public void Start() { var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); _core = AppCoreBuilder.Create(builder) .AddModule<NCoreFileStorageModule>() .AddModule(new NHibernatePostgreModule() { AssemblyMapper = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), ConnectionStringKey = "ncore-test-base", AfterConfigure = e => { FileStorageCore.Configure(e); SecurityCore.Configure(e); } }) .AddModule(new NCoreSecurityNHibernateModule()) .Configure(c => { c.RegisterType<TestService>().As<ITestService>(); c.RegisterType<TestRepository>().As<ITestRepository>(); }) .Build(); var service = _core.Resolve<ITestService>(); service.AddTestRecord(); }
public AppHost(AppCore core) { _core = core; _appScopeList = new List<IAppScope>(); _factory = new TaskFactory(_cancellationToken); _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _cancellationToken = _tokenSource.Token; Apps=new List<IHostedApp>(); }
public BaseMediaItem(string filePath, int index, DataModel.MediaItem data) { ACore = ACore = (AppCore) Application.Current.Properties[nameof(AppProps.AppCore)]; FilePath = filePath; Index = index; if (data == null) return; Id = data.Id; DirId = data.DirectoryId; Comment = data.Comment; Rating = data.Rating; Orientation = data.Orientation; Data = data; }
private async void LoadPage() { _ProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = true; var res = await AppCore.InstaApi.GetUserTimelineFeedAsync(InstaSharper.Classes.PaginationParameters.MaxPagesToLoad(1)); if (res.Info.Message == "login_required") { //AppCore.InstaApi = null; AppCore.SaveUserInfo(null, null, false); MainPage.MainFrame.GoBack(); return; } var strs = await AppCore.InstaApi.GetStoryFeedAsync(); StoriesList.ItemsSource = strs.Value.Items.OrderBy(x => x.Seen != 0); if (HomePageItemssource != null) { HomePageItemssource.CollectionChanged -= HomePageItemssource_CollectionChanged; } HomePageItemssource = new GenerateHomePage <InstaMedia>(100000, (count) => { //return tres[count]; return(new InstaMedia()); }); HomePageItemssource.CollectionChanged += HomePageItemssource_CollectionChanged; //MediasCVS.Source = HomePageItemssource; mylist.ItemsSource = HomePageItemssource; //await HomePageItemssource.LoadMoreItemsAsync(20); //mylist.ItemsSource = res.Value.Medias; //mylist.ItemsSource = res.Value.Medias; _ProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = false; var sv = FindChildOfType <ScrollViewer>(mylist); sv.ViewChanged += Sv_ViewChanged; //await Task.Delay(2000); //DirectFr.Navigate(typeof(DirectsListView)); //MainPage.MainFrame.Navigate(typeof(DirectsListView)); }
public MediaItemsVM(Core core, AppCore coreVM, MediaItemsM model) { _core = core; _coreVM = coreVM; Model = model; #region Commands RotateCommand = new( Rotate, () => _core.ThumbnailsGridsM.Current?.FilteredItems.Count( x => x.IsSelected && x.MediaType == MediaType.Image) > 0); RenameCommand = new( Rename, () => Model.Current != null); DeleteCommand = new( Delete, () => _core.ThumbnailsGridsM.Current?.SelectedItems.Count > 0 || _coreVM.AppInfo.AppMode == AppMode.Viewer); EditCommand = new( () => Model.IsEditModeOn = true, () => _core.ThumbnailsGridsM.Current?.FilteredItems.Count > 0); SaveEditCommand = new( SaveEdit, () => Model.IsEditModeOn && Model.ModifiedItems.Count > 0); CancelEditCommand = new( CancelEdit, () => Model.IsEditModeOn); CommentCommand = new( Comment, () => Model.Current != null); ReloadMetadataCommand = new( () => ReloadMetadata(_core.ThumbnailsGridsM.Current.GetSelectedOrAll()), () => _core.ThumbnailsGridsM.Current?.FilteredItems.Count > 0); ReloadMetadataInFolderCommand = new( ReloadMetadataInFolder, x => x != null); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// </summary> protected override void OnConfigurationApplied() { var hasSmsService = AppCore.Get <MessagingSMS.SMSService>() != null; if (!hasSmsService) { var cfg = GetConfigurationManipulator().GetEditable <WebCoreConfiguration>(); switch (cfg.userAuthorizeAllowed) { case Core.Users.eUserAuthorizeAllowed.EmailAndPhone: case Core.Users.eUserAuthorizeAllowed.OnlyPhone: cfg.userAuthorizeAllowed = Core.Users.eUserAuthorizeAllowed.OnlyEmail; this.RegisterEvent(EventType.CriticalError, "Сервис