public static AppReturn SendEmailForForgottenPassword(User user) { AppReturn result = new AppReturn(); bool isSent = Helpers.SendEmail.SendEmailSmtp(user.Email, "Shifter and Worker User Informations", string.Format( $"<p>Dear {user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName},</p>" + "<p>You can see your user information details below.</p>" + $"<p>Email: {user.Email}</p>" + $"<p>Password: {user.Password}</p>" + "<p>Regards,</p>" + "<p>Shifter and Worker</p>"), new List <string>() { user.Email }); if (!isSent) { result.Success = false; result.Message = "An error has occured when mail sending."; return(result); } result.Success = true; result.Message = "Password sent successfuly! Please check your inbox."; return(result); }
/********************************************************************************************************** * Client-Side Called Methods *********************************************************************************************************/ public List <AppReturn> get() { bool isWithQParam = AppArgs.ContainsKey(_g.KEY_QPARAM_JSON); if (isWithQParam) { return(ProcessQParam()); } if (isAppDebug) { return new List <AppReturn>() { DebugData } } ; AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn(); // populate props with AppSettings foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> tk in _g.AppSetings) { appReturn.props.Add(tk.Key, tk.Value); } return(new List <AppReturn>() { appReturn }); }
} /** End of POST method **/ private List <AppReturn> nullget(string table, string key = "", string keyField = "") { List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; AppReturn ret = new AppReturn(); retVal.Add(ret); return(retVal); }
public ActionResult SendAnswerEmail(int mailId, string body) { User loggedUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; Mail mail = _uow.MailManager.Get(x => x.MailId == mailId); Mail newMail; if (mail.SenderId == loggedUser.UserId) // En son cevap veren giriş yapmış olan kullanıcı ise (kendi kendine cevaplamasın diye). { newMail = new Mail { Subject = mail.Subject, Body = body, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, IsRead = false, IsActive = true, IsPermanentDelete = false, SenderId = loggedUser.UserId, ReceiverId = mail.ReceiverId, ParentMailId = mail.MailId }; } else // En son cevap veren karşı taraf ise. { newMail = new Mail { Subject = mail.Subject, Body = body, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, IsRead = false, IsActive = true, IsPermanentDelete = false, SenderId = loggedUser.UserId, ReceiverId = mail.SenderId, ParentMailId = mail.MailId }; } AppReturn result = _uow.MailManager.Add(newMail); if (_uow.SaveChanges()) { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "Mail sent successfuly."; TempData["AlertType"] = "success"; return(RedirectToAction("Inbox")); } else { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "An error has occured when sending mail."; TempData["AlertType"] = "danger"; return(RedirectToAction("Inbox")); } }
public AppReturn PermanentDelete(int id) { try { Mail mail = _context.Mails.Find(id); mail.IsPermanentDelete = true; return(AppReturn.Successful("Successfully deleted mail permanently")); } catch (Exception) { // TODO : Logger has to add here. return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation("An error has occured when deleting email.")); } }
public AppReturn Add(TEntity entity) { try { DbSet.Add(entity); Log.Info("Successfully added model."); return(AppReturn.Successful()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("An unexpected error has occured while adding model.", e); return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation(e.Message)); } }
public AppReturn Delete(int id) { try { User user = _context.Users.Find(id); user.IsActive = false; Log.Info("Successfully deleted user."); return(AppReturn.Successful("User deleted successfully.")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("An unexpected error has occured while deleting user.", e); return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation("An error has occured when deleting user.")); } }
public AppReturn Update(TEntity entity) { try { DbSet.Attach(entity); _context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified; Log.Info($"{ entity.GetType() } updated successfuly."); return(AppReturn.Successful()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"An unexpected error has occured while updating { entity.GetType() }.", e); return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation(e.Message)); } }
public AppReturn Delete(int id) { try { Note note = _context.Notes.Find(id); note.IsActive = false; Log.Info("Successfully deleted note."); return(AppReturn.Successful("Note deleted successfully.")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("An unexpected error has occured while deleting note.", e); return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation("An error has occured when deleting note.")); } }
