private void StartNotificationProcess() { try { AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("On Start Fired..!!", MessageType.LOG); NotificationController controller = new NotificationController(); controller.SendNotification(); AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("end of on ..!!", MessageType.LOG); } catch (Exception ex) { try { AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log(ex.Message, MessageType.ERROR); } catch (Exception innerEx) { var sw = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\ERROR.txt"); sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); sw.WriteLine(innerEx.Message); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } } }
public void ShouldCreate_and_writetoFile() { //Arrange AppFileLogger logger = AppFileLogger.getInstance(); //Act logger.Log("Hello", MessageType.ERROR); logger.Log("Thank you", MessageType.WARNING); //Assert }
private double getMilliseconds() { try { var milliSecond = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["timer.interval.milliseconds"]; return(double.Parse(milliSecond)); } catch (Exception ex) { AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("App setting file of service (timer.interval.hours)", MessageType.ERROR); } return(1); }
private void Smtp_SendCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { var userState = (MailMessage)e.UserState; if (e.Error != null) { AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("email sending failed for :" + userState.To, MessageType.ERROR); AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("email sending failed reason :" + e.Error.Message, MessageType.ERROR); } else { AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("email sending success for :" + userState.To, MessageType.LOG); } }
public void Add(EmailHistory contact) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.ContactID)) { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + EMAIL_HISTORY_FILE, true)) { sw.WriteLine(contact.ContactID + "," + contact.Name + "," + contact.LastEmailSent.ToShortDateString() + "," + contact.TotalReminders); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } } else { AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("No field values for EmailedContacts", MessageType.WARNING); } }
public void SendEmail(string to, string subject, string content) { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To.Add(to); mail.From = new MailAddress(this._userId); mail.Subject = subject; mail.Body = content; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential (this._userId, this._pwd);// Enter seders User name and password smtp.EnableSsl = true; object userState = mail; smtp.SendCompleted += Smtp_SendCompleted; try { // smtp.SendAsync(mail, userState); smtp.Send(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { AppFileLogger.getInstance() .Log("email sending failed ," + " check internet connection :" + ex.Message, MessageType.ERROR); throw; } AppFileLogger.getInstance().Log("email Queued to SMTPServier for:" + to, MessageType.LOG); }