コード例 #1
        public TemplateRenderModel Render(FileModel fileModel)
            TemplateRenderModel result = new TemplateRenderModel();
            result.Structure = sourceStructure;
            result.FileModel = fileModel;

            StringBuilder templateBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            templateBuilder.Append("group Group1;");
            templateBuilder.Append("RenderFile(file) ::= <<");
            templateBuilder.Append("RenderNamespace(namespace) ::= <<");
            templateBuilder.Append("RenderEntity(entity) ::= <<");

            using (TextReader sr = new StringReader(templateBuilder.ToString()))
                Antlr3.ST.StringTemplateGroup groups = new Antlr3.ST.StringTemplateGroup(sr, typeof(Antlr3.ST.Language.TemplateLexer));

                Antlr3.ST.StringTemplate template = groups.GetInstanceOf("RenderFile");
                template.SetAttribute("file", fileModel);

                result.Result = template.ToString();

            return result;
コード例 #2
        protected override void GenRecognizerHeaderFile(AntlrTool tool,
                                                        CodeGenerator generator,
                                                        Grammar grammar,
                                                        StringTemplate headerFileST,
                                                        string extName)
            StringTemplateGroup templates = generator.Templates;

            generator.Write(headerFileST, grammar.name + extName);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SemanticContext.cs プロジェクト: ymf1/webgrease
 public StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                               StringTemplateGroup templates,
                               DFA dfa)
     if (templates != null)
     return(new StringTemplate("false"));
コード例 #4
ファイル: SemanticContext.cs プロジェクト: ymf1/webgrease
            public override StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                                                   StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                   DFA dfa)
                StringTemplate eST = null;

                if (templates != null)
                    if (_synpred)
                        eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("evalSynPredicate");
                        eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("evalPredicate");
                    string predEnclosingRuleName = predicateAST.enclosingRuleName;

                     * String decisionEnclosingRuleName =
                     *  dfa.getNFADecisionStartState().getEnclosingRule();
                     * // if these rulenames are diff, then pred was hoisted out of rule
                     * // Currently I don't warn you about this as it could be annoying.
                     * // I do the translation anyway.
                    //eST.setAttribute("pred", this.toString());
                    if (generator != null)
                                         generator.TranslateAction(predEnclosingRuleName, predicateAST));
                    eST = new StringTemplate("$pred$");
                    eST.SetAttribute("pred", this.ToString());
                if (generator != null)
                    string description =
                    eST.SetAttribute("description", description);
コード例 #5
ファイル: SemanticContext.cs プロジェクト: ymf1/webgrease
            public override StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                                                   StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                   DFA dfa)
                StringTemplate eST = null;

                if (templates != null)
                    eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("notPredicate");
                    eST = new StringTemplate("?!($pred$)");
                eST.SetAttribute("pred", ctx.GenExpr(generator, templates, dfa));
コード例 #6
ファイル: SemanticContext.cs プロジェクト: ymf1/webgrease
            public override StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                                                   StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                   DFA dfa)
                StringTemplate eST = null;

                if (templates != null)
                    eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("andPredicates");
                    eST = new StringTemplate("($left$&&$right$)");
                eST.SetAttribute("left", _left.GenExpr(generator, templates, dfa));
                eST.SetAttribute("right", _right.GenExpr(generator, templates, dfa));
コード例 #7
ファイル: SemanticContext.cs プロジェクト: ymf1/webgrease
            public override StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                                                   StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                   DFA dfa)
                StringTemplate eST = null;

                if (templates != null)
                    eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("orPredicates");
                    eST = new StringTemplate("($first(operands)$$rest(operands):{o | ||$o$}$)");
                foreach (SemanticContext semctx in _operands)
                    eST.SetAttribute("operands", semctx.GenExpr(generator, templates, dfa));
コード例 #8
        public void TestTemplateConstructor() /*throws Exception*/
            string action    = "x = %foo(name={$ID.text});";
            string expecting = "x = templateLib.getInstanceOf(\"foo\"," +
                               LINE_SEP + "  new STAttrMap().put(\"name\", (ID1!=null?ID1.getText():null)));";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {\n" +
                "    output=template;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "a : ID {" + action + "}\n" +
                "  ;\n" +
                "\n" +
                "ID : 'a';\n");
            AntlrTool     antlr     = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator =
                new ActionTranslator(generator,
                                     new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ACTION, action), 1);
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup(".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate(templates, rawTranslation);
            string         found    = actionST.ToString();


