public static void CropMaceWorld(frmMace frmLogForm) { // thank you to Surrogard <*****@*****.**> for providing a linux friendly version of this code: Directory.CreateDirectory("macecopy".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory()); AnvilWorld awCopy = AnvilWorld.Create("macecopy".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory()); RegionChunkManager cmCopy = awCopy.GetChunkManager(); AnvilWorld awCrop = AnvilWorld.Open("mace".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory()); RegionChunkManager cmCrop = awCrop.GetChunkManager(); foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cmCrop) { if (chunk.X >= -7 && chunk.X <= 11 && chunk.Z >= 0 && chunk.Z <= 11) { Debug.WriteLine("Copying chunk " + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z); cmCopy.SetChunk(chunk.X, chunk.Z, chunk.GetChunkRef()); } cmCopy.Save(); } awCopy.Level.GameType = GameType.CREATIVE; cmCopy.Save(); awCopy.Save(); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { Process.Start("explorer.exe", @"/select," + "macecopy".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory() + "\\level.dat"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("You must specify a target directory"); return; } string dest = args[0]; AnvilWorld world = AnvilWorld.Open("F:\\Minecraft\\test"); BlockManager bm = world.GetBlockManager(); bm.AutoLight = false; Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.BuildInit(bm); Generator gen = new Generator(); List <Generator.Edge> edges = gen.Generate(); foreach (Generator.Edge e in edges) { int x1; int y1; int z1; gen.UnIndex(e.node1, out x1, out y1, out z1); int x2; int y2; int z2; gen.UnIndex(e.node2, out x2, out y2, out z2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); } // Entrance Room grid.BuildRoom(bm, 2, 5, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 1); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 3); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 2); // Exit Room grid.BuildRoom(bm, 2, -1, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, -1, 2, 2, 0, 2); grid.AddPrize(bm, 2, -1, 2); Console.WriteLine("Relight Chunks"); RegionChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); cm.RelightDirtyChunks(); world.Save(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("You must specify a target directory"); return; } string dest = args[0]; /* * NbtVerifier.InvalidTagType += (e) => { * throw new Exception("Invalid Tag Type: " + e.TagName + " [" + e.Tag + "]"); * }; * NbtVerifier.InvalidTagValue += (e) => { * throw new Exception("Invalid Tag Value: " + e.TagName + " [" + e.Tag + "]"); * }; * NbtVerifier.MissingTag += (e) => { * throw new Exception("Missing Tag: " + e.TagName); * }; */ // Opening an NbtWorld will try to autodetect if a world is Alpha-style or Beta-style Console.WriteLine("AnvilWorld.Open(dest)"); AnvilWorld world = AnvilWorld.Open(dest); // Grab a generic chunk manager reference Console.WriteLine("world.GetChunkManager()"); IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); // Iterate through all the chunks foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { // Check if Ocean chunk bool foundocean = false; for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { if (chunk.Biomes.GetBiome(x, z) == BiomeType.Ocean || chunk.Biomes.GetBiome(x, z) == BiomeType.DeepOcean || chunk.Biomes.GetBiome(x, z) == BiomeType.FrozenOcean) { foundocean = true; } } } // Or if old unpopulated chunk //set status as liquid_carved (or similar) if (foundocean == true) { Console.WriteLine("Found ocean in chunk {0},{1}, setting status to liquid_carved", chunk.X, chunk.Z); chunk.Status = "liquid_carved"; } cm.Save(); //Console.WriteLine("Repopulated Chunk {0},{1}", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } }
public void ExportMap(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; string path = e.Argument as string; worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting map to " + path); AnvilWorld world = AnvilWorld.Create(path); world.Level.LevelName = "Dwarf Fortress World"; world.Level.GameType = GameType.CREATIVE; world.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(36, 255, 36); world.Save(); var chunkManager = world.GetChunkManager(); int total = (Tiles[0].Height * tileWidth / 16) * (Tiles[0].Width * tileWidth / 16); int done = 0; for (int chunkZ = 0; chunkZ < Tiles[0].Height * tileWidth / 16; chunkZ++) { for (int chunkX = 0; chunkX < Tiles[0].Width * tileWidth / 16; chunkX++) { var chunk = chunkManager.CreateChunk(chunkX, chunkZ); var blocks = chunk.Blocks; blocks.AutoLight = false; chunk.IsTerrainPopulated = true; int chunkY = 0; foreach (var level in Tiles) { if (!level.Enabled) { continue; } for (int y = 0; y < tileHeight; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { blocks.SetBlock(x, y + (chunkY * tileHeight), z, level.GetBlock(x + (chunkX * 16), y, z + (chunkZ * 16))); } } } chunkY++; } blocks.RebuildSkyLight(); blocks.RebuildBlockLight(); blocks.RebuildHeightMap(); chunkManager.Save(); done++; worker.ReportProgress(done * 100 / total, "Generating Chunks"); } } worker.ReportProgress(100, "Finished exporting map"); }
static public void Generate(frmMace frmLogForm, string UserWorldName, string strWorldSeed, string strWorldType, bool booWorldMapFeatures, int TotalCities, string[] strCheckedThemes, int ChunksBetweenCities, string strSpawnPoint, bool booExportSchematics, string strSelectedNPCs, string strUndergroundOres) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Started at " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(), false, true); worldCities = new WorldCity[TotalCities]; lstCityNames.Clear(); Chunks.biomes.Clear(); RNG.SetRandomSeed(); #region create minecraft world directory from a random unused world name string strFolder = String.Empty, strWorldName = String.Empty; UserWorldName = UserWorldName.ToSafeFilename(); if (UserWorldName.Trim().Length == 0) { UserWorldName = "random"; } if (UserWorldName.ToLower().Trim() != "random") { if (Directory.Exists(UserWorldName.ToMinecraftSaveDirectory())) { if (MessageBox.Show("A world called \"" + UserWorldName + "\" already exists. " + "Would you like to use a random name instead?", "World already exists", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Cancel) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Cancelled, because a world with this name already exists.", false, false); return; } } else { strWorldName = UserWorldName; strFolder = strWorldName.ToMinecraftSaveDirectory(); } } if (strWorldName.Length == 0) { strWorldName = Utils.GenerateWorldName(); strFolder = strWorldName.ToMinecraftSaveDirectory(); } Directory.CreateDirectory(strFolder); frmLogForm.btnSaveLogNormal.Tag = Path.Combine(strFolder, "LogNormal.txt"); frmLogForm.btnSaveLogVerbose.Tag = Path.Combine(strFolder, "LogVerbose.txt"); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World name: " + strWorldName, false, true); #endregion #region get handles to world, chunk manager and block manager AnvilWorld worldDest = AnvilWorld.Create(@strFolder); worldDest.Level.LevelName = "Creating. Don't open until Mace is finished."; RegionChunkManager cmDest = worldDest.GetChunkManager(); BlockManager bmDest = worldDest.GetBlockManager(); bmDest.AutoLight = false; #endregion #region Determine themes // "how does this work, robson?" // well, I'm glad you asked! // we keep selecting a random unused checked theme, until they've all been used once. // after that, all other cities will have a random checked theme int maxFarmSize = 0; strCheckedThemes = RNG.ShuffleArray(strCheckedThemes); for (int CurrentCityID = 0; CurrentCityID < TotalCities; CurrentCityID++) { if (CurrentCityID <= strCheckedThemes.GetUpperBound(0)) { worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName = strCheckedThemes[CurrentCityID]; } else { worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName = RNG.RandomItem(strCheckedThemes); } City.themeName = worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName; worldCities[CurrentCityID].ChunkLength = GetThemeRandomXMLElementNumber("options", "city_size"); int farmSize = GetThemeLastXMLElementNumber("options", "farm_size"); maxFarmSize = Math.Max(maxFarmSize, farmSize); } #endregion GenerateCityLocations(TotalCities, ChunksBetweenCities + maxFarmSize); int intRandomCity = RNG.Next(TotalCities); for (int CurrentCityID = 0; CurrentCityID < TotalCities; CurrentCityID++) { MakeCitySettings(frmLogForm, worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName, CurrentCityID, strSelectedNPCs); if (!GenerateCity.Generate(frmLogForm, worldDest, cmDest, bmDest, worldCities[CurrentCityID].x, worldCities[CurrentCityID].z, booExportSchematics, strUndergroundOres)) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World generation failed/cancelled.", false, false); return; } #region set spawn point if ( == intRandomCity) { switch (strSpawnPoint) { case "Away from the cities": worldDest.