public JudoPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate(IApplePayService applePayService, PKPaymentRequest request, string customerRef, ApplePaymentType type, JudoSuccessCallback success, JudoFailureCallback failure) { _applePayService = applePayService; _runningTotal = request.PaymentSummaryItems [request.PaymentSummaryItems.Length - 1].Amount; _paymentAction = type; _successCallBack = success; _failureCallback = failure; _customerRef = customerRef; }
public void ApplePayment(ApplePayViewModel viewModel, JudoSuccessCallback success, JudoFailureCallback failure, ApplePaymentType type) { if (!_clientService.ApplePayAvailable) { failure(new JudoError { ApiError = new JudoPayDotNet.Errors.JudoApiErrorModel { ErrorMessage = "Apple Pay is not enabled on device, application entitlement or setup by user.", ErrorType = JudoApiError.General_Error, ModelErrors = null } }); } try { var vc = GetCurrentViewController(); if (JudoSDKManager.UIMode && vc == null) { var error = new JudoError { Exception = new Exception("Navigation controller cannot be null with UIMode enabled.") }; failure(error); } else { _paymentService.MakeApplePayment(viewModel, success, failure, vc as UINavigationController, type); } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleFailure(failure, ex); } }
public async Task <IResult <ITransactionResult> > HandlePKPayment(PKPayment payment, string customerRef, NSDecimalNumber amount, ApplePaymentType type, JudoFailureCallback failure) { try { CardPaymentModel paymentmodel = new CardPaymentModel { JudoId = JudoConfiguration.Instance.JudoId, ClientDetails = _clientService.GetClientDetails(), UserAgent = _clientService.GetSDKVersion() }; var test = payment.Token.PaymentData.ToString(NSStringEncoding.UTF8); JObject jo = JObject.Parse(test.ToString()); PKPaymentModel pkModel = new PKPaymentModel() { JudoId = JudoConfiguration.Instance.JudoId, YourPaymentReference = "paymentRef12343", YourConsumerReference = customerRef, Amount = amount.ToDecimal(), ClientDetails = _clientService.GetClientDetails(), UserAgent = _clientService.GetSDKVersion(), PkPayment = new PKPaymentInnerModel() { Token = new PKPaymentTokenModel() { PaymentData = jo, PaymentInstrumentName = payment.Token.PaymentInstrumentName, PaymentNetwork = payment.Token.PaymentNetwork } } }; Task <IResult <ITransactionResult> > task = null; if (type == ApplePaymentType.Payment) { task = _judoAPI.Payments.Create(pkModel); } else if (type == ApplePaymentType.PreAuth) { task = _judoAPI.PreAuths.Create(pkModel); } if (task == null) { var judoError = new JudoError() { Exception = new Exception("Judo server did not return response. Please contact customer support") }; failure(judoError); } return(await task); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.ToString()); var judoError = new JudoError() { Exception = e }; failure(judoError); return(null); } }
public void MakeApplePayment(ApplePayViewModel payment, JudoSuccessCallback success, JudoFailureCallback failure, UINavigationController controller, ApplePaymentType type) { try { PKPaymentRequest request = new PKPaymentRequest(); request.CurrencyCode = payment.CurrencyCode; request.CountryCode = payment.CountryCode; request.MerchantCapabilities = (PKMerchantCapability)payment.MerchantCapabilities; request.SupportedNetworks = payment.SupportedNetworks; request.PaymentSummaryItems = payment.Basket; request.MerchantIdentifier = payment.MerchantIdentifier;// @""; // do it with configuration/overwrite var pkDelegate = new JudoPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate(this, request, payment.ConsumerRef.ToString(), type, success, failure); PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController pkController = new PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController(request) { Delegate = pkDelegate }; controller.PresentViewController(pkController, true, null); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.ToString()); var judoError = new JudoError() { Exception = e }; failure(judoError); } }