コード例 #1
 public static void WriteDebPackage(
     List <ArchiveEntry> archiveEntries,
     Stream tarXzStream,
     Stream targetStream,
     DebPackage pkg)
     ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "debian-binary", ArFileMode, pkg.PackageFormatVersion + "\n");
     WriteControl(targetStream, pkg, archiveEntries);
     ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "data.tar.xz", ArFileMode, tarXzStream);
コード例 #2
 public void WriteTest()
     using (Stream original = File.OpenRead("Deb/libplist3_1.12-3.1_amd64.deb"))
         using (Stream expected = File.OpenRead("Deb/libplist3_1.12-3.1_amd64.deb"))
             using (Stream actual = new MemoryStream())
                 using (Stream output = new ValidatingCompositeStream(null, actual, expected))
                     var input = new ArFile(original, true);
                     while (input.Read())
                         var header = (ArHeader)input.FileHeader;
                         var clone  = this.CloneHeader(header);
                         this.AssertCompareClonedHeader(header, clone);
                         using (var data = input.Open())
                             ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(output, clone, data);
コード例 #3
        private static void WriteControl(Stream targetStream, DebPackage pkg, List <ArchiveEntry> entries)
            var controlTar = new MemoryStream();

            WriteControlEntry(controlTar, "./");
                string.Join("\n", pkg.ControlFile
                            .OrderByDescending(x => x.Key == "Package").ThenBy(x => x.Key)
                            .Select(x => $"{x.Key}: {x.Value}")) + "\n");

                string.Join("\n", pkg.Md5Sums.Select(x => $"{x.Value}  {x.Key}")) + "\n");

            var execMode = LinuxFileMode.S_IRUSR | LinuxFileMode.S_IWUSR | LinuxFileMode.S_IXUSR |
                           LinuxFileMode.S_IRGRP | LinuxFileMode.S_IROTH;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.PreInstallScript))
                WriteControlEntry(controlTar, "./preinst", $"#!/bin/sh\n{pkg.PreInstallScript}\n", execMode);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.PostInstallScript))
                WriteControlEntry(controlTar, "./postinst", $"#!/bin/sh\n{pkg.PostInstallScript}\n", execMode);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.PreRemoveScript))
                WriteControlEntry(controlTar, "./prerm", $"#!/bin/sh\n{pkg.PreRemoveScript}\n", execMode);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.PostRemoveScript))
                WriteControlEntry(controlTar, "./postrm", $"#!/bin/sh\n{pkg.PostRemoveScript}\n", execMode);

            var confFiles = entries
                            .Where(e => e.Mode.HasFlag(LinuxFileMode.S_IFREG) && e.TargetPath.StartsWith("/etc/"))
                            .Select(e => e.TargetPath).ToList();

            if (confFiles.Any())
                WriteControlEntry(controlTar, "./conffiles", string.Join("\n", confFiles) + "\n");

            controlTar.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var controlTarGz = new MemoryStream();

            using (var gzStream = new GZipStream(controlTarGz, CompressionMode.Compress, true))

            controlTarGz.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "control.tar.gz", ArFileMode, controlTarGz);
コード例 #4
        public static void BuildDebPackage(
            List <ArchiveEntry> archiveEntries,
            Stream tarXzStream,
            string name,
            string description,
            string maintainer,
            string version,
            string arch,
            bool createUser,
            string userName,
            bool installService,
            string serviceName,
            string prefix,
            string section,
            string priority,
            string homepage,
            IEnumerable <string> additionalDependencies,
            Action <DebPackage> additionalMetadata,
            Stream targetStream)
            var pkg = new DebPackage
                Md5Sums = archiveEntries.Where(e => e.Md5Hash != null)
                    e => e.TargetPath.TrimStart('.', '/'),
                    e => BitConverter.ToString(e.Md5Hash).ToLower().Replace("-", string.Empty)),
                PackageFormatVersion = new Version(2, 0),
                ControlFile          = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["Package"]        = name,
                    ["Version"]        = version,
                    ["Architecture"]   = arch,
                    ["Maintainer"]     = maintainer,
                    ["Description"]    = description,
                    ["Installed-Size"] = (archiveEntries.Sum(e => e.FileSize) / 1024).ToString()

