// current version of the application data private static void LoadDefaults() { DATA = new AppData { TotalWins = 0, BestTime = 0, Version = DataVersion }; }
public static RenderDurationFiFo GetAllEntries() { var result = new AppData()[_AppDataKey]; if(result == null) return new RenderDurationFiFo(_renderListSize); return (RenderDurationFiFo)result; }
public FrmAddCustomer(AppData.CustomerProfile cpx) : this() { cp = cpx; txtCustomerID.Text = cp.CustomerId.ToString(); txtName.Text = cp.CpName; txtDileveryAddress.Text = cp.CpDeliveryAddress; txtBillAddress.Text = cp.CpBillAddress; txtMobile.Text = cp.CpMobileNumber; txtEmail.Text = cp.CpEmail; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); appData = new AppData(); string fullPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + appDataFileName; if(File.Exists(fullPath)) appData.ReadXml(fullPath); CountryBox.Text = LastUsedCountry; WorkInProgress = 0; Browser.LoadCompleted += LoadTorList; }
public FrmAddSchedule(AppData.MenuSchedule msx) : this() { ms = msx; dateTimePicker1.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(ms.MsDate); txtMenuA.Text = AppData.Menu.Find(ms.MsMenuA).MName; txtMenuB.Text = AppData.Menu.Find(ms.MsMenuB).MName; txtMenuC.Text = AppData.Menu.Find(ms.MsMenuC).MName; txtScheduleID.Text = ms.MenuScheduleId.ToString(); }
public FrmAddMenu(AppData.Menu mnx) : this() { //InitializeComponent(); btnSave.Text = "Update"; mn = mnx; txtMenuID.Text = mn.MenuId.ToString(); txtMenuName.Text = mn.MName; txtDescription.Text = mn.MDescription; txtPrice.Text = mn.MPrice.ToString(); cmbType.Text = mn.MType; cmbType.Text = mn.MCategory; }
private void appDataChanged(AppData ad) { if (lastgrablabel.InvokeRequired || nextgrablabel.InvokeRequired) { // on a different thread.. callback to self log.debug("invoke..."); AppDataChangedHandler d = new AppDataChangedHandler(appDataChanged); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { ad }); } else { log.debug("setting grab labels..."); if (ad.lastgrab == DateTime.MinValue) lastgrablabel.Text = "Last grab: N/A"; else lastgrablabel.Text = "Last grab: " + ad.lastgrab.ToString(); if (ad.nextgrab == DateTime.MinValue) nextgrablabel.Text = "Next scheduled grab: N/A"; else nextgrablabel.Text = "Next scheduled grab: " + ad.nextgrab.ToString(); } }
public static void Load() { try { if ( File.Exists( DataPATH ) ) { using ( var file = new StreamReader( DataPATH ) ) { var jsonData = file.ReadToEnd(); file.Close(); DATA = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AppData>( jsonData ); if ( DATA.Version != DataVersion ) { Update(); } } return; } } catch ( Exception exception ) { Debug.WriteLine( exception.Message ); } LoadDefaults(); }
private async Task <ViewCrowdfundViewModel> GetInfo(AppData appData, string statusMessage = null) { var settings = appData.GetSettings <CrowdfundSettings>(); var resetEvery = settings.StartDate.HasValue ? settings.ResetEvery : CrowdfundResetEvery.Never; DateTime?lastResetDate = null; DateTime?nextResetDate = null; if (resetEvery != CrowdfundResetEvery.Never) { lastResetDate = settings.StartDate.Value; nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value; while (DateTime.Now >= nextResetDate) { lastResetDate = nextResetDate; switch (resetEvery) { case CrowdfundResetEvery.Hour: nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddHours(settings.ResetEveryAmount); break; case CrowdfundResetEvery.Day: nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddDays(settings.ResetEveryAmount); break; case CrowdfundResetEvery.Month: nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddMonths(settings.ResetEveryAmount); break; case CrowdfundResetEvery.Year: nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddYears(settings.ResetEveryAmount); break; } } } var invoices = await GetInvoicesForApp(appData, lastResetDate); var completeInvoices = invoices.Where(entity => entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Complete || entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Confirmed).ToArray(); var pendingInvoices = invoices.Where(entity => !(entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Complete || entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Confirmed)).ToArray(); var paidInvoices = invoices.Where(entity => entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Complete || entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Confirmed || entity.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Paid).ToArray(); var pendingPayments = GetContributionsByPaymentMethodId(settings.TargetCurrency, pendingInvoices, !settings.EnforceTargetAmount); var currentPayments = GetContributionsByPaymentMethodId(settings.TargetCurrency, completeInvoices, !settings.EnforceTargetAmount); var perkCount = paidInvoices .Where(entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Metadata.ItemCode)) .GroupBy(entity => entity.Metadata.ItemCode) .ToDictionary(entities => entities.Key, entities => entities.Count()); var perks = Parse(settings.PerksTemplate, settings.TargetCurrency); if (settings.SortPerksByPopularity) { var ordered = perkCount.OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Value); var newPerksOrder = ordered .Select(keyValuePair => perks.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Id == keyValuePair.Key)) .Where(matchingPerk => matchingPerk != null) .ToList(); var remainingPerks = perks.Where(item => !newPerksOrder.Contains(item)); newPerksOrder.AddRange(remainingPerks); perks = newPerksOrder.ToArray(); } return(new ViewCrowdfundViewModel() { Title = settings.Title, Tagline = settings.Tagline, Description = settings.Description, CustomCSSLink = settings.CustomCSSLink, MainImageUrl = settings.MainImageUrl, EmbeddedCSS = settings.EmbeddedCSS, StoreId = appData.StoreDataId, AppId = appData.Id, StartDate = settings.StartDate?.ToUniversalTime(), EndDate = settings.EndDate?.ToUniversalTime(), TargetAmount = settings.TargetAmount, TargetCurrency = settings.TargetCurrency, EnforceTargetAmount = settings.EnforceTargetAmount, Perks = perks, Enabled = settings.Enabled, DisqusEnabled = settings.DisqusEnabled, SoundsEnabled = settings.SoundsEnabled, DisqusShortname = settings.DisqusShortname, AnimationsEnabled = settings.AnimationsEnabled, ResetEveryAmount = settings.ResetEveryAmount, ResetEvery = Enum.GetName(typeof(CrowdfundResetEvery), settings.ResetEvery), DisplayPerksRanking = settings.DisplayPerksRanking, PerkCount = perkCount, NeverReset = settings.ResetEvery == CrowdfundResetEvery.Never, Sounds = settings.Sounds, AnimationColors = settings.AnimationColors, CurrencyData = _Currencies.GetCurrencyData(settings.TargetCurrency, true), CurrencyDataPayments = currentPayments.Select(pair => pair.Key) .Concat(pendingPayments.Select(pair => pair.Key)) .Select(id => _Currencies.GetCurrencyData(id.CryptoCode, true)) .DistinctBy(data => data.Code) .ToDictionary(data => data.Code, data => data), Info = new ViewCrowdfundViewModel.CrowdfundInfo() { TotalContributors = paidInvoices.Length, ProgressPercentage = (currentPayments.TotalCurrency / settings.TargetAmount) * 100, PendingProgressPercentage = (pendingPayments.TotalCurrency / settings.TargetAmount) * 100, LastUpdated = DateTime.Now, PaymentStats = currentPayments.ToDictionary(c => c.Key.ToString(), c => c.Value.Value), PendingPaymentStats = pendingPayments.ToDictionary(c => c.Key.ToString(), c => c.Value.Value), LastResetDate = lastResetDate, NextResetDate = nextResetDate, CurrentPendingAmount = pendingPayments.TotalCurrency, CurrentAmount = currentPayments.TotalCurrency } }); }
/// <summary> /// Инициализировать данные уровня приложения /// </summary> public static SchemeApp InitSchemeApp(WorkModes workMode) { SchemeApp schemeApp; if (schemeAppObj == null) { schemeApp = new SchemeApp(); schemeAppObj = schemeApp; schemeApp.WorkMode = workMode; if (workMode == WorkModes.Monitor) { // инициализация общих данных приложения SCADA-Web AppData.InitAppData(); schemeApp.MainData = AppData.MainData; // настройка журнала приложения schemeApp.Log.FileName = AppData.LogDir + "ScadaScheme.log"; schemeApp.Log.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; schemeApp.Log.WriteBreak(); schemeApp.Log.WriteAction(Localization.UseRussian ? "Запуск SCADA-Схемы" : "Start SCADA-Scheme", Log.ActTypes.Action); } else // WorkModes.Edit { // инициализация данных редактора схем schemeApp.EditorData = new EditorData(); // настройка журнала приложения schemeApp.Log.FileName = ScadaUtils.NormalDir(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)) + "log\\ScadaSchemeEditor.log"; schemeApp.Log.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; schemeApp.Log.WriteBreak(); schemeApp.Log.WriteAction(Localization.UseRussian ? "Запуск SCADA-Редактора схем" : "Start SCADA-Scheme Editor", Log.ActTypes.Action); } } else if (schemeAppObj.WorkMode != workMode) { throw new ArgumentException(Localization.UseRussian ? "Ошибка при инициализации данных приложения SCADA-Схема: некорректный режим работы." : "Error initializing SCADA-Scheme application data: incorrect work mode.", "workMode"); } else { schemeApp = schemeAppObj; } if (workMode == WorkModes.Monitor) { // получение настроек Silverlight-приложения из настроек SCADA-Web schemeApp.SchemeSettings.RefrFreq = AppData.WebSettings.SrezRefrFreq; schemeApp.SchemeSettings.CmdEnabled = AppData.WebSettings.CmdEnabled; } // инициализировать используемые фразы schemeApp.SchemeSettings.SchemePhrases.Init(); SchemePhrases.InitStatic(); return(schemeApp); }
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); displayRequest = new DisplayRequest(); displayRequest.RequestActive(); var message = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BackupProgressMessage>(e.Parameter.ToString()); if (message.IsRestore) { HeaderText.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; HeaderText2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; WarningMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; WarningMessage2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; List <CompactAppData> skipApps = new List <CompactAppData>(); try { backup = message.backup; ((App)App.Current).BackRequested += BackupProgress_BackRequested; backupManager.BackupProgress += BackupManager_BackupProgress; LogsView.ItemsSource = log; string notAvailableNames = ""; foreach (var item in backup.Apps) { if (LoadAppData.appsData.Count(x => x.FamilyName == item.FamilyName) == 0) { skipApps.Add(item); if (notAvailableNames.Length > 0) { notAvailableNames += "\r\n"; } notAvailableNames += item.DisplayName; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("1" + ex.Message); await md.ShowAsync(); } try { foreach (var item in backup.Apps) { if (!skipApps.Contains(item)) { AppData appd = AppDataExtension.FindAppData(item.FamilyName); if (appd.PackageId != item.PackageId) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("Current installed version doesn't match the version backup was created from.\r\n\r\n" + "Current installed version: " + appd.PackageId + "\r\n\r\n" + "Backup: " + item.PackageId + "\r\n\r\n\r\n" + "Do you want to restore this app?", appd.DisplayName + ": Version mismatch"); md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Restore") { Id = 1 }); md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Don't restore") { Id = 0 }); md.DefaultCommandIndex = 1; md.CancelCommandIndex = 0; var result = await md.ShowAsync(); if (((int)result.Id) == 0) { skipApps.Add(item); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("2" + ex.Message); await md.ShowAsync(); } try { cleanedCount = -1; totalAppsCount = backup.Apps.Count; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("3" + ex.Message); await md.ShowAsync(); } try { await backupManager.Restore(backup, skipApps); progressBar1.Value = 100.0; messageTextBlock.Text = "Restore completed."; HeaderText2.Text = "DONE"; WarningMessage2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; FinalMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; progressRing.IsActive = false; progressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } catch { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(" The system cannot find the backup " + backup.Name); md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("OK") { Id = 1 }); //md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("No") { Id = 0 }); md.DefaultCommandIndex = 1; //md.CancelCommandIndex = 0; var result = await md.ShowAsync(); progressBar1.Value = 