コード例 #1
        public static IEnumerable <ApiProgressModel> UpdateETenderContracts(int onPage, int requests)
            var tenderUrl = "http://etender.gov.md/json/contractList?rows=" + onPage;
            var index     = 0;

            for (var request = 1; request <= requests; request++)
                var context                  = new AdminDbContext();
                var tenderType               = context.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code == 3);
                var contractRelationType     = context.RelationTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code == 1);
                var bankType                 = context.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code.Equals(9));
                var accountOwnerRelationType = context.RelationTypes.First(rt => rt.Code.Equals(11));
                var tenderCreatorType        = context.RelationTypes.First(rt => rt.Code.Equals(5));

                var personType  = context.EntityTypes.First(rt => rt.Code.Equals(1));
                var companyType = context.EntityTypes.First(rt => rt.Code.Equals(2));

                var url = tenderUrl + "&page=" + request;
                yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                    Message = "Start to collect data"

                var tenderResultObject = APIClient.GetApiObject <Models.ETender.Contracts.RootObject>(url);
                var totalRecords       = tenderResultObject.rows.Count();
                yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                    Message = "Got " + totalRecords + " records"

                foreach (var row in tenderResultObject.rows)
                    var progress = new ApiProgressModel();
                    if (!context.Relations.Any(e => e.TypeId.Equals(contractRelationType.Id) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("ETender Id") && attr.Value.Equals(row.id.ToString()))))
                        var contractRelation = new Relation();
                        contractRelation.TypeId = contractRelationType.Id;
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Amount", Value = row.amount.ToString()
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Contract type", Value = row.contractType.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Contract date", Value = row.contractDate ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "State", Value = row.status.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "State date", Value = row.currentStatusDate ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Contract number", Value = row.contractNumber ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "ETender offer id", Value = row.fkOfferId.ToString()
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "ETender decision id", Value = row.currentStatusDate ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Register date", Value = row.registerDate ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Final date", Value = row.finalDate ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Contract real number", Value = row.contractRealNumber ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "Note", Value = row.note ?? string.Empty
                        contractRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute()
                            Name = "ETender Id", Value = row.id.ToString()
                        contractRelation.References.Add(new RelationReference()
                            Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/contracte"

                        var stateOrgTypeCode = row.tender.stateOrg != null ? row.tender.stateOrg.orgLegalForm != null?row.tender.stateOrg.orgLegalForm.id:590 : 590;
                        var stateOrgType     = context.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code.Equals(stateOrgTypeCode));
                        if (stateOrgType == null)
                            stateOrgType = new EntityType()
                                Code = row.tender.stateOrg.orgLegalForm.id, Name = row.tender.stateOrg.orgLegalForm.mdValue
                            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                Message = "New entity type added  " + stateOrgType.Name
                        var stateOrgEntity = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type.Code.Equals(stateOrgType.Code) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("Code") && attr.Value.Equals(row.tender.stateOrg.code)));
                        if (stateOrgEntity == null)
                            stateOrgEntity      = new Entity();
                            stateOrgEntity.Name = row.tender.stateOrg.orgName;
                            stateOrgEntity.Type = stateOrgType;
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Code", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.code ?? string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "ETender Id", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.id.ToString()
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Address", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.address ?? string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Account", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.account ?? string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Treasuty account", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.treasutyAcc ?? string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Fiscal code", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.fiscalCode != null ? row.tender.stateOrg.fiscalCode.ToString() : string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Account", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.account ?? string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Bank account", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.bankAccount != null?row.tender.stateOrg.bankAccount.ToString() : string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Phone", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.phone ?? string.Empty
                            stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Fax", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.fax ?? string.Empty
                            if (row.addAccordReason != null)
                                stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Accord reason", Value = row.addAccordReason.ToString()
                            if (row.addAccordReasonDocuments != null)
                                stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Accord reason", Value = row.addAccordReasonDocuments.ToString()
                            if (row.addAccordShortDescr != null)
                                stateOrgEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Accord reason short description", Value = row.addAccordShortDescr.ToString()

                            stateOrgEntity.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                                Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/contracte"

                            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                Message = "Creating " + stateOrgType.Name + " " + stateOrgEntity.Name

                        if (row.tender.stateOrg.bank != null)
                            var bank = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId.Equals(bankType.Id) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("BIC") && attr.Value.Equals(row.tender.stateOrg.bank.sapiCode)));
                            if (bank == null)
                                bank      = new Entity();
                                bank.Name = row.tender.stateOrg.bank.mdShort;
                                bank.Type = bankType;
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Short Name", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.bank.mdShort ?? string.Empty
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "mfo Code", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.bank.mfoCode ?? string.Empty
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Fiscal Code", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.bank.fiscalCode ?? string.Empty
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "BIC", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.bank.sapiCode ?? string.Empty
                                bank.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                                    Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/contracte"
                                yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                    Message = "Creating entity Bank " + bank.Name