            assertEquals(expecting, found);
コード例 #9
        public void TestSetAttr() /*throws Exception*/
            string action    = "%x.y = z;";
            string expecting = "(x).setAttribute(\"y\", z);";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {\n" +
                "    output=template;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "a : ID {" + action + "}\n" +
                "  ;\n" +
                "\n" +
                "ID : 'a';\n");
            AntlrTool     antlr     = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator =
                new ActionTranslator(generator,
                                     new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ACTION, action), 1);
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup(".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate(templates, rawTranslation);
            string         found    = actionST.ToString();


            assertEquals(expecting, found);
コード例 #10
        /** We really only need a single locale for entire running ANTLR code
         *  in a single VM.  Only pay attention to the language, not the country
         *  so that French Canadians and French Frenchies all get the same
         *  template file, fr.stg.  Just easier this way.
        public static void SetLocale(CultureInfo locale)
            ErrorManager.locale = locale;
            String language = locale.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
            //String fileName = "org/antlr/tool/templates/messages/languages/"+language+".stg";
            string fileName   = @"Tool\Templates\messages\languages\" + language + ".stg";
            string streamName = "Antlr3." + fileName.Replace('\\', '.');

            fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(AntlrTool.ToolPathRoot, fileName);
            //ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            //InputStream @is = cl.getResourceAsStream(fileName);
            System.IO.Stream @is;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
                @is = new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName));
                @is = typeof(ErrorManager).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(streamName);
            //if ( @is==null ) {
            //    cl = typeof(ErrorManager).getClassLoader();
            //    @is = cl.getResourceAsStream(fileName);
            if (@is == null && language.Equals(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us").TwoLetterISOLanguageName))
                RawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; cannot find English messages file " + fileName);
            else if (@is == null)
                //rawError("no such locale file "+fileName+" retrying with English locale");
                SetLocale(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us")); // recurse on this rule, trying the US locale
            StreamReader br = null;

            try {
                br       = new StreamReader(new System.IO.BufferedStream(@is));
                messages = new StringTemplateGroup(br,
            catch (IOException ioe) {
                RawError("error reading message file " + fileName, ioe);
            finally {
                if (br != null)
                    try {
                    catch (IOException ioe) {
                        RawError("cannot close message file " + fileName, ioe);

            messages.ErrorListener = blankSTListener;
            bool messagesOK = VerifyMessages();

            if (!messagesOK && language.Equals(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us").TwoLetterISOLanguageName))
                RawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; English messages file " + language + ".stg incomplete");
            else if (!messagesOK)
                SetLocale(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us")); // try US to see if that will work
コード例 #11
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestReuseExistingListLabelWithImplicitTokenLabel()
            string action = "$ID.text;";
            string expecting = "(x!=null?x.getText():null);";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "a : x+=ID {" + action + "} ;" +
                "ID : 'a';\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            antlr.SetOutputDirectory( null ); // write to /dev/null
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;

            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #12
ファイル: CodeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 protected internal virtual StringTemplate GenSemanticPredicateExpr( StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                   Transition edge )
     DFA dfa = ( (DFAState)edge.target ).dfa; // which DFA are we in
     Label label = edge.label;
     SemanticContext semCtx = label.SemanticContext;
     return semCtx.GenExpr( this, templates, dfa );
コード例 #13
ファイル: CodeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        /** load the main language.stg template group file */
        public virtual void LoadTemplates( string language )
            // get a group loader containing main templates dir and target subdir
            string templateDirs =
                tool.TemplatesDirectory + ":" +
                Path.Combine(tool.TemplatesDirectory, language);
            //[email protected]("targets="+templateDirs.toString());
            IStringTemplateGroupLoader loader =
                new CommonGroupLoader( templateDirs,
                                      ErrorManager.GetStringTemplateErrorListener() );
            StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader( loader );
            StringTemplateGroup.RegisterDefaultLexer( typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );

            // first load main language template
            StringTemplateGroup coreTemplates =
                StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( language );
            baseTemplates = coreTemplates;
            if ( coreTemplates == null )
                ErrorManager.Error( ErrorManager.MSG_MISSING_CODE_GEN_TEMPLATES,
                                   language );

            // dynamically add subgroups that act like filters to apply to
            // their supergroup.  E.g., Java:Dbg:AST:ASTParser::ASTDbg.
            string outputOption = (string)grammar.GetOption( "output" );
            if ( outputOption != null && outputOption.Equals( "AST" ) )
                if ( debug && grammar.type != GrammarType.Lexer )
                    StringTemplateGroup dbgTemplates =
                        StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "Dbg", coreTemplates );
                    baseTemplates = dbgTemplates;
                    StringTemplateGroup astTemplates =
                        StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "AST", dbgTemplates );
                    StringTemplateGroup astParserTemplates = astTemplates;
                    //if ( !grammar.rewriteMode() ) {
                    if ( grammar.type == GrammarType.TreeParser )
                        astParserTemplates =
                            StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ASTTreeParser", astTemplates );
                        astParserTemplates =
                            StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ASTParser", astTemplates );
                    StringTemplateGroup astDbgTemplates =
                        StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ASTDbg", astParserTemplates );
                    templates = astDbgTemplates;
                    StringTemplateGroup astTemplates =
                        StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "AST", coreTemplates );
                    StringTemplateGroup astParserTemplates = astTemplates;
                    //if ( !grammar.rewriteMode() ) {
                    if ( grammar.type == GrammarType.TreeParser )
                        astParserTemplates =
                            StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ASTTreeParser", astTemplates );
                        astParserTemplates =
                            StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ASTParser", astTemplates );
                    templates = astParserTemplates;
            else if ( outputOption != null && outputOption.Equals( "template" ) )
                if ( debug && grammar.type != GrammarType.Lexer )
                    StringTemplateGroup dbgTemplates =
                        StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "Dbg", coreTemplates );
                    baseTemplates = dbgTemplates;
                    StringTemplateGroup stTemplates =
                        StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ST", dbgTemplates );
                    templates = stTemplates;
                    templates = StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "ST", coreTemplates );
            else if ( debug && grammar.type != GrammarType.Lexer )
                templates = StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup( "Dbg", coreTemplates );
                baseTemplates = templates;
                templates = coreTemplates;

            if ( EmitTemplateDelimiters )
                templates.EmitDebugStartStopStrings( true );
                templates.DoNotEmitDebugStringsForTemplate( "codeFileExtension" );
                templates.DoNotEmitDebugStringsForTemplate( "headerFileExtension" );
コード例 #14
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 public void TestEscapedLessThanInAction()
     Grammar g = new Grammar();
     AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
     CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
     string action = "i<3; '<xmltag>'";
     ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                  new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 0 );
     string expecting = action;
     string rawTranslation =
     StringTemplateGroup templates =
         new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
     StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, "<action>" );
     actionST.SetAttribute( "action", rawTranslation );
     string found = actionST.ToString();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
コード例 #15
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestSetFullyQualifiedRefToCurrentRuleRetVal()
            string action = "$a.i = 1;";
            string expecting = "retval.i = 1;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "a returns [int i, int j]: {" + action + "}\n" +
                "  ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #16
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestTokenRefTreeProperty()
            string action = "$ID.tree;";
            string expecting = "ID1_tree;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "a : ID {" + action + "} ;" +
                "ID : 'a';\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            antlr.SetOutputDirectory( null ); // write to /dev/null
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;