100.0; messageTextBlock.Text = "Restore cancelled!"; HeaderText2.Text = "ERROR"; WarningMessage2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; FinalMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; progressRing.IsActive = false; progressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } else { backup = message.backup; ((App)App.Current).BackRequested += BackupProgress_BackRequested; backupManager.BackupProgress += BackupManager_BackupProgress; LogsView.ItemsSource = log; List <AppData> appDatas = (from CompactAppData c in backup.Apps select AppDataExtension.FindAppData(c.FamilyName)).ToList(); await backupManager.CreateBackup(appDatas, backup.Name); progressBar1.Value = 100.0; messageTextBlock.Text = "Backup completed."; HeaderText.Text = "DONE"; WarningMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; FinalMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; progressRing.IsActive = false; progressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } ((App)App.Current).BackRequested -= BackupProgress_BackRequested; displayRequest.RequestRelease(); }
public static global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetTypedTableSchema(global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs) { global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence(); AppData ds = new AppData(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any1 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny(); any1.Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; any1.MinOccurs = new decimal(0); any1.MaxOccurs = decimal.MaxValue; any1.ProcessContents = global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax; sequence.Items.Add(any1); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any2 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny(); any2.Namespace = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1"; any2.MinOccurs = new decimal(1); any2.ProcessContents = global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax; sequence.Items.Add(any2); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute1 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute(); attribute1.Name = "namespace"; attribute1.FixedValue = ds.Namespace; type.Attributes.Add(attribute1); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute2 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute(); attribute2.Name = "tableTypeName"; attribute2.FixedValue = "PhoneBookDataTable"; type.Attributes.Add(attribute2); type.Particle = sequence; global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema dsSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable(); if (xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace)) { global::System.IO.MemoryStream s1 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream(); global::System.IO.MemoryStream s2 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream(); try { global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema = null; dsSchema.Write(s1); for (global::System.Collections.IEnumerator schemas = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator(); schemas.MoveNext();) { schema = ((global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema)(schemas.Current)); s2.SetLength(0); schema.Write(s2); if ((s1.Length == s2.Length)) { s1.Position = 0; s2.Position = 0; for (; ((s1.Position != s1.Length) && (s1.ReadByte() == s2.ReadByte()));) { ; } if ((s1.Position == s1.Length)) { return(type); } } } } finally { if ((s1 != null)) { s1.Close(); } if ((s2 != null)) { s2.Close(); } } } xs.Add(dsSchema); return(type); }
/// <summary> /// JS function handler for running showModal JS function, with input arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Argument string, containing a command to be handled later by modal</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ShowModal(string args) { Globals.DebugWriteLine($@"[JSInvoke:General\GeneralInvocableFuncs.ShowModal] args={args}"); return(AppData.InvokeVoidAsync("showModal", args)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateApp(CreateAppViewModel vm) { var stores = await _AppsHelper.GetOwnedStores(GetUserId()); if (stores.Length == 0) { StatusMessage = new StatusMessageModel() { Html = $"Error: You must have created at least one store. <a href='{(Url.Action("CreateStore", "UserStores"))}'>Create store</a>", Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error }.ToString(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ListApps))); } var selectedStore = vm.SelectedStore; vm.SetStores(stores); vm.SelectedStore = selectedStore; if (!Enum.TryParse <AppType>(vm.SelectedAppType, out AppType appType)) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.SelectedAppType), "Invalid App Type"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(vm)); } if (!stores.Any(s => s.Id == selectedStore)) { StatusMessage = "Error: You are not owner of this store"; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ListApps))); } var id = Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(20)); using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext()) { var appData = new AppData() { Id = id }; appData.StoreDataId = selectedStore; appData.Name = vm.Name; appData.AppType = appType.ToString(); ctx.Apps.Add(appData); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } StatusMessage = "App successfully created"; CreatedAppId = id; switch (appType) { case AppType.PointOfSale: return(RedirectToAction(nameof(UpdatePointOfSale), new { appId = id })); case AppType.Crowdfund: return(RedirectToAction(nameof(UpdateCrowdfund), new { appId = id })); default: return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ListApps))); } }
public TravelController(AppData appData) { this.appData = appData; }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { if (AppData.GetCurrentTiltType() == AppData.GroundTiltType.None) { return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && jellySprite.IsGrounded(layerMask, 1)) { #else if (jellySprite.IsGrounded(layerMask, 2) && ((AppData.GetCurrentTiltType() == AppData.GroundTiltType.Touch && LeanTouch.Fingers.Count >= 2) || (AppData.GetCurrentTiltType() == AppData.GroundTiltType.Gyro && LeanTouch.Fingers.Count >= 1))) { #endif jumpRegistered = true; } }
