コード例 #1
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> ChangeEmail([FromUri] Guid userId, string email, string code)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var user = UserManager.FindById(userId);

                var validCode = UserManager.VerifyUserToken(userId, IdentityUserTokenHelper.GenerateTokenPurpose(IdentityUserTokenHelper.TokenPurpose.Editing, email), code);

                if (!validCode || user == null)
                    result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;

                user.Email = email;

                if (!UserManager.Update(user).Succeeded)
                    result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #2
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> LoginByEmail([FromUri] string email)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var user = Mapper.Map <OntextUser, ApiUser>(UserManager.FindByEmail(email));

                if (user == null)
                    result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;
                    var purpose = IdentityUserTokenHelper.GenerateTokenPurpose(IdentityUserTokenHelper.TokenPurpose.Loging, email);
                    var token   = UserManager.GenerateUserToken(purpose, user.Id);
                    UserManager.SendEmail(email, "Security Code", token);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #3
        public async Task <JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> > Post()
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);

                var root     = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(OntextSettings.UploadImageDirectoryPath);
                var provider = new CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider(root);

                // Read the form data.
                await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the HTTP response message into a simple structure suitable for apps to process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The response to convert</param>
        /// <returns>A simple response</returns>
        private static async Task <ApiBaseResponse> TranslateSectionGroupsResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            ApiBaseResponse apiBaseResponse;
            string          body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK
                /* GET Pages calls always return 200-OK upon success */)
                apiBaseResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GenericEntityResponse>(body);
                apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();

            // Extract the correlation id.  Apps should log this if they want to collect the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support
            IEnumerable <string> correlationValues;

            if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
                apiBaseResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();
            apiBaseResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
            apiBaseResponse.Body       = body;
コード例 #5
 private void SetResponseLinks(ApiBaseResponse apiBaseResponse)
     if (apiBaseResponse != null && apiBaseResponse.Links != null)
         ClientLinkLaunchButton.DataContext = apiBaseResponse.Links.OneNoteClientUrl.Href;
コード例 #6
        public async Task <ApiBaseResponse> RegisterAsync(RegisterRequestModel requestModel)
            ApiBaseResponse apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();

            var isExistedEmail = await _userService.ExistedByEmailAsync(requestModel.Email);

            if (isExistedEmail)
                throw new BlogSolutionException("The email address has already exist.", ApplicationStatusCode.AnErrorHasOccured);

            var isExistedUsername = await _userService.ExistedByUsernameAsync(requestModel.Username);

            if (isExistedUsername)
                throw new BlogSolutionException("The username has already exist.", ApplicationStatusCode.AnErrorHasOccured);

            var password = new PasswordHasher(requestModel.Password);

            await _userService.AddUserAsync(new User
                Username     = requestModel.Username,
                Name         = requestModel.Name,
                Email        = requestModel.Email,
                PhoneNumber  = requestModel.PhoneNumber,
                PasswordHash = password.Hash,
                PasswordSalt = password.Salt

コード例 #7
        public async Task <ApiBaseResponse> LoginAsync(LoginRequestModel requestModel)
            ApiBaseResponse apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();
            var             user            = await _userService.FindByEmailAsync(requestModel.Email);

            if (user == null)
                return(new ApiBaseResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ApplicationStatusCode.AnErrorHasOccured, null, "The email or password is wrong"));
            if (!user.IsActive || user.IsDeleted)
                return(new ApiBaseResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ApplicationStatusCode.AnErrorHasOccured, null, "The email or password is wrong"));

            bool isVerified = PasswordHasher.Verify(user.PasswordSalt, user.PasswordHash, requestModel.Password);

            if (!isVerified)
                return(new ApiBaseResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ApplicationStatusCode.AnErrorHasOccured, null, "The email or password is wrong"));

            var token = _jwtHandler.CreateToken(user.Id.ToString());

            apiBaseResponse.Result = token;
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// This method provides the API Base Response.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected ObjectResult CreateResponse(ApiBaseResponse result)
     return(new ObjectResult(result)
         StatusCode = (int)(result.StatusCode)
コード例 #9
ファイル: MessagesController.cs プロジェクト: mklippa/Ontext
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> SendMessage([FromBody] ApiMessage message)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var messageId = ServicesHost.GetService <IMessagesProvider>().Save(message);
                message = ServicesHost.GetService <IMessagesProvider>().GetById(messageId);

