コード例 #1
        public string ClearSuspendedDuesofCustomer(int SubCustId)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                DateTime?subExclusionDate   = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                var      totalpaidcustomer  = db.usp_GetTotalPaidofCustomer(SubCustId).FirstOrDefault();//.Select (x => new { x.CustId, x.TotPaid, x.LastPaid });
                decimal  _totpaid           = (totalpaidcustomer == null ? 0 : (totalpaidcustomer.TotPaid ?? 0));
                var      totalduesfromstart = db.usp_GetSubDuesofCustomer(SubCustId).ToList().Select(x => new { x.CustId, x.SubscriptionDueDate, x.Debit, x.AllDueBefore }).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < totalduesfromstart.Count(); i++)
                    if (_totpaid <= totalduesfromstart[i].AllDueBefore)
                        subExclusionDate = totalduesfromstart[i].SubscriptionDueDate;
                        //string t= "Update  SubscriptionExcludingDates SET SubDisableStartDate = '" + subExclusionDate + "' where CustId = " + SubCustId+ " and SubDisableEndDate = '"+new DateTime(2015,12,31).Date.Date+"'";
                        db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update  SubscriptionExcludingDates SET SubDisableStartDate = '" + subExclusionDate + "' where CustId=" + SubCustId + " and SubDisableEndDate= '2050 - 12 - 31 00:00:00.000'");

                Func <DateTime, string> act = new Func <DateTime, string>(BL_SubscriptionManagement.ValidateDueDates);
                act.BeginInvoke(DateTime.Now, null, null);

                //var lst_totalpaid = (from GL in db.Acc_GL
                //                     join C in db.Customers on GL.CustId equals C.Id
                //                     join S in db.Subscriptions on C.Id equals S.CustId
                //                     where GL.IsActive == true && C.IsActive == true && S.IsActive == true
                //                     select new
                //                     {
                //                         tranid = GL.TranId,
                //                         credit = GL.Credit,
                //                         subDueDate = GL.SubscriptionDueDate,
                //                         debit = GL.Debit,
                //                     }
                //                ).ToList();
                //decimal totalpaid = lst_totalpaid.Sum(x => x.credit).Value;
                //db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update  SubscriptionExcludingDates SET SubDisableStartDate = '" + BL_Common.GetDatetime() + "' where CustId=" + SubCustId);
                //  db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update  Subscription SET StartDate = '" + BL_Common.GetDatetime() + "' where Id=" + SubCustId);

            //var lst_sed = db_aa.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Where(x => x.CustId == SubCustId).ToList();
            //if (lst_sed != null && lst_sed.Count > 0)
            //    List<BO_SubscriptionExcludingDates> ll = new List<BO_SubscriptionExcludingDates>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < lst_sed.Count; i++)
            //    {

            //        BO_SubscriptionExcludingDates _Sed = new BO_SubscriptionExcludingDates();
            //        //_Sed.subDisableStartDate = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
            //        //_Sed.sedisActive = true;

            //        db_aa.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Add(_Sed);
            //        db_aa.SaveChanges();
            //    }
            //    db_aa.SaveChanges();