public SaleController(AppData appData, IBusinessRepository service) : base(appData, service) { }
public MenuService(ILogger <RestaurantMenuService> logger, AppData app) { _logger = logger; _app = app; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public ExperimentEngine(int unitId, AppData appData) : base(unitId, appData) { this.configuration = (Configuration)appData.labConfiguration; }
/// <summary> /// 另存为 /// </summary> private void SaveAs() { if (_targetModel.ResourceModel.FileState == FileStates.WaitForReceieve) { if (AppData.CanInternetAction()) { Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog sfd = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = _targetModel.ResourceModel.FileName; //sfd.Filter = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(_targetModel.ResourceModel.FileName); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == true) { try { File.Delete(sfd.FileName); } catch { AppData.MainMV.TipMessage = "文件已被占用,替换失败!"; return; } this.FileState = FileStates.Receiving; _operateTask = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(); AcioningItems.Add(this); ChatViewModel chatVM = AppData.MainMV.ChatListVM.SelectedItem; CSClient.Helper.MessageHelper.LoadFileContent(_targetModel, _operateTask, chatVM, (result) => { AcioningItems.Remove(this); if (_operateTask != null) { _operateTask.Cancel(); _operateTask = null; } }, sfd.FileName); } } } else { if (FileExists()) { Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); dlg.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(this.FullName); // Default file name dlg.DefaultExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.FullName); // fileName.Split('.').LastOrDefault(); // Default file extension dlg.Filter = string.Format("文件 (.{0})|*.{0}", dlg.DefaultExt); // // Filter files by extension dlg.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { try { File.Copy(this.FullName, dlg.FileName, true); } catch { AppData.MainMV.TipMessage = "文件已被占用,替换失败!"; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppData appData = AppData.GetAppData(); UserData userData = UserData.GetUserData(); #if DEBUG debugMode = true; userData.LoginForDebug(); #endif // перевод веб-страницы Translator.TranslatePage(Page, "Scada.Web.Plugins.Table.WFrmTable"); // получение ид. представления из параметров запроса viewID = Request.QueryString.GetParamAsInt("viewID"); // проверка прав на просмотр представления EntityRights rights = userData.LoggedOn ? userData.UserRights.GetUiObjRights(viewID) : EntityRights.NoRights; if (!rights.ViewRight) { Response.Redirect(UrlTemplates.NoView); } // загрузка представления в кеш для последующего получения данных через API TableView tableView = appData.ViewCache.GetView <TableView>(viewID); if (tableView == null) { Response.Redirect(UrlTemplates.NoView); } else { appData.AssignStamp(tableView); } // получение периода времени из cookies HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["Table.TimeFrom"]; int timeFrom; if (cookie == null || !int.TryParse(cookie.Value, out timeFrom)) { timeFrom = 0; } cookie = Request.Cookies["Table.TimeTo"]; int timeTo; if (cookie == null || !int.TryParse(cookie.Value, out timeTo)) { timeTo = 23; } // подготовка данных для вывода на веб-страницу viewTitle = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(tableView.Title); dataRefrRate = userData.WebSettings.DataRefrRate; arcRefrRate = userData.WebSettings.ArcRefrRate; phrases = WebUtils.DictionaryToJs("Scada.Web.Plugins.Table.WFrmTable.Js"); DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now; today = string.Format("new Date({0}, {1}, {2})", nowDT.Year, nowDT.Month - 1, nowDT.Day); selTimeFromHtml = GenerateTimeSelectHtml("selTimeFrom", true, timeFrom); selTimeToHtml = GenerateTimeSelectHtml("selTimeTo", false, timeTo); bool cmdEnabled = userData.WebSettings.CmdEnabled && rights.ControlRight; tableViewHtml = GenerateTableViewHtml(tableView, cmdEnabled, timeFrom, timeTo); }
private void LoadFormContent() { /* we need to put all available form ID to a list because we need to use databind for the datalist*/ lstFormID = new SortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < formID.Length; i++) { lstFormID.Add(i, formID[i]); } string sError = ""; //if (HideNames == "") HideNames = Session["HideNames"].ToString(); dsChildInfo = CChild.LoadSelectedChildInfo(RecID, Convert.ToInt16(RecType), ServiceDate, Session.SessionID, HideNames); dsReviewerEntryInfo = CForms.GetReviewerEntryData(ref sError, RecID); authorizedAmount = dsChildInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Authorized Amount"].ToString(); authorizedAmount = ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorizedAmount)) ? Convert.ToDouble(authorizedAmount).ToString("N2") : "0.00"); placement = (dsChildInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Autho Type"].ToString() == "N") ? "0" : "1"; /*begin - load the child info*/ childDetail.recID = RecID; childDetail.recType = RecType; childDetail.serviceDate = ServiceDate; childDetail.funding = Funding; childDetail.placement = placement; childDetail.dsChildInfo = dsChildInfo; childDetail.dsReviewerEntryInfo = dsReviewerEntryInfo; //childDetail.eID = eID; pageDetailTitle.eID = eID; pageDetailTitle.recID = RecID; pageDetailTitle.recType = RecType; pageDetailTitle.serviceDate = ServiceDate; pageDetailTitle.dsChildInfo0 = dsChildInfo; /*end - load the child info*/ lstForms.DataSource = lstFormID; DataBind(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "setFirstForm", "<script language='javascript'>javascript:SetCurrentForm('100')</script>"); /* begin - set data entry form */ txtDataEntryTotalPaid.Text = "$" + authorizedAmount; txtDataEntryMonth.Text = ServiceDate; txtDataEntryReviewDate.Text = AppData.FormatDateStr(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); txtDataEntryChildID.Text = RecID; txtDataEntryCounty.Text = dsChildInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["county"].ToString(); txtDataEntryTotalPaidField.Value = authorizedAmount; txtDataEntryMonthField.Value = txtDataEntryMonth.Text; txtDataEntryReviewDateField.Value = txtDataEntryReviewDate.Text; txtDataEntryChildIDField.Value = RecID; txtDataEntryCountyField.Value = txtDataEntryCounty.Text; /* end - set data entry form */ strLastFormID = dsChildInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LastFormID"].ToString(); hidLastFormID.Value = strLastFormID; if (Session["UserName"].ToString() == "IPFedUser") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "AllFormCompleted", "<script>displayAllCompleted()</script>"); btnMarkCaseComplete.Disabled = true; btnReviewerForm.Disabled = true; } else { if (Completed == "1") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "AllFormCompleted", "<script>displayAllCompleted()</script>"); btnMarkCaseComplete.Visible = false; if (Session["IsAdminUser"] != null) { if (Session["IsAdminUser"].ToString() == "1") { btnMarkCaseIncomplete.Visible = true; } } lblCompleted.Visible = true; } } }