            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );
コード例 #17
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestTokenLabels()
            string action = "$id; $f; $id.text; $id.getText(); $id.dork " +
                            "$id.type; $id.line; $id.pos; " +
                            "$id.channel; $id.index;";
            string expecting = "id; f; (id!=null?id.getText():null); id.getText(); id.dork (id!=null?id.getType():0); (id!=null?id.getLine():0); (id!=null?id.getCharPositionInLine():0); (id!=null?id.getChannel():0); (id!=null?id.getTokenIndex():0);";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar t;\n" +
                "a : id=ID f=FLOAT {" + action + "}\n" +
                "  ;" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #18
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestTokenLabelFromMultipleAlts()
            string action = "$ID.text;"; // must be qualified
            string action2 = "$INT.text;"; // must be qualified
            string expecting = "(ID1!=null?ID1.getText():null);";
            string expecting2 = "(INT2!=null?INT2.getText():null);";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "a : ID {" + action + "}\n" +
                "  | INT {" + action2 + "}\n" +
                "  ;\n" +
                "ID : 'a';\n" +
                "INT : '0';\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
            translator = new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                                   new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action2 ), 2 );
            rawTranslation =
            templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            found = actionST.ToString();

            assertEquals( expecting2, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #19
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestSimplePlusEqualLabel()
            string action = "$ids.size();"; // must be qualified
            string expecting = "list_ids.size();";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar t;\n" +
                "a : ids+=ID ( COMMA ids+=ID {" + action + "})* ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator =
                new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                          new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #20
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestSharedGlobalScope()
            string action = "$Symbols::x;";
            string expecting = "((Symbols_scope)Symbols_stack.peek()).x;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "scope Symbols {\n" +
                "  String x;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "a\n" +
                "scope { int y; }\n" +
                "scope Symbols;\n" +
                " : b {" + action + "}\n" +
                " ;\n" +
                "b : ID {$Symbols::x=$ID.text} ;\n" +
                "ID : 'a';\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #21
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestSettingLexerRulePropertyRefs()
            string action = "$text $type=1 $line=1 $pos=1 $channel=1 $index";
            string expecting = "getText() _type=1 state.tokenStartLine=1 state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine=1 _channel=1 -1";
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "R : 'r' {" + action + "};\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator =
                new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                          new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();

            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #22
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestReturnWithMultipleRuleRefs()
            string action1 = "$obj = $rule2.obj;";
            string action2 = "$obj = $rule3.obj;";
            string expecting1 = "obj = rule21;";
            string expecting2 = "obj = rule32;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "rule1 returns [ Object obj ]\n" +
                ":	rule2 { " + action1 + " }\n" +
                "|	rule3 { " + action2 + " }\n" +
                ";\n" +
                "rule2 returns [ Object obj ]\n" +
                ":	foo='foo' { $obj = $foo.text; }\n" +
                ";\n" +
                "rule3 returns [ Object obj ]\n" +
                ":	bar='bar' { $obj = $bar.text; }\n" +
                ";" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            int i = 0;
            string action = action1;
            string expecting = expecting1;
                ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "rule1",
                                                                             new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), i + 1 );
                string rawTranslation =
                StringTemplateGroup templates =
                        new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
                StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
                string found = actionST.ToString();
                assertEquals( expecting, found );
                action = action2;
                expecting = expecting2;
            } while ( i++ < 1 );
            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #23
        protected virtual StringTemplate WalkFixedDFAGeneratingStateMachine(
            StringTemplateGroup templates,
            DFA dfa,
            DFAState s,
            int k)
            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "walk " + s.stateNumber + " in dfa for decision " + dfa.decisionNumber );
            if (s.IsAcceptState)
                StringTemplate dfaST2 = templates.GetInstanceOf("dfaAcceptState");
                dfaST2.SetAttribute("alt", s.GetUniquelyPredictedAlt());

            // the default templates for generating a state and its edges
            // can be an if-then-else structure or a switch
            string dfaStateName              = "dfaState";
            string dfaLoopbackStateName      = "dfaLoopbackState";
            string dfaOptionalBlockStateName = "dfaOptionalBlockState";
            string dfaEdgeName = "dfaEdge";

            if (parentGenerator.CanGenerateSwitch(s))
                dfaStateName              = "dfaStateSwitch";
                dfaLoopbackStateName      = "dfaLoopbackStateSwitch";
                dfaOptionalBlockStateName = "dfaOptionalBlockStateSwitch";
                dfaEdgeName = "dfaEdgeSwitch";

