/// <summary> /// Shows the app's info dialog. /// </summary> private void OnMenuAboutClicked(object sender, EventArgs arg) { AppInfoDialog.Show( mainWindow, "Reconocedor de texto matemático", "Este programa se encarga de el reconocimiento de fórmulas contenidas en imágenes y su conversión a un formato de texto plano especificado a traves de reglas.", "mathtextrecognizer"); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo que maneja el evento provocado al hacer click en la opcion de menu "acerca de". /// </summary> private void OnMenuAboutClicked(object sender, EventArgs arg) { AppInfoDialog.Show( mainWindow, "Aprendedor de símbolos matemáticos", "Esta aplicación permite aprender un caracter y añadirlo a una base de datos de caracteres nueva o creada previamente.", "mathtextlearner"); }
//TODO: Glenn - Can't remember, was this set up as async void for fire and forget reasons? private async void ViewLoaded() { if (!_viewModelLoaded) { var runTimeVersion = _settingsService.AppVersion; var storedVersion = await _settingsService.GetStoredAppVersionAsync(); ActivityFeedFilter filter = await _settingsService.GetStoredActivityFeedFilterAsync(); _athlete = await _stravaService.GetAthleteAsync(); ApplyActivityFeedFilter(filter); //Show what's new information if the current version is newer than the stored version if (storedVersion.CompareTo(runTimeVersion) < 0) { await _settingsService.SetAppVersionAsync(runTimeVersion); //TODO: Glenn - Check loaded version with saved version in Settings, if different show what's new dialog and overwrite settings field AppInfoDialog appInfo = new AppInfoDialog(); //TODO: Change the strings to enums or constants for the visual states if (CurrentState.Name.Equals("Mobile", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { appInfo.FullSizeDesired = true; } else { appInfo.MinWidth = (double)(Window.Current.Bounds.Width * 90) / 100; appInfo.MinHeight = (double)(Window.Current.Bounds.Height * 90) / 100; } await appInfo.ShowAsync(); } _viewModelLoaded = true; } }
private void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppInfoDialog.ShowAppInfoDialog(); }
private void AboutMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppInfoDialog.ShowAppInfoDialog(); }