/** * Validate Login fields for valid entries and against database entries * and call the MDI MAIN Screen. */ private void login() { //Create an instance of application validator AppValidator appValidatorObj = AppValidator.getValidatorInstance(); //Check if Username field is empty if (txtUsername.Text == string.Empty) { txtFieldFocus(txtUsername); return; } //Get value of username and password String username = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); //Validate Username for alphanumeric characters /*if (appValidatorObj.isValidField(username, 7)) * { * txtFieldFocus(txtUsername); * } * else * { * lblStatus.Text = "1. Can contain digit or alphanumeric characters" + "\n" + * "2. Length at least 3 characters and maximum of 15"; * return; * }*/ //Check if password field is empty if (txtPassword.Text == string.Empty) { txtFieldFocus(txtPassword); return; } String password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); //Validate Password for alphanumeric and special characters /*if (appValidatorObj.isValidField(password, 8)) * { * txtFieldFocus(txtPassword); * } * else * { * lblStatus.Text = "Password :"******"1. Must contain at least one digit" + "\n" + * "2. Must contain at least one uppercase character." + "\n" + * "3. Must contain at least one special symbol" + "\n" + * "4. Length at least 8 characters and maximum of 15"; * return; * }*/ /** * Establish Database Connectivity Based on type of Database Server(MS SQL SERVER if default type) * If MY SQL, use IConnector dbConnector = connectionObj.connectToServer("MY SQL"); * SQL specific methods are stored in interface ISQLConnector which is child of IConnector interface. * Similiarly for other types of Database Servers * DB Connection takes the database connection string identifier from DbConnection.config file. * When "default" is passed, default connection identifier from config file is choosen. * Another instance of DBConnection is to be created to connect to different database for * file handling. */ DBConnection connectionObj = new DBConnection(AppConstants.DEFAULT_DBCONN_IDENTIFIER); DesktopAppSample3.ISQLConnector dbConnector = (DesktopAppSample3.ISQLConnector)connectionObj.connectToServer(AppConstants.MS_SQL_SERVER); /** * Initialization fields of the application * is stored in AppData object. Validate input Username and Password * with the values in Database. */ AppData dataObj = getLoginData(username, password, dbConnector); if (dataObj != null) { dataObj.setDBConnector(dbConnector); FrmMDIMain mainForm = new FrmMDIMain(); //Pass Data Object to Main Form for using the stored username and other fields. this.Hide(); mainForm.Show(); txtPassword.Text.Trim(); } else //Invalid entries provided { lblStatus.Text = "Invalid Username/Password."; } }
protected void LoadLocationModals(Location location) { #region Create Modal // Create a Bootstrap Modal to display full location information HtmlGenericControl Modal = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { ID = "modal_" + location.Name }; Modal.Attributes["class"] = "modal"; HtmlGenericControl ModalDialog = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); ModalDialog.Attributes["class"] = "modal-dialog"; HtmlGenericControl ModalContent = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); ModalContent.Attributes["class"] = "modal-content"; HtmlGenericControl ModalHeader = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); ModalHeader.Attributes["class"] = "modal-header"; HtmlGenericControl ModalBody = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); ModalBody.Attributes["class"] = "modal-body"; HtmlGenericControl ModalFooter = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); ModalFooter.Attributes["class"] = "modal-footer"; // Create an UpdatePanel to update Favorites without refreshing page UpdatePanel modal_panel = new UpdatePanel() { ID = "modal_panel" + location.Name }; // Add unload event to prevent exception with dynamically created UpdatePanels modal_panel.Unload += (sender, EventArgs) => { UpdatePanel_Unload(sender, EventArgs); }; // Add content to the Modal if (location != null) { string modal_loc_Description = location.Description; string title = "<h1>" + location.Name + "</h1>"; HtmlButton ModalClose = new HtmlButton() { InnerText = "x", }; ModalClose.Attributes["class"] = "close"; ModalClose.Attributes["data-dismiss"] = "modal"; ModalHeader.Controls.Add(ModalClose); HtmlGenericControl LocationContent = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); string image = "<img src = \"" + location.ImageLink + "\" id = \"" + "img_" + location.Name + "\" />"; string description = "<p>" + modal_loc_Description + "</p><br/>"; var content = title + image + description; LocationContent.InnerHtml = content; ModalBody.Controls.Add(LocationContent); ///////////////////////////////// Start: Comment Section ///////////////////////////////////// HtmlGenericControl Comments = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); // ///////////////////// Start: Previous Comments //////////////////////////// UpdatePanel panel_Comments = new UpdatePanel() { ID = "comments_panel_" + location.Name, }; panel_Comments.Unload += (sender, EventArgs) => { UpdatePanel_Unload(sender, EventArgs); }; HtmlGenericControl PreviousComments = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); PreviousComments.Attributes["class"] = "list-group"; LocationController lc = new LocationController(); List <Comment> CommentsForLocation = null; try { CommentsForLocation = lc.GetCommentsByLocationID(location.ID); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); var msg = AppData.CreateAlert("Could not load the comments for this location: " + location.Name, "warning"); err_Placeholder.Controls.Add(msg); } finally { lc.Dispose(); } if (CommentsForLocation.Count != 0) { HtmlGenericControl CommentsHeader = new HtmlGenericControl("h3") { InnerText = "Comments", }; //CommentsHeader.Attributes["class"] = "container container-fluid"; PreviousComments.Controls.Add(CommentsHeader); foreach (Comment c in CommentsForLocation) { string dateString = c.CommentDate; string format = "yyyyMMddHHmmss"; DateTime dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); string date = dateTime.