private void ServeHoloJsApp(ServeAppOptions opts) { XrsPackage xrsApp = null; try { xrsApp = XrsPackage.Open(opts.Path); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot open the specified HoloJs app. Make sure the source points to a valid Spin app."); return; } DebugHttpServer = new AppServer(opts.Path); var appUrl = DebugHttpServer.GetLaunchUrl() + xrsApp.XsrFileName; Console.WriteLine("HTTP server running for " + appUrl + ". Ctrl - C to stop."); Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress; if (opts.ShowQr) { DebugHttpServer.RunAsync(); QRConnectWindow = new QrConnect(); QRConnectWindow.SetUrl(appUrl); QRConnectWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { DebugHttpServer.Run(); } Console.WriteLine("HTTP server exited"); }