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(0, 65, 0); break; case "Inside a random city": worldDest.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(((worldCities[intRandomCity].x + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + (City.mapLength / 2), 65, ((worldCities[intRandomCity].z + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + (City.mapLength / 2)); break; case "Outside a random city": worldDest.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(((worldCities[intRandomCity].x + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + (City.mapLength / 2), 65, ((worldCities[intRandomCity].z + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + 2); break; default: Debug.Fail("invalid spawn point"); break; } frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Spawn point set to " + worldDest.Level.Spawn.X + "," + worldDest.Level.Spawn.Y + "," + worldDest.Level.Spawn.Z, false, true); } #endregion } #region weather frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Setting weather", false, true); worldDest.Level.Time = RNG.Next(24000); if (RNG.NextDouble() < 0.15) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Rain", false, true); worldDest.Level.IsRaining = true; // one-quarter to three-quarters of a day worldDest.Level.RainTime = RNG.Next(6000, 18000); if (RNG.NextDouble() < 0.25) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Thunder", false, true); worldDest.Level.IsThundering = true; worldDest.Level.ThunderTime = worldDest.Level.RainTime; } } #endregion #region world details worldDest.Level.LevelName = strWorldName; frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Setting world type: " + strWorldType, false, true); switch (strWorldType.ToLower()) { case "creative": worldDest.Level.GameType = GameType.CREATIVE; break; case "survival": worldDest.Level.GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; break; case "hardcore": worldDest.Level.GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; worldDest.Level.Hardcore = true; break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalidate world type selected."); break; } frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World map features: " + booWorldMapFeatures.ToString(), false, true); worldDest.Level.UseMapFeatures = booWorldMapFeatures; if (strWorldSeed != String.Empty) { long seed = 0; if (long.TryParse(strWorldSeed, out seed)) { worldDest.Level.RandomSeed = seed; frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Specified world seed: " + worldDest.Level.RandomSeed, false, true); } else { worldDest.Level.RandomSeed = strWorldSeed.ToJavaHashCode(); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Specified world seed: " + strWorldSeed, false, true); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Specified world seed converted to a number: " + worldDest.Level.RandomSeed, false, true); } } else { worldDest.Level.RandomSeed = RNG.Next(); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Random world seed: " + worldDest.Level.RandomSeed, false, true); } worldDest.Level.LastPlayed = (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - DateTime.Parse("01/01/1970 00:00:00").Ticks) / 10000; frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World time: " + worldDest.Level.LastPlayed, false, true); #endregion cmDest.Save(); worldDest.Save(); Chunks.SetBiomeData(@strFolder); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("\nCreated the " + strWorldName + "!", false, false); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("It'll be at the top of your MineCraft world list.", false, false); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Finished at " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(), false, true); }