public AppReturn Delete(int id) { try { Announcement announcement = _context.Announcements.Find(id); announcement.IsActive = false; Log.Info("Successfully deleted announcement."); return(AppReturn.Successful("Announcement deleted successfully.")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("An unexpected error has occured while deleting announcement.", e); return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation("An error has occured when deleting announcement.")); } }
public JsonResult SendPassword(string email) { JsonResult jsonResult = new JsonResult { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }; #region User control User user = _uow.UserManager.Get(x => x.Email == email); if (user == null) { jsonResult.Data = new { success = false, message = "You are not registered in our system or have used a faulty email. Please check and try again." }; return(jsonResult); } #endregion #region Send email and return result AppReturn result = EmailTemplateManager.SendEmailForForgottenPassword(user); if (result.Success) { jsonResult.Data = new { success = true, message = result.Message }; return(jsonResult); } else { jsonResult.Data = new { success = false, message = result.Message }; return(jsonResult); } #endregion }
public AppReturn Delete(int id) { try { Mail mail = _context.Mails.Find(id); mail.IsActive = false; mail.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now; Log.Info("Successfully deleted email."); return(AppReturn.Successful("Mail deleted successfully.")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("An unexpected error has occured while deleting email.", e); return(AppReturn.InvalidOperation("An error has occured when deleting email.")); } }
public ActionResult MoveDeletedMailToInbox(int id) { var mail = _uow.MailManager.Get(x => x.MailId == id); mail.IsActive = true; AppReturn result = _uow.MailManager.Update(mail); if (_uow.SaveChanges()) { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "Mail moved to inbox."; TempData["AlertType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "An error has occured when moving email to inbox."; TempData["AlertType"] = "danger"; } return(RedirectToAction("Trash")); }
public ActionResult Send(string email, string subject, string body) { User loggedUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; var receiverUser = _uow.UserManager.Get(x => x.Email == email); // bringing for receiverId property when creating a new mail. if (receiverUser == null) { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "There is no such a user in the system."; TempData["AlertType"] = "danger"; return(View()); } AppReturn result = _uow.MailManager.Add(new Mail { Subject = subject, Body = body, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, SenderId = loggedUser.UserId, IsActive = true, ReceiverId = receiverUser.UserId, IsPermanentDelete = false, IsRead = false }); if (_uow.SaveChanges()) { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "Mail sent successfully."; TempData["AlertType"] = "success"; return(RedirectToAction("Inbox")); } else { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "An error has occured when sending mail."; TempData["AlertType"] = "danger"; return(RedirectToAction("Inbox")); } }
public ActionResult Create(VMUserCreate model) //[Bind(Include = "FirstName, LastName, Phone, DateOfBirth, Email, About, ImageUrl, DepartmentId, RoleId, WorkingTypeId")] { User loggedUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; AppReturn result = _uow.UserManager.Add( new User { About = model.About, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth, DepartmentId = model.DepartmentId, Email = model.Email, IsActive = true, ImageUrl = model.ImageUrl, FirstName = model.FirstName, LastName = model.LastName, Phone = model.Phone, Password = "******", // Default Password. RoleId = model.RoleId, StoreId = loggedUser.StoreId, SupervisorId = model.SupervisorId, WorkingTypeId = model.WorkingTypeId }); if (!_uow.SaveChanges()) { TempData["ProcessResult"] = "An unexpected error occured while creating user."; TempData["AlertType"] = "danger"; return(RedirectToAction("List")); } TempData["ProcessResult"] = "User created successfully."; TempData["AlertType"] = "success"; return(RedirectToAction("List")); }
