public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); Cursor.Hide(); if (!GoogleVasLicense.AutoLoad()) { Logger.Info("No Google VAS license file"); } if (!AppleVasLicense.AutoLoad()) { Logger.Info("No Apple VAS license file"); } readerList = new List <string>(); googleConfig = GoogleVasConfig.SpringCardDemo(); const string TestMerchantName = ""; const string TestKeyPrivate = "MHcCAQEEICp+PT7K8FQSOi2HED1Ar5RqxxN2EkiKJMCSfaL4htYNoAoGCCqGSM49AwEHoUQDQgAE9RCZaHxXUIjQFQnwKmq6+cVqFBNO6ZKQmekosMQRZmutPs8szUsiLokILdaiT/7F5qUl8qSfEvlocYy6z98jIw=="; string json = $@"{{ ""P2"" : ""FullVAS"", ""Capabilities"": ""SingleMode"", ""Merchants"" : [ {{ ""Name"" : ""{TestMerchantName}"", ""PrivateKey"" : ""{TestKeyPrivate}"", ""Url"": """" }} ], ""Description"" : ""FullVAS, DualMode, 2 merchant IDs with 2nd matching, merchants have an URL"" }}"; appleConfig = AppleVasTerminalConfig.LoadFromJson(json); LoadReaders(); if (readerList.Count > 0) { string reader = readerList[0]; Logger.Trace("Starting..."); resetUiEvent(); activeReader = new SCardReader(reader); activeReader.StartWaitCard(new SCardReader.CardConnectedCallback(CardConnectedCallback), new SCardReader.CardRemovedCallback(CardRemovedCallback)); } else { ShowResult("No reader found"); } }
public AppleVasTerminalConfig GetConfig() { eMerchant1Name.Text = AppConfig.ReadSettingString("MerchantName"); ePrivateKey1.Text = AppConfig.ReadSettingString("PrivateKey"); eMerchant2Name.Text = AppConfig.ReadSettingString("MerchantName2"); ePrivateKey2.Text = AppConfig.ReadSettingString("PrivateKey2"); string json = $@"{{ ""P2"" : ""FullVAS"", ""Capabilities"": ""SingleMode"", ""Merchants"" : [" ; if ((eMerchant1Name.Text == "") && (ePrivateKey1.Text == "")) { lkSetDefault_LinkClicked(null, null); } json += $@" {{ ""Name"" : ""{eMerchant1Name.Text}"", ""PrivateKey"" : ""{ePrivateKey1.Text}"", ""Url"": """" }}"; if ((eMerchant2Name.Text != "") && (ePrivateKey2.Text != "")) { json += $@", {{ ""Name"" : ""{eMerchant2Name.Text}"", ""PrivateKey"" : ""{ePrivateKey2.Text}"", ""Url"": """" }}"; } json += $@" ], ""Description"" : ""FullVAS, DualMode, 2 merchant IDs with 2nd matching, merchants have an URL"" }}"; AppleVasTerminalConfig config = AppleVasTerminalConfig.LoadFromJson(json); return(config); }