public async Task Add(ApplicationUser user) { _dbContext.Add(user); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void AddVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) { _context.Add(vehicle); }
public ApplicationDbContextFixtureServiceRequisitions() { var connection = new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:"); connection.Open(); var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>().UseSqlite(connection).Options; DbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); DbContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); CreateRoles_Users(); //Creates and adds a Category to the context CleaningCategory = new ServiceCategory() { CategoryID = 1, Name = "Limpeza", IsSubcategory = false }; DbContext.Add(CleaningCategory); DbContext.SaveChanges(); //Creates and adds a Service to the context CleaningService = new Service() { ServiceID = 1, UserID = Prestador.Id, ServiceCategoryID = 1, ServiceName = "Faço limpezas ao domicilio", Description = "Faço limpezas ao domicilio durante a semana de manha" }; DbContext.Add(CleaningService); DbContext.SaveChanges(); //Creates and Adds service requisitions to the context PendingServiceRequisition = new ServiceRequisition() { ServiceRequisitionID = 1, RequisitionerID = Cliente.Id, ServiceID = CleaningService.ServiceID, ServiceRequisitionStatus = ServiceRequisitionStatus.Pending, AdditionalRequestInfo = "Limpeza de Prédio - 2x por semana", CreationDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedBy = Cliente.UserName, Service = CleaningService, Requisitioner = Cliente }; AcceptedServiceRequisition = new ServiceRequisition() { ServiceRequisitionID = 2, RequisitionerID = Cliente.Id, ServiceID = CleaningService.ServiceID, ServiceRequisitionStatus = ServiceRequisitionStatus.Accepted, AdditionalRequestInfo = "Limpeza de Prédio - 2x por semana", CreationDate = PendingServiceRequisition.CreationDate, LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedBy = Prestador.UserName, Service = CleaningService, Requisitioner = Cliente }; ConcludedServiceRequisition = new ServiceRequisition() { ServiceRequisitionID = 3, RequisitionerID = Cliente.Id, ServiceID = CleaningService.ServiceID, ServiceRequisitionStatus = ServiceRequisitionStatus.Concluded, AdditionalRequestInfo = "Limpeza de Prédio - 2x por semana", CreationDate = PendingServiceRequisition.CreationDate, LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedBy = Prestador.UserName, Service = CleaningService, Requisitioner = Cliente }; CancelledServiceRequisition = new ServiceRequisition() { ServiceRequisitionID = 4, RequisitionerID = Cliente.Id, ServiceID = CleaningService.ServiceID, ServiceRequisitionStatus = ServiceRequisitionStatus.Cancelled, AdditionalRequestInfo = "Limpeza de Prédio - 2x por semana", CreationDate = PendingServiceRequisition.CreationDate, LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedBy = Prestador.UserName, Service = CleaningService, Requisitioner = Cliente }; RejectedServiceRequisition = new ServiceRequisition() { ServiceRequisitionID = 5, RequisitionerID = Cliente.Id, ServiceID = CleaningService.ServiceID, ServiceRequisitionStatus = ServiceRequisitionStatus.Rejected, AdditionalRequestInfo = "Limpeza de Prédio - 2x por semana", CreationDate = PendingServiceRequisition.CreationDate, LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedBy = Prestador.UserName, Service = CleaningService, Requisitioner = Cliente }; AcceptedServiceRequisition2 = new ServiceRequisition() { ServiceRequisitionID = 6, RequisitionerID = Cliente.Id, ServiceID = CleaningService.ServiceID, ServiceRequisitionStatus = ServiceRequisitionStatus.Accepted, AdditionalRequestInfo = "Limpeza de Prédio - 2x por semana", CreationDate = PendingServiceRequisition.CreationDate, LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, LastUpdatedBy = Prestador.UserName, ConclusionDate = DateTime.Now, Service = CleaningService, Requisitioner = Cliente }; DbContext.Add(PendingServiceRequisition); DbContext.Add(AcceptedServiceRequisition); DbContext.Add(CancelledServiceRequisition); DbContext.Add(ConcludedServiceRequisition); DbContext.Add(RejectedServiceRequisition); DbContext.Add(AcceptedServiceRequisition2); DbContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void AddSubscription(Subscription subscription) { _context.Add(subscription); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(Book book) { _context.Add(book); _context.SaveChanges(); }
private void CreateProductsSamples(ApplicationDbContext context) { if (context.Products.Any()) return; Product pain = new Product(); pain.Name = "Pain complet"; pain.Description = "Pain farine complete T80"; pain.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); pain.PicturesSerialized= Path.Combine(Configurations.ProductsStockagePath, "pain.png"); pain.Price = 15.5F; pain.UnitPrice = 4; pain.Producer = context.Producers.First(); pain.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; pain.RemainingStock = 10; pain.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; pain.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; pain.WeekStock = 10; pain.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Pains"); context.Add(pain); Product tomate = new Product(); tomate.Name = "Tomates grappe"; tomate.Description = "Avec ces tomates, c'est nous qui rougissons même si elles ne sont pas toutes nues!"; tomate.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); tomate.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine(Configurations.ProductsStockagePath, "tomate.jpg"); tomate.Price = 3; tomate.UnitPrice = 1.5F; tomate.QuantityStep = 500; tomate.Producer = context.Producers.First(); tomate.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; tomate.RemainingStock = 10; tomate.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); tomate.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; tomate.Type = Product.SellType.Weigh; tomate.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(tomate); Product pommedeterre = new Product(); pommedeterre.Name = "Pomme de terre"; pommedeterre.Description = "Pataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates!!"; pommedeterre.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); pommedeterre.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine(Configurations.ProductsStockagePath, "pommedeterre.jpg"); pommedeterre.Price = 1.99F; pommedeterre.UnitPrice = 1.99F; pommedeterre.QuantityStep = 1000; pommedeterre.Producer = context.Producers.First(); pommedeterre.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; pommedeterre.RemainingStock = 10; pommedeterre.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); pommedeterre.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; pommedeterre.Type = Product.SellType.Weigh; pommedeterre.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(pommedeterre); Product radis = new Product(); radis.Name = "Radis"; radis.Description = "Des supers radis (pour ceux qui aiment)"; radis.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); radis.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine(Configurations.ProductsStockagePath, "radis.jpg"); radis.Price = 0; radis.UnitPrice = 4; radis.Producer = context.Producers.First(); radis.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; radis.RemainingStock = 10; radis.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); radis.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; radis.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; radis.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(radis); Product salade = new Product(); salade.Name = "Salade"; salade.Description = "Une bonne salade pour aller avec les bonnes tomates!"; salade.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); salade.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine(Configurations.ProductsStockagePath, "salade.jpg"); salade.UnitPrice = 0.80F; salade.Price = 0; salade.Producer = context.Producers.First(); salade.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; salade.RemainingStock = 10; salade.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); salade.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; salade.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; salade.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(salade); // context.SaveChanges(); }
