コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Returns the result of evaluating the expression at the specified timestamps.</summary>
        public PITimedValues GetAtTimes(string expression = null, string selectedFields = null, string sortOrder = null, string times = null, string webId = null)
            ApiResponsePITimedValues localVarResponse = GetAtTimesWithHttpInfo(expression, selectedFields, sortOrder, times, webId);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Returns the result of evaluating the expression at each point in time over the time range from the start time to the end time where a recorded value exists for a member of the expression.</summary>
        public PITimedValues GetAtRecorded(string endTime = null, string expression = null, string selectedFields = null, string startTime = null, string webId = null)
            ApiResponsePITimedValues localVarResponse = GetAtRecordedWithHttpInfo(endTime, expression, selectedFields, startTime, webId);