                var contact      = ServicesHost.GetService <IContactsProvider>().GetById(message.ContactId);
                var receiverUser = UserManager.FindByPhoneNumber(contact.PhoneNumber);

                if (receiverUser == null)
                    var smsMessageText = message.GetSmsMessageText(message);
                    ServicesHost.GetService <ISmsService>().SendSmsMessage(contact.PhoneNumber, smsMessageText);
                    var userDeviceTokens = ServicesHost.GetService <IDevicesProvider>().GetUserDevices(receiverUser.Id).Select(d => d.Token);
                    var messagesCount    = ServicesHost.GetService <IMessagesProvider>().UnreadUserMessagesCount(receiverUser.Id);
                    var messageText      = message.GetPushNotificationText();

                    Task.Run(() => ServicesHost.GetService <IApplePushNotificationService>().SendPushNotifications(userDeviceTokens, messageText, messagesCount, messageId.ToString()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #10
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> SendCodeBySms(Guid userId, string phoneNumber)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var user = Mapper.Map <OntextUser, ApiUser>(UserManager.FindById(userId));

                if (user == null)
                    result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;
                    var purpose = IdentityUserTokenHelper.GenerateTokenPurpose(IdentityUserTokenHelper.TokenPurpose.Editing, phoneNumber);
                    var token   = UserManager.GenerateUserToken(purpose, user.Id);
                    ServicesHost.GetService <ISmsService>().SendSmsMessage(phoneNumber, token);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the content for a specific page
        /// Previously example showed us how to get page meta data. This example shows how to get the content of the page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="debug">Run the code under the debugger</param>
        /// <param name="pageId">Id of the page for which the content is returned</param>
        /// <param name="provider"></param>
        /// <param name="apiRoute"></param>
        /// <remarks>  The pageId can be fetched from an earlier GET/POST response of pages endpoint (e.g. GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/pages ).
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The converted HTTP response message</returns>
        public static async Task <ApiBaseResponse> GetASpecificPageContent(bool debug, string pageId, AuthProvider provider, string apiRoute)
            if (debug)

            var client = new HttpClient();

            // Note: Page content is returned in a same HTML fashion supported by POST Pages
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html"));

            // Not adding the Authentication header would produce an unauthorized call and the API will return a 401
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer",
                                                                                       await Auth.GetAuthToken(provider));

            // Prepare an HTTP GET request to the Pages endpoint
            var getMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, apiRoute + "pages/" + pageId + "/content"); // ?includeIDs=true");

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(getMessage);

            ApiBaseResponse apiResponse = await TranslatePageContentResponse(response);

            // check if response has a vcard if yes then process vcard.
            bool isvCardPreset = apiResponse.Body.Contains(".vcf");

            if (isvCardPreset)
                // load it into xml dom or somehow extract the <object> tag holding the .vcf entry.
                var getvCard = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/me/notes/resources/1-20864c3a4d904265b609203706ab868c!1-6198c848-9990-4de3-a235-ff07a2901b67/$value");
                HttpResponseMessage vCardResponse = await client.SendAsync(getvCard);

                string vCardBody = await vCardResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Debug.WriteLine("vCardBody:" + vCardBody);
                var bizCards = Deserializer.GetVCards(vCardBody);
                foreach (var card in bizCards)
                    var topBizCard = card;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Formatted Name: " + topBizCard.FormattedName);
                    Debug.WriteLine("First Name: " + topBizCard.FirstName);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Last Name: " + topBizCard.LastName);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Org Name: " + topBizCard.Organization);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Url: " + topBizCard.Url.ToString());
                    foreach (var email in topBizCard.Emails)
                        Debug.WriteLine("EMail Type (" + email.Type + ") - Tel Number : " + email.EmailAddress);
                    foreach (var telNo in topBizCard.Telephones)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Tel Type (" + telNo.Type + ") - Tel Number : " + telNo.Number);