public static void PerformActions(ApplicationDbContext db, ClientActionModel model, DataCache data) { var actionCounter = new Dictionary<string, int>(); actionCounter[Constants.Constants.ActionTypeResearch] = 0; string currentObjectName = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Actions)) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "You made no actions the previous turn."); return; } var actions = model.Actions.Split('|'); foreach (var actionType in actions) { var currentActionDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var actionItems = actionType.Split(';'); foreach (var a in actionItems) { var parameters = a.Split('='); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[0])) continue; currentActionDict[parameters[0]] = parameters[1]; } //Handle action types--- if (currentActionDict.ContainsKey(Constants.Constants.ActionType)) { if (currentActionDict[Constants.Constants.ActionType] == Constants.Constants.ActionTypeResearch) actionCounter[Constants.Constants.ActionTypeResearch]++; } //Handle actions--- if (currentActionDict.ContainsKey(Constants.Constants.Action)) { var specifierSplit = currentActionDict[Constants.Constants.Action].Split(':'); currentObjectName = specifierSplit[1]; //#LearnResearch if (specifierSplit[0] == Constants.Constants.LearnResearch) { var researchNode = db.ResearchNodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == currentObjectName); if (currentActionDict[Constants.Constants.ActionParameter] == Constants.Constants.LearnByCash) //Research is bought with cash { var node = data.ResearchNodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == currentObjectName); if (node == null) LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "ERROR: Attempting to add node " + currentObjectName + " that does not exist."); else { if (node.CashCost > data.Corporation.Cash) LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Error: Not enough cash to purchase research node " + currentObjectName); else { data.Corporation.Cash -= node.CashCost; var lrn = new LearnedResearchNode { Corporation = data.Corporation, ResearchNode = researchNode }; db.Add(lrn); LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Research " + currentObjectName + " purchased."); } } } else if (currentActionDict[Constants.Constants.ActionParameter] == Constants.Constants.SetActiveResearch) //Research is set to active { data.ActiveResearchNodes.ForEach(n => n.Active = false); var active = data.ActiveResearchNodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.ResearchNode.Name == currentObjectName); if (active != null) //If not null, we have already started researching it, so set to false { active.Active = true; var toRemove = data.ActiveResearchNodes.Where(n => n.Id != active.Id); db.Remove(toRemove); } else { active = new ActiveResearchNode(); active.ResearchNode = researchNode; active.Corporation = data.Corporation; active.Active = true; db.Add(active); } LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Set " + currentObjectName + " to active research. "); } var validated = data.LearnableResearchNodeNames.Contains(currentObjectName); if (!validated) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Error: Already learned node " + currentObjectName); } } //#CancelActiveResearch else if (specifierSplit[0] == Constants.Constants.CancelActiveResearch) { if (!data.ActiveResearchNodesSchemaNodes.Select(n => n.Name).Contains(specifierSplit[1])) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Cannot cancel research for " + specifierSplit[1] + ". It is not currently being researched."); continue; } var nodeToCancel = db.ActiveResearchNodes.FirstOrDefault( n => n.Corporation.Id == data.Corporation.Id && n.ResearchNode.Name == specifierSplit[1]); if (nodeToCancel == null) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, specifierSplit[1] + " is not a valid research node name."); continue; } db.Remove(nodeToCancel); LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Canceled research for " + specifierSplit[1] + "."); } //#HirePerson else if (specifierSplit[0] == Constants.Constants.HirePerson) { var alreadyHired = CorporationPerson.GetPeopleByHiredStatus(true, data.CorporationPersons).ToList(); var entity = data.CorporationPersons.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.Person.Name == currentObjectName); if (entity == null) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Cannot find entity with name: " + currentObjectName + "!"); continue; } if (alreadyHired.Select(h => h.Person.Name).Contains(currentObjectName)) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Already hired " + currentObjectName + "! Action could not be completed."); continue; } if ((data.Corporation.Cash + entity.Person.SigningBonus) < entity.Person.TurnSalary) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Not enough funds to hire " + entity.Person.Name + "!"); continue; } entity.Hired = true; data.Corporation.Cash -= entity.Person.SigningBonus; data.Corporation.PublicInterest += entity.Person.Celebrity ? Constants.Constants.CelebrityBonus : 0; data.Corporation.Reputation += entity.Person.Celebrity ? Constants.Constants.CelebrityBonus : 0; data.Corporation.RD += entity.Person.Intelligence; data.Corporation.Readiness += entity.Person.Experience; data.Corporation.BusinessMultiplier += (double)entity.Person.Business / 100; LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Hired " + currentObjectName + " as " + entity.Person.Position + " for $" + entity.Person.TurnSalary + " salary and a signing bonus of $" + entity.Person.SigningBonus + "."); } //#FirePerson else if (specifierSplit[0] == Constants.Constants.FirePerson) { var alreadyHired = CorporationPerson.GetPeopleByHiredStatus(true, data.CorporationPersons).ToList(); var entity = data.CorporationPersons.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.Person.Name == currentObjectName); if (entity == null) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Cannot find entity with name: " + currentObjectName + "!"); continue; } if (!alreadyHired.Select(h => h.Person.Name).Contains(currentObjectName)) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Cannot fire " + currentObjectName + " because they are not hired!"); continue; } entity.Hired = false; data.Corporation.Cash -= entity.Person.SeverancePayout; data.Corporation.PublicInterest -= entity.Person.Celebrity ? Constants.Constants.CelebrityBonus : 0; data.Corporation.Reputation -= entity.Person.Celebrity ? Constants.Constants.CelebrityBonus : 0; data.Corporation.RD -= entity.Person.Intelligence; data.Corporation.Readiness -= entity.Person.Experience; data.Corporation.BusinessMultiplier -= (double)entity.Person.Business / 100; LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Fired " + currentObjectName + ", saving $" + entity.Person.TurnSalary + " per turn, with a severance payout of $" + entity.Person.SeverancePayout + "."); } if (specifierSplit[0] == Constants.Constants.StartContract) { var contractName = specifierSplit[1]; var contract = data.CorporationContracts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contract.Name == contractName); if (contract == null || contract.Accepted || !contract.Active || contract.Complete) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Unable to begin contract " + contractName + "."); continue; } LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Accepted contract " + contractName + "."); contract.Accepted = true; contract.Active = true; contract.Complete = false; contract.NodeNumber = 1; } if (specifierSplit[0] == Constants.Constants.AdvanceContract) { var contractName = specifierSplit[1]; var corpContract = data.CorporationContracts.FirstOrDefault(cc => cc.Contract.Name == contractName); var memContract = data.ContractsInMemory.FirstOrDefault(mc => mc.Name == contractName); if (corpContract == null || memContract == null || !corpContract.Active || !corpContract.Accepted || corpContract.Complete) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Cannot advance contract " + contractName + "."); continue; } var node = memContract.ContractNodes.FirstOrDefault(cn => cn.NodeNumber == corpContract.NodeNumber); if (node == null) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Invalid contract node identifier. Cannot advance contract state for " + contractName + "."); continue; } var param = currentActionDict[Constants.Constants.ActionParameter]; var option = node.ContractOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OptionCommand == param); if (option == null) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Invalid contract option parameter. Cannot advance contract " + contractName + "."); continue; } if (option.NextNode == Constants.Constants.Complete) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Completed contract " + contractName + "."); corpContract.Complete = true; corpContract.Active = false; continue; } else if (option.NextNode == Constants.Constants.Fail) { LogService.Log(db, data.Corporation, "Failed contract " + contractName + "."); corpContract.Complete = false; corpContract.Active = false; continue; } else { //The quest isn't being completed or failed at this point, //so change the current contract node to the advanced state. corpContract.NodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32(option.NextNode); } } } } db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(Category category) { _context.Add(category); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task Create(GPSIDEquipment gpsidEquipment) { _context.Add(gpsidEquipment); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task CreateGameUserAsync(GameUserModel gameUserModel) { db.Add(gameUserModel); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(Register model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.BrainTreePayment.Nonce)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "incomplete payment information provided"); } else { try { // get model state errors var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors); // if paying with a credit card the fields for credit card number/cvs/month/year will be invalid because we do not send them to the server // so count the errors on the field validation that do not start with 'card ' (comes from the property attributes in the model class Apply.cs) // TODO validate if this is still needed - all card validation has been removed b/c client side validation requires 'name' properties // which have been removed for PCI compliance. var errorCount = errors.Count(m => !m.ErrorMessage.StartsWith("card ")); var result = new ServiceResult(); if (errorCount == 0) { #region Process Payment var paymentMethod = (PaymentTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(PaymentTypeEnum), model.BrainTreePayment.PaymentMethod); var phone = model.Attendee1PhoneNumber; var paymentResult = new ServiceResult(); var paymentRequestResult = new ServiceResult(); if (paymentMethod == PaymentTypeEnum.Paypal) { paymentResult = _paymentService.SendPayment(model.TotalAmountDue, model.BrainTreePayment.Nonce, true, paymentMethod, model.BrainTreePayment.DeviceData, "golf reg fee", model.CustomerNotes, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeFirstName, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeLastName, phone, model.Attendee1EmailAddress); } else { var stateCode = _context.States.First(p => p.Id == model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeAddressStateId).Code; paymentRequestResult = _paymentService.SendPayment(model.TotalAmountDue, model.BrainTreePayment.Nonce, true, paymentMethod, model.BrainTreePayment.DeviceData, "golf reg fee", model.CustomerNotes, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeFirstName, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeLastName, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeAddressStreet1, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeAddressStreet2, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeAddressCity, stateCode, model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeAddressPostalCode, "US", phone, model.Attendee1EmailAddress); } if (!paymentRequestResult.IsSuccess) { // TODO: handle failure to pay result.IsSuccess = false; result.Messages.Add("Payment Failure - see below for details: "); result.Messages.AddRange(paymentRequestResult.Messages); _logger.LogError("Golf Registration Fee Payment Failed {@GolfRegFeePaymentErrors}", result.Messages); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to process your payment. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator."); foreach (var error in paymentRequestResult.Messages) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error); } RedirectToAction("Register"); } // payment is a success. capture the transaction id from braintree model.BrainTreePayment.BraintreeTransactionId = paymentRequestResult.NewKey; #endregion #region Database var eventId = new Guid(_systemServices.GetSetting("GolfTournamentId").Value); var registrationId = Guid.NewGuid(); var numberOfTickets = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee1FirstName)) { numberOfTickets += 1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee2FirstName)) { numberOfTickets += 1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee3FirstName)) { numberOfTickets += 1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee4FirstName)) { numberOfTickets += 1; } #region Copy ViewModel to database Model var dbRegistration = new Models.EventRegistration { Id = registrationId, EventId = eventId, AmountPaid = model.TotalAmountDue, CommentsFromRegistrant = model.CustomerNotes, HasPaid = true, SubmittedTimestamp = DateTime.Now, NumberTicketsBought = numberOfTickets }; dbRegistration.EventRegistrationPersons = new List <Models.EventRegistrationPerson>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee1FirstName)) { dbRegistration.EventRegistrationPersons.Add(new Models.EventRegistrationPerson { Id = 1, Address1 = model.Attendee1AddressStreet1, Address2 = model.Attendee1AddressStreet2, AmountPaid = model.Attendee1TicketPrice, City = model.Attendee1AddressCity, EmailAddress = model.Attendee1EmailAddress, EventRegistrationId = registrationId, EventRegistrationPersonTypeId = int.Parse(model.Attendee1Type), FirstName = model.Attendee1FirstName, LastName = model.Attendee1LastName, IsPrimaryPerson = true, FullName = model.Attendee1FullName, StatesId = model.Attendee1AddressStateId, PhoneNumber = model.Attendee1PhoneNumber, ZipCode = model.Attendee1AddressPostalCode }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee2FirstName)) { dbRegistration.EventRegistrationPersons.Add(new Models.EventRegistrationPerson { Id = 2, Address1 = model.Attendee2AddressStreet1, Address2 = model.Attendee2AddressStreet2, AmountPaid = model.Attendee2TicketPrice, City = model.Attendee2AddressCity, EmailAddress = model.Attendee2EmailAddress, EventRegistrationId = registrationId, EventRegistrationPersonTypeId = int.Parse(model.Attendee2Type), FirstName = model.Attendee2FirstName, LastName = model.Attendee2LastName, IsPrimaryPerson = false, FullName = model.Attendee2FullName, StatesId = model.Attendee2AddressStateId, PhoneNumber = model.Attendee2PhoneNumber, ZipCode = model.Attendee2AddressPostalCode }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee3FirstName)) { dbRegistration.EventRegistrationPersons.Add(new Models.EventRegistrationPerson { Id = 3, Address1 = model.Attendee3AddressStreet1, Address2 = model.Attendee3AddressStreet2, AmountPaid = model.Attendee3TicketPrice, City = model.Attendee3AddressCity, EmailAddress = model.Attendee3EmailAddress, EventRegistrationId = registrationId, EventRegistrationPersonTypeId = int.Parse(model.Attendee3Type), FirstName = model.Attendee3FirstName, LastName = model.Attendee3LastName, IsPrimaryPerson = true, FullName = model.Attendee3FullName, StatesId = model.Attendee3AddressStateId, PhoneNumber = model.Attendee3PhoneNumber, ZipCode = model.Attendee3AddressPostalCode }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee4FirstName)) { dbRegistration.EventRegistrationPersons.Add(new Models.EventRegistrationPerson { Id = 4, Address1 = model.Attendee4AddressStreet1, Address2 = model.Attendee4AddressStreet2, AmountPaid = model.Attendee4TicketPrice, City = model.Attendee4AddressCity, EmailAddress = model.Attendee4EmailAddress, EventRegistrationId = registrationId, EventRegistrationPersonTypeId = int.Parse(model.Attendee4Type), FirstName = model.Attendee4FirstName, LastName = model.Attendee4LastName, IsPrimaryPerson = true, FullName = model.Attendee4FullName, StatesId = model.Attendee4AddressStateId, PhoneNumber = model.Attendee4PhoneNumber, ZipCode = model.Attendee4AddressPostalCode }); } #endregion #region Add to Database _context.Add(dbRegistration); #endregion #region Save to Database and check exceptions try { _logger.LogInformation("Saving golf registration to database: {@dbRegistration}", dbRegistration); var numChanges = _context.SaveChanges(); if (numChanges > 0) { result.IsSuccess = true; } } catch (DbUpdateException ex) { _logger.LogError(new EventId(1), ex, "Database Update Exception saving golf registration"); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { _logger.LogError(new EventId(1), ex, "Invalid Operation Exception saving golf registration"); } #endregion #endregion #region Send Emails var groupEmail = _systemServices.GetSetting("Email-Golf").Value; var subject = string.Join(" - ", "[TXHR Web]", "6th Annual Texas Husky Rescue Golf Registration"); var bodyText = @" Thank you for registering for Texas Husky Rescue's 6th Annual Golf Tournament. We are very excited for this year's event and we have no doubt you will have a fabulous time. You will be sent an email closer to the tournament with detailed information. If you have any questions prior to then, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. Thanks again, Texas Husky Rescue Golf Committee 1-877-TX-HUSKY (894-8759) (phone/fax) PO Box 118891, Carrollton, TX 75011 "; // Send email to the primary registrant if (model.Attendee1IsAttending) { var emailAppResult = await _emailService.SendEmailAsync(model.Attendee1EmailAddress, groupEmail, groupEmail, subject, bodyText, "golf-registration"); } if (model.Attendee2IsAttending) { var emailAppResult = await _emailService.SendEmailAsync(model.Attendee2EmailAddress, groupEmail, groupEmail, subject, bodyText, "golf-registration"); } if (model.Attendee3IsAttending) { var emailAppResult = await _emailService.SendEmailAsync(model.Attendee3EmailAddress, groupEmail, groupEmail, subject, bodyText, "golf-registration"); } if (model.Attendee4IsAttending) { var emailAppResult = await _emailService.SendEmailAsync(model.Attendee4EmailAddress, groupEmail, groupEmail, subject, bodyText, "golf-registration"); } bodyText = "Golf registration for " + numberOfTickets + " attendees."; bodyText += Environment.NewLine; bodyText += Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Attendee 1: " + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Name: " + model.Attendee1FullName + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Address: " + model.Attendee1AddressStreet1 + " " + model.Attendee1AddressStreet2 + ", " + model.Attendee1AddressCity + ", " + model.Attendee1AddressPostalCode + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Phone: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee1PhoneNumber) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee1PhoneNumber) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Email: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee1EmailAddress) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee1EmailAddress) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Mailable?: " + model.Attendee1FutureContact + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Attendance Type: " + model.Attendee1Type + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Ticket Price: " + model.Attendee1TicketPrice + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "-------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine; if (model.Attendee2IsAttending) { bodyText += "Attendee 2: " + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Name: " + model.Attendee2FullName + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Address: " + model.Attendee2AddressStreet1 + " " + model.Attendee2AddressStreet2 + ", " + model.Attendee2AddressCity + ", " + model.Attendee2AddressPostalCode + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Phone: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee2PhoneNumber) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee2PhoneNumber) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Email: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee2EmailAddress) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee2EmailAddress) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Mailable?: " + model.Attendee2FutureContact + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Attendance Type: " + model.Attendee2Type + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Ticket Price: " + model.Attendee2TicketPrice + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "-------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine; } if (model.Attendee3IsAttending) { bodyText += "Attendee 3: " + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Name: " + model.Attendee3FullName + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Address: " + model.Attendee3AddressStreet1 + " " + model.Attendee3AddressStreet2 + ", " + model.Attendee3AddressCity + ", " + model.Attendee3AddressPostalCode + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Phone: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee3PhoneNumber) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee3PhoneNumber) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Email: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee3EmailAddress) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee3EmailAddress) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Mailable?: " + model.Attendee3FutureContact + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Attendance Type: " + model.Attendee3Type + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Ticket Price: " + model.Attendee3TicketPrice + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "-------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine; } if (model.Attendee4IsAttending) { bodyText += "Attendee 4: " + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Name: " + model.Attendee4FullName + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Address: " + model.Attendee4AddressStreet1 + " " + model.Attendee4AddressStreet2 + ", " + model.Attendee4AddressCity + ", " + model.Attendee4AddressPostalCode + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Phone: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee4PhoneNumber) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee4PhoneNumber) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Email: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Attendee4EmailAddress) ? "not provided" : model.Attendee4EmailAddress) + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Mailable?: " + model.Attendee4FutureContact + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Attendance Type: " + model.Attendee4Type + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Ticket Price: " + model.Attendee4TicketPrice + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "-------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine; } bodyText += "Notes from the register: " + model.CustomerNotes + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "-------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Payee: " + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Paid with " + model.BrainTreePayment.PaymentMethod + Environment.NewLine; bodyText += "Name: " + model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeFirstName + " " + model.BrainTreePayment.PayeeLastName + Environment.NewLine; var emailGroupResult = await _emailService.SendEmailAsync(groupEmail, groupEmail, groupEmail, subject, bodyText, "golf-registration"); #endregion if (result.IsSuccess) { return(RedirectToAction("RegisterThankYou")); } else { foreach (var error in result.Messages) { ModelState.AddModelError(error.GetHashCode().ToString(), error); _logger.LogError("Data Exception saving Golf Registration {@modelGolfReg}", model); } return(RedirectToAction("Register")); } } _logger.LogInformation("Adoption App Model Errors {@errors} {@modelGolfReg}", result.Messages, model); } catch (Exception dex) { //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log. ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator."); _logger.LogError(new EventId(6), dex, "Data Exception saving Golf Registration {@modelGolfReg}", model); } } return(RedirectToAction("Register")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("CharacterId,CharacterName,Gender,Level,ApplicationUserId,AncestryId")] Character character) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //get current user and set user property on character to user ApplicationUser user = await GetCurrentUserAsync(); character.ApplicationUserId = user.Id; //connection to veiw model CharacterCreateViewModel model = new CharacterCreateViewModel(_context); //make dropdown and assign to property on viewmodel model.AncestriesList = new SelectList(_context.Ancestry, "AncestryId", "AncestryId", character.AncestryId); //assign to property character on model model.Character = character; //if user selects non-human _context.Add(character); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); //if User select Human if (model.Character.AncestryId == 1) { return(RedirectToAction("HumanAbilitiesForm", "HumanAbilities")); } else if (model.Character.AncestryId == 2) { var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId where ab.AncestryId == 2 select ab.BaseValue) .ToList(); CharTrait changelingTraitStrength = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 1, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(changelingTraitStrength); CharTrait changelingTraitAgility = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 2, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(changelingTraitAgility); CharTrait changelingTraitIntellect = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 3, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(changelingTraitIntellect); CharTrait changelingTraitWill = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 4, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context and save context to db _context.Add(changelingTraitWill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser")); } //begin clockwork if (model.Character.AncestryId == 3) { var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId where ab.AncestryId == 3 select ab.BaseValue) .ToList(); CharTrait clockworkTraitStrength = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 1, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(clockworkTraitStrength); CharTrait clockworkTraitAgility = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 2, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(clockworkTraitAgility); CharTrait clockworkTraitIntellect = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 3, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(clockworkTraitIntellect); CharTrait clockworkTraitWill = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 4, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context and save context to db _context.Add(clockworkTraitWill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Create", "ClockworkPurposes")); } //end clockwork //begin dwarf if (model.Character.AncestryId == 4) { var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId where ab.AncestryId == 4 select ab.BaseValue) .ToList(); CharTrait dwarfTraitStrength = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 1, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(dwarfTraitStrength); CharTrait dwarfTraitAgility = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 2, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(dwarfTraitAgility); CharTrait dwarfTraitIntellect = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 3, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(dwarfTraitIntellect); CharTrait dwarfTraitWill = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 4, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context and save context to db _context.Add(dwarfTraitWill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser")); } //end dwarf //begin goblin if (model.Character.AncestryId == 5) { var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId where ab.AncestryId == 5 select ab.BaseValue) .ToList(); CharTrait goblinTraitStrength = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 1, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(goblinTraitStrength); CharTrait goblinTraitAgility = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 2, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(goblinTraitAgility); CharTrait goblinTraitIntellect = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 3, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(goblinTraitIntellect); CharTrait goblinTraitWill = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 4, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context and save context to db _context.Add(goblinTraitWill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser")); } //end goblin //begin orc if (model.Character.AncestryId == 6) { var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId where ab.AncestryId == 6 select ab.BaseValue) .ToList(); CharTrait orcTraitStrength = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 1, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(orcTraitStrength); CharTrait orcTraitAgility = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 2, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(orcTraitAgility); CharTrait orcTraitIntellect = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 3, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context _context.Add(orcTraitIntellect); CharTrait orcTraitWill = new CharTrait { CharacterId = model.Character.CharacterId, TraitId = 4, CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString() }; //add to hold in db context and save context to db _context.Add(orcTraitWill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser")); } //end orc return(View(character)); } return(View()); }
public CompraCreateDto Create(CompraCreateDto CompraCreateDto) { _context.Add(_mapper.Map <Compra>(CompraCreateDto)); _context.SaveChanges(); return(CompraCreateDto); }
public void Add(Client client) { _context.Add(client); }
private void SeedOfficers(IServiceProvider applicationServices) { using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext( applicationServices.GetRequiredService<DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext>>())) { if (context.List2.