public List <AppReturn> post([FromBody] JObject values) { /************************************************************************************ * 20 Dec 2019 - alv * values: * { * "<tableCode>":[{data row object 1},...,{data row object n}] * } ************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ * 15 April 2020 - alv * * public static string KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE = "__header__"; * * public static string KEY_REQUEST_STAMP = "_req_stamp_"; * public static string KEY_USER_ID = "__uid__"; * public static string KEY_USER_RIGHTS = "__rights__"; * public static string KEY_ACTION = "__action__"; * * JSON * * "__header__" : * { * "_req_stamp_":"", * "__uid__":"alv", * "__rights__":"", * "__action__":"" * } * "__header__" :{"_req_stamp_":"","__uid__":"alv","__rights__":"","__action__":""} * * * Equivalent base64: eyJfcmVxX3N0YW1wXyI6IiIsIl9fdWlkX18iOiJhbHYiLCJfX3JpZ2h0c19fIjoiIiwiX19hY3Rpb25fXyI6IiJ9 * * Converted to Base64 text ************************************************************************************/ DateTime startProcess = DateTime.Now; //dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q= byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String("dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q="); string text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes); byte[] bytes2 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text); string textB64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes2); JObject args = AppArgs; if (values.ContainsKey(_g.KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE)) { string header = (String)values[_g.KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE]; // extract header Base64 byte[] jsonBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(header); // convert to byte array string jsonText = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(jsonBytes); // convert to JSON string JObject json = JObject.Parse(jsonText); // convert to JSON object // loop through header information and add token to AppArgs if not yet existing foreach (JProperty jph in (JToken)json) { if (!args.ContainsKey(jph.Name)) { args.Add(jph.Name, jph.Value); } } } List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; List <CommandParam> cmds = new List <CommandParam>(); // generate collection of commands to execute foreach (JProperty jp in (JToken)values) { // iterate through all tables to generate CommandParams collection if (jp.Name != _g.KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE) { // get table object from the collection DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[jp.Name]; // get collection of CommandParams per table List <CommandParam> cmdsTemp = tbl.GetCommandParamsForPosting((JArray)jp.Value, args); if (DALData.DAL.globalError.Length != 0) { // error has occured, therefore empty list is returned. handle error here break; } // append commands to the general collection for execution in bulk foreach (CommandParam cmd in cmdsTemp) { cmds.Add(cmd); } } // execute commands } // execute all commands in the collection List <ReturnObject> cmdResults = DALData.DAL.Excute(cmds, true); DateTime endProcess = DateTime.Now; AppReturn ret = new AppReturn(); long dur = ((endProcess.Millisecond + endProcess.Second * 1000 + endProcess.Minute * 60 * 1000 + endProcess.Hour * 60 * 60 * 1000) - (startProcess.Millisecond + startProcess.Second * 1000 + startProcess.Minute * 60 * 1000 + startProcess.Hour * 60 * 60 * 1000)); //ret.returnStrings.Add("Process Duration in milliseconds: " + dur.ToString() + "(ms)"); //if (errMessage.Length!=0) ret.returnStrings.Add("Error:" + errMessage); //ret.stamps = new DALStamps(cmds[0].table.columns, "@alv"); ret.stamps = null; //AppReturn ar = new AppReturn(); //ar.stamps = new DALStamps(cmds[0].table.columns, "@alv"); //retVal.Add(ar); ret.errorMessage = DALData.DAL.globalError; retVal.Add(ret); foreach (ReturnObject rObj in cmdResults) { ret = new AppReturn(); ret.errorMessage = rObj.result.exceptionMessage; retVal.Add(ret); } return(retVal); //return new List<AppReturn> { new AppReturn() }; }
public List <AppReturn> get(string table, string key = "", string keyField = "", string includedFields = "", string filter = "", string sortFields = "", string pageNumber = "0", string pageSize = "0", string requestConfig = "", string fieldMap = "") //string keyField = "") { //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json"; // process request where all parameters are embedded in the Base64 querystring parameter "_p" // Add all parameters to the AppArgs object List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; if (isAppDebug) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn(); if (table == "@gents") { // Generate client-side typescript files AppDataset.Initialize(); appReturn.props.Add("Tables", AppDataset.AppTables.Count()); appReturn.subsKey = "Hello Test Me!"; appReturn.props.Add("Views", AppDataset.AppViews.Count()); appReturn.props.Add("StoredProcedures", AppDataset.AppProcedures.Count()); foreach (string tblCode in AppDataset.AppTables.Keys) { DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[tblCode]; appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode, tbl.tableName); appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_relation", tbl.tableRelations == null ? "0" : tbl.tableRelations.Count.ToString()); foreach (string pv in