コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //do dapper entitiy mapping to map objects to DB tables
            DapperPlusManager.Entity <URL>().Table("url").Identity(x => x.id);
            DapperPlusManager.Entity <Property>().Table("property").Identity(x => x.id);
            DapperPlusManager.Entity <PropertyType>().Table("propertytype").Identity(x => x.id);

            URL myUrl;//URL to be parsed

            //get url from url helper and do basic null checks
            while ((myUrl = URLHelper.getNextURL()) != null && myUrl.url != null && myUrl.url.Length > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Parsing URL {0}", myUrl.url);                  //print the current url
                    var response = client.GetAsync(myUrl.url).Result;             //make an HTTP call and get the html for this URL

                    string content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; //save HTML into string

                    if (myUrl.urltype == (int)URL.URLType.PROPERTY_URL)
                        //if the url is of property type, instantiate property parser
                        PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser(content, myUrl);

                        //parse the html
                        PropertyData propData = parser.parse();

                        //insert into DB

                        Console.WriteLine("Stored {0} properties",
                                          (propData != null && propData.urlList != null)?propData.urlList.Count:0);
                    else if (myUrl.urltype == (int)URL.URLType.APARTMENT_URL)
                        //if the url is of apartment type, instantiate apartment parser
                        ApartmentParser parser = new ApartmentParser(content, myUrl);

                        //call the parse method
                        ApartmentData apartmentData = parser.parse();


                        Console.WriteLine("Stored data for property id {0}!", myUrl.property);
                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown URL Type");
                    DBHelper.markURLDone(myUrl);//update the status of URL as done in DB
                catch (Exception e) {
コード例 #2
        public void processAndSaveApartmentsFromPropertyPage(WebScraperModularized.data.Message propertyMessage)
            URL myUrl = new URL();

            myUrl.url      = propertyMessage.url;
            myUrl.property = propertyMessage.id;

            var response = client.GetAsync(myUrl.url).Result;             //make an HTTP call and get the html for this URL

            string content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; //save HTML into string

            ApartmentParser parser = new ApartmentParser(content, myUrl);

            //call the parse method
            ApartmentData apartmentData = parser.parse();


            Console.WriteLine("Stored data for property id {0}!", myUrl.property);