                            if (!context.Relations.Any(r => r.TypeId.Equals(accountOwnerRelationType.Id) && r.RelationEntities.Any(re => re.EntityId.Equals(stateOrgEntity.Id) && r.RelationEntities.Any(re1 => re1.EntityId.Equals(bank.Id)))))
                                var bankRelation = new Relation();
                                bankRelation.TypeId = accountOwnerRelationType.Id;
                                bankRelation.Type   = accountOwnerRelationType;
                                bankRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                                    Entity = bank, MemberType = 4
                                bankRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                                    Entity = stateOrgEntity, MemberType = 3
                                bankRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute {
                                    Name = "Account", Value = row.tender.stateOrg.account ?? string.Empty
                                bankRelation.References.Add(new RelationReference()
                                    Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/contracte"

                        var tenderEntity = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId.Equals(tenderType.Id) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("ETender Id") && attr.Value.Equals(row.tender.id.ToString())));
                        if (tenderEntity == null)
                            tenderEntity        = new Entity();
                            tenderEntity.TypeId = tenderType.Id;
                            tenderEntity.Name   = row.tender.tenderData.goodsDescr;
                            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                Message = "Creating new Tender entity " + tenderEntity.Name

                            tenderEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "ETender Id", Value = row.id.ToString()
                            tenderEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Registration number ", Value = row.tender.regNumber ?? string.Empty
                            tenderEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Goods", Value = row.tender.tenderData.goodsDescr ?? string.Empty
                            tenderEntity.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                                Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/contracte"
                            var relation = new Relation();

                            relation.Type = tenderCreatorType;
                            relation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                                Entity = stateOrgEntity
                            relation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                                Entity = tenderEntity

                        var seller = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId.Equals(companyType.Id) && e.Name.Equals(row.participant.fullName));
                        if (seller == null)
                            seller = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId.Equals(personType.Id) && e.Name.Equals(row.participant.fullName));
                        if (seller == null)
                            seller = new Entity();

                            seller.Name = row.participant.fullName;
                            seller.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "ETender Id", Value = row.participant.id.ToString()
                            if (row.participant.juristicPerson == 1)
                                seller.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Juridical name", Value = row.participant.jurName ?? string.Empty
                                seller.Type = companyType;
                                seller.Type = personType;
                                seller.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "First name", Value = row.participant.name ?? string.Empty
                                seller.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Last name", Value = row.participant.lastName ?? string.Empty
                                seller.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Patronymic", Value = row.participant.patronymic ?? string.Empty
                            seller.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                                Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/contracte"

                        contractRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                            Entity = tenderEntity
                        contractRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                            Entity = stateOrgEntity, MemberType = 1
                        contractRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                            Entity = seller, MemberType = 2
                        yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                            Message = index + "  Saved!!!"
                        yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                            Message = "Contract with ETender Id = " + row.id + " exists"
            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                Message = "Processing data finished !!!!"
コード例 #2
        public static IEnumerable <ApiProgressModel> UpdateETenders(int onPage, int requests)
            var tenderUrl = "http://etender.gov.md/json/tenderList?rows=" + onPage;
            var index     = 0;

            for (var request = 1; request <= requests; request++)
                var context    = new AdminDbContext();
                var tenderType = context.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code.Equals(3));
                var bankType   = context.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code.Equals(9));
                var accountOwnerRelationType = context.RelationTypes.First(rt => rt.Code.Equals(11));
                var tenderCreatorType        = context.RelationTypes.First(rt => rt.Code.Equals(5));

                var url = tenderUrl + "&page=" + request;
                yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                    Message = "Start to collect data"

                var tenderResultObject = APIClient.GetApiObject <Models.ETender.RootObject>(url);
                var totalRecords       = tenderResultObject.rows.Count();
                yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                    Message = "Got " + totalRecords + " records"

                foreach (var row in tenderResultObject.rows)
                    var progress = new ApiProgressModel();
                    if (!context.Entities.Any(e => e.TypeId.Equals(tenderType.Id) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("ETender Id") && attr.Value.Equals(row.id.ToString()))))
                        var entity = new Entity();
                        entity.TypeId = tenderType.Id;
                        entity.Name   = row.tenderData.goodsDescr;
                        yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                            Message = "Creating new Tender entity " + entity.Name