tbl.tableProcessLogs.Keys) { appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_proc_" + pv, tbl.tableProcessLogs[pv]); } } //retVal.Add(appReturn); return retVal; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@locs") { Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.Start(); string[] keyArr = key.Split('`'); string pCode = ""; if (keyArr.Length >= 2) { pCode = keyArr[1]; } DALData.DAL.BuildNodeLocation(Convert.ToInt32(keyArr[0]), pCode); appReturn.returnCode = table; st.Stop(); appReturn.requestDuration = st.ElapsedMilliseconds; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@mtbl") { // multi table query, accepts json formatted parameters supplied as // Base64 encoded querystring parameters named ?p= // api call <protocol>://<domain>[/application]/api/app/@mtbl?p=<base64 encoded parameters> return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (isAppDebugPaths) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; JObject jArgs = new JObject() { }; // split "table" parameter to get the parent table code (first element) and from clause join codes (second element) string[] tableArr = table.Split('|'); jArgs.Add("code", tableArr[0]); if (tableArr.Length > 1) { jArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableArr[1]); } jArgs.Add("key", (key == "-" ? "" : key)); jArgs.Add("keyField", (keyField == "-" ? "" : keyField)); jArgs.Add("includedFields", (includedFields == "-" ? "" : includedFields)); jArgs.Add("filter", (filter == "-" ? "" : filter)); jArgs.Add("fieldMap", (filter == "-" ? "" : fieldMap)); jArgs.Add("sortFields", (sortFields == "-" ? "" : sortFields)); jArgs.Add("pageNumber", (!pageNumber.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageNumber))); jArgs.Add("pageSize", (!pageSize.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageSize))); jArgs.Add("requestConfig", (requestConfig == "-" ? "" : requestConfig)); jArgs.Add("snapshot", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "snapshot")); jArgs.Add("distinct", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "distinct")); AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, new JArray() { jArgs }); return(ExecuteGetRequest()); } //public ReturnObjectExternal xxxxpostX(string table, [FromBody]JObject values) //{ // ReturnObject retVal = AppDataset.Post(table, values, AppArgs); // return retVal.result; //} /********************************************************************************************************** * Private Methods *********************************************************************************************************/ //private JObject AppArgs() //{ // // Collect query string arguments and some headers ... // JObject ret = new JObject(); // List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> retList = ControllerContext.Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToList(); // // add request data/time stamp // retList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(AppGlobals.KEY_REQUEST_STAMP, DateTime.Now.ToString())); // //add content type // if (this.Request.Content.Headers.Contains("Content-Type")) // { // ret.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(AppGlobals.KEY_CONTENT_TYPE, this.Request.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString().ToLower())); // } // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> arg in retList) // { // ret.Add(arg.Key, arg.Value); // } // return ret; //} } }
private List <AppReturn> ExecuteGetRequest() { List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; JObject reqConfig = null; foreach (JObject jParam in _g.TKVJArr(AppArgs, _g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR)) { string[] tableCodeArr = _g.TKVStr(jParam, "code").Split('|'); string tableCode = tableCodeArr[0]; if (tableCodeArr.Length > 1) { // table code was supplied with fromClause expression code to be parsed during // creation of SQL statement. jParam["code"] = tableCode; jParam.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableCodeArr[1]); } if (tableCode == "") { continue; // table code not found } //http://soga-alv/NgArbi/api/app?_p=W3siY29kZSI6IkBtaXNjIn0seyJjb2RlIjoidXNlciIsInBhZ2VOdW1iZXIiOjEsInBhZ2VTaXplIjozNX1d if (tableCode == "@config") { // miscellaneous parameters passed from the client reqConfig = new JObject(); AppReturn misc = new AppReturn(); misc.returnType = "config"; misc.subsKey = _g.TKVStr(jParam, "subsKey"); retVal.Insert(0, misc); continue; } //if (tableCodeArr.Length > 1) //{ // // fromClauseExpr is specified, add entry to AppArgs object // AppArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableCodeArr[1]); //} //List<ReturnObject> ret = AppDataset.AppTables[tableCode].Get(AppArgs, jParam); List <ReturnObject> ret = AppDataset.AppTables[tableCode].GetData(AppArgs, jParam); // iterate through the results of table Get method to build the final return collection int retCount = 0; foreach (ReturnObject retObj in ret) { AppReturn appRet = new AppReturn() { // used as handle of list in the client-side data capture reoutine returnCode = retObj.returnCode, returnType = retObj.returnType, // date and time stamp ( by default this parameter is set in the constructor // requestDateTime = DateTime.Now, recordCount = retObj.result.recordCount, records = retObj.result.jsonReturnData, returnDataParams = retObj.result.returnDataParams, recordsList = retObj.result.returnData, recordsProps = retObj.result.recordsProps, //columns = retObj.result.columns //columnsArr = retObj.result.jsonReturnData fieldNames = retObj.result.fieldsNames, errorMessage = retObj.result.error, requestDateTime = retObj.result.requestDateTime, requestDuration = retObj.result.requestDuration, subsKey = _g.TKVStr(AppArgs, _g.QS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY), }; retCount++; if (retCount == 1) { appRet.globalMesages = DALData.DAL.globalMessages; } retVal.Add(appRet); } } return(retVal); }
public List <AppReturn> post([FromBody] JObject values) { //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json"; DateTime startProcess = DateTime.Now; if (values[_g.KEY_QPARAM_JSON] != null) { // get request with complex parameters initiated return(RequestData(values)); } //dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q= byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String("dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q="); string text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes); byte[] bytes2 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text); string textB64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes2); JObject args = AppArgs; // initialize return object AppReturn ret = new AppReturn(); if (values.ContainsKey(_g.KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE)) { try { string header = (String)values[_g.KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE]; // extract header Base64 byte[] jsonBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(header); // convert to byte array string jsonText = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(jsonBytes); // convert to JSON string JObject json = JObject.Parse(jsonText); // convert to JSON object // loop through header information and add token to AppArgs if not yet existing foreach (JProperty jph in (JToken)json) { if (!args.ContainsKey(jph.Name)) { args.Add(jph.Name, jph.Value); } } ret.headerProcessResult.Add("result", "Success"); } catch (Exception e) { ret.headerProcessResult.Add("ErrorDetails", e.ToString()); ret.headerProcessResult.Add("result", "Error"); } } List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; List <CommandParam> cmds = new List <CommandParam>(); JObject postConfig = null; bool useCommonNewKey = false; bool firstTable = true; List <Int64> tblCommonId = new List <Int64>(); // generate collection of commands to execute foreach (JProperty jp in (JToken)values) { // iterate through all tables to generate CommandParams collection if (jp.Name == _g.KEY_PROCESS_HEADER_CODE) { DALData.DAL.LogGlobalMessage("proces header code is supplied!", "invoke_process"); // this section is where application-specific process will be invoked ret.invokeResult = RunModels.Invoke(jp); } else if (jp.Name == _g.KEY_REQUEST_HEADER_CODE) { ; } else if (jp.Name == _g.KEY_PROCESS_CONFIG_CODE) // config code value contains instruction/parameters which // will determine specific process when posting // eg. on creation of new record with sub table, use common id // for both { postConfig = (JObject)jp.Value; if (postConfig["useCommonNewKey"] != null) { useCommonNewKey = (bool)postConfig["useCommonNewKey"]; } } else { // PROCESS TABLE CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE // get table object from the collection DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[jp.Name]; // if(!firstTable && tblCommonId) // Int64 newRecordKeyId = -1; // get collection of CommandParams per table List <CommandParam> cmdsTemp = tbl.GetCommandParamsForPosting((JArray)jp.Value, args); CommandParam cmd1 = cmdsTemp[0]; if (firstTable) { // record first table record ids. // iterate through the records' parameters if (cmd1.newKey != -1) { // new record. populate tblCommonId with key id's of all commands cmdsTemp.ForEach(cmd => tblCommonId.Add(cmd.paramKeyValue)); } firstTable = false; // set first table flag to false after processing it } else { // if use common id, if (useCommonNewKey && cmd1.newKey != -1 && tblCommonId.Count != 0) { int ctr = 0; cmdsTemp.ForEach(cmd => { cmd.cmdParams[DALData.PARAM_PREFIX + "p" + (int)cmd.paramKeyValuePosition] = tblCommonId[ctr]; ctr++; }); } } if (DALData.DAL.globalError.Length != 0) { // error has occured, therefore empty list is returned. handle error here break; } // append commands to the general collection for execution in bulk foreach (CommandParam cmd in cmdsTemp) { cmds.Add(cmd); } } // execute commands } List <ReturnObject> cmdResults = new List <ReturnObject>(); // execute all commands in the collection (if any) - debug bypass by alv 2020/12/04 5:40am cmdResults = DALData.DAL.Excute(cmds, true); DateTime endProcess = DateTime.Now; long dur = ((endProcess.Millisecond + endProcess.Second * 1000 + endProcess.Minute * 60 * 1000 + endProcess.Hour * 60 * 60 * 1000) - (startProcess.Millisecond + startProcess.Second * 1000 + startProcess.Minute * 60 * 1000 + startProcess.Hour * 60 * 60 * 1000)); //ret.returnStrings.Add("Process Duration in milliseconds: " + dur.ToString() + "(ms)"); //if (errMessage.Length!