рассылки СМС не найден - режим авторизации сброшен", "Не найден сервис рассылки СМС-сообщений. В связи с этим режим авторизации пользователей изменен на 'Только Email'."); GetConfigurationManipulator().ApplyConfiguration(cfg); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> protected override void OnModuleStarting() { RegisterPermission(PERM_SITEMAP, "Управление картой сайта"); _sitemapTask = AppCore.Get <TaskSchedulingManager>().RegisterTask(new TaskRequest() { Name = $"Карта сайта: генерация", Description = "", IsEnabled = true, TaskOptions = TaskOptions.PreventParallelExecution | TaskOptions.AllowDisabling | TaskOptions.AllowManualSchedule, UniqueKey = GetType().FullName + "_Execute", ExecutionLambda = () => Execute(), Schedules = new List <TaskSchedule>() { new TaskCronSchedule(Cron.Daily(5)) } }); }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает обратный адрес по-умолчанию для писем, для которых отправитель не задан явно. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public MailAddress GetDefaultOutgoingAddress() { var address = "no-reply@localhost"; if (AppCore.ServerUrl != null) { address = "no-reply@" + AppCore.ServerUrl.Host; } var cfg = AppCore.Get <Module>().GetConfiguration <ModuleConfiguration>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cfg.OutgoingAddress)) { address = cfg.OutgoingAddress; } return(new MailAddress(address, cfg.OutgoingName)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ChangeWorklocationViewModel /// </summary> /// <param name="page"> ChangeWorklocation</param> public ChangeWorklocationViewModel(ContentPage page) { = page; this.appcore = AppCore.Instance; MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AppCore, List <Model.Entity.Location> >(this, "ChooseWorkLocation", (sender, buildingList) => { Debug.WriteLine("Empfangene Liste Größe " + buildingList.Count); this.buildings.Clear(); foreach (Model.Entity.Location t in buildingList) { this.buildings.Add(t); } }); MessagingCenter.Send <ChangeWorklocationViewModel>(this, "ChangeWorklocationReady"); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); if (e.NavigationMode != NavigationMode.Back) { AppCore.ModerateBack(Frame.GoBack); } if (StoryViewersItemssource != null) { StoryViewersItemssource.CollectionChanged -= StoryViewersItemssource_CollectionChanged; } StoryViewersItemssource = new GenerateStoryMediaViewers <User1>(100000, (count) => new User1(), e.Parameter.ToString()); StoryViewersItemssource.CollectionChanged += StoryViewersItemssource_CollectionChanged; // MediasCVS.Source = HomePageItemssource; myList.ItemsSource = StoryViewersItemssource; }
public virtual ActionResult MonitorJournal(Guid?serviceGuid = null) { try { if (!serviceGuid.HasValue) { throw new Exception("Не указан идентификатор сервиса."); } var serviceJournal = AppCore.Get <ServiceMonitor.Monitor>().GetServiceJournal(serviceGuid.Value); return(View("MonitorJournal.cshtml", serviceJournal.ToList())); } catch (Exception ex) { var answer = JsonAnswer(); answer.FromException(ex); return(ReturnJson(answer)); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); if (e.NavigationMode != NavigationMode.Back) { AppCore.ModerateBack(Frame.GoBack); } if (PageItemssource != null) { PageItemssource.CollectionChanged -= PageItemssource_CollectionChanged; } PageItemssource = new GenerateUserFollowings <InstaUserShort>(100000, (count) => { //return tres[count]; return(new InstaUserShort()); }, e.Parameter.ToString()); PageItemssource.CollectionChanged += PageItemssource_CollectionChanged; myList.ItemsSource = PageItemssource; }
public virtual ActionResult RolesManage() { var model = new Model.AdminRolesManage(); using (var db = new CoreContext()) { var permsQuery = (from p in db.RolePermission select new { p.IdRole, p.IdModule, p.Permission } ).Distinct(); var perms = permsQuery. ToList(). GroupBy(x => x.IdRole). ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Select(p => string.Format("{0};{1}", p.IdModule, p.Permission)).ToList()); model.Roles = db.Role .OrderBy(x => x.NameRole) .ToDictionary(x => x.IdRole, x => new Model.AdminRoleEdit(x) { Permissions = perms.ContainsKey(x.IdRole) ? perms[x.IdRole] : new List <string>() }); var mperms = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var module in AppCore.GetModulesManager().GetModules().OrderBy(x => x.Caption)) { var gr = new SelectListGroup() { Name = module.Caption }; mperms.AddRange(module.GetPermissions().OrderBy(x => x.Caption).Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Group = gr, Value = string.Format("{0};{1}", module.ID, x.Key), Text = x.Caption })); } model.ModulesPermissions = mperms; } return(View("admin/admin_customer_rolesManage.cshtml", model)); }