                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "ETender Id", Value = row.id.ToString()
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Tender type", Value = row.tenderType.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Tender status at " + row.refCurrentStatusDate, Value = row.tenderStatus.mdValue
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Tender open date", Value = row.refTendeOpenDate ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Registration number ", Value = row.regNumber ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Goods", Value = row.tenderData.goods.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Tender status", Value = row.tenderData.status.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Language", Value = row.tenderData.language.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Place offers at", Value = row.tenderData.pressOffersPlace ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Place offers until", Value = row.tenderData.pressOffersDate ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Open date time", Value = row.tenderData.deliveryTerms.mdValue ?? string.Empty
                        entity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                            Name = "Notes", Value = row.notes ?? string.Empty
                        entity.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                            Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/proceduricard?pid=" + row.id

                        var entityCode = row.stateOrg.orgLegalForm != null ? row.stateOrg.orgLegalForm.id : 590;
                        var entityType = context.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(et => et.Code.Equals(entityCode));
                        if (entityType == null)
                            entityType = new EntityType()
                                Code = row.stateOrg.orgLegalForm.id, Name = row.stateOrg.orgLegalForm.mdValue
                            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                Message = "New entity type added  " + entityType.Name
                        var stateEntity = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type.Code.Equals(entityType.Code) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("Code") && attr.Value.Equals(row.stateOrg.code)));

                        if (stateEntity == null)
                            stateEntity      = new Entity();
                            stateEntity.Name = row.stateOrg.orgName;
                            stateEntity.Type = entityType;
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Code", Value = row.stateOrg.code ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "ETender Id", Value = row.stateOrg.id.ToString()
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Address", Value = row.stateOrg.address ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Account", Value = row.stateOrg.account ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Treasuty account", Value = row.stateOrg.treasutyAcc ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Fiscal code", Value = row.stateOrg.fiscalCode != null ? row.stateOrg.fiscalCode.ToString() : string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Account", Value = row.stateOrg.account ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Bank account", Value = row.stateOrg.bankAccount != null?row.stateOrg.bankAccount.ToString():string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Phone", Value = row.stateOrg.phone ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Fax", Value = row.stateOrg.fax ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                Name = "Email", Value = row.stateOrg.email ?? string.Empty
                            stateEntity.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                                Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/proceduricard?pid=" + row.id

                            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                Message = "Creating " + entityType.Name + " " + stateEntity.Name

                        if (row.stateOrg.bank != null)
                            var bank = context.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId.Equals(bankType.Id) && e.Attributes.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals("BIC") && attr.Value.Equals(row.stateOrg.bank.sapiCode)));
                            if (bank == null)
                                bank      = new Entity();
                                bank.Name = row.stateOrg.bank.mdShort;
                                bank.Type = bankType;
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Short Name", Value = row.stateOrg.bank.mdShort ?? string.Empty
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "mfo Code", Value = row.stateOrg.bank.mfoCode ?? string.Empty
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "Fiscal Code", Value = row.stateOrg.bank.fiscalCode ?? string.Empty
                                bank.Attributes.Add(new EntityAttribute()
                                    Name = "BIC", Value = row.stateOrg.bank.sapiCode ?? string.Empty
                                bank.References.Add(new EntityReference()
                                    Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/proceduricard?pid=" + row.id
                                yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                                    Message = "Creating entity Bank" + bank.Name

                            if (!context.Relations.Any(r => r.TypeId.Equals(accountOwnerRelationType.Id) && r.RelationEntities.Any(re => re.EntityId.Equals(stateEntity.Id) && r.RelationEntities.Any(re1 => re1.EntityId.Equals(bank.Id)))))
                                var bankRelation = new Relation();
                                bankRelation.TypeId = accountOwnerRelationType.Id;
                                bankRelation.Type   = accountOwnerRelationType;
                                bankRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                                    Entity = bank
                                bankRelation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                                    Entity = stateEntity
                                bankRelation.Attributes.Add(new RelationAttribute {
                                    Name = "Account", Value = row.stateOrg.account ?? string.Empty
                                bankRelation.References.Add(new RelationReference()
                                    Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/proceduricard?pid=" + row.id
                        var relation = new Relation();
                        relation.Type = tenderCreatorType;
                        relation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                            Entity = stateEntity
                        relation.RelationEntities.Add(new RelationEntity {
                            Entity = entity
                        relation.References.Add(new RelationReference()
                            Title = "Registrul de stat al achizițiilor publice", Link = "http://etender.gov.md/proceduricard?pid=" + row.id
                        yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                            Message = index + " Saved!"
                        yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                            Message = "Tender with ETender Id = " + row.id
            yield return(new ApiProgressModel {
                Message = "Processing data finished !!!!"