private void appButton() { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new appButtonInvoke(appButton)); } try { ribbon.ApplicationButtonDropDownControl = applicationMenu1; applicationMenu1.ShowRightPane = true; //applicationMenu1.RightPaneControlContainer = popupControlContainer1; AppMenuFileLabel label1 = new AppMenuFileLabel(); //Image labelUncheckedImage = imageCollection3.Images[1]; //Image labelCheckedImage = imageCollection3.Images[0]; label1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; label1.AutoHeight = true; label1.Caption = "Document1.rtf"; label1.ShowCheckButton = true; //label1.Image = labelUncheckedImage; //label1.SelectedImage = labelCheckedImage; // Fires when the label is clicked label1.LabelClick += new EventHandler(label1_LabelClick); //label1.Tag = "c:\\My Documents\\Document1.rtf"; // Add the label to the container. //popupControlContainer1.Controls.Add(label1); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void AddSeparator(this AppMenuFileLabel fileLabel) { LabelControl l = new LabelControl(); l.AutoSizeMode = LabelAutoSizeMode.None; l.Text = string.Empty; l.Height = 10; l.LineOrientation = LabelLineOrientation.Horizontal; l.LineVisible = true; fileLabel.Parent.Controls.Add(l); l.Dock = DockStyle.Top; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { AppMenuFileLabel f = new AppMenuFileLabel(); popupControlContainer1.Controls.Add(f); f.Dock = DockStyle.Top; f.Text = "Document " + i.ToString(); if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) { f.AddSeparator(); } } }
void SetElementsRange() { int i = 0; foreach (Control c in container.Controls) { AppMenuFileLabel ml = c as AppMenuFileLabel; if (ml == null) { continue; } ml.Caption = string.Format("&{0}", container.Controls.Count - i); i++; } }
public bool RemoveLastElement() { for (int i = 0; i < container.Controls.Count; i++) { AppMenuFileLabel ml = container.Controls[i] as AppMenuFileLabel; if (ml != null && !ml.Checked) { base.Remove(ml.Tag); ml.LabelClick -= new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); ml.Dispose(); return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool GetLabelChecked(string name) { foreach (Control c in container.Controls) { AppMenuFileLabel ml = c as AppMenuFileLabel; if (ml == null) { continue; } if (ml.Tag.Equals(name)) { return(ml.Checked); } } return(false); }
public void InsertElement(IMenuBarItem menuBarItem) { var ml = new AppMenuFileLabel { ShowCheckButton = false }; _container.Controls.Add(ml); ml.Appearance.TextOptions.HotkeyPrefix = HKeyPrefix.None; ml.Text = menuBarItem.Caption; ml.Tag = menuBarItem; ml.SuperTip = _toolTipCreator.CreateToolTip(menuBarItem.Description, Captions.FilePath); ml.AutoHeight = true; ml.Dock = DockStyle.Top; ml.LabelClick += menuClicked; setElementsRange(); }
public void InsertElement(object value) { string[] names = value.ToString().Split(','); string name = names[0]; bool checkedLabel = false; if (names.Length > 1) { checkedLabel = names[1].ToLower().Equals("true"); } foreach (AppMenuFileLabel ml in container.Controls) { if (ml.Tag.Equals(name)) { checkedLabel = ml.Checked; base.Remove(name); ml.LabelClick -= new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); ml.Dispose(); break; } } bool access = true; if (base.Count >= maxRecentFiles) { access = RemoveLastElement(); } if (access) { base.Insert(0, name); AppMenuFileLabel ml = new AppMenuFileLabel(); container.Controls.Add(ml); ml.Tag = name; ml.Text = GetFileName(name); ml.Checked = checkedLabel; ml.AutoHeight = true; ml.Dock = DockStyle.Top; ml.Image = imgUncheked; ml.SelectedImage = imgChecked; ml.LabelClick += new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); SetElementsRange(); } }
public void InsertElement(object value) { string[] names = value.ToString().Split(','); string name = names[0]; bool checkedLabel = false; if (names.Length > 1) { checkedLabel = names[1].ToLower().Equals("true"); } foreach (Control c in container.Controls) { AppMenuFileLabel ml = c as AppMenuFileLabel; if (ml == null) { continue; } if (ml.Tag.Equals(name)) { checkedLabel = ml.Checked; base.Remove(name); ml.LabelClick -= new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); ml.Dispose(); break; } } bool access = true; if (base.Count >= maxRecentFiles) { access = RemoveLastElement(); } if (access) { base.Insert(0, name); AppMenuFileLabel ml = new AppMenuFileLabel(); int index = GetLastAppMenuFileLabelIndex(); container.Controls.Add(ml); container.Controls.SetChildIndex(ml, index); ml.Tag = name; if (showDescription) { ml.Text = GetFileName(name); ml.Description = name; } else { ml.Text = GetFileName(name); } ml.Glyph = glyph; ml.Checked = checkedLabel; ml.AutoHeight = true; ml.Dock = DockStyle.Top; ml.Image = imgUncheked; ml.SelectedImage = imgChecked; ml.LabelClick += new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); if (indexedList) { SetElementsRange(); } } }
public void InsertElement(object value) { string[] names = value.ToString().Split(','); string name = names[0]; bool checkedLabel = false; if (names.Length > 1) checkedLabel = names[1].ToLower().Equals("true"); foreach (AppMenuFileLabel ml in container.Controls) { if (ml.Tag.Equals(name)) { checkedLabel = ml.Checked; base.Remove(name); ml.LabelClick -= new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); ml.Dispose(); break; } } bool access = true; if (base.Count >= maxRecentJobs) access = RemoveLastElement(); if (access) { base.Insert(0, name); AppMenuFileLabel ml = new AppMenuFileLabel(); container.Controls.Add(ml); ml.Tag = name; ml.Text = GetFileName(name); ml.Checked = checkedLabel; ml.AutoHeight = true; ml.Dock = DockStyle.Top; ml.Image = imgUncheked; ml.SelectedImage = imgChecked; ml.LabelClick += new EventHandler(OnLabelClick); SetElementsRange(); } }