public void Start() { if (_scope == null) { _core1 = AppCoreBuilder .Create() .AddModule(new RavenEmbeededDataStoreModule("Data") {RunInMemory = true}) .AddModule<RavenRepositoriesModule>() .Configure(b => { // Необходимо для работы AutofacCreationConverter b.RegisterType<TestObject>().PropertiesAutowired(); //b.RegisterType<TestObject1>(); }) .Build(); _scope = _core1.BeginScope(); //AutofacCreationConverter.Container = _core.Scope; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:HealthcareApp.View.ScanPage"/> class. /// When a Qr Code is scanned the result is handled in different methods. /// </summary> public ScanPage() : base() { appcore = AppCore.Instance; setRole(); Title = "QR Code scannen"; OnScanResult += (result) => { IsScanning = false; HandleResult(result.ToString()); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { //Navigation.PopAsync(); DisplayAlert("Scanned QR Code", result.ToString(), "Close"); appcore.changeQRTasks(stringId); Navigation.PushAsync(new TasksPage().CurrentPage = new QRTaskPage()); }); }; }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает список контейнеров схем, зарегистрированных для текущего модуля. /// </summary> public Dictionary <ItemType, Dictionary <SchemeItem, string> > GetSchemeItemsList(int idModule) { var itemsGroups = new Dictionary <ItemType, Dictionary <SchemeItem, string> >(); var module = AppCore.GetModulesManager().GetModule(idModule) as IModuleCore; if (module == null) { return(null); } foreach (var itemType in module.GetItemTypes()) { var items = new Dictionary <SchemeItem, string>(); var _itemsPre = module.GetItems(itemType.IdItemType); var _items = _itemsPre != null?_itemsPre.GetSimplifiedHierarchy() : new NestedCollectionSimplified(); if (_items != null && _items.Count() > 0) { foreach (var res in _items) { items[new SchemeItem(res.Key.ID, itemType.IdItemType)] = res.Value; } } else { items[new SchemeItem(0, itemType.IdItemType)] = "По-умолчанию"; } if (!items.Any(x => x.Key.IdItem == 0 && x.Key.IdItemType == itemType.IdItemType)) { var items2 = new Dictionary <SchemeItem, string>(); items2[new SchemeItem(0, itemType.IdItemType)] = "По-умолчанию"; items.ForEach(x => items2.Add(x.Key, x.Value)); items = items2; } itemsGroups[itemType] = items; } return(itemsGroups); }
public JsonResult SchemeDelete(int IdScheme) { var result = JsonAnswer <int>(); try { if (IdScheme == 0) { result.Message = "Схема \"По-умолчанию\" не удаляется."; } else { using (var db = this.CreateUnitOfWork()) using (var scope = db.CreateScope()) { var data = db.CustomFieldsSchemes.Where(x => x.IdScheme == IdScheme).FirstOrDefault(); if (data == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Схема с номером '{0}' не найдена.", IdScheme)); } db.CustomFieldsSchemeDatas.Where(x => x.IdScheme == IdScheme).Delete(); db.CustomFieldsSchemes.Where(x => x.IdScheme == IdScheme).Delete(); if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { result.Message = "Схема удалена."; result.Success = true; scope.Commit(); AppCore.Get <ModuleItemsCustomize <WebApplication> >().UpdateCache(); } else { result.Message = "По неизвестной причине схему не получилось удалить."; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Message = ex.Message; } return(ReturnJson(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Регистрирует событие в журнал HTTP-кодов. /// </summary> /// <param name="code">Код HTTP ошибки</param> /// <param name="message">См. <see cref="JournalingManager.RegisterEvent(int, EventType, string, string, DateTime?, Exception)"/>.</param> /// <param name="messageDetailed">См. <see cref="JournalingManager.RegisterEvent(int, EventType, string, string, DateTime?, Exception)"/>.