=0) ret.returnStrings.Add("Error:" + errMessage); //ret.stamps = new DALStamps(cmds[0].table.columns, "@alv"); ret.stamps = null; ret.errorMessage = DALData.DAL.globalError; if (DALData.DAL.globalMessages.Count() != 0) { ret.globalMesages = DALData.DAL.globalMessages; } retVal.Add(ret); // ***** Generate result summary for client-side processing ****** foreach (ReturnObject rObj in cmdResults) { string retCode = rObj.returnCode; if (retCode == "chgTrack" || retCode == "") { continue; } ret = new AppReturn(); ret.returnCode = rObj.returnCode; ret.errorMessage = rObj.result.exceptionMessage; ret.returnDataParams = rObj.result.returnDataParams; ret.result = rObj.result.result; retVal.Add(ret); } return(retVal); //return new List<AppReturn>(); //return new List<AppReturn> { new AppReturn() }; } /** End of POST method **/
public List <AppReturn> get(string table, string key = "", string keyField = "", string includedFields = "", string filter = "", string sortFields = "", string pageNumber = "0", string pageSize = "0", string requestConfig = "", string fieldMap = "") //string keyField = "") { //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json"; // process request where all parameters are embedded in the Base64 querystring parameter "_p" // Add all parameters to the AppArgs object List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; if (isAppDebug) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn(); if (table == "@gents") { // Generate client-side typescript files AppDataset.Initialize(); appReturn.props.Add("Tables", AppDataset.AppTables.Count()); appReturn.subsKey = "Hello Test Me!"; appReturn.props.Add("Views", AppDataset.AppViews.Count()); appReturn.props.Add("StoredProcedures", AppDataset.AppProcedures.Count()); foreach (string tblCode in AppDataset.AppTables.Keys) { DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[tblCode]; appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode, tbl.tableName); appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_relation", tbl.tableRelations == null ? "0" : tbl.tableRelations.Count.ToString()); foreach (string pv in tbl.tableProcessLogs.Keys) { appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_proc_" + pv, tbl.tableProcessLogs[pv]); } } //retVal.Add(appReturn); return retVal; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@locs") { Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.Start(); string[] keyArr = key.Split('`'); string pCode = ""; if (keyArr.Length >= 2) { pCode = keyArr[1]; } DALData.DAL.BuildNodeLocation(Convert.ToInt32(keyArr[0]), pCode); appReturn.returnCode = table; st.Stop(); appReturn.requestDuration = st.ElapsedMilliseconds; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@mtbl") { // multi table query, accepts json formatted parameters supplied as // Base64 encoded querystring parameters named ?p= // api call <protocol>://<domain>[/application]/api/app/@mtbl?p=<base64 encoded parameters> return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (isAppDebugPaths) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; JObject jArgs = new JObject() { }; // split "table" parameter to get the parent table code (first element) and from clause join codes (second element) string[] tableArr = table.Split('|'); jArgs.Add("code", tableArr[0]); if (tableArr.Length > 1) { jArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableArr[1]); } jArgs.Add("key", (key == "-" ? "" : key)); jArgs.Add("keyField", (keyField == "-" ? "" : keyField)); jArgs.Add("includedFields", (includedFields == "-" ? "" : includedFields)); jArgs.Add("filter", (filter == "-" ? "" : filter)); jArgs.Add("fieldMap", (filter == "-" ? "" : fieldMap)); jArgs.Add("sortFields", (sortFields == "-" ? "" : sortFields)); jArgs.Add("pageNumber", (!pageNumber.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageNumber))); jArgs.Add("pageSize", (!pageSize.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageSize))); jArgs.Add("requestConfig", (requestConfig == "-" ? "" : requestConfig)); jArgs.Add("snapshot", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "snapshot")); jArgs.Add("distinct", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "distinct")); AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, new JArray() { jArgs }); return(ExecuteGetRequest()); }