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var lines = File.ReadAllLines("wwwroot/MUleader_V2.csv"); for (int i = 1; i < lines.Count(); i++) { var items = lines[i].Split(','); context.Add(new List2 { //officerID,nameID,name,beginyr,endyr,cname,pos,cityID officerID = long.Parse(items[0]), nameID = long.Parse(items[1]), name = items[2], beginyr = long.Parse(items[3]), endyr = long.Parse(items[4]), cname = items[5], pos = items[6], cityID = items[7] != "" ? long.Parse(items[7]) : 0, rid = -1 }); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create( [Bind("RollNo,DepartmentId,FacultyId,Name,LastName,Image,Email,Phone,Id, Gender, ProjectId, Role")] Student student) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(student); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Here we will work on image var webRootPath = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath; var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files; var studentFromDb = await _context.Students.FindAsync(student.Id); //======================== ===================== mean we choose a photo for student ============================================= if (files.Any()) { // validate only the image is allowed if (files[0].ContentType != "image/jpeg") { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Failed! Only image type is allowed."); ViewData["DepartmentId"] = new SelectList(_context.Departments, "Id", "Name", student.DepartmentId); ViewData["FacultyId"] = new SelectList(_context.Faculties, "Id", "Description", student.FacultyId); ViewData["ProjectId"] = new SelectList(_context.Projects, "Id", "Name", student.ProjectId); return(View(student)); } var upload = Path.Combine(webRootPath, "images"); var fileName = files[0].FileName; await using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(upload, studentFromDb.Id + "_" + fileName), FileMode.Create)) { files[0].CopyTo(fileStream); } studentFromDb.Image = @"\images\" + studentFromDb.Id + "_" + fileName; } // mean we didn't upload photo, so we use the default one else { if (studentFromDb.Gender.ToString() == "Male") { var upload = Path.Combine(webRootPath, @"images\" + StaticDetails.DefaultMale); System.IO.File.Copy(upload, webRootPath + @"\images\" + studentFromDb.Id + "_" + StaticDetails.DefaultMale); studentFromDb.Image = @"\images\" + studentFromDb.Id + "_" + StaticDetails.DefaultMale; } else { var upload = Path.Combine(webRootPath, @"images\" + StaticDetails.DefaultFemale); System.IO.File.Copy(upload, webRootPath + @"\images\" + studentFromDb.Id + "_" + StaticDetails.DefaultFemale); studentFromDb.Image = @"\images\" + studentFromDb.Id + "_" + StaticDetails.DefaultFemale; } } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); //=================================================== End Of Image ============================================================ return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["DepartmentId"] = new SelectList(_context.Departments, "Id", "Name", student.DepartmentId); ViewData["FacultyId"] = new SelectList(_context.Faculties, "Id", "Description", student.FacultyId); ViewData["ProjectId"] = new SelectList(_context.Projects, "Id", "Name", student.ProjectId); return(View(student)); }
private List<Stolon> CreateStolons(ApplicationDbContext context) { List<Stolon> stolons = new List<Stolon>(); Stolon stolon = new Stolon(); stolon.IsInMaintenance = false; stolon.IsModeSimulated = false; stolon.Label = "Stolons de Privas"; stolon.AboutPageText = "Les Stolons de Privas est une association loi 1901"; stolon.Address = "07000 PRIVAS"; stolon.PhoneNumber = "06 64 86 66 93"; stolon.ContactMailAddress = "*****@*****.**"; stolon.DeliveryAndStockUpdateDayStartDate = DayOfWeek.Wednesday; stolon.DeliveryAndStockUpdateDayStartDateHourStartDate = 12; stolon.DeliveryAndStockUpdateDayStartDateMinuteStartDate = 00; stolon.OrderDayStartDate = DayOfWeek.Sunday; stolon.OrderHourStartDate = 16; stolon.OrderMinuteStartDate = 00; stolon.UseSubscipstion = true; stolon.SubscriptionStartMonth = Stolon.Month.September; stolon.OrderDeliveryMessage = "Votre panier est disponible jeudi de 17h30 à 19h au : 10 place de l'hotel de ville, 07000 Privas"; stolon.UseProducersFee = true; stolon.ProducersFee = 5; stolon.UseSympathizer = true; stolon.SympathizerSubscription = 2; stolon.ConsumerSubscription = 10; stolon.ProducerSubscription = 20; context.Add(stolon); context.SaveChanges(); stolons.Add(stolon); return stolons; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("sector,TypeOfWork,Salary")] Work work) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //int bid = (int)TempData["Bid"]; string person = TempData.Peek("Person") as string; if (TempData["Field"] != null) { work.BeneficiarID = (int)TempData.Peek("BenId"); _context.Add(work); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("ChooseField", "Home")); } if (TempData["Field2"] != null) { if (TempData.Peek("wid") != null) { work.WifeID = (int)TempData["wid"]; } else if (TempData.Peek("cid") != null) { work.ChildID = (int)TempData["cid"]; } _context.Add(work); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("ChooseField", "Home")); } CreateModel model = TempData.Get <CreateModel>("model"); string s = model.beneficiar.FirstName; if (person == "Wife") { = work; //TempData["model"] = model; TempData.Put <CreateModel>("model", model); return(Redirect("~/Beneficiars/New/AddingInfo/Children")); } if (person == "Child") { //TempData["ChildWork"] = work; //TempData["model"] = model; model.children[model.children.Count - 1].work = work; string t = model.children[model.children.Count - 1].work.TypeOfWork; TempData.Put <CreateModel>("model", model); return(Redirect("~/Beneficiars/New/AddingInfo/Children")); } //work.BeneficiarID = bid; //TempData["Work"] = work; = work; string w =; TempData.Put <CreateModel>("model", model); //TempData["model"] = model; int wi =; return(Redirect("~/Beneficiars/New/AddingInfo/Addresses")); } return(View(work)); }
/// <summary> /// Método para crear un curso pasando como parámetro los atributos del curso. /// </summary> /// <param name="Nombre">Nombre del Curso</param> /// <param name="IdProfesor">Identificador de profesor</param> /// <param name="Version">Versión del curso</param> /// <param name="IdImagen">Identificador de imagen</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CrearCurso(string Nombre, int IdProfesor,string Version,int IdImagen, int IdCategoria, string Contenido, string Requisitos) { this._Curso = new Cursos(); this._Curso.Nombre = Nombre; this._Curso.UsuarioId = IdProfesor; this._Curso.CategoriaId = IdCategoria; this._Curso.Contenido = Contenido; this._Curso.Requisitos = Requisitos; using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { //TODO: Crear Gestión de Profesores var q = from p in db.Usuario where p.UsuarioId == IdProfesor select p; this._Curso.Usuario = q.FirstOrDefault(); } this._Curso.Version = Version; if(IdImagen != -1) { using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { //TODO: Crear Gestión de Imagenes var q = from p in db.Imagen where p.ImagenId == IdImagen select p; this._Curso.Imagen = q.FirstOrDefault(); } } else { this._Curso.ImagenId = 1; } using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { try { db.Add(this._Curso); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } return true; }
public Task Subscribe(NewsletterSubscription newsletterSubscription) { _context.Add(newsletterSubscription); return(_context.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public void Create(T entity) { _context.Add(entity); Save(); }
//Inserindo Um Multa no banco de dados public void Insert(Multa obj) { _context.Add(obj); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Save(IEnumerable <IFormFile> files) { // The Name of the Upload component is "files" if (files != null) { foreach (var file in files) { var fileContent = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(file.ContentDisposition); // Some browsers send file names with full path. // We are only interested in the file name. var fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileContent.FileName.Trim('"')); var physicalPath = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE, fileName); if (file.Length > 0) { using (var stream = new FileStream(physicalPath, FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(stream); // Image.Load(string path) is a shortcut for our default type. Other pixel formats use Image.Load<TPixel>(string path)) } using (Image <Rgba32> image = Image.Load(physicalPath)) { var folderSave = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE + "\\1300x500", fileName); image.Resize(1300, 500) .Save(folderSave); // automatic encoder selected based on extension. folderSave = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE + "\\182x268", fileName); image.Resize(182, 268) .Save(folderSave); // automatic encoder selected based on extension. folderSave = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE + "\\115x175", fileName); image.Resize(115, 175) .Save(folderSave); // automatic encoder selected based on extension. folderSave = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE + "\\1140x641", fileName); image.Resize(1140, 641) .Save(folderSave); folderSave = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE + "\\268x268", fileName); image.Resize(268, 268) .Save(folderSave); folderSave = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, DIR_IMAGE + "\\640x351", fileName); image.Resize(640, 351) .Save(folderSave); var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync(); _context.Add(new Images { CreateDT = System.DateTime.Now, Name = fileName, Pic1300x500 = "\\" + DIR_IMAGE + "\\1300x500\\" + fileName, Pic182x268 = "\\" + DIR_IMAGE + "\\182x268\\" + fileName, Pic115x175 = "\\" + DIR_IMAGE + "\\115x175\\" + fileName, Pic1140x641 = "\\" + DIR_IMAGE + "\\1140x641\\" + fileName, Pic268x268 = "\\" + DIR_IMAGE + "\\268x268\\" + fileName, Pic640x351 = "\\" + DIR_IMAGE + "\\640x351\\" + fileName, Active = "A", Approved = "A", AuthorID = user.Id, IsDeleted = false }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } } } } // Return an empty string to signify success return(Content("")); }