</param> /// <param name="ex">См. <see cref="JournalingManager.RegisterEvent(int, EventType, string, string, DateTime?, Exception)"/>.</param> internal protected void RegisterEventWithCode(HttpStatusCode code, string message, string messageDetailed = null, Exception ex = null) { var idJournal = _journalsForErrors.GetOrAddWithExpiration((int)code, GetJournalForErrors, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); var msg = $"URL запроса: {Request.Url}\r\n"; if (Request.UrlReferrer != null) { msg += $"URL-referer: {Request.UrlReferrer}\r\n"; } var context = AppCore.GetUserContextManager().GetCurrentUserContext(); if (context.IsGuest) { msg += $"Пользователь: Гость\r\n"; } else { msg += $"Пользователь: {context.GetData().ToString()} (id: {context.IdUser})\r\n"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.UserAgent)) { msg += $"User-agent: {Request.UserAgent}\r\n"; } var ipdns = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "IP", Request.UserHostAddress }, { "DNS", Request.UserHostName } }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).ToList(); if (ipdns.Count > 0) { msg += $"User {string.Join(" / ", ipdns.Select(x => x.Key))}: {string.Join("/", ipdns.Select(x => x.Value))}\r\n"; } msg += messageDetailed; var errorType = (int)code == 500 ? EventType.CriticalError : EventType.Error; AppCore.Get <JournalingManager>().RegisterEvent(idJournal, errorType, message, msg, null, ex); }
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); if (e.NavigationMode != NavigationMode.Back) { AppCore.ModerateBack(BackFunc); } DataContext = ((InstaDirectInboxThread)e.Parameter); var source = ((InstaDirectInboxThread)e.Parameter); ItemsList = new GenerateDirectThreadList <InstaDirectInboxItem>(100000, (count) => new InstaDirectInboxItem() , source.ThreadId); var message = await AppCore.InstaApi.GetDirectInboxThreadAsync(source.ThreadId, PaginationParameters.MaxPagesToLoad(1)); VieweIds = message.Value.VieweId; ThreadIds = message.Value.ThreadId; DataUser = message.Value.Users[0]; try { UserId = message.Value.Users[0].Pk; } catch { UserId = (await AppCore.InstaApi.GetCurrentUserAsync()).Value.Pk; } // MessageList.ItemsSource = Message.Value.Items; message.Value.Items.Reverse(); // for (int a = 0; a < Message.Value.Items.Count; a++) // { // MessageList.Items.Add(Message.Value.Items[a]); // } // foreach (InstaDirectInboxItem item in ItemsList) // { // MessageList.Items.Insert(0, item); // } MessageList.ItemsSource = ItemsList; // var test = await AppCore.InstaApi.GetRecentRecipientsAsync(); }
protected override void OnStarted() { try { using (var ctx = AppCore.Create <context>()) { var dd = ctx.Test. WithMetadataObjectProperties(). AsNoTracking(). Take(2). ToList(); var ddd = new Realty(); ctx.Test.Attach(ddd); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new LoginViewModel /// </summary> /// <param name="page"> LoginPage</param> /// <param name="model">Model</param> public LoginViewModel(ContentPage page) { = page; this.LoginCommand = new Command(() => HandleLoginAsync()); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AppCore, bool>(this, "ServerConnectionChange", (sender, hasConnection) => { if (hasConnection) { this.Wlan = Color.Green; this.WlanCon = true; } else { this.Wlan = Color.Red; this.WlanCon = false; } }); MessagingCenter.Send <LoginViewModel>(this, "LoginReady"); appcore = AppCore.Instance; }
private void OnModuleInitialized <TModuleType>(TModuleType module) where TModuleType : ModuleCore <TModuleType> { var controllerTypes = AppCore.GetBindedTypes <IModuleController <TModuleType> >(); if (controllerTypes != null) { var controllerTypesSplitIntoTypes = controllerTypes. Select(x => new { Type = x, Attribute = x.GetCustomAttribute <ModuleControllerAttribute>() }). Where(x => x.Attribute != null). GroupBy(x => x.Attribute.ControllerTypeID, x => x.Type). Select(x => new { ControllerTypeID = x.Key, ControllerType = x.Last() }). ToList(); _moduleControllerTypesList[module.QueryType] = controllerTypesSplitIntoTypes.ToDictionary(x => x.ControllerTypeID, x => x.ControllerType); } else { _moduleControllerTypesList[module.QueryType] = new