public bool sendTeamSatisfactionSurveyEmails(SurveyEmail surveyEmailData) { if (surveyEmailData != null) { string subject = " " + surveyEmailData.Account.AccountName + " Team satisfaction - " + surveyEmailData.Year + " : Q" + surveyEmailData.Quarter + " "; string body = "<html><body>" + "<h4>Hi Team,</h4><br>" + "<div>It is once again, that time of the quarter where you are tasked with filling out the team satisfaction survey for " + surveyEmailData.Year + " : Q" + surveyEmailData.Quarter + " . " + "<br> Please be kind enough to complete this task before " + surveyEmailData.DeadLine + " .</ div>" + "<br><br> You may find the form here: <a href=" + appSettingsRepo.getEmailBodyLink() + "" + surveyEmailData.Account.Id + "/" + surveyEmailData.Year + "/" + surveyEmailData.Quarter + " >" + appSettingsRepo.getEmailBodyLink() + "" + surveyEmailData.Account.Id + "/" + surveyEmailData.Year + "/" + surveyEmailData.Quarter + " </a>" + "<br><br>Thank you<br>Regards,<br><b>Project Dashbaord Team</b>" + "<br>-This is an auto generated email-" + "</body></html>"; var coreCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; var itemCount = surveyEmailData.ValidEmployees.Count; //var itemCount = 10; var batchSize = itemCount / coreCount; var pending = coreCount; using (var mre = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { for (int batchCount = 0; batchCount < coreCount; batchCount++) { var lower = batchCount * batchSize; var upper = (batchCount == coreCount - 1) ? itemCount : lower + batchSize; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(st => { //foreach (int employee in surveyEmailData.ValidEmployees) for (int i = lower; i < upper; i++) { TeamMembers member = teamMemberRepo.Get(surveyEmailData.ValidEmployees[i]); string email = member.MemberName + ""; SendEmail(email, subject, body); } if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pending) == 0) { mre.Set(); } }); } mre.WaitOne(); return(true); } } else { return(false); } //<a href="http://*****:*****"; // //string email = "ishanm" + ""; // SendEmail(email, subject, body); // } // return true; //} //else { // return false; //} }