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); string month = dateTime.Month.ToString(); string day = dateTime.Day.ToString(); string year = dateTime.Year.ToString(); var name = "<p><strong>" + c.UserName + "</strong> " + "<small class='text-muted float-right' font-weight='regular'>(" + date + ")</small>" + "</p>"; var comment = "<p>" + c.UserComment + "</p>"; var singleComment = name + comment; HtmlGenericControl EachComment = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { InnerHtml = singleComment, }; EachComment.Attributes["class"] = "list-group-item"; PreviousComments.Controls.Add(EachComment); } } else { var none = "<p><strong>There are no comments yet.</strong></p>"; HtmlGenericControl NoComments = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { InnerHtml = none, }; PreviousComments.Controls.Add(NoComments); } // Add "previous" comments to update panel panel_Comments.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(PreviousComments); // ///////////////////// End: Previous Comments //////////////////////////// // //////////////////// Start: New User Comments /////////////////////////// HtmlGenericControl NewComment = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); NewComment.Attributes["class"] = "form-group"; HtmlGenericControl NewCommentHeader = new HtmlGenericControl("h4") { InnerText = "Add Comment", }; HtmlTextArea UserComment = new HtmlTextArea() { ID = "Comment_" + location.Name, Rows = 3, }; UserComment.Attributes["name"] = "Comment"; UserComment.Attributes["maxlength"] = "200"; UserComment.Attributes["class"] = "form-control"; UserComment.Attributes["placeholder"] = "Say something nice..."; NewComment.Controls.Add(NewCommentHeader); NewComment.Controls.Add(UserComment); HtmlGenericControl CharsRemaining = new HtmlGenericControl("h6") { ID = "CharsLeft_" + location.Name, }; CharsRemaining.Attributes["class"] = "text-muted float-right"; NewComment.Controls.Add(CharsRemaining); //Update panel for comment submit button UpdatePanel panel_Comment_Buttons = new UpdatePanel { ID = "comment_buttons_panel_" + location.Name, ChildrenAsTriggers = true, }; panel_Comment_Buttons.Unload += (sender, EventArgs) => { UpdatePanel_Unload(sender, EventArgs); }; Button modal_addComment = new Button { ID = "modal_comment_btn" + location.Name, Text = "Add Comment", }; modal_addComment.Attributes["type"] = "button"; modal_addComment.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-primary"; string commentId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); modal_addComment.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { AddCommentBtn_Click(sender, EventArgs, location, new Comment(location.ID, commentId, (string)Session[AppData.USERNAME], UserComment.InnerText)); }; panel_Comment_Buttons.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(modal_addComment); // ///////////////////// End: New User Comments //////////////////////////// Comments.Controls.Add(panel_Comments); if (Session[AppData.LOGGEDIN] != null) { bool loggedIn = (bool)Session[AppData.LOGGEDIN]; if (loggedIn == true) { Comments.Controls.Add(NewComment); Comments.Controls.Add(panel_Comment_Buttons); } else { string loginLink = "<a href='./login.aspx'>log in</a>"; var msg = AppData.CreateAlert("Please " + loginLink + " to leave a comment", "warning"); Comments.Controls.Add(msg); } } else { string loginLink = "<a href='./login.aspx'>log in</a>"; var msg = AppData.CreateAlert("Please " + loginLink + " to leave a comment", "warning"); Comments.Controls.Add(msg); } ModalBody.Controls.Add(Comments); ///////////////////////////////// End: Comment Section ///////////////////////////////////// if (Session[AppData.LOGGEDIN] != null) { bool loggedIn = (bool)Session[AppData.LOGGEDIN]; if (loggedIn == true) { // Check if location already exists in favorites List <Favorite> TravellerFavorites = GetFavoriteList(); bool contains = TravellerFavorites.Any(f => f.LocationID == location.ID); if (contains != true) { // Instantiate a new 'Add to Favorites' button HtmlButton modal_addFavorite = new HtmlButton { ID = "modal_btn_" + location.Name, InnerText = "Add to My Destinations", }; modal_addFavorite.Attributes.Add("class", "btn btn-outline-success"); // Specify click event and create/call new event handler modal_addFavorite.ServerClick += (sender, EventArgs) => { AddDestinationBtn_Click(sender, EventArgs, location); }; // Add button to UpdatePanel modal_panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(modal_addFavorite); } else { Label modal_fv_exists = new Label { ID = "modal_fv_exists_" + location.Name, Text = "Saved in your destinations", CssClass = "badge badge-success", }; modal_fv_exists.Style.Add("font-size", "12pt"); modal_fv_exists.Style.Add("padding", "5pt"); modal_panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(modal_fv_exists); } } } // Add buttons to footer ModalFooter.Controls.Add(modal_panel); // Construct Modal ModalContent.Controls.Add(ModalHeader); ModalContent.Controls.Add(ModalBody); ModalContent.Controls.Add(ModalFooter); ModalDialog.Controls.Add(ModalContent); Modal.Controls.Add(ModalDialog); // Add modal to placeholder loc_Placeholder.Controls.Add(Modal); } #endregion Create Modal }