Dictionary <int, Type>(); } }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает журнал для указанного идентификатора сервиса. /// </summary> public List <JournalData> GetServiceJournal(Guid serviceID) { if (_servicesJournalsList.TryGetValue(serviceID, out var serviceJournal)) { var journalingManager = AppCore.Get <JournalingManager>(); using (var db = new Journaling.DB.DataContext()) { var query = journalingManager.DatabaseAccessor.CreateQueryJournalData(db). Where(x => x.JournalData.IdJournal == serviceJournal.IdJournal). OrderByDescending(x => x.JournalData.DateEvent); var data = journalingManager.DatabaseAccessor.FetchQueryJournalData(query); return(data); } } else { return(new List <JournalData>()); } }
public virtual ActionResult JournalDetails(int?IdJournal = null) { try { if (!IdJournal.HasValue) { throw new Exception("Не указан идентификатор журнала."); } using (var scope = TransactionsHelper.ReadUncommited()) { var result = AppCore.Get <JournalingManager>().GetJournal(IdJournal.Value); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new Exception(result.Message); } var dbAccessor = AppCore.Get <JournalingDB.JournalingManagerDatabaseAccessor <WebApplication> >(); using (var db = new JournalingDB.DataContext()) { int skip = 0; int limit = 100; var query = dbAccessor.CreateQueryJournalData(db).Where(x => x.JournalData.IdJournal == result.Result.IdJournal).OrderByDescending(x => x.JournalData.DateEvent).Skip(skip).Take(limit); var data = dbAccessor.FetchQueryJournalData(query); return(View("JournalDetails.cshtml", new Design.Model.JournalDetails() { JournalName = result.Result, JournalData = data })); } } } catch (Exception ex) { var answer = JsonAnswer(); answer.FromException(ex); return(ReturnJson(answer)); } }
/// <summary> /// См. <see cref="ModuleAdmin.GetAdminMenuList(IUserContext)"/>. /// </summary> public override Dictionary <IModuleCore, NestedLinkCollection> GetAdminMenuList(IUserContext userContext) { var modulesList = AppCore.GetModulesManager().GetModules().OfType <IModuleCore>(); var mods = new Dictionary <IModuleCore, NestedLinkCollection>(); var mods_errors = new Dictionary <IModuleCore, string>(); foreach (var module in modulesList) { if (module.CheckPermission(userContext, ModulesConstants.PermissionManage) != CheckPermissionVariant.Allowed) { mods_errors[module] = "Недостаточно прав"; } else { var links = module.GetAdminMenuItems(); if (links == null) { links = new NestedLinkCollection(); } if (links.Count > 0) { if (module.CheckPermission(userContext, ModulesConstants.PermissionManage) == CheckPermissionVariant.Allowed) { mods[module] = links; } else { mods_errors[module] = "Недостаточно прав"; } } } } var model = new Dictionary <IModuleCore, NestedLinkCollection>(); mods.Where(x => x.Value.Count > 0).OrderBy(x => x.Key.Caption).ForEach(x => model[x.Key] = x.Value); mods_errors.OrderBy(x => x.Key.Caption).ForEach(x => model[x.Key].Add(new NestedLinkSimple(x.Value))); return(model); }
protected bool RegisterOutcomingMessage(TMessage message, out MessageInfo <TMessage> messageInfo) { try { var resolver = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver(); resolver.DefaultMembersSearchFlags = resolver.DefaultMembersSearchFlags | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic; using (var db = new DB.DataContext()) { var mess = new DB.MessageQueue() { IdMessageType = IdMessageType, StateType = DB.MessageStateType.NotProcessed, Direction = false, DateCreate = DateTime.Now, MessageInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message, new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = resolver }), }; db.MessageQueue.Add(mess); db.SaveChanges(); var taskOutcomingMessages = _taskOutcomingMessages; if (taskOutcomingMessages != null) { AppCore.Get <TaskSchedulingManager>()?.ExecuteTask(taskOutcomingMessages); } messageInfo = new MessageInfo <TMessage>(new IntermediateStateMessage <TMessage>(message, mess)); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.RegisterEvent(Journaling.EventType.Error, "Ошибка регистрации исходящего сообщения", null, ex); messageInfo = null; return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает список пользователей, облаюающих ролями с разрешением <paramref name="permissionKey"/> в модуле <typeparamref name="TModule"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="permissionKey">См. <see cref="Permission.Key"/>.