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(section))
                pkg.ControlFile["Section"] = section;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priority))
                pkg.ControlFile["Priority"] = priority;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(homepage))
                pkg.ControlFile["Homepage"] = homepage;

            if (createUser)
                // Add the user and group, under which the service runs.
                // These users are never removed because UIDs are re-used on Linux.
                pkg.PreInstallScript += $"/usr/sbin/groupadd -r {userName} 2>/dev/null || :\n" +
                                        $"/usr/sbin/useradd -g {userName} -s /sbin/nologin -r -d {prefix} {userName} 2>/dev/null || :\n";

            if (installService)
                // Install and activate the service.
                pkg.PostInstallScript += $"systemctl reload";
                pkg.PostInstallScript += $"systemctl enable --now {serviceName}.service";
                pkg.PreRemoveScript   += $"systemctl --no-reload disable --now {serviceName}.service";

            // Remove all directories marked as such (these are usually directories which contain temporary files)
            foreach (var entryToRemove in archiveEntries.Where(e => e.RemoveOnUninstall))
                pkg.PostRemoveScript += $"/usr/bin/rm -rf {entryToRemove.TargetPath}\n";

            pkg.ControlFile["Depends"] = string.Join(",", additionalDependencies);


            ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "debian-binary", ArFileMode, pkg.PackageFormatVersion + "\n");
            WriteControl(targetStream, pkg, archiveEntries);
            ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "data.tar.xz", ArFileMode, tarXzStream);
コード例 #5
        public static void BuildDebPackage(
            List <ArchiveEntry> archiveEntries,
            Stream tarXzStream,
            string name,
            string description,
            string maintainer,
            string version,
            string arch,
            bool createUser,
            string userName,
            bool installService,
            string serviceName,
            string prefix,
            IEnumerable <PackageDependency> additionalDependencies,
            Action <DebPackage> additionalMetadata,
            Stream targetStream)
            var pkg = new DebPackage
                Md5Sums = archiveEntries.Where(e => e.Md5Hash != null)
                    e => e.TargetPath.TrimStart('.', '/'),
                    e => BitConverter.ToString(e.Md5Hash).ToLower().Replace("-", string.Empty)),
                PackageFormatVersion = new Version(2, 0),
                ControlFile          = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["Package"]      = name,
                    ["Version"]      = version,
                    ["Architecture"] = arch,
                    ["Maintainer"]   = maintainer,
                    ["Description"]  = description

            if (createUser)
                // Add the user and group, under which the service runs.
                // These users are never removed because UIDs are re-used on Linux.
                pkg.PreInstallScript += $"/usr/sbin/groupadd -r {userName} 2>/dev/null || :\n" +
                                        $"/usr/sbin/useradd -g {userName} -s /sbin/nologin -r -d {prefix} {userName} 2>/dev/null || :\n";

            if (installService)
                // Install and activate the service.
                pkg.PostInstallScript += $"systemctl reload";
                pkg.PostInstallScript += $"systemctl enable --now {serviceName}.service";
                pkg.PreRemoveScript   += $"systemctl --no-reload disable --now {serviceName}.service";

            // Remove all directories marked as such (these are usually directories which contain temporary files)
            foreach (var entryToRemove in archiveEntries.Where(e => e.RemoveOnUninstall))
                pkg.PostRemoveScript += $"/usr/bin/rm -rf {entryToRemove.TargetPath}\n";

            // Dependency list from https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet-docker/blob/master/2.0/runtime-deps/jessie/amd64/Dockerfile
            string libicu = string.Join(" | ", Enumerable.Range(40, 60).Select(n => "libicu" + n));
            string deps   = "libc6, libcurl3, libgcc1, libgssapi-krb5-2, liblttng-ust0, libssl1.0.0, libstdc++6, libunwind8, libuuid1, zlib1g, " +

            if (additionalDependencies != null)
                foreach (var dependency in additionalDependencies)
                    deps += ", " + dependency;

            pkg.ControlFile["Depends"] = deps;


            ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "debian-binary", ArFileMode, pkg.PackageFormatVersion + "\n");
            WriteControl(targetStream, pkg, archiveEntries);
            ArFileCreator.WriteEntry(targetStream, "data.tar.xz", ArFileMode, tarXzStream);