            StringTemplate dfaST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaStateName);

            if (dfa.NFADecisionStartState.decisionStateType == NFAState.LOOPBACK)
                dfaST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaLoopbackStateName);
            else if (dfa.NFADecisionStartState.decisionStateType == NFAState.OPTIONAL_BLOCK_START)
                dfaST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaOptionalBlockStateName);
            dfaST.SetAttribute("k", k);
            dfaST.SetAttribute("stateNumber", s.stateNumber);

             * string description = dfa.getNFADecisionStartState().Description;
             * description = parentGenerator.target.getTargetStringLiteralFromString( description );
             * //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "DFA: " + description + " associated with AST " + dfa.getNFADecisionStartState() );
             * if ( description != null )
             * {
             *  dfaST.SetAttribute( "description", description );
             * }
            int      EOTPredicts = NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER;
            DFAState EOTTarget   = null;

            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "DFA state " + s.stateNumber );
            for (int i = 0; i < s.NumberOfTransitions; i++)
                Transition edge = (Transition)s.Transition(i);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "edge " + s.stateNumber + "-" + edge.label.ToString() + "->" + edge.target.stateNumber );
                if (edge.label.Atom == Label.EOT)
                    // don't generate a real edge for EOT; track alt EOT predicts
                    // generate that prediction in the else clause as default case
                    EOTTarget   = (DFAState)edge.target;
                    EOTPredicts = EOTTarget.GetUniquelyPredictedAlt();

                     * System.Console.Out.WriteLine("DFA s"+s.stateNumber+" EOT goes to s"+
                     *                 edge.target.stateNumber+" predicates alt "+
                     *                 EOTPredicts);
                StringTemplate edgeST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaEdgeName);
                // If the template wants all the label values delineated, do that
                if (edgeST.GetFormalArgument("labels") != null)
                    List <string> labels = edge.Label.Set.Select(value => parentGenerator.GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel(value)).ToList();
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("labels", labels);
                { // else create an expression to evaluate (the general case)
                                        parentGenerator.GenLabelExpr(templates, edge, k));

                // stick in any gated predicates for any edge if not already a pred
                if (!edge.label.IsSemanticPredicate)
                    DFAState        target = (DFAState)edge.target;
                    SemanticContext preds  =
                    if (preds != null)
                        //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "preds=" + target.getGatedPredicatesInNFAConfigurations() );
                        StringTemplate predST = preds.GenExpr(parentGenerator,
                        edgeST.SetAttribute("predicates", predST);

                StringTemplate targetST =
                                                       k + 1);
                edgeST.SetAttribute("targetState", targetST);
                dfaST.SetAttribute("edges", edgeST);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "back to DFA " + dfa.decisionNumber + "." + s.stateNumber );

            // HANDLE EOT EDGE
            if (EOTPredicts != NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER)
                // EOT unique predicts an alt
                dfaST.SetAttribute("eotPredictsAlt", EOTPredicts);
            else if (EOTTarget != null && EOTTarget.NumberOfTransitions > 0)
                // EOT state has transitions so must split on predicates.
                // Generate predicate else-if clauses and then generate
                // NoViableAlt exception as else clause.
                // Note: these predicates emanate from the EOT target state
                // rather than the current DFAState s so the error message
                // might be slightly misleading if you are looking at the
                // state number.  Predicates emanating from EOT targets are
                // hoisted up to the state that has the EOT edge.
                for (int i = 0; i < EOTTarget.NumberOfTransitions; i++)
                    Transition     predEdge = (Transition)EOTTarget.Transition(i);
                    StringTemplate edgeST   = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaEdgeName);
                                        parentGenerator.GenSemanticPredicateExpr(templates, predEdge));
                    // the target must be an accept state
                    //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "EOT edge" );
                    StringTemplate targetST =
                                                           k + 1);
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("targetState", targetST);
                    dfaST.SetAttribute("edges", edgeST);
コード例 #24
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestUnknownGlobalDynamicAttribute()
            string action = "$Symbols::x";
            string expecting = action;