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Возникает, если <paramref name="permissionKey"/> является пустой строкой или null.</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Возникает, если в модуле <typeparamref name="TModule"/> не зарегистрировано разрешение <paramref name="permissionKey"/>.</exception> public List <User> GetUsersByRolePermission <TModule>(string permissionKey) where TModule : ModuleCore <TModule> { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(permissionKey)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(permissionKey)); } var module = AppCore.Get <TModule>(); if (module == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Указанный модуль не найден."); } if (!module.GetPermissions().Any(x => x.Key == permissionKey.GenerateGuid())) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Модуль '{module.Caption}' не содержит разрешение '{permissionKey}'."); } try { using (var db = new CoreContext()) { var query = from permission in db.RolePermission join role in db.Role on permission.IdRole equals role.IdRole join userRole in db.RoleUser on role.IdRole equals userRole.IdRole join user in db.Users on userRole.IdUser equals user.IdUser where permission.Permission == permissionKey && permission.IdModule == module.IdModule select user; var data = query.ToList(); return(data); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.RegisterEvent(EventType.Error, "Ошибка получения списка пользователей", $"Список пользователей для разрешения '{permissionKey}'.", ex); throw; } }
private void BtnImgBrowser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog { Title = "Select an Image", Filter = "Images |*.jpg; *.png", CheckFileExists = true }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { AsScanned scan = AppCore.CheckImage(dlg.FileName); AsListItem asListItem = new AsListItem { Title = scan.Title, Image = scan.Image, Score = scan.Score }; ImageList.Children.Add(asListItem); } }
public ActionResult logoutJson() { var success = false; var message = ""; try { AppCore.GetUserContextManager().DestroyUserContext(AppCore.GetUserContextManager().GetCurrentUserContext()); AppCore.Get <Binding.Providers.SessionBinder>().ClearUserContextFromRequest(); AppCore.GetUserContextManager().ClearCurrentUserContext(); success = true; message = "Выход прошел успешно."; } catch (Exception ex) { success = false; message = ex.Message; } return(this.ReturnJson(success, message, Module.GetRememberedUserContextRequestedAddressWhenRedirectedToAuthorization())); }
// private List<DataPoint> _data_graf2; public void RunGraphsResultStrategy2(int min, int max, int pracovnikov1, int replikacii, int dlzka) { //_data_graf2 = new List<DataPoint>(max-min+1); // var a = new AppCore(new AutoserviceGenerators()); for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) { if (!Graph2Break) { var a = new AppCore(new AutoserviceGenerators()); a.NastavKonfiguraciu(pracovnikov1, i); a.Gen = new AutoserviceGenerators(); a.SuperExtraUltraMode = true; a.Refresh = false; a.Simulate(replikacii, dlzka); RefreshWindowDispatcher(); UpdateGraph2(i, a.Results.Sg5PriemernySysteme); RefreshWindowDispatcher(); } } }
private static async Task Main(string[] args) { Ultralight.SetLogger(new Logger { LogMessage = Log }); AppCore.EnablePlatformFontLoader(); AppCore.EnablePlatformFileSystem("assets"); var settings = new Settings(); var config = new Config(); config.SetEnableJavaScript(true); config.SetEnableImages(true); config.SetResourcePath("resources"); config.SetCachePath("cache"); config.SetUseGpuRenderer(true); var app = new App(settings, config); var monitor = app.GetMainMonitor(); uint windowWidth = app.GetMainMonitor().GetWidth() - 100; uint windowHeight = app.GetMainMonitor().GetHeight() - 100; var window = new Window(monitor, windowWidth, windowHeight, false, WindowFlags.Titled); window.SetTitle("Super browser"); app.SetWindow(window); var renderer = app.GetRenderer(); var session = new Session(renderer, false, "Session1"); var mainView = new View(renderer, windowWidth, windowHeight, true, session); mainView.SetAddConsoleMessageCallback(JsConsoleMessage, default); mainView.LoadUrl("file:///index.html"); var mainOverlay = new Overlay(window, mainView, 0, 0); mainOverlay.Show(); app.Run(); }
