public static void PrepareOpen(
            ModelDialectRevision clientDialect,
            AppInstanceIdType appInstanceIdType,
            CreateType createType)
            Condition.IsTrue(State == ModelState.Initialized);

            // appInstanceIdType should not be Invalid or None when preparing.
            Condition.IsFalse(appInstanceIdType == AppInstanceIdType.InvalidAppInstanceId || appInstanceIdType == AppInstanceIdType.NoAppInstanceId);
            Condition.IsFalse(createType == CreateType.ReconnectDurable);

            Combination.Isolated(clientDialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb2002);
            Combination.Isolated(clientDialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb21);

            // If the server doesn't support Dialect 3.x family, then createdurablev2 will not work and CreateDurableThenDisconnect will result in Open is null.
            Condition.IfThen(!ModelUtility.IsSmb3xFamily(MaxSmbVersionSupported), createType != CreateType.CreateDurableThenDisconnect);

            State = ModelState.Connected;
            Open  = new AppInstanceIdModelOpen();
            Open.CreateTypeWhenPrepare = createType;
            Open.AppInstanceId         = AppInstanceIdType.NoAppInstanceId;

            if (!ModelUtility.IsSmb3xFamily(MaxSmbVersionSupported))
                                "Connection.Dialect does not belong to SMB 3.x dialect family. So Open.AppInstanceId is not set.");

            // TDI: 72179
                            " If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family, the server MUST initialize the following:");
            ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "Server supports dialect {0}.", MaxSmbVersionSupported);

            if (createType == CreateType.CreateDurable)
                                " Open.AppInstanceId MUST be set to AppInstanceId in the SMB2_CREATE_APP_INSTANCE_ID create context request " +
                                "if the create request includes the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2 and SMB2_CREATE_APP_INSTANCE_ID create contexts.");
                Open.AppInstanceId = appInstanceIdType;
                                "The create request includes the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2 and SMB2_CREATE_APP_INSTANCE_ID create contexts.");
コード例 #2
        public static void OpenRequest(
            ClientGuidType clientGuidType,
            PathNameType pathNameType,
            CreateType createType,
            ShareType shareType,
            AppInstanceIdType appInstanceIdType)
            Condition.IsTrue(State == ModelState.Connected);

            // Isolate below params to limite the expanded test cases.
            Combination.Isolated(clientGuidType == ClientGuidType.SameClientGuid);
            Combination.Isolated(pathNameType == PathNameType.DifferentPathName);
            Combination.Isolated(shareType == ShareType.DifferentShareDifferentLocal);
            Combination.Isolated(shareType == ShareType.DifferentShareSameLocal);
            Combination.Isolated(appInstanceIdType == AppInstanceIdType.InvalidAppInstanceId);
            Combination.Isolated(appInstanceIdType == AppInstanceIdType.NoAppInstanceId);

            // "AppInstanceId is zero" is only applicable for the first Create Request.
            // For the second Create Request, only valid/notvalid/none make sense.
            Condition.IsFalse(appInstanceIdType == AppInstanceIdType.AppInstanceIdIsZero);

            // CreateDurableThenDisconnect is only applicable for the first Create Request.
            Condition.IsFalse(createType == CreateType.CreateDurableThenDisconnect);

            // If the client doesn't disconnect from the server after sending the first Create Request,
            // then the second Create Request does not need to contain reconnect context.
            // And vice versa.
            Condition.IfThen(Open.CreateTypeWhenPrepare != CreateType.CreateDurableThenDisconnect, createType != CreateType.ReconnectDurable);
            Condition.IfThen(Open.CreateTypeWhenPrepare == CreateType.CreateDurableThenDisconnect, createType == CreateType.ReconnectDurable);

            if (createType == CreateType.ReconnectDurable)
                                " If the create request also includes the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RECONNECT_V2 create context, " +
                                "the server MUST process the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RECONNECT_V2 create context as specified in section, " +
                                "and this section MUST be skipped.");
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RECONNECT_V2 create context is included.");

            if (!ModelUtility.IsSmb3xFamily(MaxSmbVersionSupported))
                                " The SMB2_CREATE_APP_INSTANCE_ID context is valid only for the SMB 3.x dialect family.");
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "The dialect version of the server is {0}.", MaxSmbVersionSupported);

            if (appInstanceIdType == AppInstanceIdType.ValidAppInstanceId && Open.AppInstanceId != AppInstanceIdType.NoAppInstanceId &&
                pathNameType == PathNameType.SamePathName &&
                shareType == ShareType.SameShare &&
                clientGuidType == ClientGuidType.DifferentClientGuid)
                                " The server MUST attempt to locate an Open in GlobalOpenTable where:");
                                "\tAppInstanceId in the request is equal to Open.AppInstanceId.");
                                "\tTarget path name is equal to Open.PathName.");
                                "\tOpen.TreeConnect.Share is equal to TreeConnect.Share.");
                                "\tOpen.Session.Connection.ClientGuid is not equal to the current Connection.ClientGuid.");
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "All the above conditions are met.");

                                "If an Open is found, the server MUST calculate the maximal access that the user, " +
                                "identified by Session.SecurityContext, has on the file being opened<277>. " +
                                "If the maximal access includes GENERIC_READ access, the server MUST close the open as specified in");
                // The user used in this model is administrator, so maximal access always includes GENERIC_READ access.
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "The maximal access includes GENERIC_READ access. So open is closed.");

                // close open
                Open = null;
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "appInstanceIdType is {0}.", appInstanceIdType.ToString());
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "pathNameType is {0}.", pathNameType.ToString());
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "shareType is {0}.", shareType.ToString());
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "clientGuidType is {0}.", clientGuidType.ToString());
                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "All the above conditions do not match the requirement, so open will not be closed.");

                ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.UnexpectedFields);