private void Render(bool IsPreview) { _Abort = false; ToggleControls(!IsPreview, true, IsPreview); SetStatus("Initializing..."); IRenderer Renderer = null; // *** Set up renderer config _RenderingConfig.IsPreview = IsPreview; _RenderingConfig.Chunks = _World.GetChunkManager(_RenderingConfig.Dimension); _RenderingConfig.Palette = new BlockPalette(); _RenderingConfig.RenderSubregion = cbCropMap.Checked; _RenderingConfig.MaxThreads = cbMultithread.Checked ? (int)nudThreads.Value : 1; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentlySynchronizedField // *** This section of code is run before the parallel processing begins, so there is no danger of sync issues. _SkipErrors.Clear(); if (IsPreview) { _RenderingConfig.RenderSubregion = true; _RenderingConfig.SubregionChunks = new Rectangle(-15, -15, 31, 31); } else if (_RenderingConfig.RenderSubregion) { _RenderingConfig.SubregionChunks = new Rectangle((int)nudXMin.Value, (int)nudZMin.Value, (int)nudXMax.Value - (int)nudXMin.Value + 1, (int)nudZMax.Value - (int)nudZMin.Value + 1); } else { _RenderingConfig.SubregionChunks = new Rectangle(_RenderingConfig.Metrics.MinX, _RenderingConfig.Metrics.MinZ, _RenderingConfig.Metrics.MaxX - _RenderingConfig.Metrics.MinX, _RenderingConfig.Metrics.MaxZ - _RenderingConfig.Metrics.MinZ); } if (_Abort) { goto Cleanup; } foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in dgPalettes.Rows) { ((PaletteFile)Row.Tag).Selected = (bool)Row.Cells[0].Value; } // *** Set up palettes foreach (String Palette in from PaletteFile File in PaletteManager.Instance().AllPalettes where File.Selected select File.PalettePath) { try { _RenderingConfig.Palette.LoadPalette(Palette); } catch (BlockPalette.PaletteExecutionException Ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The palette file {0} is invalid and will be skipped:\r\n{1}", Path.GetFileName(Palette), Ex.Message), "Palette Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); PaletteManager.Instance().AllPalettes.First(x => x.PalettePath == Palette).Selected = false; } } if (_Abort) { goto Cleanup; } UpdatePaletteSelection(); _RenderingConfig.Palette.AssembleLookupTables(); // *** Initialize renderer Renderer = RendererManager.Instance().InstantiateRenderer((_SelectedRenderer).RendererName); Renderer.ProgressUpdate += DoUpdate; Renderer.RenderError += HandleError; Renderer.Configure(_RenderingConfig); Renderer.Initialize(); _AbortRender = Renderer.Abort; // *** Render if (IsPreview) { pbPreview.Image = Renderer.Preview(); } else { Renderer.Render(); } Cleanup: // *** Clean up if (Renderer != null) { Renderer.ProgressUpdate -= DoUpdate; Renderer.RenderError -= HandleError; } ToggleControls(false, _World != null, false); SetStatus(_Abort ? "Aborted" : "Finished", "Render " + (_Abort ? "Aborted" : "Finished")); SetProgress(0); _AbortRender = null; _Abort = false; }
private void Measure(AnvilWorld World) { Measure(World.GetChunkManager(Dimension)); }
void GenerateList() { StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "HiveList.txt"), false); int totalcount = 0; int ore = 2646; int oreMeta = 6; int hive = 627; // Open our world AnvilWorld world = AnvilWorld.Open(worldPath); // The chunk manager is more efficient than the block manager for // this purpose, since we'll inspect every block RegionChunkManager rcm = world.GetChunkManager(0); pbChunks.Maximum = rcm.Count(); pbChunks.Minimum = 0; pbChunks.Value = 0; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in rcm) { pbChunks.Value++; //if (chunk.X < 0 || chunk.Z < 0 || chunk.Z > 134 || chunk.X > 111) //{ // continue; //} // You could hardcode your dimensions, but maybe some day they // won't always be 16. Also the CLR is a bit stupid and has // trouble optimizing repeated calls to Chunk.Blocks.xx, so we // cache them in locals int xdim = chunk.Blocks.XDim; int ydim = chunk.Blocks.YDim; int zdim = chunk.Blocks.ZDim; AnvilBiomeCollection chunkBiome = chunk.Biomes; // x, z, y is the most efficient order to scan blocks (not that // you should care about internal detail) for (int x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < zdim; z++) { int biome = chunkBiome.GetBiome(x, z); for (int y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { int cid = chunk.Blocks.GetID(x, y, z); if (y > 1) { if (cid == hive) { int cdata = chunk.Blocks.GetData(x, y, z); //if (cdata == oreMeta) //{ wr.WriteLine("H;{0};{1};{2};{3},{4}", chunk.X * xdim + x, chunk.Z * zdim + z, y, biome, cdata); totalcount++; //} } } //Break when hitting daylight. int light = chunk.Blocks.GetSkyLight(x, y, z); if (light == 12) { break; } } } } if (pbChunks.Value % 32 == 0) { txtDebug.Text = string.Format("Processed Chunk {0},{1}", chunk.X, chunk.Z) + Environment.NewLine; Application.DoEvents(); } } txtDebug.Text += string.Format("Found ore count:{0}", totalcount) + Environment.NewLine; wr.Close(); }