コード例 #12
 public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
     if (context.Result is OkObjectResult okObjectResult)
         var newResponse = new ApiBaseResponse <object>
             Data = okObjectResult.Value
         context.Result = new OkObjectResult(newResponse);
コード例 #13
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> LoginByPhone([FromUri] string phoneNumber)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var user = Mapper.Map <OntextUser, ApiUser>(UserManager.FindByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber));

                if (user == null)
                    var userEntity = new OntextUser();

                    var phone = ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().GetByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) ?? new ApiPhone
                        Number = phoneNumber

                    userEntity.UserName         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    userEntity.TwoFactorEnabled = true;

                    var userPassword = OntextSettings.UserDefaultPassword;

                    var r = UserManager.Create(userEntity, userPassword);

                    if (!r.Succeeded)
                        result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;

                    phone.UserId = userEntity.Id;
                    ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().Save(phone);

                    user = Mapper.Map <OntextUser, ApiUser>(UserManager.FindByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber));

                var purpose = IdentityUserTokenHelper.GenerateTokenPurpose(IdentityUserTokenHelper.TokenPurpose.Loging, phoneNumber);
                var token   = UserManager.GenerateUserToken(purpose, user.Id);
                UserManager.SendEmail(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Email"], "Security Code", token);
                UserManager.SendSms(phoneNumber, token);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #14
ファイル: MessagesController.cs プロジェクト: mklippa/Ontext
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Message to update</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> Put([FromBody] ApiMessage value)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                ServicesHost.GetService <IMessagesProvider>().Save(value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #15
ファイル: ContactsController.cs プロジェクト: mklippa/Ontext
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a contact
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Contact ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> Delete(Guid id)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                ServicesHost.GetService <IContactsProvider>().Delete(id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #16
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> SaveUserSettings([FromBody] ApiSettings settings)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                ServicesHost.GetService <ISettingsProvider>().Save(settings);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #17
ファイル: MessagesController.cs プロジェクト: mklippa/Ontext
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> DeleteAll(Guid userId)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                ServicesHost.GetService <IMessagesProvider>().DeleteAll(userId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #18
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> Delete(Guid id)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", OntextSettings.UploadImageDirectoryPath, id, OntextSettings.UploadImageExtension));
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the HTTP response message into a simple structure suitable for apps to process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The response to convert</param>
        /// <returns>A simple response</returns>
        private static async Task <ApiBaseResponse> TranslatePageContentResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            string body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();

            // Extract the correlation id.  Apps should log this if they want to collect the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support
            IEnumerable <string> correlationValues;

            if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
                apiBaseResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();
            apiBaseResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
            apiBaseResponse.Body       = body;
コード例 #20
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> ChangePhoneNumber([FromUri] Guid userId, string oldPhoneNumber, string newPhoneNumber, string code)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var user     = UserManager.FindById(userId);
                var oldPhone = ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().GetByPhoneNumber(oldPhoneNumber);
                var newPhone = ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().GetByPhoneNumber(newPhoneNumber);

                var validCode = UserManager.VerifyUserToken(userId, IdentityUserTokenHelper.GenerateTokenPurpose(IdentityUserTokenHelper.TokenPurpose.Editing, newPhoneNumber), code);

                if (!validCode || user == null || (oldPhone == null || oldPhone.UserId != userId) ||
                    (newPhone != null && newPhone.UserId.HasValue && newPhone.UserId != Guid.Empty))
                    result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;

                if (newPhone == null)
                    newPhone = new ApiPhone {
                        Number = newPhoneNumber, UserId = user.Id
                    ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().Save(newPhone);
                    newPhone.UserId = user.Id;
                    ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().Save(newPhone);

                oldPhone.UserId = null;
                ServicesHost.GetService <IPhonesProvider>().Save(oldPhone);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #21
        public JsonResult <ApiBaseResponse> SaveUserDeviceToken([FromUri] Guid userId, string token)
            var result = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var userEntity = UserManager.FindById(userId);

                if (userEntity == null)
                    result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.WrongArgumentsOrData;
                    var device = ServicesHost.GetService <IDevicesProvider>().GetByToken(token);

                    if (device == null)
                        device = new ApiDevice
                            Token  = token,
                            UserId = userEntity.Id
                        ServicesHost.GetService <IDevicesProvider>().Save(device);
                    else if (device.UserId != userEntity.Id)
                        device.UserId = userEntity.Id;
                        ServicesHost.GetService <IDevicesProvider>().Save(device);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = Core.Enums.ApiStatusCode.SystemError;
                result.Error  = ex.Message;

コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// This method does the following operations :
        ///Takes the patient records, converts it to XML and calls the repository for saving the information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patientDetailViewModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ApiBaseResponse> AddPatientAsync(PatientDetailViewModel patientDetailViewModel)
            var response = new ApiBaseResponse();

                var patientDetail = new PatientDetail
                    Record = patientDetailViewModel.SerializeObject()
                await _patientRepository.AddPatientAsync(patientDetail);

                response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                response.Error      = "Error Occured while saving patient information";
                _logger.LogError("Error Occured while saving patient information", ex);
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the HTTP response message into a simple structure suitable for apps to process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The response to convert</param>
        /// <returns>A simple response</returns>
        private static async Task <ApiBaseResponse> TranslatePatchResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            var    apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();;
            string body            = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // PATCH returns 204 NoContent upon success
            apiBaseResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;

            //If the request was successful, the response body will be empty.
            //Otherwise, it will contain errors or warnings relevant to your request
            apiBaseResponse.Body = body;

            // Extract the correlation id.  Apps should log this if they want to collect the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support
            IEnumerable <string> correlationValues;

            if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
                apiBaseResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();

コード例 #24
        private static Task HandleErrorAsync(HttpContext context, Exception exception)
            var errorCode       = "error";
            var statusCode      = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
            var applicationCode = ApplicationStatusCode.AnErrorHasOccured;
            var message         = "There was an error.";

            switch (exception)
            case BlogSolutionException e:
                errorCode       = e.Code;
                message         = e.Message;
                applicationCode = e.ApplicationStatusCode;
            var response = new ApiBaseResponse(statusCode, applicationCode, null, message);
            var payload  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);

            context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
            context.Response.StatusCode  = (int)statusCode;

		/// <summary>
		/// Convert the HTTP response message into a simple structure suitable for apps to process
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The response to convert</param>
		/// <returns>A simple response</returns>
		private static async Task<ApiBaseResponse> TranslateNotebookResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
			ApiBaseResponse apiBaseResponse;
			string body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
			if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK
				/* GET Pages calls always return 200-OK upon success */)
				apiBaseResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GenericEntityResponse>(body);
				apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();

			// Extract the correlation id.  Apps should log this if they want to collect the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support 
			IEnumerable<string> correlationValues;
			if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
				apiBaseResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();
			apiBaseResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
			apiBaseResponse.Body = body;
			return apiBaseResponse;
コード例 #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert the HTTP response message into a simple structure suitable for apps to process
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The response to convert</param>
		/// <returns>A simple response</returns>
		private static async Task<ApiBaseResponse> TranslatePatchResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
			var apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();;
			string body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

			// PATCH returns 204 NoContent upon success
			apiBaseResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;

			//If the request was successful, the response body will be empty.
			//Otherwise, it will contain errors or warnings relevant to your request
			apiBaseResponse.Body = body;

			// Extract the correlation id.  Apps should log this if they want to collect the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support 
			IEnumerable<string> correlationValues;
			if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
				apiBaseResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();
			return apiBaseResponse;
コード例 #27
        private async void SendButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ApiBaseResponse response = await CreateSimplePage(HeadingBox.Text, BodyBox.Text);

            StatusTextBox.Text = "The Note can be accessed via\n " + response.Links.OneNoteWebUrl.Href.ToString() + "\n" + response.Body.ToString();
コード例 #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert the HTTP response message into a simple structure suitable for apps to process
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The response to convert</param>
		/// <returns>A simple response</returns>
		private static async Task<ApiBaseResponse> TranslatePageContentResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
			string body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
			var apiBaseResponse = new ApiBaseResponse();

			// Extract the correlation id.  Apps should log this if they want to collect the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support 
			IEnumerable<string> correlationValues;
			if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
				apiBaseResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();
			apiBaseResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
			apiBaseResponse.Body = body;
			return apiBaseResponse;
コード例 #29
 public static ApiBaseResponse <T> WrapResponse <T>(this T data, string path, HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK)
 => ApiBaseResponse <T> .Wrap(data, path, statusCode);