public override void Use() { AppData.Instance().refreshForms(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { } if (Session[AppData.LOGGEDIN] != null) { bool loggedIn = (bool)Session[AppData.LOGGEDIN]; if (loggedIn == true) { HtmlGenericControl welcome = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { InnerHtml = "<h4>" + (string)Session[AppData.FIRSTNAME] + ", welcome back to TravelBuddy</h4>" + "<p class='form-text'>Pick up where you left off...</p><br />" }; msgPlaceholder.Controls.Add(welcome); } else { HtmlGenericControl welcome = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { InnerHtml = "<h4>Welcome to TravelBuddy</h4>" + "<p class='form-text'><a href='./login.aspx'>Log in</a> or <a href='./register.aspx'>create an account</a> " + "to begin saving destinations and planning your trips.</p><br />" }; msgPlaceholder.Controls.Add(welcome); } } else { HtmlGenericControl welcome = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { InnerHtml = "<h4>Welcome to TravelBuddy</h4>" + "<p class='form-text'><a href='./login.aspx'>Log in</a> or <a href='./register.aspx'>create an account</a> " + "to begin saving destinations and planning your trips.</p><br />" }; msgPlaceholder.Controls.Add(welcome); } LocationController locationController = new LocationController(); try { Locations = locationController.GetLocations(); loc_Placeholder.Controls.Clear(); foreach (Location loc in Locations) { PopulateLocations(loc); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); var msg = AppData.CreateAlert("One of the locations could not be loaded", "warning"); err_Placeholder.Controls.Add(msg); } finally { locationController.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// </summary> public FrmBaseTable(IBaseTable baseTable, TableFilter tableFilter, ScadaProject project, AppData appData) : this() { this.baseTable = baseTable ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("baseTable"); this.tableFilter = tableFilter; this.project = project ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("project"); this.appData = appData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("appData"); dataTable = null; maxRowID = 0; frmFind = null; frmFilter = null; Text = baseTable.Title + (tableFilter == null ? "" : " - " + tableFilter); }
private void Awake() { _controller = FindObjectOfType <UIController>(); _dashboard = FindObjectOfType <DashboardController>(); _attributes = AppData.Instance().MannyAttribute; }
/// <summary> /// JS function handler for showing Toast message. /// </summary> /// <param name="toastType">success, info, warning, error</param> /// <param name="toastMessage">Message to be shown in toast</param> /// <param name="toastTitle">(Optional) Title to be shown in toast (Empty doesn't show any title)</param> /// <param name="renderTo">(Optional) Part of the document to append the toast to (Empty = Default, document.body)</param> /// <param name="duration">(Optional) Duration to show the toast before fading</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ShowToast(string toastType, string toastMessage, string toastTitle = "", string renderTo = "body", int duration = 5000) { Globals.DebugWriteLine($@"[JSInvoke:General\GeneralInvocableFuncs.ShowToast] type={toastType}, message={toastMessage}, title={toastTitle}, renderTo={renderTo}, duration={duration}"); return(AppData.InvokeVoidAsync("window.notification.new", new { type = toastType, title = toastTitle, message = toastMessage, renderTo, duration })); }
public static bool SaveData(AppData file, object data) { return(SaveFile(file.ToString(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Formatting.Indented))); }
public HostModel(AppData appData) { this.appData = appData; }
private static void SaveDataToDisk(AppData data) { string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(data); File.WriteAllText(GetPath(), json); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// </summary> public FrmProfileEdit(AppData appData, DeploymentProfile deploymentProfile) : this() { this.appData = appData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(appData)); this.deploymentProfile = deploymentProfile ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deploymentProfile)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// </summary> protected FrmBaseTable(AppData appData) : this() { this.appData = appData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("appData"); }
public Task <StoreData> GetStore(AppData app) { return(_storeRepository.FindStore(app.StoreDataId)); }
public CardLoadService(ArkhamDbService arkhamDbService, LocalCardsService localCardsService, CardImageService cardImageService, AppData appData, LoadingStatusService loadingStatusService, LoggingService loggingService) { _arkhamDbService = arkhamDbService; _localCardsService = localCardsService; _cardImageService = cardImageService; _appData = appData; _loadingStatusService = loadingStatusService; _logger = loggingService; }
public static void GenerateRandomData(string personName) { var random = new RandomGenerator(); string rootPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Server"); var attachmentFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(rootPath, "attachments")); var lipsumParagraphs = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(rootPath, "LipsumParagraphs.txt")).Where(l => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(l)).ToList(); var lipsumTitles = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(rootPath, "LipsumTitles.txt")).Where(l => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(l)).ToList(); var people = new List<AppUser>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var person = new AppUser(); person.Name = random.GetRandom(personNames); person.Email = person.Name.ToLowerInvariant() + "@gmail.com"; person.Id = random.GetRandomNumber(1000000, 9999999); people.Add(person); } var currentUser = people.First(p => p.Name == personName); var posts = new List<Post>(); for (int i = 0; i < random.GetRandomNumber(800, 1200); i++) { var post = new Post(); post.Id = random.GetRandomNumber(100000, 999999); post.IsFavorite = random.GetRandomDouble() < 0.2; post.IsRead = random.GetRandomDouble() < 0.6; post.Body = random.GetRandom(lipsumParagraphs); post.Subject = random.GetRandom(lipsumTitles); post.Sender = random.GetRandom(people); post.DateSent = random.GetRandomDate(); for (int j = 0; j < random.GetRandomNumber(1, 