){ continue; } if (rigidBodyA.IsStatic && rigidBodyB.IsStatic) { //don't collide two static bodies continue; } if (AABB.Intersect(rigidBodyA.Geometry.AABB, rigidBodyB.Geometry.AABB)) { if (rigidBodyA._collisionListner != null) { rigidBodyA._collisionListner.objectCollisionOccured(rigidBodyB, rigidBodyA._actionCommand); } if (rigidBodyB._collisionListner != null) { rigidBodyB._collisionListner.objectCollisionOccured(rigidBodyA, rigidBodyB._actionCommand); } Arbiter arbiter = new Arbiter(rigidBodyA, rigidBodyB, _allowedPenetration, _biasFactor, _maxContactsPerRigidBodyPair); if (!_arbiterList.Contains(arbiter)) { _arbiterList.Add(arbiter); } } } } }
protected internal override bool TryGetIntersection(TimeStep step, Body first, Body second, out IContact contact) { long id = PairID.GetId(first.ID, second.ID); Arbiter arbiter; if (arbiters.TryGetValue(id, out arbiter)) { arbiter.Update(step); /* if (!arbiter.Collided) { arbiter.OnRemoved(); arbiters.Remove(id); }*/ } else { arbiter = new Arbiter(this, first, second); arbiter.Update(step); //if (arbiter.Collided) //{ arbiters.Add(id, arbiter); //} } contact = arbiter; return arbiter.Collided; }
protected internal override bool HandleCollision(Scalar dt, Body first, Body second) { Body entity1 = first; Body entity2 = second; long id = PairID.GetId(entity1.ID, entity2.ID); Arbiter arbiter; if (arbiters.TryGetValue(id, out arbiter)) { arbiter.Update(); if (arbiter.Count == 0) { arbiters.Remove(id); } } else { arbiter = new Arbiter(entity1, entity2, biasPreservesMomentum, biasFactor, allowedPenetration); arbiter.Update(); if (!entity1.IgnoresCollisionResponse && !entity2.IgnoresCollisionResponse && arbiter.Count > 0) { arbiters.Add(id, arbiter); } } bool rv = arbiter.Count > 0; if (rv) { ((SITag)first.SolverTag).CollisionCount++; ((SITag)second.SolverTag).CollisionCount++; } return rv; }
private void UpdateArbiterContacts(Arbiter arbiter) { if (arbiter.contactList.Count == 0) { lock (removedArbiterStack) { removedArbiterStack.Push(arbiter); } return; } for (int i = arbiter.contactList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Contact c = arbiter.contactList[i]; c.UpdatePosition(); if (c.penetration < -contactSettings.breakThreshold) { Contact.Pool.GiveBack(c); arbiter.contactList.RemoveAt(i); continue; } else { JVector diff; JVector.Subtract(ref c.p1, ref c.p2, out diff); float distance = JVector.Dot(ref diff, ref c.normal); diff = diff - distance * c.normal; distance = diff.LengthSquared(); // hack (multiplication by factor 100) in the // following line. if (distance > contactSettings.breakThreshold * contactSettings.breakThreshold * 100) { Contact.Pool.GiveBack(c); arbiter.contactList.RemoveAt(i); continue; } } } }
protected internal override void Solve(Scalar dt) { Scalar dtInv = (dt > 0.0f) ? (1.0f / dt) : (0.0f); foreach (Arbiter arb in arbiters.Values) { arb.Updated = false; } Detect(dt); RemoveEmpty(); this.Engine.RunLogic(dt); foreach (Body item in this.Bodies) { item.UpdateVelocity(dt); } int ArbCount = arbiters.Count; Arbiter[] arbs = new Arbiter[ArbCount]; arbiters.Values.CopyTo(arbs, 0); for (int index = 0; index < ArbCount; ++index) { arbs[index].PreApply(dtInv); } foreach (ISequentialImpulsesJoint joint in siJoints) { joint.PreApply(dtInv); } for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { for (int index = 0; index < ArbCount; ++index) { arbs[index].Apply(); } foreach (ISequentialImpulsesJoint joint in siJoints) { joint.Apply(); } } foreach (Body item in this.Bodies) { if (biasPreservesMomentum) { item.UpdatePosition(dt, ref item.State.SolverVelocity); item.State.SolverVelocity = ALVector2D.Zero; } else { item.UpdatePosition(dt); } item.ClearForces(); ((SITag)item.SolverTag).CollisionCount = 0; } }