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "scope Symbols {\n" +
                "  int n;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "a : {'+action+'}\n" +
                "  ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator =
                new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                          new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNKNOWN_DYNAMIC_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE;
            object expectedArg = "Symbols";
            object expectedArg2 = "x";
            GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
                new GrammarSemanticsMessage( expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2 );
            checkError( equeue, expectedMessage );
コード例 #25
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestDynamicScopeRefOkEvenThoughRuleRefExists()
            string action = "$b::n;";
            string expecting = "((b_scope)b_stack.peek()).n;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "s : b ;\n" +
                "b\n" +
                "scope {\n" +
                "  int n;\n" +
                "} : '(' b ')' {" + action + "}\n" + // refers to current invocation's n
                "  ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "b",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #26
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestArguments()
            string action = "$i; $i.x; $u; $u.x";
            string expecting = "i; i.x; u; u.x";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar t;\n" +
                "a[User u, int i]\n" +
                "        : {" + action + "}\n" +
                "        ;" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #27
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 public void TestEscaped_InAction()
     string action = "int \\$n; \"\\$in string\\$\"";
     string expecting = "int $n; \"$in string$\"";
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar t;\n" +
         "@members {" + action + "}\n" +
         "a[User u, int i]\n" +
         "        : {" + action + "}\n" +
         "        ;" );
     AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
     CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
     g.CodeGenerator = generator;
     generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
     ActionTranslator translator =
         new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                   new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 0 );
     string rawTranslation =
     StringTemplateGroup templates =
         new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
     StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
     string found = actionST.ToString();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
コード例 #28
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestUnqualifiedRuleScopeAttribute()
            string action = "$n;"; // must be qualified
            string expecting = "$n;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "a\n" +
                "scope {\n" +
                "  int n;\n" +
                "} : b\n" +
                "  ;\n" +
                "b : {'+action+'}\n" +
                "  ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            ActionTranslator translator =
                new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                          new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNKNOWN_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE;
            object expectedArg = "n";
            object expectedArg2 = null;
            GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
                new GrammarSemanticsMessage( expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2 );
            checkError( equeue, expectedMessage );
コード例 #29
ファイル: CodeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 /** Generate an expression for traversing an edge. */
 protected internal virtual StringTemplate GenLabelExpr( StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                       Transition edge,
                                       int k )
     Label label = edge.label;
     if ( label.IsSemanticPredicate )
         return GenSemanticPredicateExpr( templates, edge );
     if ( label.IsSet )
         return GenSetExpr( templates, label.Set, k, true );
     // must be simple label
     StringTemplate eST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "lookaheadTest" );
     eST.SetAttribute( "atom", GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel( label.Atom ) );
     eST.SetAttribute( "atomAsInt", label.Atom );
     eST.SetAttribute( "k", k );
     return eST;
コード例 #30
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestAssignToOwnRulenameAttr()
            string action = "$rule.tree = null;";
            string expecting = "retval.tree = null;";
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar a;\n" +
                "rule\n" +
                "    : 'y' {" + action + "}\n" +
                "    ;" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #31
ファイル: CodeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 /** For intervals such as [3..3, 30..35], generate an expression that
  *  tests the lookahead similar to LA(1)==3 || (LA(1)>=30&&LA(1)<=35)
 public virtual StringTemplate GenSetExpr( StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                  IIntSet set,
                                  int k,
                                  bool partOfDFA )
     if ( !( set is IntervalSet ) )
         throw new ArgumentException( "unable to generate expressions for non IntervalSet objects" );
     IntervalSet iset = (IntervalSet)set;
     if ( iset.Intervals == null || iset.Intervals.Count == 0 )
         StringTemplate emptyST = new StringTemplate( templates, "" );
         emptyST.Name = "empty-set-expr";
         return emptyST;
     string testSTName = "lookaheadTest";
     string testRangeSTName = "lookaheadRangeTest";
     if ( !partOfDFA )
         testSTName = "isolatedLookaheadTest";
         testRangeSTName = "isolatedLookaheadRangeTest";
     StringTemplate setST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "setTest" );
     int rangeNumber = 1;
     foreach ( Interval I in iset.GetIntervals() )
         int a = I.a;
         int b = I.b;
         StringTemplate eST;
         if ( a == b )
             eST = templates.GetInstanceOf( testSTName );
             eST.SetAttribute( "atom", GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel( a ) );
             eST.SetAttribute( "atomAsInt", a );
             eST = templates.GetInstanceOf( testRangeSTName );
             eST.SetAttribute( "lower", GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel( a ) );
             eST.SetAttribute( "lowerAsInt", a );
             eST.SetAttribute( "upper", GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel( b ) );
             eST.SetAttribute( "upperAsInt", b );
             eST.SetAttribute( "rangeNumber", rangeNumber );
         eST.SetAttribute( "k", k );
         setST.SetAttribute( "ranges", eST );
     return setST;
コード例 #32
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 public void TestAssignToTreeNodeAttribute()
     string action = "$tree.scope = localScope;";
     string expecting = "(()retval.tree).scope = localScope;";
     ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
     ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "grammar a;\n" +
         "options { output=AST; }" +
         "rule\n" +
         "@init {\n" +
         "   Scope localScope=null;\n" +
         "}\n" +
         "@after {\n" +
         "   $tree.scope = localScope;\n" +
         "}\n" +
         "   : 'a' -> ^('a')\n" +
         ";" );
     AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
     CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
     g.CodeGenerator = generator;
     generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
     ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                                                  new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
     string rawTranslation =
     StringTemplateGroup templates =
         new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
     StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
     string found = actionST.ToString();
     assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
コード例 #33
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestBasicRuleScope()
            string action = "$a::n;";
            string expecting = "((a_scope)a_stack.peek()).n;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "a\n" +
                "scope {\n" +
                "  int n;\n" +
                "} : {" + action + "}\n" +
                "  ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #34
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestRuleLabelBeforeRefToPredefinedAttr()
            // As of Mar 2007, I'm removing unused labels.  Unfortunately,
            // the action is not seen until code gen.  Can't see $x.text
            // before stripping unused labels.  We really need to translate
            // actions first so code gen logic can use info.
            string action = "$x.text";
            string expecting = "(x!=null?input.toString(x.start,x.stop):null)";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar t;\n" +
                "a : x=b {" + action + "} ;\n" +
                "b : B ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #35
 public void Init( Grammar g )
     this.grammar = g;
     this.generator = grammar.CodeGenerator;
     this.templates = generator.Templates;
コード例 #36
 public virtual StringTemplate GenFixedLookaheadDecision(StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                         DFA dfa)
     return(WalkFixedDFAGeneratingStateMachine(templates, dfa, dfa.startState, 1));
コード例 #37
        /** The format gets reset either from the Tool if the user supplied a command line option to that effect
         *  Otherwise we just use the default "antlr".
        public static void SetFormat(String formatName)
            ErrorManager.formatName = formatName;
            //String fileName = "org/antlr/tool/templates/messages/formats/"+formatName+".stg";
            string fileName   = @"Tool\Templates\messages\formats\" + formatName + ".stg";
            string streamName = "Antlr3." + fileName.Replace('\\', '.');

            fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(AntlrTool.ToolPathRoot, fileName);
            //ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            //InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream(fileName);
            System.IO.Stream @is;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
                @is = new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName));
                @is = typeof(ErrorManager).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(streamName);
            //if ( is==null ) {
            //    cl = ErrorManager.class.getClassLoader();
            //    is = cl.getResourceAsStream(fileName);
            if (@is == null && formatName.Equals("antlr"))
                RawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; cannot find ANTLR messages format file " + fileName);
            else if (@is == null)
                RawError("no such message format file " + fileName + " retrying with default ANTLR format");
                SetFormat("antlr");   // recurse on this rule, trying the default message format
            StreamReader br = null;

                br     = new StreamReader(new System.IO.BufferedStream(@is));
                format = new StringTemplateGroup(br,
                    if (br != null)
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    RawError("cannot close message format file " + fileName, ioe);

            format.ErrorListener = blankSTListener;
            bool formatOK = VerifyFormat();

            if (!formatOK && formatName.Equals("antlr"))
                RawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; ANTLR messages format file " + formatName + ".stg incomplete");
            else if (!formatOK)
                SetFormat("antlr");   // recurse on this rule, trying the default message format
コード例 #38
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void Test0IndexedGlobalScope()
            string action = "$Symbols[0]::names.add($id.text);";
            string expecting =