protected sealed override void OnStarting() { if (!AppCore.Get <DbSchemaManagerConfigure>().IsSchemaControlEnabled) { return; } try { using (var ctx = new Db.CoreContextBase()) { var isNeedToRun = false; var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection(). AddFluentMigratorCore(). ConfigureRunner(rb => { isNeedToRun = AppCore.DbConfigurationBuilder.OnConfigureFluentMigrator(rb); }). Configure <RunnerOptions>(cfg => cfg.Profile = DbSchemaDefaultProfile.ProfileName). AddSingleton <IMigrationSource>(sp => this). AddSingleton <IMigrationRunnerConventions>(sp => new d()). AddSingleton <IProfileSource, DbSchemaProfileSource>(). BuildServiceProvider(false); using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope()) { var runner = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IMigrationRunner>(); if (isNeedToRun) { runner.MigrateUp(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _startErrors = new Exception[] { ex }; Debug.WriteLine($"DbSchemaManager.OnStart: {ex}"); } }
protected override void OnAfterApplicationStart() { try { var resourceManager = AppCore.Get <Core.Storage.ResourceProvider>(); var physicalApplicationPath = AppCore.ApplicationWorkingFolder; var paths = new List <string>(); if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("OnXap.Binding.AspNetMvc,")).Count() > 0) { paths.Add(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(physicalApplicationPath, "../../Binding/AspNetMvc/Library"))); } if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("OnXap.Standard.AspNetMvc,")).Count() > 0) { paths.Add(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(physicalApplicationPath, "../../Standard/AspNetMvc/JS/dist"))); } if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("OnXap.Standard.AspNetMvc,")).Count() > 0) { paths.Add(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(physicalApplicationPath, "../../Standard/AspNetMvc/Library"))); } if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("OnXap.Standard.AspNetMvc,")).Count() > 0) { paths.Add(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(physicalApplicationPath, "../../Standard/AspNetMvc/SourceHelper/bin/ExternalSources"))); } resourceManager.SourceDevelopmentPathList.AddRange(paths); //AppCore.Get<Journaling.JournalingManager>().SetJournalOptionsDefault(new Journaling.JournalOptions() { LimitByLastNDays = 30 }); // AppCore.Get<OnXap.Modules.MessagingEmail.EmailService>().SendMailFromSite(null, "*****@*****.**", "123", "23123123", OnXap.Modules.MessagingEmail.ContentType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("OnAfterApplicationStart.Development: {0}", ex.Message); throw; } }
private IController CreateController(ControllerType controllerType, IModuleCore module, RouteValueDictionary routeValues) { var controllerTypes = AppCore.Get <ModuleControllerTypesManager>().GetModuleControllerTypes(module.QueryType); var targetType = controllerTypes.GetValueOrDefault(controllerType.ControllerTypeID); if (targetType == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(controllerType.ErrorCannotFindControllerTypeSpecified(module, routeValues)); } if (!controllerType.CheckPermissions(module, routeValues)) { throw new ErrorCodeException(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "Отсутствует доступ."); } if (targetType != null) { return(CreateController(module, targetType, routeValues)); } return(null); }
public BaseTreeViewItem() { Items = new ObservableCollection<BaseTreeViewItem>(); ACore = (AppCore) Application.Current.Properties[nameof(AppProps.AppCore)]; }
public MediaItems() { ACore = (AppCore) Application.Current.Properties[nameof(AppProps.AppCore)]; Items = new ObservableCollection<BaseMediaItem>(); }
public void Initialize(AppCore core, PlayerSettings player) { this.Life.Value = this.LifeMax; this.Player = player; this.Core = core; }