10); j++) post.Recepients.Add(random.GetRandom(people)); if (random.GetRandomBool()) { for (int j = 0; j < random.GetRandomNumber(0, 5); j++) post.CC.Add(random.GetRandom(people)); } if (random.GetRandomBool()) { for (int j = 0; j < random.GetRandomNumber(0, 5); j++) post.BCC.Add(random.GetRandom(people)); } if (random.GetRandomBool()) { for (int j = 0; j < random.GetRandomNumber(0, 3); j++) { var attachmentFile = new FileInfo(random.GetRandom(attachmentFiles)); post.Attachments.Add(new Attachment { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Size = random.GetRandomNumber(10000, 10000000), Title = attachmentFile.Name }); } } if (random.GetRandomBool()) { for (int j = 0; j < random.GetRandomNumber(1, 5); j++) { string randomTag = random.GetRandom(defaultTags); if (!post.Tags.Contains(randomTag)) post.Tags.Add(randomTag); } } posts.Add(post); } var data = new AppData { Posts = posts, Users = people, CurrentUser = currentUser }; SaveDataToDisk(data); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// </summary> public FrmCulture(AppData appData) : this() { this.appData = appData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(appData)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <ConfigModel> configList = null; string backupDirectory = string.Empty; try { if (applicationData == null) { applicationData = AppData.Load(); } applicationData.NoOfTimesAppRan = ++applicationData.NoOfTimesAppRan; applicationData.LastRanTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"); PrintDescriptionAndAuthorInfo(); backupDirectory = ConfigHelper.GetSetting <string>("BackupFolder"); CreateRootBackupDirIfNotExist(backupDirectory); BackupExistResult bkpExistRslt = IsBackupExist(backupDirectory); string newBackupDirName = bkpExistRslt.GetNewBackupDirName(ConfigHelper.GetSetting <string>("BkpFolderDatePattern")); if (bkpExistRslt.IsTodaysBackupExist) { Console.WriteLine($"Backup Already Exist At {bkpExistRslt.TodaysBackupDirName}. Creating New Backup At {newBackupDirName}\n"); } configList = LoadBackupConfigFile(); string todaysBackupDir = Path.Combine(backupDirectory, newBackupDirName); TakeBackup(configList, todaysBackupDir); applicationData.NoOfFilesBackedUp += fileCount; applicationData.NoOfDirectoriesBackedUp += dirCount; applicationData.Save(); // Delete backup after taking backup if (ConfigHelper.GetSetting <bool>("IsDelOldBackups")) { DeleteExistingBackups(bkpExistRslt.ExistingBackupList); } Console.WriteLine($"\nBackup Completed. Copied {fileCount} files and {dirCount} folders"); } catch (Exception ex) { File.AppendAllText("ExceptionDetail.txt", $"{DateTime.Now:dd/MM/yyyy hh:ss:ss tt}\r\n{ex}\r\n"); SendErrorMail(ex); } if (ConfigHelper.GetSetting <bool>("SendBackupSuccessMail")) { string recepiant = ConfigHelper.GetSetting <string>("BackupSuccessMailRecepiants"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recepiant)) { return; } string backupSuccessSubject = $"{ConfigHelper.GetSetting<string>("BackupSuccessMailSubject")} - {DateTime.Now:dd-MM-yyyy}"; IEnumerable <ConfigModel> srcDirCnt = configList.Where(C => C.ConfigPattern == ConfigPatterns.SourceFolder); var foldersOrFolderTxt = srcDirCnt.Count() > 1 ? "folders" : "folder"; StringBuilder mailBody = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); mailBody.AppendLine($"Backup of below {foldersOrFolderTxt} successfully created at {backupDirectory} on machine {Environment.MachineName}"); foreach (var item in srcDirCnt) { mailBody.AppendLine(item.Value); } if (ConfigHelper.GetSetting <bool>("IsDelOldBackups")) { mailBody.AppendLine($"\"Delete Previous Backups\" setting is enabled and only keeping last {ConfigHelper.GetSetting<int>("DelOldBackupGreaterThan")} backups."); } SendMail(recepiant, backupSuccessSubject, mailBody.ToString()); } if (ConfigHelper.GetSetting <bool>("ShowConsoleAfterComplete")) { Console.ReadKey(); } }
private void DownloadVideo(string videoPath = "") { if (_targetModel == null && this.DataContext is MessageModel item) { _targetModel = item; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoPath)) { _targetModel.Content = videoPath; _targetModel.ResourceModel.FullName = videoPath; } if (AppData.CanInternetAction()) { if (this._targetModel.MessageState == MessageStates.Loading) { AppData.MainMV.TipMessage = "视频正在下载,请稍候"; return; } if (this._targetModel.MessageState == MessageStates.Fail || this._targetModel.MessageState == MessageStates.Warn) { AppData.MainMV.TipMessage = "视频消息发送失败,无法下载"; return; } this._targetModel.MessageState = MessageStates.Loading; this.gridProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.borderPlay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imgReset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imgDownload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //IMClient.Helper.MessageHelper.LoadVideoPreviewImage(this._targetModel); IMClient.Helper.MessageHelper.LoadVideoContent(this._targetModel, (b) => { if (b) { this._targetModel.MessageState = MessageStates.Success; App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.gridProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.borderPlay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.imgReset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imgDownload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); } else { this._targetModel.MessageState = MessageStates.Fail; this._targetModel.ResourceModel.FileState = FileStates.None; App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.gridProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.borderPlay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imgReset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imgDownload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }); } }); } else { this._targetModel.ResourceModel.FileState = FileStates.None; //this._targetModel.MessageState = MessageStates.None; //this.gridProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //this.borderPlay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //this.imgReset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //this.imgDownload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //IMClient.Helper.MessageHelper.LoadVideoContent(this._targetModel); } }