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "scope Symbols {\n" +
                "  int n;\n" +
                "  List names;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "a scope Symbols; : (id=ID ';' {" + action + "} )+\n" +
                "  ;\n" +
                "ID : 'a';\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            assertEquals( expecting, rawTranslation );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #39
 public void Init(Grammar g)
     this.grammar   = g;
     this.generator = grammar.CodeGenerator;
     this.templates = generator.Templates;
コード例 #40
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 public void TestDoNotTranslateScopeAttributeCompare()
     string action = "if ($rule::foo == \"foo\" || 1) { System.out.println(\"ouch\"); }";
     string expecting = "if (((rule_scope)rule_stack.peek()).foo == \"foo\" || 1) { System.out.println(\"ouch\"); }";
     ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
     ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar a;\n" +
             "rule\n" +
             "scope {\n" +
             "   String foo;" +
             "} :\n" +
             "     twoIDs" +
             "    ;\n" +
             "twoIDs:\n" +
             "    ID ID {" + action + "}\n" +
             "    ;\n" +
             "ID : 'id';"
     AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
     CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
     g.CodeGenerator = generator;
     ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                                                  new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
     string rawTranslation =
     // check that we didn't use scopeSetAttributeRef int translation!
     bool foundScopeSetAttributeRef = false;
     for ( int i = 0; i < translator.chunks.Count; i++ )
         object chunk = translator.chunks[i];
         if ( chunk is StringTemplate )
             if ( ( (StringTemplate)chunk ).Name.Equals( "scopeSetAttributeRef" ) )
                 foundScopeSetAttributeRef = true;
     assertFalse( "action translator used scopeSetAttributeRef template in comparison!", foundScopeSetAttributeRef );
     StringTemplateGroup templates =
         new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
     StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
     string found = actionST.ToString();
     assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
コード例 #41
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestComplicatedArgParsingWithTranslation()
            string action = "x, $A.text+\"3242\", (*$A).foo(21,33), 3.2+1, '\\n', " +
                            "\"a,oo\\nick\", {bl, \"fdkj\"eck}";
            string expecting = "x, (A1!=null?A1.getText():null)+\"3242\", (*A1).foo(21,33), 3.2+1, '\\n', \"a,oo\\nick\", {bl, \"fdkj\"eck}";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );

            // now check in actual grammar.
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar t;\n" +
                "a[User u, int i]\n" +
                "        : A a[" + action + "] B\n" +
                "        ;" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #42
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
        public void TestRuleRefWithDynamicScope()
            string action = "$field::x = $field.st;";
            string expecting = "((field_scope)field_stack.peek()).x = retval.st;";

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar a;\n" +
                "field\n" +
                "scope { StringTemplate x; }\n" +
                "    :   'y' {" + action + "}\n" +
                "    ;\n" );
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // forces load of templates
            ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                                                         new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
            string rawTranslation =
            StringTemplateGroup templates =
                new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
            string found = actionST.ToString();
            assertEquals( expecting, found );

            assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
コード例 #43
ファイル: SemanticContext.cs プロジェクト: ymf1/webgrease
 /** Generate an expression that will evaluate the semantic context,
  *  given a set of output templates.
 public abstract StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                                        StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                        DFA dfa);
コード例 #44
ファイル: TestAttributes.cs プロジェクト: bszafko/antlrcs
 public void TestDoNotTranslateAttributeCompare()
     string action = "$a.line == $b.line";
     string expecting = "(a!=null?a.getLine():0) == (b!=null?b.getLine():0)";
     ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
     ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "lexer grammar a;\n" +
             "RULE:\n" +
             "     a=ID b=ID {" + action + "}" +
             "    ;\n" +
             "ID : 'id';"
     AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
     CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
     g.CodeGenerator = generator;
     ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator,
                                                                  new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 1 );
     string rawTranslation =
     StringTemplateGroup templates =
         new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
     StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, rawTranslation );
     string found = actionST.ToString();
     assertEquals( "unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count );
     assertEquals( expecting, found );