public async Task Add(Post post) { post.Created = DateTime.Now; _context.Add(post); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public IActionResult Create(Item itemToAdd) { dbContext.Add(itemToAdd); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public void Add(Religion newReligion) { _context.Add(newReligion); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SuccessAsync() { var applicationDbContext = await _context.Orders.Include(o => o.Category) .Include(o => o.CustomUser) .Include(o => o.OrderStatus) .Include(o => o.Item) .OrderByDescending(o => o.Updated).ToListAsync(); List <Order> orderList = new List <Order>(); foreach (var item in applicationDbContext) { var trackingNumber = item.TrackingNumber; if (!orderList.Select(o => o.TrackingNumber).Contains(trackingNumber)) { orderList.Add(item); } } await DeleteOrder180DayAgoAsync(); var TrackingNumber = CreateTrackingNumber(); var CartList = await _context.Cart.Where(i => i.CustomUserId == _userManager.GetUserId(User) && !i.IsSold) .Include(i => i.Category) .Include(i => i.CustomUser) .ToListAsync(); var ReceivedStatus = _context.OrderStatuses.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == "Received").Id; var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(CartList.First().CustomUserId); var currentTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; foreach (var items in CartList) { //update number of sold item var item_of_shop = _context.Item.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == items.ItemId); item_of_shop.Number_Of_Sold += 1; await _canUserComment.AddUserToItemAsync(user.Id, items.ItemId); _context.Update(item_of_shop); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); Order newOrder = new Order { TrackingNumber = TrackingNumber, Name = items.Name, Price = items.Price, CustomUserId = items.CustomUserId, CategoryId = items.CategoryId, ItemId = items.ItemId, Quantity = items.Quantity, IsSold = true, ImageData = items.ImageData, ContentType = items.ContentType, Date = currentTime, Notes = items.Notes, Slug = items.Slug, IsViewByOwner = false, OrderStatusId = ReceivedStatus, TrackingLink = "We are currently working on tracking link!", Created = currentTime, Updated = currentTime, FirstName = user.FirstName, LastName = user.LastName, PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber, Email = user.Email, Adress = user.Street, State = user.State, City = user.City, Zipcode = user.Zipcode }; _context.Add(newOrder); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); _context.Cart.Remove(items); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } var callbackUrl = Url.Action( "TrackOrderDetails", "Orders", values: new { TrackingNumber = TrackingNumber }, protocol: Request.Scheme); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(user.Email, "Lan's Market received your order", $"<h1>You successfully placed an order on Lan's Market at {(currentTime).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy - hh:mm tt")}</h1> <br> <a style='background-color: #555555;border: none;color: white;padding: 15px 32px;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;font-size: 16px;' href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>Clicking here to track your order</a> <br> <h3>Your Tracking Number is: {TrackingNumber} </h3> <br>"); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync("*****@*****.**", "New order has been placed at Lan's Market", $"<h1>A new order have been placed at {(currentTime).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy - hh:mm tt")}</h1> <br> <a style='background-color: #555555;border: none;color: white;padding: 15px 32px;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;font-size: 16px;' href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>Clicking here to go to order</a> <br> <h3>Tracking Number is: {TrackingNumber} </h3> <br>"); ViewData["TrackingNumber"] = TrackingNumber; return(View()); }
public void AddDislikePost(DislikePost dislikePost) { context.Add(dislikePost); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add <T>(T entity) where T : class { _context.Add(entity); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PushToDB() { CreateModel model = TempData.Get <CreateModel>("model"); // CreateModel model = null; string n = model.beneficiar.FirstName; //int dw = model.wife.disease.ID; _context.Add(model.beneficiar); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); int B = model.beneficiar.Id; if (model.disease != null) { model.disease.BeneficiarID = B; _context.Add(model.disease); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } if ( != null) { = B; _context.Add(; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (model.wife != null) { model.wife.BeneficiarID = B; _context.Add(model.wife); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // int W = model.wife.Id; } model.address.BeneficiarID = B; _context.Add(model.address); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); if ( != null) { = B; _context.Add(; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (model.belongings != null) { string t = model.belongings.rentIncomeType; model.belongings.BeneficiarID = B; _context.Add(model.belongings); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (model.SocialHelp != null) { model.SocialHelp.BeneficiarID = B; _context.Add(model.SocialHelp); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } for (int i = 0; i < model.children.Count; i++) { model.children[i].BeneficiarID = B; _context.Add(model.children[i]); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(Redirect("~/Beneficiars")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CustomEstimateCostCreateViewModel customEstimateCosts) { List <CustomEstimateCost> CustomEstimateCostsInContext = await _context.CustomEstimateCost .Where(cec => cec.EstimateId == customEstimateCosts.EstimateId).ToListAsync(); List <CustomEstimateCost> CostsEntered = (customEstimateCosts.CustomCosts?.Count > 0) ? customEstimateCosts.CustomCosts : customEstimateCosts.RejectedEntries; List <CustomEstimateCost> RejectecdEntries = new List <CustomEstimateCost>(); List <CustomEstimateCost> UpdatedRecords = new List <CustomEstimateCost>(); Estimate Estimate = await _context.Estimate.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == customEstimateCosts.EstimateId); foreach (var cost in CostsEntered.ToList()) { CustomEstimateCost ExistingCost = new CustomEstimateCost(); if (cost.ItemName != null) { ExistingCost = CustomEstimateCostsInContext .FirstOrDefault(cec => cec.EstimateId == cost.EstimateId && cec.ItemName.ToUpper() == cost.ItemName.ToUpper()); } else { ExistingCost = null; } if (cost.ItemName == null || cost.UnitOfMeasure == null || cost.CostPerUnit <= 0 || cost.Quantity == 0 || cost.MarkupPercent <= 0) { CostsEntered.Remove(cost); RejectecdEntries.Add(cost); } if (ExistingCost != null) { ExistingCost.Quantity += cost.Quantity; CostsEntered.Remove(cost); UpdatedRecords.Add(ExistingCost); _context.Update(ExistingCost); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } } foreach (var estimateCost in CostsEntered) { _context.Add(estimateCost); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (RejectecdEntries.Count > 0 || UpdatedRecords.Count > 0) { CustomEstimateCostCreateViewModel viewModel = new CustomEstimateCostCreateViewModel { EstimateId = customEstimateCosts.EstimateId, RejectedEntries = RejectecdEntries, UpdatedRecords = UpdatedRecords }; ViewData["EstimateId"] = customEstimateCosts.EstimateId; return(View("CreateFinish", viewModel)); } return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Estimate", new { id = customEstimateCosts.EstimateId })); }
public void Create(T entity) { _context.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); }
private void CreateProductsSamples(ApplicationDbContext context) { if (context.Products.Any()) return; Product pain = new Product(); pain.Name = "Pain complet"; pain.Description = "Pain farine complete T80"; pain.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); pain.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine("pain.png"); pain.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(15.5); pain.UnitPrice = 4; pain.TaxEnum = Product.TAX.Ten; pain.Producer = context.Producers.First(); pain.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; pain.StockManagement = Product.StockType.Week; pain.RemainingStock = 10; pain.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; pain.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; pain.WeekStock = 10; pain.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Pains"); context.Add(pain); Product tomate = new Product(); tomate.Name = "Tomates grappe"; tomate.Description = "Avec ces tomates, c'est nous qui rougissons même si elles ne sont pas toutes nues!"; tomate.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); tomate.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine("tomate.jpg"); tomate.Price = 3; tomate.TaxEnum = Product.TAX.FiveFive; tomate.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(1.5); tomate.QuantityStep = 500; tomate.Producer = context.Producers.First(); tomate.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; tomate.StockManagement = Product.StockType.Week; tomate.RemainingStock = 10; tomate.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); tomate.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; tomate.Type = Product.SellType.Weigh; tomate.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(tomate); Product pommedeterre = new Product(); pommedeterre.Name = "Pomme de terre"; pommedeterre.Description = "Pataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates!!"; pommedeterre.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); pommedeterre.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine("pommedeterre.jpg"); pommedeterre.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(1.99); pommedeterre.TaxEnum = Product.TAX.FiveFive; pommedeterre.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(1.99); pommedeterre.QuantityStep = 1000; pommedeterre.Producer = context.Producers.First(); pommedeterre.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; pommedeterre.StockManagement = Product.StockType.Week; pommedeterre.RemainingStock = 10; pommedeterre.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); pommedeterre.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; pommedeterre.Type = Product.SellType.Weigh; pommedeterre.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(pommedeterre); Product radis = new Product(); radis.Name = "Radis"; radis.Description = "Des supers radis (pour ceux qui aiment)"; radis.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); radis.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine("radis.jpg"); radis.Price = 0; radis.UnitPrice = 4; radis.TaxEnum = Product.TAX.FiveFive; radis.Producer = context.Producers.First(); radis.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; radis.StockManagement = Product.StockType.Week; radis.RemainingStock = 10; radis.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); radis.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; radis.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; radis.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(radis); Product salade = new Product(); salade.Name = "Salade"; salade.Description = "Une bonne salade pour aller avec les bonnes tomates!"; salade.Labels.Add(Product.Label.Ab); salade.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine("salade.jpg"); salade.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(0.80); salade.TaxEnum = Product.TAX.FiveFive; salade.Price = 0; salade.Producer = context.Producers.First(); salade.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.Kg; salade.StockManagement = Product.StockType.Week; salade.RemainingStock = 10; salade.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); salade.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; salade.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; salade.WeekStock = 10; context.Add(salade); Product conserveTomate = new Product(); conserveTomate.Name = "Bocaux de tomate 500ml"; conserveTomate.Description = "Bocaux de tomate du jardin, cuillie mur et transformé dans la semaine. Bocaux en verre d'une contenance de 500ml"; conserveTomate.PicturesSerialized = Path.Combine("ConserveTomate.jpg"); conserveTomate.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(4); conserveTomate.TaxEnum = Product.TAX.None; conserveTomate.Price = 0; conserveTomate.Producer = context.Producers.First(); conserveTomate.ProductUnit = Product.Unit.L; conserveTomate.StockManagement = Product.StockType.Fixed; conserveTomate.RemainingStock = 10; conserveTomate.Familly = context.ProductFamillys.First(x => x.FamillyName == "Légumes"); conserveTomate.State = Product.ProductState.Enabled; conserveTomate.Type = Product.SellType.Piece; conserveTomate.WeekStock = 0; context.Add(conserveTomate); // context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(UserProfile userprofile) { _context.Add(userprofile); _context.SaveChanges(); }
private void SetGlobalConfigurations(ApplicationDbContext context) { if (context.ApplicationConfig.Any()) { Configurations.ApplicationConfig = context.ApplicationConfig.First(); } else { Configurations.ApplicationConfig = new ApplicationConfig(); context.Add(Configurations.ApplicationConfig); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task Create(TAGIDEquipment tAGIDEquipment) { _context.Add(tAGIDEquipment); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Método para crear un nuevo curso si se ha declarado antes el atributo curso. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CrearCurso() { if (this._Curso == null) return false; using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { db.Add(this._Curso); db.SaveChanges(); return true; } }
public BankAccount Add(BankAccount bankAccount) { _context.Add(bankAccount); _context.SaveChanges(); return(bankAccount); }
public bool CrearClase(Clase clase) { using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { try { db.Add(clase); db.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } }
public static void CreateTestTreeInDB(ApplicationDbContext db, Corporation corp) { var node1 = new ResearchNode { Name = "Basic Rocketry", Description = "The basics.", RDCost = 10, CashCost = 50000, Script = "Action=LearnResearch:Basic Rocketry;Unlocks=Intermediate Rocketry;" }; var node2 = new ResearchNode { Name = "Intermediate Rocketry", Description = "Werner von Braun would be delighted.", RDCost = 30, CashCost = 400000, Script = "Action=LearnResearch:Intermediate Rocketry;Prereq=Basic Rocketry;Unlocks=Advanced Rocketry" }; var node3 = new ResearchNode { Name = "Advanced Rocketry", Description = "Einstein ain't got shit on these badass rockets.", RDCost = 75, CashCost = 4000000, Script = "Action=LearnResearch:Advanced Rocketry;Prereq=Intermediate Rocketry&Basic Rocketry;" }; var learnedNode1 = new LearnedResearchNode() { Corporation = corp, ResearchNode = node1 }; db.Add(node1); db.Add(node2); db.Add(node3); db.Add(learnedNode1); db.SaveChanges(); }